Insufferable Proximity (60 page)




When Julian woke back up, Heaven was not in the bed with him. He jumped up then walked towards the bathroom and was instantly relieved to hear the shower running. He walked over to the large shower, watching her through the glass door.  He opened the door and slipped inside, she looked up to see him walk towards her than stand behind her and she smiled as she handed him the bar of soap.




They sat facing each other, on top of his bed, both wearing matching black robes. There was a large variety of breakfast foods spread out on the rolling table next to the bed and they feasted as they talked.


“I’m starving.” she said as she grabbed a few strawberry pancakes with fresh whipped cream and thick strawberry sauce.


“Me too.” he agreed as he ate from a plate stacked high with sausage, steak and bacon.


“I have no self-control when it comes to sweets anymore.” She admitted.


“Good. Why would you deny yourself?”


“Calories, I told you, I’ve gained over ten pounds since we first got together.”


“It looks good on you, your breasts are fuller.” he said as he pulled the robe to the side, baring her large up thrust breast.


“And so is my ass.” she frowned.


“I love your ass.” he grinned and she felt herself blush from her head to her toes when he bent over and kissed the side of her behind.


“I should probably go.” She said.


“Why?” he asked but all she could do was shrug her shoulders. “I want you to stay here.”


“I can’t.”


“I can make you stay.” he untied the belt and slipped it from around her waist, grinning as her robe parted, revealing her amazing cleavage.


“Can you?” she whispered back.


“You know that I can.” he smiled widely, accepting her subliminal invitation. He slid his hand up her belly, than slipped it under the robe to caress her breast. She leaned back on her hands, her back arching as she shimmied the robe back, baring more of her breasts. He slid her robe back and let it slide off her shoulders, than bent his head to lightly kiss the tip of each breast, before sitting back.


“Why did you stop?” she snapped in objection.


“I just want to look at you for a minute.”


“I don‘t want you to look, I want you to touch.” she grinned as he moved to sit between her legs, and she spread her thighs wider.


“It’s been two weeks since I have been able to take my time and just look at you,” he kissed her bent knee “I missed you Princess.”


“I missed you too.” she whispered before his mouth found hers. He kissed her slowly, exploring her mouth as if it were unknown territory, like he had not already kissed her a thousand times. Then when he was done, he kissed down her throat and Heaven felt the familiar popping sensation begin to sweep through her body. He kissed down her chest and then kissed the swell of her breast as he continued down, he shifted his body until his head was nestled between her spread thighs.




They relaxed in the hot tub, Heaven was wearing scandalous red bikini and Julian was having trouble keeping his hands off her as usual. Heaven on the other hand had a more serious subject on her mind.


“What is this between us now?” she straddled his lap.


“What do you mean?”


“I mean we don’t have a contract anymore but we still continue to have sex.” she looked him straight in the eye and frowned.


“What’s wrong with that?”


“What’s wrong is that I’m officially one of your groupies now.”


“You’re not my groupie.” he shook his head at the absurdity of the thought.


“Then what, a friend with benefits?”




“Then what am I?”


“You’re my princess,” he slid a strand of hair back from her face.


“Your groupie princess?” she rolled her eyes.


“You’re my girlfriend.” he kissed her, forcing her lips apart as he thrust his tongue into her mouth. After stealing her breath with such an aggressive and masterful kiss, he finally pulled back to look at her.


“You said girlfriend.” She said in total shock.


“I did.” He nodded.


“But Julian King doesn’t have girlfriends, he only has friend with benefits at best.”


“You’re my first.”


“And you were mine.” she smiled.




The dark shadowy figure stood outside of the large mansion, seeing Heaven’s jacket on the steps leading to the main door.


The dark figure quickly smashed out the front windshield of the car parked in front. With lightning speed, the shadowed form ran off to blend into the shadows of the wooded area of the back yard before slipping back through the hole that was dug under the fence.





Heaven left her office and walked straight to the elevator with the rest of the lunch crowd. She was inside watching the elevator doors begin to close when a hand slid between the doors and pushed them back open then Julian stepped inside.


“Perfect timing.” Sampson said with a grin and Julian nodded. “I’m going home, my wife made me a special lunch, it’s our anniversary tonight.”


“Congratulations.” Julian smiled.


“Yes congratulations.” both men turned to see Juliette, who had just spoken along with a few of the other secretaries huddled in the back of the elevator.


“Thank you.” he nodded.


“He’d be cute if he wasn’t married.” Adele whispered once Sampson turned back to Julian.


“When has that ever stopped you?” Juliette whispered back in disgust.


They rode down the elevator in silence, and then everyone said a quick good bye before the small crowd dispersed. Heaven dallied at the vending machine for a moment, buying a pack of miniature chocolate chip cookies before nonchalantly walking to Julian’s parking spot. The minute she walked through the door, Julian grabbed her and planted a kiss on her puckering lips, she wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss for a moment before pulling back.


“We only have an hour,” she shook her head, “let’s get the hell out of here.”


He took her to his private room at his hotel and they started kissing in the elevator. They didn’t stop kissing until they were in the room where they proceeded to rip each other’s clothes off.




Julian and Heaven had separately snuck back into the office, when they both saw the notes on their desks. An emergency staff meeting had been called in the cafeteria by Ian King, Julian’s brother. It was an unusual request since they had rooms that were designated for such meetings. Deciding not to question it too deeply, Heaven moseyed her way down to the cafeteria to see that all of the attorneys, as well as the legal secretaries were also there waiting. She watched as Julian entered the room and walked straight towards her.


“What is this about?” were Julian’s first words to her and she could tell he was irritated with the spontaneity of the meeting.


“I have no idea.” Heaven answered as she shook her head in bewilderment. Ayden entered the cafeteria and walked over to Heaven and his son as the other attorneys migrated towards them.


“Where is your brother?” Ayden asked.


“I don’t know.”


“Do you know what this is about?” was Ayden’s next question, sounding just as impatient as his son.


“No clue,” Julian shook his head, and then out of the corner of his eye he noticed Ian walk in then head straight over to their father.


“What is this about?” Ian asked his father and brother.


“What?” both Ayden and Julian asked at the same time.


“You called a meeting.” Ian said to Julian.


“I didn’t call a meeting,
called a meeting.” Julian accused him.


“I did not.” Ian answered.


“My note says that you did.” Ayden handed Ian the note, then Heaven showed him the one she received before the rest of the employees followed suit.


“That’s crazy, I didn’t call any meeting.” Ian said completely flabbergasted, then suddenly the large television mounted on the wall to the far right of the cafeteria came on and everyone looked up. It was hard to make out the footage on the screen at first and then Heaven realized what she was watching.


It was her and Julian in front of his house, having sex against his front doors. Her body was crushed against the thick wood and her legs wrapped around his waist as he plowed into her. His pants were down around his knees and her skirt was jacked up to her waist as she bounced up and down on his member, arching back against the door and crying out his name. Ayden stormed across the room, shut off the TV then pressed the DVD eject button before quickly realizing there was no DVD inside.


Heaven felt the bile rise in her throat. The room began to spin, a blinding white light seemed to glow within her head and then she felt her lungs constrict. The deafening silence of the room only increased the sounds of her orgasm blaring from the television. Just when she felt her body warring between venting her rage or just fainting, she watched Julian rush over to her then pick her up and run her to his office.


“Who did this?” Ayden roared, “Who?” everyone stood silent as they watched him. “There is a 5,000 reward for anyone who has any information about this. Also, that information will be kept completely confidential.” Ayden announced, “We
find out who is doing this.” he turned and left the room.


Julian sat Heaven on the couch and she watched him as he yelled her name. He was shaking her, obviously trying to get a response, but she neither felt nor heard any of it. She would respond if she could, but if she opened her mouth, the blinding light that had disoriented her would fade and she would have to face the truth. She shook her head and closed her eyes, wishing he would be quiet so she could stay in this safe, silent place for a few more minutes before reality came crashing in. Just when she thought she had successfully tuned him out, his voice broke through her congested brain and she felt the bile rise in her throat again.


She jumped up from the couch and rushed to the adjoining bathroom, with Julian hot on her trail. She went down to her knees before the toilet and began to vomit the overwhelming frustration she could no longer stomach. Julian held her as she did, grabbing a cloth to wipe her mouth when she was done.


Julian looked up as he heard his office door open, letting go of Heaven but kissing her forehead before he walked out of the bathroom to see his father. Ayden was obviously livid. His face was covered with spots of magenta since is fury had reached a point high enough to break some of the blood vessels. Julian had seen his father this angry before and knew just how deep that rage could go as well as how effectively he could maneuver it to his advantage.


“How is Sevigne?” Ayden asked with worry.


“She’s pissed off.” he answered with a look of disgust.


“Fritz is in my office, I need you to come speak with him.” he said.


“Can it wait?”


“No, it will just be for a minute.”


“Alright, hold on.” he said before walking back into the bathroom. He kneeled down next to Heaven, “I’ll be right back I need to talk to Fritz for a minute,” he smoothed back the sooty tendrils that had escaped from her ponytail, “I want you to wait here for me.” he kissed her then headed out of the bathroom.


Heaven sat on the bathroom floor, overwhelmed with emotion and not able to think rationally. She stood up and quickly left his office, not bothering to get any of her things. She quickly left the building, grabbing her spar key from under the front tire, before she left.


Julian entered his father’s office to see Riley sitting at the computer and Fritz standing off to the side.


“That television system in the cafeteria also alternates as a monitor for our securities computer system, in case of an emergency or what not. What has been happening is that the saboteur is using a remote computer from an undisclosed location to invisibly hack into the security’s systems main computer.” Riley said.


“That’s how they were able to get the security tapes and pictures of Julian.” Fritz added.


“Exactly, and they also used it to send the live footage of Julian and Ms. Deville to the main computer, then linked it to the monitor in the cafeteria.” Riley finished.


“This is crazy.” Julian said, at a loss for words and ready to get back to Heaven.


“Is there any way to find out where that computer is?” Ayden asked.


“I’m not sure, it’s a good hack,” he shook his head, “but I won’t give up.”


“Thank you.” Ayden said in appreciation.


“And I am going to install surveillance cameras around the outside of your house, Julian.”


“Heaven’s too.” Julian said and Fritz nodded.


“Your father already gave us her address.” he finished and Julian turned to his father a look of deep worry in his eyes.


“Thank you, dad.” he whispered with sincerity and Ayden nodded.


“It’s what any father would do. Now I think you should take Ms. Deville home.”


“If there are any new developments, please contact me.” Julian said.


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