Insufferable Proximity (57 page)


“I should make you go with me.” he said calmly.


“Let me out.” she turned to him.


“Give me a kiss.”


“A little one,” she warned him, knowing how quickly he could escalate a kiss, “or no deal.”


“Fine.” he answered and leaned forward to capture her lips. He had no more than pressed them against hers when she pulled back, leaving him to look shocked.


“That wasn’t a kiss.”


“We made a deal.” she said raising her chin, ready for battle if need be. He nodded then unlocked the doors and she quickly got out of his car. She sprinted to her front door before she changed her mind and drove off with him.




Heaven had spent the entire night thinking about that tiny little kiss, wishing that she had of really kissed him when she had the chance. She had finally found the trick to a goodnights rest, she simply allowed herself to think about Julian. She lay down on her thick comfy bed, snuggling deep into the covers and holding onto her pillow. She thought about the last night they spent together in Hawaii and before she knew what had hit her, she was fast asleep.


She woke up on time, fully refreshed and ready to start the day. Sure when she woke up she was just as confused as she had been about her feelings towards Julian before she went to sleep. The only difference now was that she would stop allowing herself to over-think things, she was just going to go with the flow for once in her life.


She felt an excitement rush through her as she walked into the firm, she wanted to go straight to Julian’s office and thank him again for helping her last night. She walked towards his office and watched as his secretaries eyes grew wide.


“Good morning Mrs. Cooke.” she asked and Emma Cooke stood with her mouth wide opened but could not think of a thing to say, “Is everything alright?”


“Um, Mr. King is, well he is busy at the moment.” Emma said, hating to lie to Ms. Deville, since she was the only female attorney who treated her with the utmost respect.


“Is he?” she asked, knowing by Emma’s reaction that Julian was doing something that could potentially make Heaven furious.


“Yes, but I will tell him you stopped by.” she said in a compassionate tone that Heaven could not ignore.


“What is he doing?” she asked Emma, who put her head down.


“I’ll tell you what he’s doing.” Heaven heard the squeaky voice and turned to see Lila Strain, when Heaven refused to speak, Lila continued, “he’s doing the same thing he does every time that particular redhead comes to visit.”


“Which is?” she asked, already knowing which red head she was referring to.


“Do I really have to tell you?” Lila said with a satisfied grin before walking away. Heaven was immediately upset with herself for finally letting her guard down. She was even angrier with Julian and had every intention of letting him know exactly how she felt.




Julian had walked into his office, sat behind his desk and had just lit one of his father’s cigars when Candy decided to come visit. She walked into his office wearing a long red faux-fur coat with nothing underneath, on a mission to get King back in her life.


“How have you been, King?” she asked him as she neared his desk.


“Busy.” he said as he puffed on his cigar.


“Too busy for me, I see.” she pouted seductively, “I miss you King, I don’t think I can wait any longer.” she said before dropping her coat to the floor.


“No, no, no,” Julian shook his head, the last thing he needed was a naked woman in his office, “I need you to put your coat back on.”


“Are you serious?”




“But why?” she asked as her eyes misted over with tears.


“I am seeing someone right now.”


“Who?” she asked, but deep inside she already knew. “Tell me it’s not that evil woman who you brought with you to the party!”


“She’s not evil, well not fully.” he grinned to himself thinking about Heaven’s temper and wishing she was the one in his office stripping naked for him.


“Yes she is, you would never believe the horrible things she said to me at the party.”


“I can only imagine.” he could not stop the smile from spreading across his face.


“Please King, you can’t do this to me.” she cried getting on her knees before him, “I love you.”


“I’m sorry, but I am in-” they both looked up to see the door fly open.


“Am I interrupting?” Heaven asked calmly as she shut the door behind her. Heaven felt her heart breaking as she saw the nude redhead from the party on her knees before Julian, who had a big smile on his face.


“No,” Candy rose to her full height, “we’re done for now.” she grabbed her coat and threw it on, obviously not recognizing Heaven from the party, “I’ll call you later lover.” Candy threw at a dumfounded Julian before walking out of the office.


Julian sat there stunned, his brain cells popping as he tried to think of a way to explain this situation to Heaven. He had been in similar incidents in the past, but he had never really cared, now he did.


“It’s not what you think.” he was finally able to speak.


“So I didn’t just see some nude chick on her knees before you in your office?” she asked, slowly advancing towards his desk.


“She came in here unannounced, I had no idea she was even coming.”






“And why would I believe that?”


“Because it’s the truth.”


“Is it?” she asked.




“So you’re saying, your ex-lunchtime fuck-buddy was naked and on her knees but it was an innocent mistake?”


“Yes.” he took a puff of his cigar.


“Liar!” she exploded, “do you think I’m some blind simpleton like the rest of your fuck-time friends?” she reached over grabbed the cigar from his mouth and smashed it in the ashtray, “I’m smarter than all of the girls you have had sex with put together. Did you really think I would sit around like a puppet while you have sex with whomever you please? You’re crazy! And to think I was actually going to avoid Gavin Grant.” she turned to walk away, but Julian was already up from his desk and grabbing her from behind.


“I told you there is nothing going on between us, she barged in here and stripped, I was in the middle of making her leave when you came in.” he said wrapping his arms around her chest as he held her back to him, his hands clutching her arms.


“I don’t care what you do with that slut, but you better not say one word about anything I do with Gavin Grant!” she yanked free.


“What did you just say?” he asked, his eyes narrowing in anger.


“You heard exactly what I said.” she baited him and he grabbed her face as he leaned into speak.


“If you do anything with Grant, I will make you regret It.” he whispered as he kissed her neck.


“I’ll do whatever I want with him, you can’t stop me anymore.”


“You better not let him even lay a finger on you!” he warned her.


“Stop worrying about what I do, you should be worried about the tramp that just left your office.”


“I’m warning you, Princess.”


“Warn all you want, it makes no difference, if I want Gavin to touch me, then I will.” she taunted him and he finally let her go, only to turn her around to face him, squeezing her arm.


“You listen to me and you listen good, I don’t want anyone touching any part of your body, do you understand me. If you want to be touched, you come to me and only me.” he let go of her face and she slugged him in the chest.


“What are you jealous Mr. King?” she attempted to taunt him


“Highly and I’m also possessive,” he had no problems admitting it, “what’s mine is always mine.”


“I’m not yours.”


“Yes you are. I was the first man to ever be inside of you or touch you, and it’s going to stay that way.” she saw the fury in his eyes and realized this was not just some control tactic, he meant what he was saying.


“You don’t make that decision.”


“You let me make that decision the day I took your virginity.” he kissed her lips before he pulled back, “No one else is going to touch you as long as I’m alive.” he tried to kiss her again but she pulled back.


“So I have to remain the faithful simpleton waiting around like a little lap dog for you to stop having sex with everyone else and decide to have sex with me? I don’t think so.”


“You better keep those pretty thighs closed baby.” he whispered in her ear, pushing his hard erection against her lush behind.


“says who?’ she whispered back. He was ready to respond when he heard the knock on the door.


“Julian.” He heard his father’s voice on the other side of the door.


“You better not move.” Julian warned her as he unlocked the door for his father.


“I hope I am not interrupting.” Ayden said as he entered the room.


“Not at all, actually, I was on my way out.” Heaven nodded as she left Julian’s office, sensing his rage as she shut the door. She knew once Ayden left that Julian would storm into her office and potentially make a scene, so she decided to head to the cafeteria instead.


Gavin was inside the cafeteria and smiled from ear to ear when she entered. Heaven walked over to the coffeepot and frowned upon seeing it empty.


“I just started a new pot of coffee a second before you walked in, it should be done soon.” Gain smiled.


“Ms. Deville!” Julian barked from the doorway, but Heaven refused to respond.


“Good,” she continued speaking to Gavin, “I really need that caffeine right now.” She smiled.


“Ms. Deville!” Julian roared and she smiled at Gavin then put her hand on his arm


“I’ll be right back.” she said, dazzling Gavin and enraging Julian at the same time.


Julian wanted to scrub her hand clean and beat her for touching him so familiarly. She walked over to Julian and he motioned for her to go to his office. She walked slowly down the hall, feeling Julian’s rage peak as he followed behind her.


“Walk faster.” Julian wanted to hurry her up and give her lush behind a good smack in the process. The minute she entered his office, she turned to him as he shut the door and then locked it.


“What’s the matter Mr. King?” she asked innocently.


“Give me your jacket.” he said


“No.” she shook her head.


“No?” he looked a little unstable for a moment


“No, your time is up.” she answer trying to take a step away from him.


“I can make you, either you take it off or I do.” he warned her and she knew damn well he would rip her expensive blazer. She took a step back from him, her eyes never leaving his as she turned around then made a mad dash for the door. He grabbed her as she reached the doorknob, holding her body against the door as he yanked her blazer down her arms.


“Damn it Julian,” she hissed as she heard the material rip.


“Do you honestly think I’d allow you to start fucking Gavin Grant?” he said in her ear as his hands slid around to her breasts.


“Stop it.” she tried to move his hands as he started to unbutton her shirt.


“Careful.” he pulled on the material, forcing one button to almost pop off “I will rip it.”


“You better not.” she cried ready to smack him. It was bad enough she would have to walk around without her blazer, there was no way she was walking out of his office with a ripped shirt.


“Then put your hands behind you back.”


“No.” she said and he grabbed the front of her shirt in both hands, ready to yank down the front. “Alright!” she whined stomping her foot as she put her hands behind her back.


“Good girl.” he said kissing the side of her neck then slowly unbuttoned her shirt. He slid his hands over her breasts slipping the silky white cups to the sides, baring her breasts. Heaven was holding her breath, trying not to let the stimulation overtake her. He played her with breasts for a moment before turning her around to face him. “I want you to stay away from Grant.”


“Why?” she asked, hoping he could not see how turned on she was.


“Because I told you to.”


“And I told you, I can talk to whomever I chose.” she retorted.


“No you can’t.” he said sliding her shirt off her shoulders than sliding down her bra straps


“Yes I can, what I do is none of your business anymore Julian, get that through your thick head!”


“Everything you do is my business, now give me your skirt.” he growled, grabbing her shirt and yanking it from her.


“No, I am not stripping down in your office anymore!” she spat at him and he grabbed the waist of her skirt. “The contract is over!”


“Either you strip down or I rip it off.” he said and she huffed as she reached behind her and unzipped the back of her skirt. He watched her breasts strain against her bra as she reached back and he pulled the cups down further. She slid her skirt down and Julian bent to help her step out of it. He stood back to admire her for a moment.


“Why are you doing this?”


“Because I can.” he turned around and tossed her skirt on his desk than grabbed his scissors. Her eyes grew wide as he walked over to her and grabbed her strap.

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