Insufferable Proximity (58 page)


“You better not-” she said but before she could finish, he had already cut one of her bra straps. “Damn it Julian!” she tried to pull away but he grabbed the front of her bra and held her still as he cut the other strap.


“Don’t move.” he warned her as he cut the front of her bra, her breasts sprang out as the shredded material dropped to the floor. She instantly put her arms up to cover her breasts and he instantly yanked them back down


“What did I tell you about that.” he ran his hands lightly over the tips of her breasts forcing her to shiver. “Take off your panties.”


“No.” she shook her head, knowing what he would do to her if she did.


“You better hurry up before I start cutting again.” he said and she purposely hesitated long enough for him to kneel before her and cut the strap over her hip.


“Julian please.” she pleaded with him, although she was not sure what she was pleading for. She could already feel her body getting lost in her lust.


“Please what?” he asked as he cut the other strap, watching the fabric roll down to reveal her sex then dropped to the floor.




“You better beg me to stop.” he said pulling her panties from in between her tightly closed legs than leaned his head against her bare sex and lightly kissed it. “Or I’m going to make you cum.”


“No,” she tried to pull away but he clutched her hips, holding her still “not now.” her words fell on deaf ears as he slowly kissed up her stomach than up the under swell of her breast before sucking the hardened tip into his mouth. She threw her head back and shut her eyes tightly, trying to block out the feeling that crept through her.


It was now or never. If she didn’t stop him right now, she would be having sex on his desk in the next five minutes.


“I said no!” she yelled as she pushed him back and grabbed her skirt, “That’s enough, I’m done!” she slipped into her skirt with lightning speed as he stood back and watched.  “The contract is over!” she put her shirt on and buttoned it up, “I told you once it was over that it was over for good,” she slid on her jacket and buttoned it up, “I will see who I want and do what I want and from now on you stay the hell away from me!” she finished and then stormed out of Julian’s office, leaving him stunned and angered.


He was furious, but despite his need to control her, he also wanted her to come to him willingly.



The Congratulatory Party


Heaven had spent the day relaxing and trying to keep her mind clear for the night’s festivities. She wasn’t overly thrilled to be going to the party that would official announce Julian as a partner of the King Law firm, nor was she in the mood to celebrate the position she didn’t win. Even after Julian’s disgusting display of disrespect with the nude woman in his office and the anger she felt towards him for it, she would still go and congratulate him. Heaven remembered the time when she had gone to great lengths to ensure he did not win, but now she felt differently, if she had to lose, she preferred to lose to him.


She went shopping and picked out two different gowns. The black, floor length gown screamed elegance and while it fit her form perfectly, it covered her from neck to toes. The other dress was more daring, the red material hugged her body like a glove and accented her cures to perfection. She had styled her hair down in big tousled curls and accented it with a bright red flower near on the side. She smiled as she looked in the mirror, feeling like a glamorous pin-up model and wondering what Julian would think of her.


She arrived fashionable late to the party and from the moment she walked through the doors, all eyes were on her. She walked through the crowd with the regality of a queen as she went to the bar and ordered a mimosa.


Gavin saw Heaven and almost lost his composure, she was absolutely gorgeous. Without another thought, he walked over to her with an easy smile and eyes full of awe.


“Good evening Ms. Deville.” he said as he got close to her.


“Good evening Mr. Grant.” she smiled, a dazzling smile accented by her red lipstick and he felt his knees jiggle.  “How is your evening so far?”


“It’s much better now that you’re here.” Gavin smiled and she grinned slightly, realizing Mr. Grant was a little tipsy.


Lila Strain had a few to many glasses of champagne and found herself once again obsessing over Julian King. He looked so devastatingly handsome in his suit all she could think about was being close to him. She wanted to use tonight to remind him how perfect she was for him.


Lila was waiting on Julian hand and foot while letting him know how valuable she could be. She got him a plate of food, and made sure his glass was never empty. She was on her way to the bar getting them both another drink when she saw Heaven. Lila almost dropped the glasses in her hands when she saw what Heaven was wearing. Lila had never wanted to scratch another woman’s eyes out so badly in her life as she did right now. She wanted to jump on Heaven, pull out her hair and smack her in her big fat mouth. Unfortunately, Heaven would fight back and Lila had just gotten her lips re-plumped for the party and refused to risk damaging them. She quickly turned around and hurried back over to Julian before he rejoined the party.


Julian sat with his brother, his father and the other attorneys in a private section of the party. They were all doing a shot of Ayden’s finest cognac in honor of Julian. Julian was irritated that Heaven had not arrived and was disappointed at the thought of her not showing up to congratulate him. He vowed that if she did not come, he would leave the party and drive to her house. He would finish the drinks with his co-workers before he went back out to the party to find Heaven.


“Congratulations son.” Ayden said, beaming from pride and a few shots of cognac. “I am so proud of you, you’re just like your old man.”


“Congratulations.” Juliette said to him as she sat next to him. She leaned in to whisper in his ear “If you’re not doing anything after the party I think we should get together, so I can help you celebrate properly.” she pulled back than winked suggestively.


After they finished the last shot of liquor, Julian headed out of the room but ran into Lila on his way out.


“Oh I got you a drink.” she smiled, “sorry I took so long, that bartender is slow.” she smiled, batting her eyes. “And he just wouldn’t stop hitting on me.”


Heaven watched as Lila and Julian stood close together talking. She was raging inside but refused to ever let that smug prick know that. Instead she stepped closer to Gavin and smiled wider.


Julian looked up to see Heaven and she almost took his breath away. She was a vision of pure beauty and she was talking to that punk Gavin Grant again. His eyes narrowed as he saw how close they were huddled together. They were close enough to kiss and Julian felt his rage begin to boil his blood. Heaven looked out of the corner of her eye and saw Lila with her hand on Julian’s arm. She wanted to sprint over there and slap the shit out of both of them, instead she looked down at Gavin’s watch and grabbed his hand.


“I love your watch.” she smiled “where did you get it?” she asked, not the least bit impressed with the large watch.


“I ordered it from overseas,” he smiled, he loved his watch, it was one of the best presents he bought himself. “It tells time in five different countries.”




Julian stood across the room openly staring at her. When he watched Heaven take Gavin’s hand he felt sick to the pit of his stomach. He wanted to do bodily harm to Gavin and to Heaven. He watched them with an unsettled feeling of injustice spreading through his tensed body.


Didn’t she realize that she was already his? She belonged to him flesh and blood, all the way down to her bones. She was his from the second she signed that contract and the moment she had given herself to him. The fact that the contract ended, made no difference to him, he wasn’t ready to give her up and he damn sure wasn’t ready to let Grant so much as touch her. Just when Julian was ready to storm across the floor and slam Gavin into the wall, he watched Heaven pull back and head in the direction of the ladies room.


Excuse me.” he said to Lila, not wanting her to follow him.


She was just coming out of the ladies room when Julian grabbed her from behind, throwing his arm around her waist.


“What do you think you’re doing?” he asked her.


“I’m here to congratulate you on making partner.”


“Come with me.” he tried to get her to come with him but she pulled away.




“No?” he asked as he walked closer to her.


“No, I’m not going with you, anything that needs to be said can be said right here.” she said with a blank face, even though she felt her skin coming alive just standing next to him. She had to stay away from him or she would cave and give in. Part of her wished he would just whisk her away from the party and take the decision out of her hands.


“Either you come with me or I will carry you in my office kicking and screaming.” he threatened.


“Yeah right,” she grinned, calling his bluff, “your father and the rest of your family are right there.” she said and as soon as the words were out he picked her up.


“No, put me down!  I’ll go with you.” she smacked his shoulder.


“If I put you down, you better come with me.”


“I will.” she said and he put her down but grabbed her arm.


“If you deviate from the path Princess, I swear I will make the biggest scene. Everyone will leave here tonight knowing exactly what’s going on between me and you. Do you understand?”


“Yes, I understand, I understand that you’re still a psychopathic bully.” she said and started walking. He was only a step behind her as they walked to his office, he hurried her in and then locked the door behind him.


“So what do you want Mr. King?” she turned to him with a look of boredom.


“Why did you touch Gavin Grant?” he barked the question at her.


“What do you mean?” she asked, pretending she had no idea what he was referring to.


“You know exactly what I mean.” he growled, “stop playing coy with me and answer the fucking question!”


“That’s none of your business.” she raised her brow, daring him to object.


“What did you just say?”


“I said that your time is up Mr. King, the contract is null and void and you have no say over my life. I will talk to Gavin all night if I chose.” she turned to leave but her grabbed her arm and swung her back around to him.


“I warned you baby, I told you to stay away from him.” he said and she knew by the look in his eyes that he meant business.


“You don’t scare me, Julie.”


“You better answer me.” he warned her, gently pushing her back against his desk, but she refused to relent.


“I don’t have to answer you!” she snapped.


 “Really?” he snapped and grabbed her and put her face down over his desk. His anger was growing at an accelerated rate, but his jealousy was consuming him.


“Let me go.” she said trying not to be loud since everyone she worked with was outside of the office “Julian!” she hissed, but he wasn’t listening to her anymore. He held her flat against his desk with one hand, he as he reached into his desk drawer and pulled out a very slim silver wand. She had never seen it before but she knew what it was. “No.” she warned him as he threw her dress up and exposed her behind. He grunted than bent over her.


“You will always answer to me.” he said as he slid he wand up her inner thigh. “Did you fuck Gavin?” he asked her as he slid it into her opening.


“Wouldn’t you like to know?”


“Answer me!” he snapped turning the toy around inside of her, making her knees wiggle.




“No what?”


“No, I did not fuck Gavin!”


“You better not be lying to me.”


“I didn’t!”


“Do you want to fuck Gavin?” he asked and when she hesitated he slid the toy inside of her, making her gasp. She was angry right now and she wanted to hate what he was doing to her, but it felt to damn good. “Did you let him inside of you Heaven?” he whispered in her ear.


“No.” she said and he kissed the side of her face, then down her neck as he slowly slid the toy in and out. She felt light headed and helpless, she wanted to make him stop but there was no way in hell that she would allow herself to.


He kissed down her back lifting the dress up farther and kissed down her behind. His hand was still working the toy inside of her as he kissed down her sex and dropped to his knees. He held the toy firmly, and then quickly fastened the long silver chain attached to the toy, around her thigh. He lazily slid his tongue up and down her sex, taking the hardened nub into his mouth to lightly suck. 


She put her own hand over her mouth to prevent herself from crying out. She was squirming, circling her hips and pressing her sex hard against his skilled mouth.


Then she felt the familiar sparks shoot through her, the hot, liquid silver streaming through her veins. Only he brought this bliss.


He stopped and stood up than pulled up her panties, leaving the toy inside of her


“No.” she tried to object but could not lift her spent body from the desk.


“You leave it in there.” he said cupping her sex. She slowly pulled herself up from the desk, her legs felt like rubber. He held the skirt of her dress up preventing it from falling down as she stood.

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