Read Intertextuality and the Reading of Midrash Online
Authors: Daniel Boyarin
Tags: #Religion, #Biblical Criticism & Interpretation, #Old Testament
beauty. (See Nancy Vickers, "The 'blazon of sweet beauty's best': Shakespeare's
Lucrece," in Shakespeare and the Question of Theory
, ed. Patricia Parker and Geoffrey Hartman [New York, 1985], pp. 95–116.) Does this render ancient Hebrew society any less patriarchal? I rather doubt it, but it does perhaps further unsettle "literature" as a univocal reflection of other social practices.
See E. Slomovic, "Patterns of Midrashic Impact on the Rabbinic Midrashic Tale,"
Journal for the Study of Judaism
, XIX (1988), pp. 61–91.
See Robert Alter, "The Psalms," in Alter and Kermode, pp. 257–258.
This is, in fact, one of the few examples of true typology in midrash.
Alon GoshenGottstein pointed out to me the importance of this passage for understanding R. Akiva's midrash, although he does not accept my interpretation.
Sifre Deuteronomy
ad Deut. 6:5.
Urbach, "Canticles," p. 251.
Palestinian Talmud,
Baer, pp. 2–3.
Bruns, "Midrash and Allegory," p. 632.
See also Alter introduction, p. 31, who remarks "the strong elements of internal allusion in Hebrew Scripture that at many points make it a set of texts in restless dialogue with one another."
Kugel, "Two Introductions to Midrash," p. 90.
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Aaron, 43, 45, 47
Abraham, 10
Acmeist poetics, 37
Adam, 23, 24
Aesthetics, 9
Akhmatova, Anna, 37
Akiva, Rabbi, 11314, 11729
Allegoresis, 20, 108109, 110
Allegory, 19, 108, 115, 116, 152n
Alon, Gedaliah, 119
Ambiguity, 5779 Amoraim, aggada of, 19 Anaphora, 122
Anomalist methods, 72
Apocalypse, 13
Archetypes, 8586
Arendt, Hannah, 3738
Aristotle, 1, 18
Auerbach, Erich, 41
Augustine, 6869, 71
Bakhtin, Mikhail, 12, 23, 140n Bar Kochba rebellion, 5
Ben Azzai, Rabbi, 109, 110 Benjamin, Walter, 37, 139n Benveniste, Emile, 121
Bible, 1, 2, 4, 1518;
Deuteronomy, 25, 3132, 35, 4445, 76;
as dialogical in nature, 12, 33;
Ecclesiastes, 83, 107;
Genesis, 16, 1718;
as historiography, 90;
Isaiah, 2526;
Jeremiah, 2526, 42, 44, 46, 60, 110;
Job, 8687;
Kings, 70;
nonreductive way of reading, 40; Numbers, 4245, 47, 5256;
original sources of, 40;
and as
, 29; Pentateuch, 76;
Proverbs, 64, 65, 83, 107;
Psalms, 76, 96, 98, 112, 123;
as a selfglossing text, 39, 80, 92;
Song of Songs, 20, 3233, 83, 87, 105116;
verses of, and syntagmatic relations, 2829
—Exodus, 22, 31, 71, 86, 9596, 100, 118, 12021;
and gapfilling, 4142, 47;
and the manna story, 71, 7476, 77;
and repetition, 4956;
and the Song of Songs, 107, 11114, 122;
the story of the bitter waters of Mara, 43, 5870; text, indeterminacy of, 8687;
Wittig on, 80, 82;
Yermia on, 36.
See also
Torah Bloom, Harold, 79, 147n
Bruns, Gerald, 1516, 18, 20, 154n, 155n; on the Bible, as a selfglossing book, 39; on the Song of Songs, 106, 107, 112
Cassuto, Umberto, 2, 11, 60, 63, 98, 151n Cause and effect, 8
Charity, 69
Chernus, Ira, 6970
Childs, Brevard, 7576, 77
Christ, 108
Citation, 2638
Clifford, James, 121
Communion, 16
Cotexts, 23, 26
Countenance, 5556
Creation, 16, 1718
Croce, B., 18
Death, 12324, 12527
Deconstruction, 19
Diachronic methods, 19, 3940
Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 14
Double reading, 5871
Dual signs, 5779
, 25
Egypt, 43, 45, 48
El'azar, Rabbi, 61, 144n, 146n, 147n, 148n El'azar Hammonda'i, 72, 73, 74
El'azar of Modi'in, Rabbi, 65, 6768, 7179
Eliezer, Rabbi, 3637, 42, 43, 4547, 114, 120, 140n, 143n, 152n
Eliot, T. S., 37
Elisha, waters of, 69, 70
Epistemology, 11, 78
Eros, 123, 12527
Eternal, the, 10, 17, 12324 Ethics, 45.
See also
Morality Evil, 36, 103
Faith, 2526, 33, 61
Fishbane, Michael, 113
Page 160
Flusser, David, 80
Freud, Sigmund, 93
Gaps, 14, 16;
filling in of, 3949, 56, 8284, 87, 153n;
and repetition, 4956
Geiger, Abraham, 2
George, Stefan, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
God, 5, 27, 34, 11416;
beautification of, 11920;
and the bitter waters of Mara, 62, 67; countenance of, 5556;
faith in, 2526;
as the implied author of the Bible, 4041, 94; and the interpretation of the Torah, 36; invisible things of, 108;
and Israel, 28, 32, 41, 5056, 108, 110, 11516;
as the king, 9192; love of, 6869;
and the manna story, 7274, 7678;
miracles performed by, 31, 5960, 6364;
and redemption, 67;
relation with, 12028; and the sea, 94104
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 8, 9, 38
Goldin, Judah, 27 Greimas, A. J., 84
Gundolf, Friedrich, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 18, 132n
Halevi, Yehuda, 2
Hanina, Rabbi, 106
Harmony, 78
Hartman, Geoffrey, 39, 78
HasanRokem, Galit, 29
Heinemann, Isaak, 112, 1517, 2021, 23, 101
Heinemann, Joseph, 3, 5, 11, 15, 18, 119
Heterogeneity, 3979
Higher Criticism, 3940, 49, 83, 96
Historical school, 2021
Historiography, 3, 611, 15, 2021, 90;
creative, 48;
the intertext in, role of, 1617;
as representation of the past, 12; and truth claim, 40;
White on, 12, 1617
History, 92, 94, 104, 11729.
See also
Ibn Ezra, R. Abraham, 50, 51, 123
Indeterminacy, 39, 4149, 81, 8687
Intertexts, 1617, 19, 2223, 46, 8092
Intuition, 7, 12
Isaiah, 25
Ishmael, Rabbi, 111
Israel: ancient, mythology of, 20;
deliverance of, at the Red Sea, 2021, 4156; and faith in God, 25;
God and, 28, 32, 41, 5056, 9192, 108, 110, 11516;
as the son, 9192; state of, 5;
"true," and the Torah, 78.
See also
Bible, Exodus
Jacob, Berno, 2, 11
Jameson, Frederic, 103
Johnson, Christopher, 93
Kant, Immanuel, 8
Karaism, 2
Kermode, Frank, 12, 8485, 8889, 149n
Krieger, Murray, 97
Kristeva, Julia, 22, 93, 135n
Krochmal, Nahman (Ranak), 2, 3
Kugel, James, 13, 14, 128
Lacan, Jacques, 104
La Capra, Dominick, 117 Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim, 10 Lieberman, Saul, 103, 114
Loewenstamm, Samuel, 9495
Logocentrism, 37, 108
Love, of God, 6869.
See also
Maimonides, 12, 3, 56, 9, 11, 23
Mandelstam, Osip, 37
Manna story, 4956, 7179
Mara, bitter waters of, 43, 5870
Matin, Louis, 9092
Martyrdom, 12528
Mashal, 1617, 20, 32, 80116
Metaphysics, 37
Military activism, 4, 5
Miracles, 31, 5960, 6364
Morality, 70, 80.
See also
Morawski, Stefan, 24
Moses, 25, 4145, 48.
See also
Bible, Exodus
Nahmanides, 5253, 76
Najara, Yehuda, 54
Neusner, Jacob, 13, 14
New Criticism, 35
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 9
, 19
Objectivity, 1415;
of historians, 6, 7, 8;
of quotation, 24;
and subjectivity, opposition between, 1112 Ontology, 11, 101, 109, 117
Origen, 108110, 154n
Orthodox school, 2 Other, discourse of, 23
Mashal Paradigmatic citation, 2638
Paradigms, 45, 80, 8384, 108
, 29
Pascal, Blaise, 9091
Passover, 10
Patterson, Lee, 68, 69, 78
Paul, 10
Page 161
Philo, 13, 108, 109, 110, 116
Philology, 6, 43
Plato, 109, 110
Poetics, Acmeist, 37
Poetry, 6, 9, 1011;
Maimonides on, 2, 3, 9, 23;
and new discourse, creation of, 2324 Polytheism, 99101, 103
Positivism, 7, 11, 18
Prooftexts, 13, 19, 2223, 46, 64
Prophets, 18, 26, 27, 48, 90, 110
Propp, Vladimir, 84
Pseudepigrapha, 13
PseudoSaadya, 105
Quotation, the function of, 2238
Rambam (Moses ben Maimon), 12, 3, 6, 1112, 18
Rashi, 55
Rawidowicz, Simon, 22
Reform school, 2
Repetition, 39, 4956
Representation, 58, 104
Revelation, 110, 155n
Riffaterre, Michael, 30, 57, 65, 130, 136n, 137n
Ritual, 36
Romanticism, 9, 11, 14, 18, 101102;
deconstruction of, 19; eternal verities of, 17
Saadya, Gaon, Rabbi, 116 Sachs, Yehiel Michel, 6 Scholem, Gershom, 102
Science, 1112
Shakespeare, William, 10, 14
Shila, Rabbi, 106
Shim'on, Rabbi, 3132, 6264
Shim'on ben Gamliel, Rabbi, 63, 6970
Shim'on ben Yohai, Rabbi, 64, 68
Sidney, Philip, 97, 98, 103
Solomon, 83, 91, 105106, 107, 112
Sternberg, Meir, 40, 79, 89
Subject: s.object dichotomy, 13, 19; selfidentical, 14.
See also
Subjectivity, 8, 2324, 48;
and objectivity, opposition between, 1112.
See also
Subject Symbolist aesthetic, 9
Taboo, 36
, 64
Tarfon, R., 5
Torah, 2, 16, 19;
doublevoicedness of, 19, 2425, 77, 8283; and dream interpretation, 94;
as encoded, 83, 114;
God as the implied author of, 40, 94; metaphors for, 6466;
Old, 23, 34;
Oral, 3435, 37, 128;
readings of, later books of the Bible as, 18; reciting the, 2238;
text of, as gapped, 14, 16, 39; textual heterogeneity in, 3956; and the "true Israel," 78;
"true story" of, 8992;
water as a symbol for, 6466, 87; voices heard within, 7179; Written, 23, 85.
See also
Towner, W. S., 3031
Truth claim, 40
Uffenheimer, Benjamin, 98
Universal, the, 10
Urbach, E. E., 74, 119, 132n
Urban, G. R., 7
Von Ranke, Leopold, 6, 7
Washington, George, 102
, 14
White, Hayden, 12, 1617, 8586, 87
Wittig, Susan, 8082, 85, 142n
Wordsworth, William, 14, 101102
Writings, 18, 26, 27, 48, 90, 110
Yehoshua, Rabbi, 3435, 36, 4142, 53, 5962, 140n, 144n, 145n, 147n;
the manna story, 7179;
on the story of the bitter waters of Mara, 61, 62, 67 Yehuda, Rabbi, 2728, 82, 83, 91
Yermia, Rabbi, 3536
Yohanan, Rabbi, 67, 106
Yose, Rabbi, 106