Read Into the Night Online

Authors: Janelle Denison

Tags: #Christmas & Advent, #Holidays & Celebrations, #Juvenile Fiction, #Contemporary, #Fiction, #Romance, #Suspense, #General

Into the Night (21 page)

“Sure. Just a sec.” She finished whatever she’d been typing, then glanced at him curiously. “What’s up?”

Leaning forward, he rested his elbows on his thighs and smiled at her. “Did you happen to bring a swimsuit with you?”

“Actually, I did.” She shut down her laptop, set it on the coffee table, then lifted her arms above her head and stretched her limbs. “I figured a place like Turnberry Towers has an amazing pool and spa that I might want to use.”

“It does,” he managed to say, even though his mouth had gone dry at the sight of her bare breasts pressing so enticingly against her thin tank top.

They’d slept in the same bed all night long, with her snuggled up to his side, her warm, lush body half draped over his and her hand resting low on his abdomen. It had been a long, excruciatingly platonic night for him, and while he had no regrets about giving her the emotional comfort she so obviously needed, he couldn’t deny that even in the light of day his desire for her was as sharp as ever.

And for a brief, crazy moment, he thought about staying indoors and spending the day making love to her in every position imaginable, until they both collapsed from sheer sexual exhaustion. Oh, yeah, his unruly body was totally on board with the lusty idea, but his mind knew that today they both could use some fresh air and a reprieve from the confinement of the apartment.

“Are we going swimming today?” Her eyes lit up, as if the mention of a pool had rejuvenated her, which was exactly what he’d wanted.

“If you want, but not here.” She frowned in confusion, and he explained what he had in mind. “Every year on the Fourth of July weekend, my boss has a barbecue at his place in Henderson. I thought it might be a good distraction. And this way you can meet some of the people I work with.”

She bit her bottom lip, a quick flash of uncertainty passing across her expression before it was gone again. “You don’t have to feel obligated to invite me. You go and I’ll be fine on my own right here in this cushy apartment,” she insisted. “Besides, I have some hot online dates to hook up with.”

She grinned, and while he knew she was teasing, he couldn’t deny the spark of jealousy flaring in the pit of his belly. He knew her online dating was all about research for her article, but damned if he didn’t hate the idea of her “hooking up” with another guy, even if it was in an Internet chat room and all business for her.

“I want you to come with me,” he said, and meant it. Standing, he walked over to where she was sitting on the couch and splayed his hands on the cushions on either side of her shoulders. He dipped his head close to hers, looked into her eyes, and smiled. “In fact, I’m not taking no for an answer,” he said, giving her his best macho-man impersonation.

She blinked at him, all innocent-like—that fun, flirtatious personality that he loved so much finally emerging. “I don’t know,” she said, her voice slightly breathless with anticipation. “I think it’s going to take more than just your say-so to convince me.”

Accepting her irresistible dare, he tucked his hands beneath her arms and hauled her up from the sofa and against his chest. Sliding his hands around her back, he fused his mouth against her softer-than-soft lips. When she sighed her pleasure he delved deeper, doing his best to seduce her and melt her so-called resolve. It was all a sexy game, he knew, but it was one he thoroughly enjoyed playing with her.

Before the kiss could get any hotter, before he lost the ability to stop, and forgot all about his good intentions for the day, he forced himself to pull back—even as his aroused body protested.

When he could focus on Nicole’s face again, the laughter he saw in her eyes mocked him, as did the mischievous smile curving her kiss-swollen lips. “Oh, come on, Nathan, is that the best you can do to sway me?”

He could think of a dozen other ways to persuade her to say yes, all of them including getting naked and teasing her to the brink of release and not giving in until she agreed. Yeah, the idea definitely had merit, but he’d much rather let the sexual tension build for the day … and reap the benefits of all that heat and awareness between them when they got back home tonight.

With that settled, he decided to handle her so-called reluctance with a more barbaric attitude, all feigned, of course. “I’m thinking brute force ought to do the trick.”

Before she realized his intent, he bent his knees, wrapped an arm around her thighs, and hefted her over his shoulder like a sack of grain. She gasped in surprise, but quickly caught her breath.

“Ohhh, I just love it when you get all rough and uncivilized with me.” Flipped upside down, she was in the perfect position to reach down and pinch his butt, which she did with relish.

Unfazed, he chuckled and playfully smacked her ass in return, causing her to inhale sharply and squirm against his shoulder like a slippery fish. “You’d better behave,” he said as he headed toward her bedroom so she could change. “Because there’s a whole lot more where that spanking came from.”

“Promises, promises,” she taunted, but she was laughing, her mood exuberant and the painful memories of last night dissipating as a result of their amusing, sensually charged banter.

And for today, a mental break from the case was exactly what they both needed.

Chapter Twelve


Nicole had no idea what to expect when she and Nathan arrived at Caleb’s place in Henderson later that afternoon.

The two-story house was located at the end of a cul-de-sac in a quiet neighborhood. She’d lived for many years in the hub of Las Vegas, a city that lived up to its reputation for never sleeping, and this peaceful suburb felt like a nice slice of normalcy to her.

Other cars were parked in the driveway in front of the house, so Nathan pulled the out-of-place Ferrari up to a vacant curb and killed the engine. He turned toward her, and she drew in a deep breath to help subdue the sudden jumble of nerves swirling to life in her belly.

He smiled, an amused glint in his brown eyes. “Why do you look like you’re about to face the firing squad?”

She hated to acknowledge that she was feeling a tad anxious—truly an oddity for her in any kind of social situation. But in this case, meeting the people Nathan referred to as his second family, she wanted to make a good impression. She wanted them to
her, and that spoke more to her feelings for Nathan than she was willing to admit to even herself.

“They’re your friends and co-workers, and I’m a tag-along in what sounds like an annual ritual,” she said, divulging just enough to explain her uncertainty. “I don’t want to stick out like a sore thumb today.”

His expression held understanding. “Since we’re working on this case together, we’re partners. I’m sure Caleb told the others about you, which is only fair since I just spent the past half hour giving you a rundown on each of them.”

And what a diverse and eclectic mix of people they were, she thought wryly. “I appreciate having that little bit of an advantage.”

“Not a problem.” He rested his arm across the back of her seat and trailed his fingers over her exposed shoulder, making her tingle as a result of his sensual caress. “Just relax and be yourself and you’ll fit right in. I promise.”

It was difficult to think straight when he was touching her so intimately, and leaning closer to her in the small confines of the sports car. His lips skimmed along her neck, his breath warm and damp along her sensitized skin, and she closed her eyes and moaned softly as arousal coursed through her veins. The man knew exactly how to melt her resolve, yet at the same time increase her desire and need for him.

“By the way,” he said, his voice dropping to a low, husky pitch as he placed his free hand on her bare thigh and nudged her legs slightly apart with his long, strong fingers. “You look really sexy in this little bitty dress you’re wearing.”

His admission made her smile. It had been like this between them since that morning. Teasing. Flirting. A slow, heady seduction of body and senses.

When they’d made a quick stop at her apartment so she could grab a few things for the day, she’d changed into a short tube-top dress and a pair of slip-on sandals—a perfect outfit for a hot afternoon in the sun, as well as to tempt Nathan, which seemed to have worked.

“I’m happy you noticed. I wore it just for you.” She licked her bottom lip, and he followed the slow glide of her tongue with dark, smoldering eyes. “No bra, skimpy panties, and easy access … for later.”

“I think I ought to check for myself.”

His hand disappeared beneath the hem as his parted lips settled on hers. His kiss was hot and deep from the get-go, and her pulse leapt in anticipation of where those skillful fingers were heading.

A couple of quick, hard taps on the window a few seconds later had Nicole jerking back, abruptly ending the kiss.

“Hey, you two kids. Get a room already,” a female voice said in a joking manner.

Nathan wasn’t as quick to withdraw the hand that had nearly reached its mark, and the slow, leisurely caress of his fingers along her inner thigh left a trail of heat that wouldn’t abate anytime soon. Nicole was grateful that the windows were tinted enough that whoever had interrupted them most likely hadn’t been able to see what Nathan had been up to beneath her dress.

Face flushed in chagrin, she glanced out the window to find a cute blonde standing on the sidewalk, hands on her waist and a quirky smile on her lips as she waited for them to emerge from the car.

“Ahhh, that would be Skye Lambert,” Nathan said by way of introduction, even though Nicole had known who the other woman was just by his earlier description. “Come on, let’s head up to the house.”

They exited the Ferrari and Nathan came around the vehicle to take her hand in his, surprising her with the public display of affection. Then again, they’d just been caught kissing, so hand-holding was fairly tame in comparison.

“What are you, the welcoming committee?” Nathan asked as they stepped up to the sidewalk.

“I saw this Ferrari pull up to the curb and wondered what celebrity Caleb had invited to the barbecue,” she said playfully. “I had to see for myself that it was you. Nice ride, Fox.” She eyed the sports car with envy and anticipation.

“Don’t get all excited,” Nathan said. “It’s not mine to keep.”

“Too bad.” Skye sighed in disappointment. “It’s definitely a hot ride. I would love to get behind the wheel of a car with such amazing power and stamina.”

Nathan chuckled. “Dream on, Skye.”

Skye wrinkled her nose at him. “You’re no fun,” she said, then turned her attention to Nicole and gave her a quick head-to-toe inspection before offering her hand to shake. “Hi, Nicole. I’m Skye. Caleb already told all of us about you being Nathan’s girlfriend.”

“I’m not really his girlfriend,” Nicole said, wanting to clear up that misunderstanding as quickly as possible. “I’m just
to be while we’re working on this case together.”

Skye’s eyes widened in feigned surprise. “Wow, you two pretend really well. That was some realistic kissing I saw back in the car.”

The other woman winked at Nicole in that female knowing way, which did nothing to subdue the warmth suffusing Nicole’s face. Nathan stood beside her, his expression bemused. Clearly, he was used to Skye’s outspoken personality, and didn’t bother to curb her outrageous comments.

As if they were already best of friends, Skye hooked her arm through Nicole’s, taking her by surprise.

“Come on, let’s go and have some fun.” Skye started along a pathway leading to a gate at the side of the garage.

“Behave yourself, Skye,” Nathan said from behind them.

“You know I don’t have a disciplined bone in my body, so don’t count on it, Fox.” Skye glanced over her shoulder at Nathan and waved him away with a waggle of her pink-tipped fingernails. “Go and do your guy thing with the boys, while I get Nicole acquainted with everyone and the two of us do the female-bonding thing. I’ll take good care of her, I promise.”

The last thing Nicole heard from Nathan was a low groan of resignation before they walked into a beautifully landscaped backyard. A large custom-built pool with a free-flowing waterfall dominated the area. There was also a cozy patio with outdoor furniture, and a covered barbecue island with a huge, stainless-steel grill and polished oak bar.

Across the way, on a stretch of green grass, three men were playing a game of lawn darts. Skye steered them in that direction while Nathan veered off toward the bar, probably to get himself something to drink.

As they neared, the men halted their game and Nicole found herself the center of three male stares. Before Skye could introduce her, a young, good-looking guy with ruffled blond hair and amicable green eyes stepped toward her with his hand extended in greeting.

“You must be Nicole.” He grinned, his easygoing manner making her instantly comfortable with him. “I’m Lucas Barnes, the security analysis guy at The Onyx.”

She smiled as she shook his hand. “I hear you’re pretty amazing with computers.” Not only had Nathan told her that Lucas was responsible for creating his new identity as Alex Keller, but he’d also revealed that Lucas had been a kid genius and an expert at all things electronic.

“Yeah, I’ve been known to crack a code or two in my day,” he said, sounding proud of that fact.

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