Read Into the Night Online

Authors: Janelle Denison

Tags: #Christmas & Advent, #Holidays & Celebrations, #Juvenile Fiction, #Contemporary, #Fiction, #Romance, #Suspense, #General

Into the Night (24 page)

His gaze met hers in the reflection, his smile warm and intimate as he rinsed shaving cream off the razor before lifting it to the left side of his face and ridding himself of the stubble there.

“Don’t give me that look,” he said, even though his gruff voice was tinged with renewed desire, too. “I don’t have time to fool around again.”

“I know. I don’t have the time, either,” she said with a sigh, and leaned against the doorjamb. “It looks like I’m going to be joining you today at the women’s shelter.”

A frown creased his brows as he swiped the razor beneath the flow of water in the sink. “We agreed that you’d stay here while I go. I want to get Sloane alone so the two of us can talk. He was pretty open about wanting to swap you for one of his girls. I need to work that to our advantage.”

She heard the frustration in his tone, but this situation was out of her hands, and his. “I’m really sorry, but I don’t have a choice. My editor, Sharon, just called. The person originally scheduled to cover the ceremony came down with food poisoning. It’s so last-minute that everyone else has assignments or firm commitments, except me. I need quotes so I can write the article, and a photographer from the magazine will be with me, too, to get some pictures of Sloane while he’s cutting the ribbon.”

“Shit.” Done shaving, he wiped the excess foam from his jaw and neck with a small hand towel, then turned to face her. “Sloane can’t see you there as a reporter or our whole cover will be blown.”

It was difficult to argue with his logic, but her job was on the line, and she couldn’t afford to lose her only source of income. “I’ve given it some thought, and I think we can make it work.”

He looked skeptical as he passed by her into the bedroom, but she followed and explained. “Sloane has only seen me dressed and made up as a young teenage girl. I can go to the opposite extreme and make myself look completely different and older.”

“You look young no matter what you do,” he said as he dropped the towel, giving her a glimpse of his tight, muscular butt before he pulled on a pair of boxer briefs. “I don’t think it will work.”

She believed differently. It was a matter of hairstyle, makeup, and what she chose to wear. “I’ll stay at the back of the crowd and I won’t make eye contact,” she said, still trying to convince him as he finished stepping into a pair of dark brown slacks and shrugged into a long-sleeved shirt. “I know what’s at stake here. You’re just going to have to trust me on this.”

He looped a silk tie around his neck, the grim press of his lips clearly expressing his displeasure over the situation. “Like you said, I don’t have a choice. So make damn sure that Sloane won’t recognize you.”

“I will.” By the time she was done with her latest transformation, she was willing to bet Nathan wouldn’t be able to easily pick her out of the crowd, either.

*   *   *


Where in the hell was she?

Feeling tense, Nathan scanned the crowd gathered out in front of the beautiful modern building housing the new women’s shelter, anxious to find Nicole in the sea of faces so he could keep an eye on her until her job was done. He’d dropped her off at her apartment about an hour ago so she could change and drive her own car, and he hadn’t seen her since.

There were many people in attendance, from a multitude of news media, to various politicians who’d helped back the endeavor, to the board of trustees and other supporters of the project. A booklet listed the dignitaries by name and included the mayor, who was currently standing up at the podium commending Preston Sloane for his selfless contribution to the venture, which had made the shelter a possibility.

The mayor’s praise was nauseating, considering who and what Sloane really was. But today it was all about Preston and his generous altruism, a perception he worked very hard to cultivate and promote whenever the opportunity arose. And as Sloane sat behind the podium and waited for his turn to speak, on the surface he appeared to be a charitable businessman who cared about today’s cause and helping women escape abusive relationships.

A contradiction in every way imaginable, and one that caused Nathan to grind his teeth in revulsion.

Nathan had deliberately declined taking a seat so he could blend in with the overflow of people standing around the stage and move wherever he needed to go. As the guests burst into applause when Sloane took to the microphone to give his speech, Nathan continued his visual search for Nicole, his gaze shifting back to the area in front that had been designated for media.

While Sloane thanked key people for their support and went on to talk about how close this project was to his heart, Nathan scrutinized each female reporter. He overlooked a brunette and a busty redhead, and even a blonde whose face was much too round to be Nicole’s. He skimmed past another blonde, his mind automatically discounting the severe upswept hairstyle, dark-rimmed glasses, and navy-blue business suit … until she lifted her hand ever so slightly to let him know it was her before returning her attention to the podium.

He did a quick double take, shocked by Nicole’s latest metamorphosis that disguised the fresh, youthful appearance he’d grown used to seeing on a daily basis. As his surprise abated and he took in her sophisticated image, recognition set in, enabling him to make out the familiar shape of her face, her expressive eyes, and the confident way she carried herself.

She wasn’t in the back as she’d promised, but at least she’d executed a decent job of changing her overall look. She blended in with the rest of the reporters, and that would hopefully be enough to deflect any interest when Sloane passed by.

Sloane went on to enthrall the crowd with his noble pledge to provide a safe haven to homeless and abused women and children, and to promote dignity and self-respect to those who came through the doors of the shelter. Listening to the other man’s rehearsed speech with half an ear, Nathan eased over to the media pen. This way he could be close to Nicole and also be in Sloane’s path once he exited the stage.

Next up was the ribbon cutting, followed by a closing speech from the mayor to wrap up the ceremony. Nathan waited patiently as Sloane shook hands with important people, then made his way down to where the media were anxious to ask questions and take photos of the businessman who’d made the shelter possible.

That’s when Nathan noticed the woman following a few steps behind Sloane, and recognized her from the nightclub. According to Nicole, her name was Gwen and she was Sloane’s assistant.

Wearing a pale blue silk blouse tucked into a slim black skirt and modest heels, she appeared professional, polished, and in control, but it was the subtle longing in her eyes when she glanced at her boss that told Nathan she harbored unrequited feelings toward Sloane. She also seemed very protective of him.

As Sloane neared, the reporters crowded up to the waist-high barrier separating them from the man of the day, shoving Nicole right up front in the process. Nathan caught her startled expression as Sloane looked directly at her, but his gaze didn’t linger, nor was there any hint of recognition on his face.

Relief poured through Nathan, and he didn’t miss the irony in the older man’s reactions, or lack of them. When she was dressed as a real woman and looking more her age, Sloane wasn’t interested in Nicole.

She quickly looked away and jotted down notes on her pad as Sloane fielded questions from the media, but it was Gwen who studied Nicole much too intently for Nathan’s liking.

Finished with the reporters, Sloane moved on, but Gwen did not. Instead, the assistant stepped up to where Nicole was still standing, prompting Nathan to head in that same direction to distract Gwen if necessary.

Nicole turned away from Gwen to leave, but before she could escape, the other woman grabbed her arm and halted her attempt, forcing her to pivot back around. Nicole remained calm and collected, and even stared at Gwen as though she’d never met the other woman before. A convincing performance, but the whole situation still had Nathan on edge.

He swore beneath his breath and came up behind Gwen just in time to hear her ask Nicole, “Do I know you from somewhere?”

Realizing if he interrupted now he’d likely raise more suspicion, Nathan decided to trust Nicole to handle the confrontation without his help. He knew she’d seen him, but she made no outward reaction that might give his presence away.

Nicole smiled at Gwen, her gaze steady behind the dark frames of her glasses and her facial features convincingly blank. “I don’t think so,” she said, her voice different than Nathan had ever heard before. Her tone was cool and direct, and a bit raspier, too. “But I’m a reporter, so you might have seen me at other events Mr. Sloane has attended. If you’ll excuse me, I need to get to my next appointment.”

Nicole’s explanation made perfect sense, but as the older woman watched Nicole walk away, her uncertain frown warned Nathan that Gwen was still skeptical.

Disaster averted for now, Nathan lengthened his stride to catch up to Sloane, who was heading toward a black Town Car parked on the curb with a uniformed man holding the back door open for him.

“Preston!” Nathan called out before Sloane could slip inside the vehicle.

The other man turned around, his brows rising in surprise. “Alex. Nice to see you here.”

Nathan forced a smile. “I just wanted to stop by and offer my support.”

“I appreciate that. I’ve been meaning to get in touch with you after our chat on Saturday.” Sloane checked the gold Rolex watch strapped to his wrist before glancing back at Nathan. “I’ve got a meeting across town, but if you’d like to join me, we can talk on the way over and then my driver can bring you back for your car.”

Nathan wasn’t about to pass up the opportunity for more face time with Sloane. “That would be great.”

They both settled into the back of the Town Car. Once the driver pulled away from the curb, Sloane pressed a button on the console and a mini wet bar appeared in front of them. He reached for a bottle of Chivas Regal and poured a few inches of the expensive liquor into a short crystal glass.

“Care for a drink?” he asked Nathan.

He shook his head. “No, I’m good. Thanks.”

Sloane took a sip of the Scotch, savoring the smooth, rich flavor for a moment before redirecting his attention to Nathan. “Have you thought any more about the discussion we had at Bliss on Saturday night?”

Nathan knew exactly what Sloane was getting at, and he appreciated the man’s direct approach since Nathan had no desire to engage in idle chitchat with the man. For Nathan, this was all about business—getting into Sloane’s estate and getting Angela out, as quickly and safely as possible.

“Actually, I have given your proposition some thought,” Nathan said. He watched as a spark of excitement ignited in Sloane’s gaze, and knew it was because of Nicole. With effort, he tamped down the slow burn of anger rising in the back of his throat. “I’m thinking we might be able to come to some kind of agreement, as long as I can find a girl who meets my criteria. I prefer blondes, and none of the girls at the nightclub grabbed my interest.”

Sloane finished the rest of the Scotch in one long drink, set the empty glass on the wet bar, then met Nathan’s gaze once again. “Tell you what. I’m having a small, intimate get-together at my estate this weekend. Why don’t you come and bring Nikki and we’ll see what we can find for you. I’m sure there will be someone there to your liking.”

Nathan didn’t want to seem overeager and remained quiet long enough to let Sloane believe he was considering the offer. The Town Car slowed, and Nathan had to make a commitment.

“All right,” he finally said. “Nikki and I will be there.”

“Excellent.” Sloane gave him a satisfied smile. “How does Nikki feel about a trade?”

Refusing to think about Sloane touching Nicole, Nathan kept up the pretense of a man who had his woman under his control. “Don’t worry about Nikki. She’ll do whatever I ask her to.”

“That’s my kind of girl,” Sloane murmured, just as his driver opened the door for him to exit. “I’ll have my assistant, Gwen, contact you by cell phone with the address of the estate, and I’ll see you and Nikki Friday afternoon.”

Sloane stepped from the vehicle, and Nathan waited until the door slammed shut after him before exhaling a deep, tension-filled breath of air.

There were
again, and this time they had to make it count.

Chapter Fourteen


Nicole pushed open the glass door leading into the offices of
The Las Vegas Commentary
with her hip, since she held two large vanilla lattes in her hands.

As much as she wasn’t looking forward to attending the biweekly, mandatory editorial meeting that morning, she was glad to be out of Nathan’s apartment for a few hours. She hated being cooped up so much, and with the two of them heading off to Sloane’s estate tomorrow afternoon for what was likely to be a very intense weekend, Nicole welcomed the chance to relax and be herself among co-workers and friends.

She smiled and said a cheerful hello to the receptionist, then made her way through a maze of bland gray partitions until she reached Michelle’s small cubicle, which was located right next to Nicole’s. While her friend had opted to personalize her little makeshift office with pictures of her fiancé Robert, flowers and knickknacks, Nicole’s looked barren in comparison. There was a standard desk and a docking station for her laptop computer, but nothing else to indicate the alcove was anything other than a temporary work space.

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