Irresistible (30 page)

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Authors: Senayda Pierre

Chapter Forty-Three

Andrea laughed as she watched Desirae and Carina scrambling to get their stuff downstairs and into her car. She'd graciously offered to give them a ride. Andrea felt a little envious. They were going to be spending winter break together. Andrea was happy to be heading home but she was really growing close to these two troublemakers. At least she'd have Fabien; they'd been friends forever. She wasn't sure how things were going to unfold with Carina going from Jaxon to now Valentino and Marco but Fabien had graciously bowed out. He realized she was just too much woman for him.

Andrea blew kisses at the duo as they scurried out of her vehicle and into the airport terminal. She headed back to campus ready for her road trip with Fabien. It was nice to have a little testosterone in her life. Heaven knew she'd had enough estrogen to last her a while. Andrea couldn't wait for New Year's. She wondered what Valentino and Marco had planned. Whatever it was she was game.


The flight was tolerable with Desirae as her partner in crime. Carina and Desirae talked about their previous night's escapade and Carina told Desirae about what the men were looking into while they were away.

"Are you fucking serious" Desirae's high-pitched voice stopped the flight attendant in her tracks. Carina slapped her hand over Desirae's mouth.

"Shhh" Carina hissed. She didn't need everyone in their business. Carina tried to envision what Valentino had described as a mansion fronting as a sex club. The top floor required members to go sans clothes or they were not permitted access. The dungeon allowed minimal spectators and part of the dungeon was hardcore BDSM. Carina wasn't sure if she could stomach watching someone getting caned no matter how turned on they were getting.

"I guess we'll see if they manage to pull off whatever they're envisioning." Carina shrugged trying to seem indifferent. She was terrified yet exhilarated at the prospect of not only going to a sex club with them but potentially "performing" in front of a group. Carina had no qualms about showing off her body under the right circumstances but she was no two-bit whore.

Carina looked out the plane's window. This was home. She looked forward to the much needed quality time with her big brother and parents. She wondered how the family would fare with Desirae in the mix.

Carina and Desirae disembarked the plane. They followed the herd of people heading home for the holidays. Carina laughed as she watched her brother waving a sign around. She breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn't another embarrassing picture. Instead he had a poster board sign held in his hands. The sparkly gold letters stood out against the black background.

Looking to take two hotties home with me today!! Are you the lucky one?!

"You're either lame or desperate" Carina marched up to the man hiding behind the poster board. She tried to look serious rather than burst into laughter like her shoulders and throat were trying to do.

"What" Diego huffed. "I've already had three offers. You two better leave me a picture and your phone number. I'll get back to you later."

Carina didn't miss that her roommate still hadn't said anything and was staring at her brother with wide eyes and a gaping jaw. Diego was extremely good looking and he was so charismatic that he could easily charm the panties off any woman. It had been months since Desirae and Diego had seen each other.

Carina nudged her best friend. Desirae blushed furiously as Diego's eyes lit up. Desirae couldn't believe this was the same serious and overprotective brother she had gotten to know over the last few months. Her chest still hurt with the memory of Diego screaming at her over the infamous YouTube video.

Diego smiled at an uncomfortable Desirae. She blushed and fidgeted but never looked him in the eyes. Diego focused his attention on the two beauties standing in front of him. Carina and Desirae turned heads with minimal effort. The two were a potent combination wherever they went. Diego sighed and shook his head.

"What" Carina snapped. She could see the wheels in his head turning.

"You two are going to be big trouble while you're here. Already know it. Might have to keep you away from the guys" Diego replied.

Carina yanked Diego and Desirae with her as they headed to pick up their luggage. This was why she threatened not to go out with him to places anymore. He was so overprotective. Diego drove them home and stayed for a late lunch. Their parents were away but there was plenty of food in the refrigerator.


The first week passed quickly. The Lobos family welcomed Desirae with open arms. From the moment they'd met Desirae had felt like Carina was a sister but to be so easily accepted by her mother and stepfather was humbling. Desirae cherished the shared family time and dinners. She eagerly volunteered whenever Yolanda asked something of them. Carina and Diego teased her that she was being a suck up but it was nothing of the sort. Carina still didn't know about Desirae's family and home life. It had been over a decade since she'd had a good Christmas. One in which she felt welcome, cherished, and unconditionally loved.

Carina was thrilled to have Desirae with them. She fit perfectly into the family and helped Mom with the things that she and Diego whined about. The horrific bed set was still on her bed. Carina gritted her teeth when she'd walked into her room and seen the offending floral print. She'd completely forgotten to bribe Dad to change it. Desirae valiantly tried to appear indifferent but miserably failed. Carina had half a mind of spilling red wine or something equally as devastating onto the atrocious comforter... but that wouldn't mean her mom would toss out the fitted sheet and pillowcases. Dammit!

Valentino and Marco called often. Diego rolled his eyes each time he heard the now infamous Maroon 5 song knowing who was on the other line. Carina loved that her men were taking turns calling her. Their triangle relationship flowed effortlessly. Carina only hoped that when... because nothing was ever perfect... but when they fussed over something, they'd be able to overcome whatever obstacle came their way.

She'd had boyfriends a dime a dozen between high school and before she'd met Valentino and Marco. She'd been in love before. Nothing serious but enough to know when she was falling for someone. She'd had her heart broken and broken enough hearts in her time. Being with men - not boys - made all the difference in the world. Although Carina missed Marco and Valentino she knew they were working and that they'd be reunited in no time.

Carina, Diego, and Desirae went out every night. They hung out with Diego's friends and some of Carina's old high school friends. Every night was a different theme. They went to the movies, clubbing, parties, and just chilled at Griffin's place. Andrea called Desirae and Carina to check in on them every few days.

Carina watched her roommate with each passing day. She sensed the sexual tension between Diego and Desirae but neither of them acted on it. They shamelessly teased and flirted with one another but nothing more. Carina wasn't sure if she should root for them to hook up or if she should encourage their platonic relationship. Diego steered his friends away from both of them but didn't say anything about strangers flirting with Desirae.

"Diego can you get us into Club Limelight?" Desirae asked one evening. They'd already been to a club the other night but it had been a slow night.

Diego sighed but nodded his acquiesce. He called Griffin to pick them up in his Lincoln Navigator. Griffin had enough connections to get the girls in without getting ID'd. He wasn't sure if he was encouraging bad behavior but at least he'd be there to watch over Carina and Desirae. After what felt like an eternity, the girls came down the steps. Griffin whistled while Diego grit his teeth. Of course they would be dressed to kill.

"Don't you have a boyfriend?" Diego growled at his sister. Desirae snickered as Carina narrowed her eyes at her friend.

"I may be in a relationship but it doesn't mean I can't go out and have a good time" Carina snapped. "I'm not in a fucking convent or anything."

Diego closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He already knew he was going to beat someone down tonight. "I'll be DD tonight" he offered Griffin.

"Sweet!" his friend replied. They hopped in the SUV and headed over to the club. Diego hadn't texted any of his friends because he knew the scumbags would be all over his sister and friend. Hopefully Griffin had the same good sense... or not....

Griffin fist bumped the bouncer and motioned for the girls to lead the way. Diego growled as the bouncer's eyes stared at Carina's ass. Griffin elbowed Diego to shut him up. "They're gonna look asshat!" He hissed. "It's if they touch that you can start shit."

Diego scowled knowing his friend was right. Why the hell did Carina have to wear that fucking mini dress? Really!? Didn't she usually wear jeans to go clubbing. They sat at the bar for two rounds before heading out to the dance floor. Carina and Desirae danced together while Griffin danced with a busty blonde.

Carina allowed the music to take over. Her hips moved side to side as she watched Diego and Desirae dance. Carina was sweaty but loving every second. Dancing was the closest thing to sex. She could dance guilt-free and quell her nympho ways. Damn she missed Valentino and Marco.
A few more days
she continued to chant in her head as her body gyrated to the music. Carina smiled knowing she never danced alone for long.

Chapter Forty-Four

A body came up behind her. Carina always knew within a few beats whether her new dance partner was worthy of keeping. This one was a keeper. His hard body pressed against her and matched her rhythm and movement. His hands grabbed her waist as she raised her hands over her head. She didn't touch them so that they wouldn't get any bright ideas. The hard body pressed against her making Carina fully aware of his erection. She smirked knowing that although he thought he might get lucky tonight she damn well knew he wouldn't be.

Carina opened her eyes to see Diego and Desirae still dancing together. Her roommate looked at her and Carina didn't miss the wide-eyed panic on Desirae's face. Carina's movement faltered as she looked at Diego. Nothing seemed amiss with them so why the hell was Desirae looking at her like that.

"I've missed this belleza" his smooth voice whispered in her ear as the hands on her waist tightened.

Carina froze.
Oh shit.
No wonder the body behind her danced so fucking well and felt so fucking good against her. Carina watched as Desirae pushed Diego away and shoved past the people between them. Jaxon saw it too. He whirled Carina in the opposite direction. Jaxon weaved them through the crowd effectively losing Desirae and Diego. His grip tightened as Carina regained her senses and tried to pull away. Jaxon led Carina to a dark corner, away from the speakers and pressed their bodies against the wall. Carina swallowed as Jaxon's tight body came in contact with her. Damn he smelled good even when he was sweaty.

"What the fuck are you doing here" Carina demanded.

Jaxon caressed her cheek. He couldn't seem to stop his hands from touching her or control his body from rubbing against her. His reaction to her was so fucking primal. The second he came within her personal space he had to touch. His dick was so hard it hurt but it didn't stop him from grinding his pelvis into her.

Jaxon's dick twitched at the sound of Carina's choked moan. She was fighting her reaction to him but it was clear that she reacted the same way to him as he did to her. They were like gasoline and fire - immediately combusting the moment they came in contact with each other.

"I'm here to prove that I can compromise belleza. Two weeks is too long without seeing you."

Carina couldn't believe what she was hearing. Jaxon acted like they were still together. Was he out of his mind or something? "Jaxon" she hissed. "This might've been a worthwhile effort back during Thanksgiving but not now."

"Thanksgiving was only a few days break and I couldn't get away to see you."

"But you had enough time to whore around" Carina accused.

"I didn't fuck anyone during that week" Jaxon snapped. "I came all this way to see you. Are you going to bring up the same old shit?"

Carina looked at Jaxon in complete disbelief. The bastard was beautiful but equally ignorant and arrogant. What the hell did he expect? That his gesture would erase all that had happened in the last few weeks?

"Desperation looks ugly on you Jax" Carina sneered. If she needed to get him to hate her so be it. She'd tried every other way to get him to move on.

"I'm not desperate" Jaxon's retorted. "I can have any fucking woman I want!"

"Then go find someone else" Carina shouted. They were far enough away from others not to attract attention. Desirae and Diego still hadn't found them.

"I want you godammit!"

"You had me and royally fucked it up!" Carina shouted in his face. Before they could say anything else Jaxon was yanked away. The burly bouncer from the front picked Jaxon up by the collar and hauled him through the club. Carina watched Jaxon disappear. She numbly stood there as Diego checked to see that she was okay. Desirae hugged her.

"I told you she was still inside" Griffin huffed. Diego rolled his eyes as Desirae scowled. Carina cringed knowing why Desirae had gone outside looking for her. There were no backseat quickies this time around.

"Are you all right" Desirae yelled over the music. Diego didn't give Carina the opportunity to respond. He pulled Carina and Desirae towards the back exit and pushed the door open. Carina took in a deep breath allowing the cold air to burn her lungs. She needed to get the scent of Jaxon out of her system. That man still triggered her body in ways that few others could. Diego practically dragged them to the car.

Carina sat in the backseat and closed her eyes. What the hell was Jaxon's game? Why did he push so hard when they weren't together? She needed to do something to get through to him. Obviously being with Valentino didn't mean shit to him.

Everyone remained silent as Diego drove the girls home. He couldn't believe that arrogant son-of-a-bitch actually made the trip to see Carina. If Diego hadn't seen the visible proof of Jaxon's devastation, he might've believed that this jackass made a chivalrous gesture.

"We'll talk tomorrow" Diego said as he pulled into the driveway.

"No we won't" Carina stiffly replied. "There's nothing to discuss. He showed up thinking that he was making some sort of grand gesture. I told him to fuck off. You and Des showed up. End of story."

Diego grunted but said nothing more. Carina marched into the house without looking back at the car. She was irritated at every damn body. Jaxon. Diego. Desirae for believing, even for a nanosecond that she would've done something with Jaxon. Her track record might not have been the best but Carina knew when she had a good thing and Valentino and Marco were golden. She may never find something like this again.

Desirae quietly followed Carina into her bedroom. She could feel the waves of anger and frustration coming off her in waves. Jaxon was going to fuck everything up. He always did; never thinking of anyone else but himself. Desirae warily watched Carina as she stomped around the room. They took off their clothes in silence and went to the bathroom to remove their makeup and get ready for bed. Carina's phone rang. They looked at each other wondering who the hell was calling at that hour. That and the ring tone was just the general one; not the one for her men or her family.

Carina grabbed her phone and muttered a curse. She pressed the green button ready for another verbal battle. "What" she hissed. Desirae crawled into bed unsure if it was Diego calling to continue his harassment. Carina paced as she listened to the other person on the phone. Desirae strained to hear but could only decipher a male voice. In Carina's world that could mean almost anyone.

"I waited by the entrance and you never came out" Jaxon quietly stated. He knew Carina was irritated with him but he was damn sure going to make her understand the effort he made for her. He could hear Carina on the other line but she didn't respond. It was so much easier to talk to her face-to-face. Jaxon could see every reaction, every hesitation. Every time they were close to each other it was more than obvious the effect they still had on each other. It was all Jaxon had left to win her back. "Carina" he breathed. It was rare for Jaxon to use her name rather than his affectionate nickname.

"I was escorted out another way Jaxon" Carina replied. If anything she was grateful for Griffin finding her. "I don't know what more you want from me."

"I want to talk. I want you. I want a real chance" Jaxon's voice got louder with each statement.

Carina vibrated with irritation. "We're like the fucking rinse and repeat cycle" Carina voiced her exasperation.

"Because you say one thing and do another" Jaxon accused.

Carina pulled the phone away and waved it in the air. If he was in front of her she'd kick him in the nuts. "Care to elaborate" she challenged.

"You say we're going to try but you really don't. Then you go on and on about infidelity yet you and Mr. Hot Shot go around selectively fucking other people. How the fuck do you expect me to react?" Jaxon yelled into the phone. "You crucified me for groping girls but then you go and have a threesome like its nothing!"

"It was consensual Jaxon. We discussed the parameters of our relationship. Just like once upon a time you and I did.... You claimed you wanted an exclusive relationship"

"I didn't know you were willing to do something else" Jaxon interjected.

Carina shook her head in disgust. Here lied the great difference between Valentino and Jaxon. "Are you telling me" Carina began, "That you would've been okay with me having sex with other guys as long as you were aware of it?"

Desirae's eyebrows shot up to her scalp as she watched Carina grip the phone tighter. Why the hell hadn't she cussed him out again and just hung up? Why did she even engage him in conversation?

"You had sex with the dick from the club and that Indian beauty" Jaxon scoffed.

"And...." Carina held out the word. Jaxon still didn't respond.

"And I would've been okay with bedding you two" Jaxon stated matter-of-factly. Fuck yeah he would've done her too.

"What if I wanted to bring a guy in?" Carina challenged.

"Fuck no" Jaxon retorted. There was no way in hell he was sharing Carina with another guy. And hell would freeze over before he let a dude touch him like that. They could all watch but they couldn't do anything more than that.

"You are such a fucking hypocrite!" Carina screeched. "Go home Jaxon. I'm done having the same tired ass conversation with you." Carina didn't wait for him to respond. She hung up the call and turned off the phone. Carina flopped onto the bed next to Desirae.

"If only he wasn't so good in bed" Desirae mused. "Imagine, pretty face and a limp dick. That would be easy to ignore." Carina smirked. Her best friend always knew just what to say to get past something.

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