Irresistible (26 page)

Read Irresistible Online

Authors: Senayda Pierre

Chapter Thirty-Six

Carina woke up cringing with discomfort. She wiggled her hips thinking her girl parts were worse than she thought from the hours-long fuckfest but she experienced only mild soreness. Carina nibbled her lip wondering what the hell had woken her up. Her hand jumped to her stomach as it screamed with agony. She was starving. Carina slowly sat up. Neither man shifted as they remained deep in sleep. She gingerly crawled out of bed and grabbed her phone. It was midnight. No wonder she was hungry! All that phenomenal sex and they'd skipped dinner. She was running on empty.

Carina tiptoed to the door and looked back. Valentino lay face up with one arm draped over his waist and the other behind his head. She could see the outline of his dick, at half mast, beneath the sheet. Marco lay on his stomach but had one leg bent and propped up as if allowing his dick room. His head rested on one arm while the other reached out to where she originally lay. There was a perfect space in between them where she'd been.

Carina smiled wishing she'd had an image of them like that. Carina's eyes widened as an idea flitted across her mischievous mind. Her hands trembled as she took a picture of the men sleeping in bed with her phone. She walked into the hallway to see if it'd been a good shot. She didn't want them to wake up if she had to retake the photo. Carina hummed her appreciation as she stared at the frozen image of two beautiful and sensual men asleep in the same bed.

Carina crept into the kitchen and assembled a plate of leftover Chinese food. She popped the plate into the microwave and quickly heated the food. Carina shoveled food into her mouth, trying to silence her screaming belly. She ate standing over the counter, still naked and slightly sore. Carina giggled as she debated whether or not to finish the sweet and sour chicken.

"You better have saved us fried rice" Valentino's gruff voice greeted her. Carina jumped in surprise. She'd been so entranced with her meal that she hadn't heard them come in. Carina licked her lips as she watched both men enter the kitchen, naked and semi-hard.

"Humph" Carina grunted. They were lucky they'd gotten up in time. She was still hungry. Carina took out the rest of the Chinese food while Valentino grabbed plates. She peeked in the refrigerator and moaned in delight. There were desserts from last night's party in the fridge. Carina selected the last piece of a dark chocolate cake. She swatted Marco away as he attempted to swipe a bite.

"Get your own damn dessert" she growled. Valentino laughed and shook his head as he popped his food into the microwave.

"Why didn't you wake us" Valentino asked. He wrapped his arms around her waist as his food heated. He loved feeling their bodies press together. Carina's soft curves melded perfectly against his firm body.

"You guys looked too beautiful and peaceful to be disturbed."

"Liar" Marco playfully scoffed. "You were just trying to beat us to the food."

"Can you blame me" Carina quipped batting her eyelashes at the two. She dodged the towel just as Marco attempted to flick it at her ass.

"Ewww" Carina and Valentino groaned with mock disgust. They cringed as Marco sat his naked ass directly on the stool.

"Whatever" Marco grumbled. He placed a towel on the stool before sitting down again.

"How do you feel" Valentino asked. His hand slowly caressed her cheek, jaw and collarbone. Carina closed her eyes at his touch. He was such a considerate and generous lover.

"Horny" she whispered snapping her eyes open.

"No fucking way" Marco gawked. "I'm sore. You have to be too."

"Wasn't your stuff a little rusty from lack of use" Carina playfully retorted.

Marco gaped while Carina cackled with laughter. Valentino bit his lip but couldn't stop himself from laughing too. Marco recovered from his initial shock and lunged for Carina.

"I'll show you rusty" he threatened as he threw Carina over his shoulder and slapped her ass. Carina screamed for help as Valentino walked behind them eating the rest of her cake.

Carina stared in disbelief. She didn't know what was worse - being thrown around like a ragdoll or watching her delicious cake disappear right before her eyes.

"That was the only piece" she whined as Valentino's hand froze. He had the last bite of cake on his fork already midway to his mouth.

"You want this" he offered. Carina vigorously nodded her head. Valentino extended the fork to her with the intention of letting her eat the last bite. Marco swiftly swung around and robbed her.

"You ass" Carina shrieked as she pounded her fists against his naked back. Valentino howled with laughter as she kicked her legs in the air. Marco moaned swallowing the last bit of cake.

"Let me make it better" he offered. Marco positioned Carina in front of him and kissed her. He let Carina lick every last drop of chocolate from his mouth.

"Much better" she purred.

"Good" his eyes sparkled with danger. Marco pushed Carina against the wall. "Time to show you how rusty this tool is"

Carina gasped as he lifted her up and wrapped her legs around his waist. Marco impaled his dick in her while slamming her into the wall. "Showtime" he panted. Carina gripped Marco's shoulders as he pounded into her. Each stroke lit her every nerve on fire. Her eyes widened as she watched Valentino roll a condom on and lubricate himself. Did he really plan to take Marco against the wall at the same time? Marco and Carina gasped at her gush of fluids.

Valentino pressed against Marco. "It's all on you" he grunted as he slowly entered Marco from behind. Carina wrapped her legs around both men while Valentino placed his hands on the wall next to Carina. They were all skin-to-skin in one way or another. Marco leaned his head on Valentino's shoulder and spread his legs wider. His strokes deepened and slowed to enjoy the penetration from both ends. Valentino matched his rhythm and counter stroked Marco.

"Yes. Yes. Yes" Marco chanted. Carina watched with immense pleasure as the two beautiful men lost themselves. Marco slammed into her as Valentino thrust hard one last time and groaned. The men shuddered with pleasure as Carina's vaginal wall spasms hit with full force. Marco felt her body quiver. He ground his pelvis into her to prolong her orgasm. Valentino kissed Marco's shoulder as Marco kissed Carina. It was a fantastic way to end their weekend together.

Chapter Thirty-Seven

Carina returned to her dorm just before dinner late Sunday. She entered the room to see her roommate pacing back and forth. Desirae looked relieved to see Carina but it quickly morphed to irritation.

"I thought you were going to stand me up" she huffed. She slipped on some flip flops as Carina tossed her overnight bag on her bed.

"I'm sorry" Carina apologized for being late but not for maximizing her time with the men. "How was your weekend?"

Desirae went into a detailed spiel of her time with her now favorite bartender. She spent the night but left after brunch and a midday romp in the sheets. Carina noticed Desirae holding something back. She suspected that she already knew what it was. They were almost to the student union but Carina wanted it out in the open.

"What is it Des" she pressed.

"Have you been online in the last 48 hours?" Desirae nervously hedged. They were about to enter the lion's den and Desirae wanted Carina to be prepared.

Carina inhaled slowly. She wasn't sure how she felt about that stupid effin' page. "Do you mean have I seen the 'J & C Saga' page... yes I have... Have I watched the attached links? Yes, I have. Did Valentino see them? Yes he and Marco did..."

"Shit" Desirae muttered. They slowed their pace as they approached the main entrance. Carina's initial irritation had worn off. What was the point in stressing about something that was beyond her control?

"Valentino asked me to share my story about whatever happened between me and Jaxon since we'd managed to make a spectacle of ourselves at the party. I figured that I owed him that much and it just so happened that I was able to go online and show him the videos and attach a story to them. I didn't want him finding them on his own and thinking I was keeping something from him. I'm not sure where our relationship is heading but since we'll be running into Jaxon often enough I wanted to clear the air about everything."

Desirae silently nodded as they walked into the dining hall. They grabbed a tray and placed their dinner on it. Carina and Desirae approached their regular table.

"There's our favorite party girls!" The others from the party enthusiastically greeted the duo. Carina and Desirae smiled, glad that there was no lingering tension from the party. Emile and Fabien graciously scooted over. Carina wedged between Andrea and Desirae.

"Why weren't we invited?" Emile pouted. The table laughed.

"Because you weren't a member of the infamous 8" Beatriz taunted. "Didn't you know that we now get exclusive invites to Club 69?"

"There wasn't anything happening this weekend" one of the sorority girls haughtily stated.

The girls cackled and winked. "Did you pass by the club Friday night" Chelsea's raised eyebrows dared the girl to say otherwise. The sorority girl frowned. "Yeah but the bouncer said the club was closed. They were having a staff meeting or something. We went to Antigua's instead."

"That's because it was a private party for staff members and their guests. We were on that very exclusive list." Melissa chimed in. The other members from the table smiled widely recalling the enjoyable night.

"If you don't believe us ask Jaxon. He was there." Desirae offered as further proof.

"What... with her" sorority girl asked as she pointed at Carina. There was no hiding her irritation as she said it.

"Nope" Desirae, Carina, and Andrea replied in unison. Fabien chuckled as sorority girl continued to scowl.

"So Carina" Sati called out. She sat across the table from Carina, several people away. "We noticed you didn't leave with the group. Did you go home with Valentino?"

"Ah Sati" Emile sneered. "Are you jealous he didn't take you too?"

Sati huffed but said nothing more. Carina felt bad but squashed those unwelcome feelings. She and Sati shared Valentino for a night but it was nothing more. They'd had their fun but Carina immensely enjoyed her weekend with Valentino and Marco.

Before Carina could respond, sorority girl shot up from her seat. Jaxon and his entourage strolled through the doors. "Jaxon" she called out. Jaxon turned but didn't immediately head to the table. He looked to see Carina watching him with a smirk on her face. His raised brows silently questioned her. She winked and motioned for him to approach the table.

"Still wrapped around your finger" Desirae snickered to the table.

Jaxon approached and looked between Carina and the girl who called him. Carina didn't look around, she just looked smug. He felt safe... for the moment.

"Is it true" sorority girl demanded without elaborating.

"Yes, I'm great in bed... Just ask Carina" Jaxon boasted. Carina rolled her eyes as his entourage snickered.

"You can ask me too" Chelsea loudly proclaimed. No one acknowledged her.

Sorority girl pouted. "Were you at Club 69 Friday night" she snapped.

"Yes, and so were these lovely ladies" Jaxon replied. His entourage mumbled their irritation at being left out of the invite. The eight girls at the table high-fived each other as the sorority girls scowled with the confirmation.

"But you didn't go home with her" sorority girl flicked her thumb towards Carina knowing she was pouring gas on smoldering embers.

"No" Andrea snapped with irritation. Jaxon's scowl was his silent affirmation. He looked at Sati who was also frowning.

"You too Sati" Jaxon inquired. She pouted as she nodded.

"We are sooo winning that contest next year" sorority girl stated resolutely. Her sorority sisters nodded enthusiastically.

Jaxon looked at Carina who had returned her focus to her meal. He knew she hadn't returned to campus all weekend. He wanted to ask her if she'd seen their website. Jaxon loved that someone was fueling their fire. She couldn't ignore him when she was being constantly reminded of what they had, of what they could have. He turned and walked away trying to appear indifferent. He'd begged enough for her attention and affection. She'd miss his absence. She always did.

"Jaxon" Carina called as he reached halfway across the room.

Jaxon beamed at her acknowledgement. "Yes belleza" he replied.

"You've been holding out on me" she teased. The table gawked at their flirty interaction. She'd just ignored him while at her table but she was now acknowledging him when he left without another word.

Jaxon opened his arms wide. "All you have to do is ask and it's yours belleza."

Carina shook her head. "Your voice" she replied dryly.

"Ahhh..." he nodded. "I've never had a reason before..." Jaxon shrugged his shoulders.

"And now" she pressed with a wicked gleam in her eyes.

"And now maybe I finally do" he tenderly replied. Carina swallowed as Jaxon's face softened with genuine affection. She merely nodded. Jaxon and his entourage grabbed their dinner as Carina finished hers.

Chapter Thirty-Eight

"Do you plan on giving me the dirty details" Desirae persisted as she nudged her roommate's shoulder. Andrea's eyes widened with excitement.

"Ohhh!" She whispered. "Me too! Me too!"

Carina chuckled at their enthusiasm. She knew those sitting close to them were trying to listen in. "Let's go" she compromised. Andrea and Desirae squealed with excitement as they scurried after Carina who was shaking her head and laughing. They were almost to the door when Carina's phone vibrated in her pocket. The unfamiliar ringtone emanating from her phone was Maroon 5's
One More Night
. Carina pulled the phone out of her pocket and looked at it in confusion.

"Since when do you have that ringtone?" Andrea asked.

Carina shook her head in puzzlement. She looked at the name and erotic picture flashing on the screen. She'd figured that Marco wouldn't call often so she attached the picture of Valentino and Marco sleeping in bed as his profile picture. Now with this ringtone it added an even more erotic element to it.

"Holy fuck" Andrea nearly shouted as her eyes doubled in size. "Look Des" she spluttered yanking Desirae back towards them. Desirae looked at the phone and froze. She looked between Carina and the ringing phone in complete disbelief. They'd manage to get the attention of everyone in the room.

Aware of their audience, Carina nearly sprinted to the door. Desirae's shocked expression morphed to panic as her best friend hustled out of the student union. Andrea and Desirae closely followed Carina.

"You fucking wench" Desirae screeched. She yanked the phone away from Carina and searched through her saved pictures. She stared at the image on the screen. Desirae and Andrea huddled together looking at the picture in more detail. They blinked several times unsure if what they were seeing was real. They opened and closed their mouths like gaping fish until one of them managed a coherent statement.

"Is it me or does that look like Marco and Valentino sleeping in the same bed... naked... together... looking thoroughly well fucked" Andrea looked in awe at the erotic image before them.

"That about sums up the picture" Carina confirmed as she looked around. Jaxon was standing by the entrance of the dining hall but was too far to hear their conversation. "Can we do this back in the room?"

The girls retained possession of the phone as they trekked back to the dorm. She suddenly felt self-conscious. Carina knew she was young and free to explore life... love... and her sexuality but at this moment she felt as if she was wearing a scarlet letter. She squashed the rising feeling of being the whore of Babylon, personified. She was an adult making adult decisions. To each their own.... Right?

Desirae and Andrea burst into the dorm room and sat on Desirae's bed. They crossed their arms, expectantly looking at Carina. Carina stood in the middle of the small room feeling somewhat awkward. She didn't owe them an explanation but she was dying to talk about it.

"Can I have the phone back for a moment?"

Desirae waived the phone in the air. "Do you plan to call Marco back?"

Carina nodded and held her hand out. "Just as long as you don't move" Desirae demanded. She handed the phone back to Carina. "We want to hear your conversation."

"Nosy bitches" Carina muttered as she called Marco back. His phone rang only once before he answered.
Speaker phone
Andrea mouthed, obviously pleased with herself. Carina rolled her eyes but complied. They'd learn soon enough.

"Troublemaker" Marco purred breaking through the room's silence. Andrea and Desirae slapped their hands over their mouths trying to stifle their giggles.

"When did you change my ringtone" Carina greeted. Her smile seeped through her words. Marco's sexy laugh caused all three girls to suck in their breath. Andrea's eyes widened as she shifted on the bed, visibly affected by his voice and laughter.

"When you weren't looking" he boasted. "Appropriate isn't it" he teased.

"I don't know" Carina taunted. "Are you implying that you're bad for me? Should I just quit you now?" She bit her lip and squirmed fully aware of her audience.

"Oh no baby... we barely got started. Can you sit down okay?"

Carina laughed. "I wasn't the one with the sore dick from overuse remember" she taunted. Andrea and Desirae's gaping mouths humored Carina. She had much to tell them.

"Behave" Marco growled. "I already showed you what my dick was capable of. I called for a reason you know."

"Do tell" Carina lamented the fact that the weekend was over. She wished she had more time with them.

"Valentino wants to do dinner with you again, Wednesday night... he wanted to run it by you and ask if it's okay if I join. We never confirmed if we were going through with this."

Carina smiled brightly. She tried to ignore the two openly staring at her as she finished her conversation. "I'd love to do dinner Wednesday night. I think we proved our compatibility this weekend between the three of us. Dinner will be another step to see if we can handle this. I'm not sure about the details but we can discuss them when we're together again."

Marco said something to another person and focused back on Carina. "Wonderful! Meet us at the club at 6... no panties on... We'll discuss details then."

"Yes sir" Carina replied. "Should I be jealous?"

"About what" Marco's confused tone became apparent through the phone.

"Am I going to be thinking about how many times you two will enjoy each other without my company?" She pouted as she envisioned their impassioned lovemaking.

"No baby" Marco assured her. "I doubt there will be any of that without you in the picture. I gotta go but I'll tell Valentino we're good to go midweek. Be ready for us."

Carina hung up the phone expecting a barrage of questions. Instead she was met with silence. Carina looked between Desirae and Andrea who had their arms crossed over their chests, severe faces, impatiently awaiting her story. Carina sighed and plopped down in the desk chair. She rolled closer to them and explained what had transpired from the time they left the club until her return to campus. Andrea and Desirae intently listened but didn't interrupt.

"Oh my God it's true" Andrea wailed after Carina finished her story.

"What" Carina demanded while Desirae laughed at their friend.

"You do have a pussy of gold" Andrea cupped her face with her hands as Desirae fell off the bed laughing. Andrea abruptly sat up straight and visibly brightened. "I know" she exclaimed. "You can train me!"

Carina gawked at Andrea. Desirae gasped between her guffaws. Her entire body was bright red with the lack of oxygen before she composed herself. "Me too" she chanted as she waved her hand in the air like some little kid at school trying to get the teacher's attention.

"I do not have a pussy of gold" Carina growled with frustration.

"I disagree" Andrea scoffed. She began counting off with her fingers. "First you bed man-whore Jaxon and have him eating out of the palm of your hand. You just have to snap your fingers and he'll drop everything and pop his dick out. Then you have Sati all melancholy because she's realizing her one night with you and Valentino was and is all she'll ever have. She even told me that she'd gladly share you with someone else or even fuck you alone but she knows your sexual preference isn't that.

"Hence the common denominator here... Mr. Valentino DeLuca... Mr. He's-so-fucking-hot-I-wet-my-panties-every-time-I-see-him... Now you have him between your legs. He's obviously well off, owning a club and what-not. He's hot as hell, sexy as fuck, and I'm sure well endowed with that hard-on we got a glimpse of the other night."

Andrea paused waiting for Carina's affirmation. Desirae's head emphatically bounced up and down recalling the time he'd taken her to the office. "Yep" she acknowledged. "I saw that monster hard-on when he took you in his back office."

Andrea groaned. "Fuck me! See" she scoffed. "Now, add Marco into the mix. Equally tall, dark, and handsome... That man
sensuality Carina. He's obviously pleased with whatever arrangement ya'll have. Why him Carina? At least I thought I had some semblance of a chance." Andrea whined.

Desirae patted Andrea's shoulder. "We'll find you someone delicious. How about the suit who was manning the entrance the other night?"

"He was ogling you Carina" Andrea pouted. "See even him!"

"I don't know what to tell you" Carina said as she hugged her knees. "I like sex. Not every partner I've had has been great in bed."

"Your college sex life has been nothing less than mind-blowing" Andrea scoffed. Carina bit her lip and nodded. They laughed at Andrea's assessment.

"Don't be afraid of the unknown" Carina shrugged. "Otherwise I don't know what would've transpired between me and Valentino. But first and foremost you have to love yourself and be comfortable with your own body. I'm a little too curvy for some people. If I actually gave a shit what everybody else thought I'd be on a never-ending cycle of pleasing every one and never being happy with myself. You can't expect someone else to fill that void for you. You've got to love and embrace yourself; imperfections and all... then show the world you're a precious gem worth having." Carina recalled Diego's good advice. "I know what I want and I go after it."

The girls hugged themselves absorbing Carina's every word. She was right in that aspect. She was curvy and she never tried to hide it. Carina didn't diet like a lot of girls they knew. She embraced her figure, her looks, and her personality into a complete package. She was the 'take it or leave it' kind of girl. Fortunately for her she was comfortable in her own skin and it showed. The guys loved it and relentlessly pursued her. The girls either loved or hated her because of it.

Andrea admired her friend. Carina had thick skin and didn't allow the haters to rain on her parade.

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