Irresistible (36 page)

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Authors: Senayda Pierre

Carina laughed. The men jumped as they realized they had an audience. She purposely made things worse. Carina spread her thighs and watched their eyes go to the apex at her thighs. "Are you sure we can't have a quickie?" Carina roughly grabbed her breasts as she watched Marco pant and Valentino shift his weight.

Valentino yoked Marco off the bed making Carina laugh at them. She was proud of Valentino's will power. Carina could use a good romp in the sheets. Carina rolled over and texted Andrea and Desirae to check in with them. It was a habit of theirs since they'd started college. It was their way of knowing the other was safe. Her phone beeped with their responding text messages. The girls were already counting down for their "special performance".

Valentino reentered the room. He presented Carina with an outfit. "If you could please put this on..."

Carina looked at the outfit. It was a mini dress with a corset bodice. The strapless dress buttoned in the back. She caressed the black lace that covered the magenta satin material beneath it. Carina's brows furrowed as she looked at the items in confusion. The lace stilettos were fantastic and the silky sheer thigh-high stockings were like a second skin. Carina picked up the garter belt and discovered a strip of material that fell onto the bed. She picked it up and realized that was supposed to be her thong. Carina looked into the corset and noticed the built-in bra.

"Please tell me why I'm not wearing undergarments."

"You are" Valentino stated matter-of-factly. He crossed his muscled arms across his bare chest. "This is the type of outfit you need to wear during a scene."

Carina rolled her eyes. "There's nothing underneath!"

"Do you want to do this or not" Marco demanded as he grabbed himself. "Otherwise I'll bend you over right now and take care of both of our needs."

Carina huffed but did as she was asked. Carina was secretly relieved that she wasn't wearing some kind of dominatrix outfit. Leather was more Desirae's thing. Carina felt she could go out in this outfit. The heels were gorgeous.

Carina enjoyed a late brunch with Marco while Valentino stepped away to take a call.

"A separate car will take the others. We need to get there a little earlier so that Nicholas can debrief us. You'll get a tour at the same time that the girls arrive." Valentino informed Carina. He was nervous about how Carina would do. He and Marco had done this before although not together. This would be a new experience for all of them.

The trio headed outside of the city. They entered a heavy commercial district. Carina recalled the guys mentioning a mansion in the midst of industrial buildings. She couldn't imagine the travesty of such a thing but if the place was exclusively a sex club then it had no place being in a residential neighborhood.

Carina watched as they turned down a private road. They passed warehouses and individual shops. The car stopped at a gated entrance. Valentino entered a code and the gate opened for them. They silently drove up the long paved driveway. Carina gasped as she looked at the estate. There was ample parking in front, a circular driveway for guests to be dropped off, and a fountain at the center of the driveway. Carina looked around noticing statues of nude Greek Gods and Goddesses throughout the property. Nothing about this place screamed tasteless orgies.

Valentino parked by other cars and held the door open for Carina. He smiled fondly at her as she stared open mouthed and wide eyed at Nicholas' place. It was a little overly ostentatious but Nicholas wouldn't have it any other way. The annual membership fee was not cheap. Valentino renewed every year only because Nicholas was his friend and brought plenty of business his way.

Valentino held one of Carina's hands while Marco held the other. They walked up the stone steps and approached the double entry doors. Valentino rang the bell and patiently waited. He wasn't sure if Nicholas was going to have someone assigned to welcome guests. Oftentimes he greeted everyone and escorted them in himself.

A woman answered the door. Carina didn't pay attention to her because all she could see was the inside of the palatial estate. A grand staircase could be seen from the entryway. Carina tried not to gawk as she looked up the stairs. It parted to an east wing and a west wing on the second floor. From the exterior Carina could tell that the house also had a third floor. She couldn't see how one could access that floor from where they stood.

The woman checked off their names on her touch screen tablet and escorted them inside. "Nicholas wants to personally give you the tour" she directed her comment to Carina. "Do you need a moment to freshen up? Is anyone hungry or thirsty?"

They declined as she led them further into the luxurious place. Carina observed color themed rooms that appeared to be sitting and waiting areas throughout the first floor. She stopped in her tracks at the enormous library. Carina stared in awe at the wall-to-wall shelves of books. Marco grabbed her by the waist and gently pulled her away. He whispered reassurances of a tour in a bit. Carina knew she should be nervous but there was so much to see that it helped distract her.

The hostess paused causing Carina to almost bump into her. Before she could say anything a panel opened close to them revealing a hidden door. A man walked through and looked at the intimate group. He beamed with recognition as he looked between Marco and Valentino. Valentino approached him first. They hugged and patted shoulders as Marco followed suit.

"Is she the one?" The man asked as he looked Carina over. His visual inspection caused Carina to stand straighter and hold her head high.

"Yes Nicholas" Valentino proudly replied. "This is our beautiful Carina." He pulled Carina into his arms. Carina smiled and extended her hand out to him. She loved hearing the pride in Valentino's voice. It also helped the fact that he said her name just the way she loved. Valentino rolled his r's just like she did.

" Nicholas gently chided. "There are no handshakes in this place." He grabbed Carina by the waist and kissed her cheek. Carina flushed bright red unsure of why this man affected her so. He was beautiful; that she could not deny. But unlike Marco and Valentino, Nicholas was lean, not muscular. He had shoulder length copper colored hair that he wore in a low ponytail. His hazel eyes dilated with lust as he looked Carina over.

"We haven't discussed anything with Carina" Valentino warned as he stared at Nicholas' thick erection. Carina had this effect on many men.

"Tell me something" Nicholas whispered to Carina. He still hadn't taken his arms off her waist. "Why is it that Valentino and Marco demanded that a certain Jaxon Wright not be permitted onto my grounds today?"

Valentino tilted his head back as Marco sighed loudly. "Really Nic"

Nicholas shrugged, "just curious" he stated. Carina looked between the men. Did Jaxon have a membership here too? Why should that surprise her?

"Jaxon comes here" she blurted. Nicholas laughed, delighted at her expression.

"Amor, rule number one of this club is the priority it places on the privacy of its members. I can neither deny nor confirm your statement. But who is this person who ruffles the feathers of these two?" Nicholas asked as he motioned between Valentino and Marco.

"An overly friendly ex" Carina shrugged her indifference. Marco snorted as Valentino groaned. Nicholas enjoyed their discomfort but he didn't have time to delve into the matter any further. They had a schedule to stick to.

"Well, let's go ahead and discuss things." Nicholas led them to his back office. The intimate room had a desk close to the back wall and a set of chairs and loveseat. Nicholas sat on the loveseat and motioned for Carina to sit with him. The men rolled their eyes and pulled up chairs next to them.

Nicholas discussed the general rules and proper etiquette of the sex club and what was expected of its members. He showed Carina a book that contained profiles of each member, their personal information and their medical tests. Nicholas displayed the tab that now held her information.

Carina was surprised to see everything he had. She was now a member of this exclusive club. Her profile picture was her solo shot during the Halloween bash - she was on her knees looking up at Valentino. Nicholas smirked and shrugged. Of course he'd have that kind of shot. He then opened the tab with Valentino and Marco's profiles. As she was already privy to their private information he showed her their file to better understand how he kept tabs on his members. He required members to provide an updated medical file with each annual renewal.

"I prefer to see what people use as methods of birth control and still require new partners to use condoms. This is just my portfolio of sorts- I have everything scanned into the system as well." Nicholas stated as he motioned between the folder and his computer.

Carina nodded. He definitely ran the place as a business. Carina was impressed to learn the lengths Nicholas went to with his members. He allowed certain patrons overnight stays while he ensured that everyone got home safely. Nicholas discussed what he wanted as the scene; how Desirae and Andrea came into the picture, and they discussed the option of allowing other members to watch. Carina looked between the men. She couldn't tell if they were bothered or excited about the prospect.

"There is one more thing I'd like to ask" Nicholas stated. Carina watched as the men tensed. This was going to be interesting. "I'm aware you have specific expectations and arrangements between the three of you. If Valentino and Marco have sex with someone else today would you like to have sex with me?"

Carina couldn't stop her jaw from dropping. Had they discussed about Desirae doing more than a blowjob? Did Andrea really expect to have sex with Marco? Carina swallowed as she looked at her two lovers. "Will the scene only be us?"

Valentino nodded while Marco replied, "If that's what you want."

Carina bit her lip. She was okay with everyone watching them but was she okay with everyone watching everything else unfold. "Can we go somewhere separately with Des and Andrea?"

"Of course" Nicholas replied.

"We don't have to do anything outside of the scene" Valentino urged.

"Have you forgotten your deal" Carina smirked. Marco laughed as Nicholas looked at the trio. They were most certainly interesting. "Desirae owes you a blowjob... or are you not interested in that Olympic gold medal mouth?" She teased.

Marco's hand shot up in the air. "I can take his place" he offered. The group laughed as a knock interrupted their playful banter. Nicholas called them in. The girl from the front brought Desirae and Andrea in. Carina smiled brightly but suddenly paled.

"What is it amor?" Nicholas asked as he watched the guests arrive.

"You brought Diego and Griffin here?" Carina balked.

Valentino swallowed loudly. "There is plenty to do. They can go anywhere." He stuttered. Nicholas delighted in seeing his friend squirming. This little stick of dynamite really had these two men wrapped around her finger.

"Looking mighty fine there" Griffin called out.

Carina smiled and stood. "Hi Griffin" she greeted hugging him.

"You look well rested after spending an entire night with these two animals." He teased. Desirae burst out laughing as Marco pouted. "Oh shit" Griffin scoffed as he looked at Marco. "She didn't give it up last night?"

Marco's unhappiness only made Desirae laugh louder. Andrea snickered as Diego looked at the group with raised eyebrows.

"Valentino said no lovin' until we got here" Marco muttered as he crossed his arms over his chest. Nicholas laughed watching the group's dynamics. They were definitely comfortable with each other.

"Ladies we were just discussing details" Nicholas stated. Carina's hand shot up.

"Wait" she interjected. "You two" she said as she pointed at Diego and Griffin.

"Don't send us away" Griffin whined. "The chick I was with last night damn near gnawed my dick off! She was so fucking drunk that she couldn't even give a proper blow job."

"I hope you disinfected your dick" Andrea retorted as she scrunched her face in disgust.

"I put a cherry flavored rubber on" Griffin haughtily replied.

"He had to beat off to finish the job" Diego snickered as the others laughed.

"Oh" Desirae stood up straight as she looked around the room. "Carina's right. Wouldn't that be like incest or something?"

"What" Nicholas demanded. He looked at the brunette with absolute horror.

"Carina can't perform with Diego watching." Desirae stated as she pointed between the siblings. Griffin's jaw dropped before realization set in. He jumped up and down like an excited child.

"I'm not related I SO can watch" he gleefully exclaimed.

"Gross" Andrea scoffed. "That's your best friend's little sister."

"So" Griffin retorted. That didn't mean shit! If he couldn't sleep with Carina the least Diego could do was allow him to watch!

"What do you want to do Carina?" Marco inquired. This was ultimately about her.

"Technically" Griffin interrupted. "Carina and Diego are only related by marriage not by blood."

The group stared at Griffin in disbelief. Nicholas found this all extremely amusing. The man had a point but he would abide by what his performers were comfortable with.

"I don't want to know" Carina warily replied. "Nicholas will we be able to see the spectators?"

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