Irresistible (16 page)

Read Irresistible Online

Authors: Senayda Pierre

Chapter Twenty

Jaxon remained absent for the rest of the week. Friday came with surprise deliveries. A cease and desist order had been filed in favor of Carina. Anything adversely affiliated with Jaxon had to remove her name from it. Even the video was sanctioned to be removed. Carina wasn't sure who had filed the cease and desist order but it provided her with welcome relief.

She also received a beautiful floral arrangement from Valentino. Carina smiled as she looked at the exotic assortment. The calla lily bouquet had various bright colors, not the typical white. Carina caressed the card as she read it.

Hope your week passed as quickly as mine did. I saw this arrangement and thought of you. I hope you enjoy them. This month will go agonizingly slowly if I don't see your beautiful face before then. I'd love to see you just drop by, even for a moment... Or the chance to hear your amazing voice...

anything... everything...

Valentino DeLuca

"Wow" Desirae breathed. "They're beautiful."

"That they are..." Carina stared at the arrangement.

Desirae read the card. "Damn" she stuttered. "Let's go tonight!" Desirae rushed to her closet rifling through club outfits. She placed them against her body trying to determine which look to pull off for the night. Carina wanted to go out but she needed to clear the air with Jaxon. He'd managed to avoid her like the plague. She'd quickly become the laughing stock of the student body.

"I need to go see him" Carina stated confidently. She would not be like him. This would end face-to-face.

"Why" Desirae demanded. Carina had suffered enough. Desirae didn't want Carina to seek out the stupid asshole. He didn't deserve her.

"I want to go see Valentino free from any bullshit drama here Des... I won't be like Jaxon. I refuse to have people gossiping about me."

"I respect that" Desirae conceded. She put the outfit down and opened the door. "We go together" she stated firmly. She wasn't allowing any room for arguments. Carina nodded and together they marched across campus.

Carina's stomach tensed as she approached his building. If anything she was disappointed in him. His first test and Jaxon failed miserably. Carina bit her lip as she walked up the stairs. She didn't recognize any of the faces they passed and she was grateful for that. Carina knocked on Jaxon's door. She prayed that he didn't have female company over. Desirae shifted side to side as they waited. No sound or lights came from behind the door. Desirae marched up to his neighbor and inquired about Jaxon's whereabouts. The neighbors had no problem pinpointing Jaxon's destination.

It didn't take long for Carina and Desirae to locate Jaxon. A nearby sorority party found Desirae and Carina staring at Jaxon and his entourage. Carina held Desirae back as they watched the spectacle. Pete was literally fucking a sorority girl while Jaxon dry humped another one. He fondled her breasts as she threw her head back in ecstasy. Carina watched as the girl attempted to take her clothes off but Jaxon didn't allow her. The same rule didn't apply to his entourage. Some were fucking. Others were receiving blow jobs while others yet had their faces buried in titties.

Everyone at the party was wasted. No one noticed the freshmen at the door. Carina nodded her head finally understanding. Chelsea's words were finally making sense. Orgasms. Hands. Clubbing.

"He thinks this is acceptable. As long as he keeps his dick in his pants" Carina muttered.

Carina looked around in dismay. She did not want to do this in front of Pete and the rest of the asshats but what choice did she have? Carina looked at Desirae and they nodded their heads in unison. Nothing more needed to be said. Silently they walked up to Jaxon and dragged him by the hair outside. His hussy was the only one who noticed. Everyone else was too caught up in their orgy or too drunk to care.

"What the hell" Jaxon slurred as he stumbled in the driveway.

"Hello lover" Carina purred. This was closure at its finest. Desirae rolled her eyes as Jaxon eyed Carina with blatant lust.

"Shit" he muttered. "Baby I missed you. I didn't know you were back."

"Wow... that's the best you got Jax? School resumed a week ago."

"You left me" he pouted.

"Apparently I did... I just wanted to make sure we were both on the same page. Please stop refraining... By all means, stick it in all the way. You're only robbing yourself."

"I know" he huffed. Jaxon reeked of whiskey. Even disheveled Jaxon still looked sexy as hell. "I held back for you!" He slurred.

Even though she'd seen it, Carina couldn't believe what he was saying. Carina closed her gaping mouth and nodded her head. She gestured widely to the sorority house. "Don't let me stop you! Enjoy Jaxon... Have a nice life." Carina held her head high and turned away.

"Wait baby" Jaxon slurred. "I know your pussy is better than hers. I'd rather have you tonight." He looked at Carina hopefully. There was no missing the jutting erection in his jeans.

"There's countless pussy out there Jax. Keep looking. You'll find one even better than me if you keep at this pace." Carina didn't wait to see his response. She walked away quickly.

"He went back in" Desirae quietly informed her.

Carina laughed bitterly. "What did you honestly expect him to do Des? Come after me in his drunken state and plead his case? He probably won't even remember it in the morning."

Carina's phone rang. She dared it to be Jaxon. The face on the screen was one she loved. "Diego" she breathed. They hustled back to their dorm. They still had enough time to enjoy their night.

"What are you and your troublemaker roommate up to muñeca?" Diego teased.

"Heading to the club" Carina replied. Desirae laid out three outfits while Carina looked through her closet.

His club
" Diego emphasized.

"Yes Diego" Carina snapped. She was so not going to tolerate his moodiness tonight.

"Is Jaxon going with you?"

"I haven't seen or spoken to Jaxon in a week. If you're timing had been a little better you would've caught the tail end of our conversation." Carina couldn't hide the bitterness in her voice. She may not have given her heart but damn had she enjoyed being with him.

"What happened muñeca?" Diego quietly asked. Carina hated when he was so damn understanding. Why couldn't he be pissed or something equally outrageous?

"Nothing unexpected." Carina sighed. "Apparently he was more miffed about me leaving for break than he let on. He remedied his unhappiness by dry humping anything with a pussy and fondling every breast that presented itself. He figured that wasn't cheating."

Carina stared at the wall as the line remained silent. She wanted to ask if Diego was there but the call hadn't disconnected. She could feel Desirae's stare but it wouldn't change anything.

"I'm sorry mu

Carina laughed bitterly. "For what Diego? Everyone's fucking apologizing but no one's surprised. They're like,
that's Jaxon
! He hasn't apologized so why should you? Remember I didn't invest my heart into this relationship so we both walk away unscarred."

"You may not have given your heart mu
ñeca but it doesn't mean it still can't hurt. You liked him and he couldn't make the effort to work things out. You have every right to be disappointed, pissed... whatever. They're your feelings. But it's his loss."

"Thank you Diego. I love you." Carina whispered. Tears clogged her throat. Desirae hugged her. Carina swallowed the sob that wanted to escape. Jaxon didn't deserve any tears. Carina deserved better.

"Did you get the cease and desist order?" Diego inquired. It was the reason for his call.

"That was thanks to you?" Carina asked baffled.

"Yes ma'am! No one will hurt you if I can help it."

Carina closed her eyes thankful for one of the greatest men on Earth. Carina hoped he found the woman of his dreams and that she was worthy.

"Love you bro" she said as they disconnected. Carina looked at Desirae's outfit. She was in full club gear. Carina's heart wasn't into it but she needed to get out. She wasn't wasting another moment on Jaxon Wright.

Chapter Twenty-One

Carina chose black skinny jeans with a red halter top. She wore matching red stilettos and tied up her hair to show off her shoulders and back. Carina was dressed to kill. She just wished she felt the same way. Desirae wore a midnight blue off the shoulder dress with silver wedge shoes.

"I won't come back if you don't come back." Desirae offered.

"You forget I have a guaranteed lay" Carina teased. "You have to work hard to ensure you don't come home."

"Lucky bitch" Desirae pouted. They laughed as they grabbed their clutch bags and walked out the door.

Carina looked around. She wasn't sure if she'd hoped to find Jaxon at the door. Once she left campus he couldn't attempt to redeem himself. Carina's throat tightened with the bitter reminder of the sorority house. There was no going back now.

Desirae peeled into Club 69 and left her car with valet. The same bouncer as before was at the door. His Cheshire smile let Carina and Desirae know that he recognized them.

"Where's the rest of your crew?" Brody asked as he lifted the red rope. Hopeful club goers pouted as Carina and Desirae breezed past.

"At home where they belong" Desirae sang out as she headed to the entrance. The bouncer roared with laughter as Carina shook her head. They never knew what was going to come out of that girl's mouth!

Carina and Desirae looked around. The club was packed and the VIP table was taken. Desirae pouted but Carina couldn't care less. "Let's find someone to buy us a drink" Desirae yelled over the music. Carina shrugged. She didn't want to get drunk. She intended to enjoy her night sober.

"Carina" an unfamiliar voice shouted. Carina turned towards the voice. A bartender motioned over to her.

"You fuck him too" Desirae asked surprised. He was yummy. She wanted in on the action!

"No you cunt" Carina scoffed. How had she become the whore of Babylon in all of this?

"Hello ladies! What can I get you?" The bartender asked as they approached the crowded bar. They placed their orders and were quickly served. The bartender shook his head when they attempted to pay for their drinks. "Does boss man know you're here?"

"Not yet... You want to be the bearer of good news?" Carina teased as she smiled at him. The bartender was rather handsome with his dark skin and bright smile.

"Uh-uh sugar! As sweet as that pussy may be I want to keep my job." He tsked at Carina.

Desirae bent over laughing and wagged her finger at her roommate. Desirae leaned over the bar letting him get an eyeful of her plentiful cleavage. "I'm available though" she purred.

The bartender bit his pierced lip. "The Dominatrix right? You had some frat boys come in not too long after gushing about their lost beloved."

Carina and Desirae smiled. They were now
the infamous 8
.... Luckily they'd made enough of an impression on their own to be remembered too.

The bartender spoke into a walkie-talkie. He leaned onto the counter to speak directly to them. "Won't be too long before boss man whisks you away Carina. You sexy...." He looked over to Desirae. "If you still want me at the end of the night I'll be closing and I'm all yours."

"Deal" Desirae purred. She leaned over and grabbed him by the neck. She voraciously kissed him as patrons stared wide-eyed with envy. People whistled garnering more attention. Carina blocked Desirae's backside from flashing other club goers.

"The name's Desirae. Don't forget it." She whispered against his lips.

"Never" he whispered breathlessly. His pupils dilated with lust as Desirae pulled away. Carina giggled knowing the bartender was in for a long night.

Strong arms wrapped around Carina's waist. The bartender snapped to attention as warm lips brushed against her jaw line. "Mr. DeLuca" Carina whispered. The man's powerful presence made her want to address him by his last name rather than his first.

"Miss Lobos... I can say how surprised yet happy I am to see you."

"Didn't your flowers offer anytime, anyplace" Carina teased as she turned in his arms. His gaze darkened as he looked at her lips. Carina wondered how strong his self-control was.

"Can I kiss you here in front of everyone" she whispered against his neck.

Valentino shivered with anticipation. "I'd suggest against it. I can't guarantee your safety." Valentino's grip tightened around her waist. He tried to control his primal reaction to her. Carina shifted just enough to make his cock jerk. They gasped in surprise.

"My office now" he barked. Valentino turned Carina around but kept her body pressed close to him. Desirae laughed as she watched Valentino attempt to hide his erection.

"Boss man got it bad" The bartender clucked. They watched as the couple disappeared into a dark hallway.

Desirae was torn. She wanted something to come out of this for Carina but Valentino was a successful businessman; several years older and way more experienced. Desirae wanted Carina to take a chance; if not with Valentino then with someone else. But no one could be worse for Carina than Jaxon.

Desirae looked around and breathed in the smell of sweat and cigarettes. She waved a temporary goodbye to her newfound lover as she trolled the dance floor. She had too much pent up energy to wait for the bar to close. She needed to do something now. Desirae stepped into the middle of the dance floor and lost herself to the sea of dancing bodies.


Valentino hustled Carina into his office. He punched in a code to let his employees know that he was unavailable. It was rare that he utilized that avenue but right now was one of those moments. Valentino nearly slammed the door shut. He locked the door as he kicked off his shoes. He wasted no time in shrugging off his suit jacket and removing his tie. Carina stopped his frantic hands and asked permission with her eyes. Valentino shuddered with pleasure as he watched her fingers release each button from its tiny prison.

Carina trailed her fingers down the center of his chest as she eyed his button up shirt. Valentino wanted to tear her clothes off and bury himself balls deep but he refrained from it. Sati didn't make him feel like this, only Carina. He hadn't been able to stop thinking about Carina since that fateful night. Valentino even bedded Sati one more time thinking maybe he'd over exaggerated their time together. Sati was as good as he remembered but his body still screamed for Carina. His soul longed for her. Now that she was here he wasn't sure if he could just let her go.

Carina's small hands caressed his skin as she took off his dress shirt. She bit her lip as he shrugged the shirt off his shoulders. He caught the silky shirt before it fell on the floor. Carina watched mesmerized as he placed it with his suit jacket. Valentino didn't wait; he pulled his white t-shirt off and quickly removed his belt. Carina stroked his erection through his slacks as he grabbed her waist. He'd beg forgiveness for the first time. There was no way he was going to last.

"Clothes off" he rasped. "Now"

Carina removed her halter top and stepped out of her heels. Before he could protest she turned around and bent down as she peeled the skinny jeans down her curvy legs. There was no way to keep her heels on and accomplish that. Valentino pressed her against the door. They were nearly skin to skin. Carina slipped back into the heels and removed her strapless bra. She smiled as Valentino sucked in a breath.

"Amazing" he whispered with reverence. Valentino caressed her stomach and thighs as Carina removed his pants. She wrapped a leg around his waist and rubbed their cloth covered midsections together. The only things separating them were his boxer briefs and her thong. "I've missed you" Valentino whispered as he placed soft kisses along her neck.

"I can see" she teased. Valentino cupped her breasts and trailed kisses along her collarbone. He reveled in each tremor of pleasure. Valentino knew he was good at this; the physical aspect. But he hoped for something more with Carina. From the moment she stepped foot at his club he felt that inexplicable pull. He knew she was young but there was something dynamic about her. She was different from all the females that entered his establishment. Their first time together did not demean nor belittle his feelings. She was a spectacular woman.

Carina hooked her thumbs into his waistband and pushed his underwear down. She allowed her fingers to trail and caress his ass, thighs, and calves. As she bent to push them all the way down Carina rubbed her face against his throbbing erection. Valentino hissed at the contact. He sure as hell wouldn't survive long with his dick in her mouth. Valentino kicked off his boxer briefs and yanked Carina to a standing position. He nearly ripped her thong off but the tiny material managed to stay intact.

"I'm sorry baby... but I have to be inside you now" he panted.

Carina nodded before wrapping her legs around his waist. She needed no further instruction. She was just as hot for him as he was for her. Carina's pebbled nipples brushed against his chest. Valentino groaned. He glanced longingly at her heavy achy breasts. "I promise to give every inch of you the attention it deserves tonight in bed."

Carina was glad to hear that but she done talking. She devoured his mouth as she impaled herself. Valentino was well built. She felt safe and secure in his arms. Carina gasped at the slight pain then pleasure. Valentino was thick and her body needed a moment to adjust to his generous girth.

"Shit" Valentino gasped. Carina knew what she wanted and went after it. He loved that about her. There were no guessing games with her. Before Valentino could catch his breath Carina's warm, wet walls squeezed him tight. "Not yet" he groaned.

"Can't help it" Carina panted. "You feel so good." And that was all it took. Valentino lost the small semblance of control and slammed his hips into her. Carina's back rammed against the door. Anyone on the other side would know what their boss was doing between the door banging and the loud groans.

Valentino tilted his pelvis angling for her g-spot. Carina cried out as her body went from hot and wet to soaked convulsing spasms. Her fingernails dug into his shoulders as she screamed what sounded like his name. Valentino thrust hard and deep one last time as he buried his face in her neck and groaned her name. Valentino leaned all his weight against Carina and the door. He could barely keep his legs from collapsing; the orgasm was that fucking good. Valentino held Carina tightly.
he thought. His body, his mind had never reacted to another woman like this. He was in trouble.

Carina's leg slumped to the ground. Valentino slowly withdrew and they both winced at the loss of physical contact. Carina tried to calm her breathing. How had she managed to find two sensational men in bed?

Valentino leaned against Carina while she remained trapped between the door and his hot body. "Hi" he smiled against her neck. Valentino wrapped his arms around her waist. With their bodies pressed together she could feel that he was fully sated.

Carina chuckled. "Hello" she quipped. Carina wrapped her arms around his neck, loving the way her breasts rubbed against his muscular chest. There were too many feelings swirling within her chest for her to fully register anything. Carina felt beautiful and desirable around Valentino. She felt revered and respected; she felt safe in his presence.

"Are we going to stay like this all night?" Carina teased. She wouldn't mind but she knew he had a club to oversee. She refused to be the kind of girl who was needy and insecure. Valentino growled in frustration as he pulled away from Carina's magnificent body.

"What time do you have to meet up with Desirae?" Valentino asked as he slowly got dressed. Carina followed suit but never took her eyes off of him.

"Sunday afternoon" Carina replied mischievously. Valentino froze and turned in her direction.

"You mean I have you all weekend" Valentino couldn't believe he'd have her all to himself.

"If you'll have me" Carina shrugged. He seemed pleased but she wasn't sure what his plans already entailed.

"Fuck yes" he purred. "Hurry up. Let's get out there. Maybe I'll close the club early tonight." Valentino playfully smacked her ass making Carina yelp.

"You will not!" She chided. "You can hold off for another few hours."

Valentino sulked making Carina laugh. She shook her head and fixed her hair as he slipped on his dress shoes. Carina gave him one last kiss before they exited his office. She beamed with approval at his appearance. He looked thoroughly well fucked and it was all because of her. Valentino grabbed Carina's hand and wrapped it around his forearm. There would be no mistaking who she was with tonight.

Valentino escorted Carina away from the office. She leaned into him as they walked. Valentino was torn; he wanted Carina to have a good time but he knew he couldn't stomach watching her dance with some moron. He glanced around the club. The place was packed, as it should be on a Friday night. His VIP table was taken by a group of women celebrating their friend's promotion. He needed to get his manager to make Carina a personal nook just for her. That way she could come and go as she pleased and he wouldn't have to worry about losing money in his VIP section. He was already giving it up for one of the biggest nights of the year to accommodate Carina and her crazy friends.... But he wouldn't have it any other way.

Carina watched a man approached them. He was tall and lean with dark hair and amazing eyes. He wore a dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and dark slacks. He looked professional but not as formal as Valentino.

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