Irresistible (35 page)

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Authors: Senayda Pierre

Diego gawked as he watched a dark red tuxedo blazer being placed in their selection. Just as Diego was about to say
hell no
Griffin surprised him by exclaiming "hell yes". Yvette smirked at the guys as she finished her handpicked selection.

"I want you to try this on" Yvette instructed Diego. It was a Dolce & Gabbana ensemble. The Jaquard-silk tuxedo blazer looked like a dark charcoal color. The jacket boasted welt pockets, black satin trim, with satin shawl lapels and one-button closure. Diego looked closely at the small crisscross pattern throughout the jacket. He liked that the blazer was not the traditionally boring simple black color. He went into the dressing room and put on the layered ensemble. Somehow Yvette had guessed his measurements to perfection. The black dress pants, black silk dress shirt, matching vest and blazer all flowed together perfectly. He looked sharp and sophisticated. Diego stepped out of the dressing room only to encounter Yvette and the eight troublemakers. They swarmed him to get a better look. The only person's opinion Diego cared for was his sister's. He didn't even care if Yvette wanted him to wear something else.

"That's the one" Carina boasted. Diego looked sensational in the D&G tuxedo.

"You will do me proud" Yvette smiled fondly. She waived Diego away as she handed Griffin his selection. Diego's jaw dropped as he watched his friend waltz into the dressing room with the outrageously colored jacket.

"You really going to sport that tonight" Diego scoffed. There was no way in hell he'd walk next to Griffin if that was his choice of attire.

"Fuck yes" Griffin retorted. "Don't hate 'cause you can't pull something like this off."

Yvette rolled her eyes as she pushed the guys into their dressing rooms. Diego hurried to change his clothes. He wanted to see Griffin when he stepped out. The fool was going to look like a giant apple.... Or maybe a clown...

Griffin stepped out to a chorus of ooh's and aah's. Yvette inspected his attire as Griffin watched the group's reaction. Red was a very loud color and he wanted to make a statement tonight. By everyone's reactions Griffin felt that he'd chosen well. His ensemble was also another D&G. The red tuxedo jacket was the same cut with similar features as Diego's but his blazer donned a smooth Duchesse silk material. The girls couldn't help stroking the silky fabric. His dress pants and shirt were a similar black silky material.

"Good taste" Carina purred as she grabbed Griffin by the lapels of his jacket and tugged him towards her. She kissed his cheek then pushed him away. Griffin nearly melted on the spot. Diego looked at his sister in disbelief as his friend tried to compose himself.

"And ladies, that's how you do it." Carina boasted. She pointed to a panting Griffin. Desirae and Andrea laughed as Ariel and Beatriz shook their head in pity.

Everyone grabbed their purchases and hugged Yvette goodbye as they left the store. They dropped off their packages in their rooms, ate lunch, and proceeded to get their hair and nails done courtesy of Valentino DeLuca. Griffin and Diego went off on their own not caring too much for a sports pedicure or a manly manicure.

Chapter Fifty

A Hummer Limo picked up the group in front of the dorms. Students gawked as the girls waltzed out of the lobby and into the limo. Griffin and Diego sat between the girls and looked around in appreciation. Somehow Diego's little sister had gotten them into a very exclusive New Year's Eve party... Had Diego and Griffin been back on their campus they would've been asking around to see who'd be throwing the best party for the night. Damn they'd lucked out.

The limo stopped at the front of the club. Photographers stood by the velvet roped entrance capturing everyone who was permitted access to this event. The girls gasped as they looked towards the entrance.

"Hot damn he cleans up nicely" Ariel exclaimed as they exited the vehicle. Beatriz beamed with pride.

"Yes he does" she concurred. "But you should see him naked." Beatriz fanned herself as she swayed her hips. Their favorite bouncer, Brody, made no secret of who he was happy to see. Carina had to agree with the ladies. Valentino had his staff working but they were dressed to the nines. Brody was dressed in an all black suit with shiny dress shoes. He somehow managed to look sharp while still being intimidating. Each of the girls kissed his cheek as they passed him. Beatriz gave him an open mouth kiss that had the photographers snapping shot after shot.

"Hey is that Mr. DeLuca's girl?" one of the photographers asked. The girls looked at Carina as they realized paparazzi were in the mix. No one answered him but Valentino did it for them. Carina watched as he gracefully exited the club and approached the group. The photographers silently watched.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen" Valentino greeted. "You all look amazing."

Diego and Griffin approached Valentino and shook his hand. They thanked him for everything. Valentino smiled warmly at them. He kissed each of the girls on the cheek. Valentino whispered greetings to Desirae and Andrea and hugged Sati. He saved Carina for last. The group paused before entering to watch his reaction to Carina's dress.

"Absolutely stunning" Valentino whispered. His eyes devoured her evening gown. Valentino didn't know if he wanted her naked or to remain in that dress; she looked positively exquisite. He couldn't wait to see Marco's reaction. Valentino wrapped his arms around her and kissed Carina on the mouth. Cameras captured each moment. Carina grabbed Valentino's jacket and eyed him up and down.

"It looks like Yvette dressed you as well" she teased. Valentino wore a charcoal colored tuxedo with black trim. His suit matched the color of her dress to a tee. Diego's tuxedo had the patterned material which made his color slightly lighter than Carina's dress. Valentino winked at her.

"Marco too" he whispered. He wrapped his arm around her waist. Valentino led the group inside as the cameras continued to click behind them. Valentino beamed as he watched everyone's expression change as they entered the club. It was the one time of year that he did a complete 180 on the place. He really could make the club into a high-end establishment but he liked it just the way it was.

Servers wore fun yet fancy dresses while the DJ wore a pinstripe suit. Male and female bartenders wore off-the-wall brightly colored tuxedos. Guys wore pastel colors and checkered prints while the girls wore pinks and two-toned blazers.

"Spectacular" Carina breathed as she looked around. Not a single detail was missed. Each table had distinctive center pieces and there was not a single beer bottle in sight. The VIP section was at capacity. Carina nodded her head; she'd made the right decision to force his hand. Valentino followed Carina's line of sight.

He sighed loudly. "Should I admit aloud that you and Marco were right?"

Carina laughed and kissed his cheek. "That's good enough," she winked as they headed to their designated area. The group settled in as a female server dressed in a lavender colored cocktail dress approached them. Carina watched as Desirae breathed a sigh of relief. The dress was short like hers but the chiffon material gave the strapless dress an entirely different look. The server took their orders.

Valentino chuckled at Desirae's antics. "No worry ladies" he placated the group as they looked around. "Yvette ensured to give me a heads up on what your styles were like so that none of my employees would be dressed similarly. I had to break a few hearts when I told them no feather skirts."

The girls clapped as the guys rolled their eyes. Carina stood the moment she spotted Marco. His ensemble was the same color as her dress and Valentino's jacket but his blazer was all the same color and had crystal buttons similar to her dress. The tuxedo hugged his muscular form making Carina bite the inside of her cheek. She wasn't sure how she was going to last through the night. Would anyone notice if they disappeared for an hour?

"Look at you troublemakers" Marco brightly greeted the table. "Looking all dolled up. Hot damn sugar!" Marco pulled Carina to him and thoroughly kissed her. She looked phenomenal in the dress and he was so damn ecstatic that Yvette had them coordinating. He and Valentino matched her but still managed to look different. Each of the girls stood to greet him. Marco winked at a giggling Desirae and Andrea.

Diego narrowed his eyes wondering why the hell these two men took care to acknowledge Andrea and Desirae differently than the others. Did they need Andrea and Desirae's approval to ensure they kept Carina? He knew he was missing something. Their friend Sati noticed it too. Diego figured Sati was jealous that she was no longer part of their intimate circle.

Valentino and Marco remained in constant motion throughout the night ensuring that everything ran smoothly. They frequented the VIP area, immediately addressed concerns, and periodically checked in with the staff. The DJ played a variety of music for the patrons to enjoy and dance to but nothing too outrageous or inappropriate like on many other nights. The dinner service was of a 5-star caliber featuring an array of different entrées, appetizers, and desserts. Carina watched as the girls prowled the club to see who they'd end up with for the night.

Carina didn't see
until after the meal was over. He'd come with the rowing team. They were all formally dressed and only a few came with dates. Of course he'd come to an event like this single and available. Carina made a conscious effort to not look in his direction. It was only a matter of time when the girls would take notice. The night was going spectacularly well and she didn't want
to ruin it. Carina helplessly watched as Diego danced with Sati and Griffin danced with some sorority girls. Marco and Valentino were nowhere in sight.

"Couldn't expect anything less than perfection from you belleza" his hoarse voice whispered against her neck. He'd been drinking but didn't appear wasted. Carina licked her lips and prepared herself to face him. Even from a distance she could tell that he looked like sex on legs in his
formfitting tuxedo. Jaxon wore an all white blazer and dress pants with a black dress shirt. His jacket was left open and unbuttoned and the dress shirt was tucked out. The man perfected the 'just fucked' look between his strategically half-hazard ensemble and hair. This was Jaxon at his most lethal. Where were Valentino and Marco when she needed them?

Jaxon caressed Carina's arm and inhaled deeply. Fuck she looked like a goddess. Jaxon wanted Carina to turn around and face him but he couldn't tear his eyes away from her heaving chest. The fucking strapless dress pushed her already voluptuous breasts up and out. He knew what they tasted like, what they felt like in the palm of his hands.

Jaxon's hands wandered without permission. He couldn't seem to control his mind or body whenever Carina was around. He'd never made a jackass out of himself until he'd met her. Jaxon nuzzled Carina's neck and smiled as she shivered. No matter how much she fought against it she wasn't immune.

"I knew you cleaned up nicely" Carina whispered. She didn't trust her voice to get any louder. If Jaxon saw her chest fighting for air he'd know he had her. There was no way she was fucking up what she had with Valentino and Marco for a one-night stand with him. No matter how fucking fantastic it would be. No, she had the get the hell away like
right now

"There you are mu
ñeca" Diego loudly proclaimed as he approached them. He wasn't looking at Carina but at the asshole damn near eye fucking his sister. Diego watched as the stupid motherfucker slowly stepped away but not before caressing her. "I suggest you stay the fuck away from her for the rest of the night or risk losing a part of your body that you might actually value." Diego snarled.

Jaxon blinked several times before stepping back. Who the hell was this jackass? "Carina and I have a long
history... Don't we belleza?" Jaxon attempted to place his hand on the small of her back but Diego grabbed him by the neck.

"Maybe it's time I introduce myself" he growled. "I'm Diego." Jaxon's eyes widened with recognition as Diego's predatory smile confirmed it.

"Mr. Wright" Brody stepped between Jaxon and Diego. "You have already been advised that you are only welcome if you stay away from Miss Carina. Otherwise you will be forcefully escorted from the premises... permanently."

Jaxon stood tall. He nodded his head though his gaze never left Carina. "It'll be better this time belleza." Jaxon pleaded as the wall of muscle pushed him away. "Don't give up on me. You have to see I've done better recently."

Diego snorted in disgust as he led Carina to the bar. The audacity of that stupid motherfucker to believe he still had a chance. "I didn't see you fighting to get away from him" Diego scolded his sister.

"I've learned a long time ago that with Jaxon indifference is more effective than giving him a reaction. Anger equates passion in Jaxon's eyes." Carina replied as she looked at Diego. She'd never seen him attack someone like that. "Thank you for defending my honor."

Diego rolled his eyes. He hugged Carina relieved that he was here with her. "Just stay the fuck away from him" he begged.

"I'm trying" Carina replied wryly. Valentino marched over to them. Carina could tell that he'd been informed. "Everything's fine baby. Diego saved the day." Carina affectionately cupped her brother's cheek as Valentino wrapped himself around her.

"Will you stay with me the rest of the evening? I know the rest of the group is mingling and you've stayed in the corner. That's not necessary; you can go between me and Marco and see all the action." Valentino offered.

He was right; Carina had stayed at their section while everyone else mingled and danced. She didn't feel right doing the same thing. Carina nodded and followed Valentino as Diego went back onto the dance floor. Carina smiled knowing how fortunate she was. She had an amazing family, great friends, and two phenomenal men.

Carina helped Valentino and Marco for the rest of the evening. The time passed quickly as she helped address concerns, took pictures with her men, and conversed with patrons. As the midnight hour approached Valentino and Marco ensured that each table had their beverage of choice before heading with Carina to their corner. They chatted with the group and counted down as the New Year approached.

Carina looked around at the group. She thanked her lucky stars for her blessings. As everyone toasted the New Year Carina ensured to kiss her brother first. She then kissed Valentino and Marco as they deserved. Then she hugged the girls and kissed Andrea and Desirae on the cheek. To spice things up a bit Carina went to Sati and gave her an open mouth kiss.

"That's my gift to you" Carina whispered to the flushed exotic beauty. "Cherish it." Sati knew Carina's words finalized their one and only night. She smiled and hugged her. Maybe she too needed to find a similar relationship. Carina looked to be emotionally and physically fulfilled.

The table cheered as Griffin and Diego gawked at Carina. Valentino and Marco knowingly chuckled. "What" Carina innocently asked. Diego shook his head in dismay. His sister never ceased to amaze him.

The party slowly wound down. The last patrons left close to three in the morning. Carina watched as each of the girls went home with someone. Griffin and Diego even found themselves company for the night. Carina helped Valentino and Marco shut everything down. They didn't let her out of their sight until Jaxon had vacated the premises. Carina chuckled to herself loving how possessive they were of her. A limo took the trio to Valentino's place. They undressed, showered, and crawled into bed. Carina was exhausted but she couldn't pass up two hard male bodies next to her.

"Sleep for now baby" Valentino groggily whispered. "You can have at us when we get to Nicholas' place in a few hours."

Carina nodded trying not to pout. She'd forgotten about their plans. She hoped Desirae and Andrea wouldn't forget. Carina curled against Valentino and Marco's hard, warm bodies. Nothing felt better than being pressed between two fine male specimens. She fell asleep spooned between her two favorite men.

Carina's eyes snapped open. Something had woken her. She looked around to a brightly lit bedroom. Valentino and Marco sat up in bed. Marco winced rubbing his shoulder as Valentino scowled at him.

"We'll be at Nicholas' in no time." Valentino scolded the obviously aroused man.

"I'm going to have blue balls by then" Marco whined. "That's going to be so embarrassing if I blow a load as soon as she touches me. You gotta let me have some kind of relief."

"No" Valentino snapped. "And I better not find you jacking off in the shower!"

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