Isaac Asimov: The Foundations of Science Fiction (Revised Edition) (83 page)

Berne, Eric, 177
Best of Isaac Asimov, The
, 59
Best of Science Fiction, The
(Conklin), 122
Bester, Alfred, 94
Bible, 165, 191
"Bicentennial Man, The", 45n, 61-65, 73, 87, 88, 90, 190, 204, 253
Bicentennial Man and Other Stories, The
, 59, 162
"Big and the Little, The."
"Traders, The"
Big Time, The
(Leiber), 156
Binder, Eando (Earl and Otto Binder), 43, 45, 46
Biochemistry and Human Metabolism
, 92
Bixby, Jerome, 146 
Black Cat, The
, 95
"Black Friar of the Flame", 71, 74
"Blind Alley", 75, 76
Blish, James, 9, 31
Blugerman, Gertrude.
Asimov, Gertrude
Boston University library, 146
Boston University School of Medicine, 7, 10, 77, 88, 91, 93, 136, 158, 165
Boucher, Anthony, 77, 95, 192
Boyd, William C., 136
Boys High School of Brooklyn, 5
Brackett, Leigh, 122
Bradbury, Walter, 92, 124, 129-30, 134, 136, 143, 147, 203, 205, 259
"Brass Tacks", 8

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