Joan of Arc: A Life Transfigured (61 page)

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Authors: Kathryn Harrison

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Historical, #History, #Europe, #France, #Western

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Illustration Credits

Fig. 3
. Courtesy Thomas Dubiaha

Fig. 4
. Courtesy Thomas Dubiaha

Fig. 5
. © Cardinal Film Corporation

Fig. 6
. Courtesy the Metropolitan Museum of Art

Fig. 8
. Musée des Beaux-Arts, Orléans, France / Giraudon / The Bridgeman Art Library

Fig. 9
Jeanne la Pucelle I: Les Batailles
© Bac Films

Fig. 10
. Louvre, Paris, France / Giraudon / The Bridgeman Art Library

Fig. 11
. © RKO Radio Pictures

Fig. 12
. Courtesy the Metropolitan Museum of Art

Fig. 14
. Henri-Alexandre Wallon,
Jeanne d’Arc
(2 vols., 1860; 2nd ed., 1875)

Fig. 16
. Bibliothèque nationale de France

Fig. 17
. Wolverhampton Art Gallery, West Midlands, UK / The Bridgeman Art Library

Fig. 18
. Society of Antiquaries of London, UK / The Bridgeman Art Library

Fig. 19
. Musée des Beaux-Arts, Dijon, France / Giraudon / The Bridgeman Art Gallery

Fig. 20
. Musée des Beaux-Arts, Orléans, France / Giraudon / The Bridgeman Art Library

Fig. 21
. Louvre, Paris, France / Giraudon / The Bridgeman Art Library

Fig. 22
Joan of Arc at the Coronation of Charles VII at Reims, 1429
, painted by Jules Eugène Lenepveu, © Stephane Compoint

Fig. 24
. United Artists / Photofest, © United Artists

Fig. 26
. Bibliothèque nationale de France

Fig. 27
. © RKO Radio Pictures

Fig. 28
. © Columbia Pictures

Fig. 29
. Courtesy Thomas Dubiaha

Fig. 31
. Photofest

Fig. 33
Procès de Jeanne d’Arc
, Pathé Contemporary Films / Photofest, © Pathé Contemporary Films

Fig. 34
. © Cardinal Film Corporation

Fig. 36
. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division, Washington, D.C.

Fig. 37
Joan of Arc
(December, 1950) by Classics Illustrated, © Gilberton Company, Inc.


Kathryn Harrison has written the novels
Thicker Than Water, Exposure, Poison, The Binding Chair, The Seal Wife, Envy,
Her autobiographical work includes
The Kiss, Seeking Rapture, The Road to Santiago
, and
The Mother Knot.
She has also written a biography,
Saint Thérèse of Lisieux
, and a book of true crime,
While They Slept: An Inquiry into the Murder of a Family.
She lives in Brooklyn with her husband, the novelist Colin Harrison, and their three children.

FIG. 1. Drawing, 1429, Clément de Fauquembergue. A clerk’s doodle in the margin of Paris’s parliamentary record is the single extant contemporaneous image of Joan of Arc. Likenesses made in her lifetime were destroyed upon her being condemned as a witch, rendering them dangerous devil’s currency.

FIG. 2. Miniature, fifteenth century, artist unknown. Having protected Joan’s modesty by leaving her legs out of the image’s frame, the artist feminizes her armor into an impregnable steel bodice and peplum that emphasize a woman’s build.

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