Read Just a Taste of Me [Wolf Creek Pack 2] Online

Authors: Stormy Glenn

Tags: #Wolf Creek

Just a Taste of Me [Wolf Creek Pack 2] (2 page)

Reece shook his head. “I don’t want your money, Keeley.”

“Then what do you want? My car? Here, take it,” Keeley said as he dug back into his pocket for his car keys, holding them out to Reece. He looked desperate. “I don’t have anything else.”

Reece shook his head. “No, Keeley, I don’t want your money or your car,” he said sternly. He knew he wasn’t making much sense from the confused look on Keeley’s face. He just knew that he could never give Keeley up. As of a few minutes ago, Keeley was his mate.

“Then what do you want from me?”

“I wish I knew, Keeley, I wish I knew.”






Chapter 2


Keeley stared out the window of Reece’s truck wondering how in the hell he got himself into this situation. A stop to go to the bathroom? A wrong turn? What? It wasn’t like he asked to be picked on—did he?

He knew he was a little flamboyant, but he had thought that he had hidden it pretty well beneath the baggy jeans and oversized sweatshirt. He didn’t even have any nail polish on. So, why was he sitting in some strange man’s truck not knowing where they were going? Keeley had no idea where they were headed or why he was agreeing to it.

He turned his head to look over at the man driving the truck. There was just something about Reece that called to him on a very basic level. Keeley knew he had to be out of his mind. Reece had admitted he wasn’t even into men.

So, why was Keeley agreeing to all of this? He should be running for the hills—screaming. He didn’t even want to think about the bite thing. That had just been too weird. Somewhat of a turn on, but weird nonetheless.

“Where are we going?” Keeley finally asked when the curiosity got to be too much for him.

“My house,” Reece replied without even taking his eyes off the road.

Great! He was going home with a straight man that kissed better than anyone he had ever met. Could his life get any more complicated? As the strong, manly scent of the man next to him reached Keeley, making his cock sit up and beg for attention, he sighed deeply.
Guess so!

“Is something wrong, Keeley?” Reece asked as he turned to look over at him.

Keeley smirked. “Well, let’s see. I’ve been attacked, not once but twice, bitten by some weirdo, forced to drink his blood, kissed by a straight man, and now I’m being kidnapped and taken to god knows where against my will by said straight guy. What could possibly be wrong?”

“You sure have a mouth on you,” Reece said. “I sure hope you know what else to do with it besides flap your lips.”

“Why would you care? You don’t do guys, remember?”

“I think that’s about to change,” Reece replied ruefully.

“Why?” Keeley asked. “‘Cause I’m so damn cute?”

Reece shook his head. “You are that, Keeley, but no, that’s not it.”

“Then what is? You suddenly decide to switch sides and see what a gay man feels like? Did curiosity get the better of you? Or are you just hoping to get some kicks trying something new and kinky?” Keeley drawled sarcastically.

“Keeley—” Reece started to say, hoping to calm him down. He could feel the agitation and resentment coming off of Keeley in waves.

“Why me? Couldn’t you find some other poor sucker to kidnap? Because I have to tell you, as sexy as you may be, I’m not into straight guys,” Keeley stated, crossing his arms over his chest as he glared across the truck cab at Reece.

“Damn it, Keeley, this isn’t about sex!”

“Oh, really? Then why the kiss?”

Reece rolled his eyes. “Okay, it is about sex, but not
sex. There’s more to it than that.”

“Well? I’m waiting,” Keeley said after Reece was silent for several moments.

Keeley yelped a moment later when Reece suddenly swerved the truck and pulled off to a side road, slamming on the brakes, and put the truck in park. Keeley’s eyes widened in fright, and he pressed back against the door when Reece unbuckled his seatbelt and scooted across the bench seat, reaching for him.
Oh shit!

“Reece!” Keeley cried out when Reece ripped his seatbelt in two and yanked him across the seat. He pushed his hands against Reece’s chest, trying to lean away from him, but Reece was having none of it. He wrapped one arm around Keeley’s waist, the other around his neck, his hand clenching in Keeley’s hair.

When he pulled his head back, Keeley could see the long canine teeth in Reece’s mouth as he pulled his lips back and growled down at him. “Enough! Not another sound out of you. Understood?”

Keeley quickly nodded his head, wondering what he had just unleashed. He should have kept his big mouth shut. It was always getting him into trouble. He just couldn’t seem to keep it shut.

He stared up at Reece, wondering if he was about to die, when Reece leaned down and started sniffing at his neck, his long tongue coming out to lick at the skin he had bitten in the bathroom back at the bar.

Keeley couldn’t stop the shudder that went through his body, nor the further hardening of his cock in response to the man holding him. He let his head drop back to the seat as Reece continued to lick and nibble at his throat, moving slowly down to his chest.

Lifting his head when he heard a small tearing sound, Keeley realized that Reece had just used a very sharp, very long claw to split his sweatshirt right down the middle. He was about to protest when Reece’s lips latched onto his nipple.

Keeley stifled his groan, remembering that Reece didn’t want to hear a single sound out of him. Part of him was terrified of the violence he could feel in Reece. The other part glorified in the strength apparent in Reece’s massive body.

He knew, logically, that he should be scared out of his mind right now. He knew without a doubt that Reece could kill him without breaking a sweat. Maybe that was why he was so turned on by the strength of Reece’s body, but also the gentleness of his touch.

Illogically, Keeley never wanted it to end. Everywhere that Reece touched him, burning desire followed. Keeley felt like he was going up in flames. And Reece’s hands were touching him everywhere.

By the time Reece reached the buttons of his baggy jeans, Keeley was breathing rapidly. He was ready to rip his jeans off himself. Luckily, Reece took care of that for him. Keeley heard another tear, then felt cold air pass over his body.

As the warmth of Reece’s body lifted off of him, Keeley realized that he was totally naked. He was a little self-conscious until he heard the deep growl above him and looked up. Reece was staring down at him like a man possessed. There was even a faint glow to his eyes.

Keeley felt as if time had stopped as Reece stared down at him, not moving. He slowly reached up and cupped his hand to the side of Reece’s face. He let his fingers move over him, his strong cheekbones, aquiline nose, his soft, luscious lips.

Just as suddenly as time stopped, it kicked back in again as Reece growled, reaching for him. He was all over Keeley, kissing him, biting him, touching him. Keeley became mindless with pleasure. He wasn’t sure there was an inch of his body Reece hadn’t touched in some way.

Just when he thought it couldn’t get any better, he felt Reece’s long fingers encircle his hard cock. As he firmly squeezed him and began quickly stroking him, Keeley was sure he was going to lose his mind. He didn’t even care when Reece pushed his legs up to his chest.

A moment later he cried out as he felt Reece’s cock press against his tight entrance. He tried to protest, to tell Reece he wasn’t ready for him yet, but the orgasm shooting through his body robbed him of speech.

Keeley bit his lip to keep from crying out, trying not to make a sound as Reece had demanded, but the pleasure pouring through him was too much. He opened his mouth and screamed out his release as every nerve in his body fired off at once.

By the time Keeley came down to earth, Reece’s cock was deep inside his ass, his teeth deep into the soft skin at his throat. One of Reece’s hands was clenched tightly on Keeley’s shoulders as he used them for leverage to thrust rapidly into Keeley. The other was wrapped around Keeley’s hip, holding his body against Reece’s.

Keeley couldn’t do anything but lie there under the massive body above him and accept the great fucking he was getting. Even having come moments before he still wanted more. He wanted the feeling of Reece filling him up never to end.

He lifted his legs and wrapped them around Reece’s waist, crying out when Reece’s rather large cock grazed his sweet spot when he pulled back. Reece hit it again when he pushed in. Keeley couldn’t keep from crying out again and again as Reece continued to thrust against him. It was glorious, consuming. He never wanted to stop.

His body had other ideas, though. It wanted another climax, and it got what it wanted as Keeley yelled out Reece’s name, filling the space between them again even as his muscles tightened down on Reece’s cock.

Swimming in a fog of pleasure, Keeley vaguely heard Reece roar above him just as he felt hot seed fill him. Still riding the haze of his orgasm, he was unprepared for the small extension that came out of the top of Reece’s cock and latched onto his prostate.

Every tiny movement that Reece made above him, even breathing, moved his body and the small knot attached inside of Keeley, prolonging his orgasm until his world narrowed to the body above him and the cock in his ass...then nothing.


* * * *


Reece lifted his head off of Keeley’s shoulder as he felt the knot at the end of his cock recede. He reluctantly pulled himself free of Keeley’s body as he stared down at his new mate. He grinned at the serene smile on his lips, the softly closed eyes.

Letting his eyes travel further down the small body beneath him, Reece was surprised by the beauty of Keeley’s body. He was even more stunned by his response to what his eyes were greedily drinking in.

Keeley’s chest wasn’t strongly muscular like Reece’s, but more petite. He had muscles but they weren’t roughly defined. Even his abdomen was dainty, a soft swell between his prominent hipbones. But his legs—for such a short man, Keeley’s legs seem to go on forever. Reece was getting hard again just looking at him.

It wasn’t supposed to be like this. He was the alpha of his pack. He was supposed to mate a female and produce cubs for the next generation. He had always known that. Having Keeley as his mate was not in the cards.

So, why then, was he so obsessed with the little man? Why did just looking at his delicate little body turn him inside out and make him as hard as a rock? Reece could think of nothing that he wanted more at that moment than to sink his cock right back into Keeley’s tight grasp.

However, considering that his mate was unconscious at the moment, it probably wouldn’t be the polite thing to do. Reece shook his head ruefully as he reached into the glove box and pulled out a small package of wipes.

Reece quickly cleaned himself up, then pulled his jeans up and buttoned them. Leaning down to clean Keeley up, he quickly realized that he had destroyed his clothing in his exuberance to get to him.

His mate was naked with nothing to wear, not that Reece was complaining. He’d keep him naked all of the time if he had his way. However, there might be people at his house, and just the thought of anyone but him seeing Keeley’s sexy charms made him see red.

With an amused shake of his head, Reece grabbed his cotton shirt off of the floor of the truck and pulled it over Keeley’s head. He couldn’t help smiling. The damn shirt went all of the way down to Keeley’s knees. Oh well, what could he do?

Reece scooted back over to his seat and pulled Keeley around so that his head rested on his thigh then buckled him into the middle seatbelt. As Keeley settled against him and began softly snoring, Reece couldn’t help reaching down to stroke his hand through his thick, honey-blond curls.

Keeley really was adorable. Now Reece just had to figure out exactly what he was going to do with him. He had a few ideas, but most of them involved them both being naked and a flat surface. For a man who had never even thought about being with a man, he was surprised by how much the idea was growing on him.

Reece started the truck and headed for home. As he drove, he tried to figure out how he was going to explain Keeley to the others. He knew that there were other gay men in other packs that had mated men. There just weren’t any in his pack. He wasn’t sure how it would be received.

He didn’t think anyone in his pack would be particularly rude to Keeley, but he wasn’t sure how they would accept him either. His mate being human wouldn’t help the situation any. There were more than a few members of his pack who tended to look down on humans as inferior beings.

Reece was honest enough with himself to admit he might be one of them. He didn’t hate humans or anything. He just didn’t like them much. In his experience, humans were self-serving and greedy, only caring about themselves.

They also distrusted anything that they couldn’t explain or put under a microscope, like werewolves. Reece knew he was going to have to explain the situation to Keeley but he wanted to put it off as long as he possibly could. He wouldn’t relish Keeley’s response when he found out that he had been mated to the alpha of a werewolf pack. It wasn’t going to be pretty.

Reece pulled into his driveway and turned the truck off. Looking out the front window of the truck, he could see the lights on in the house, telling him that not everyone had gone to bed. Great, just fucking great!

Resigned to what he was about to face, Reece got out of the truck and went around to the passenger door. Opening the door, he grabbed his jacket from behind the seat and wrapped it around Keeley before picking him up in his arms.

“Reece,” Keeley whispered drowsily as he opened his sleepy eyes and tried to look around, “where are we?”

“Ssshhh, we’re home, baby. Go back to sleep.”


Reece looked down at Keeley in surprise when he closed his eyes and went right back to sleep, his face snuggled into Reece’s neck. His hand curled under his chin, pressing against Reece’s chest.

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