Just Friends (25 page)

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Authors: Billy Taylor

“It’s good to see a familiar face. I’ve been worrying my ass off, I mean look at me, look at my dress!”

He flicked his eyes in the rear-view mirror. “The dress looks wonderful, and so do you! What are you worrying about? Is it because you don’t have a date tonight?”

“Affirmative, I wanted someone to be here to support me, you know.”

Wayne nodded, “I understand.”

I poured myself more champagne, taking a sip this time.

I will not throw up
.” I told myself.

We came to a halt at some traffic lights.

“We’re coming around the final corner now, Miss Bishop, so you better prepare yourself. Stanley told me to tell you there is a final gift for you in the compartment behind me here.” Wayne said, rolling the privacy glass back up.

“Ok.” I softly said as I inhaled, and exhaled. I leant forward, clicking a small button. A flap dropped. Inside was a small navy blue velvet box with a small note on top. I opened the box. It contained a sterling silver chain necklace, with a small key attached to it.

Over the past few months I’ve received so many extraordinary gifts. Some big, some small and I’m running out of profound adjectives to describe them all. I snatched at the card and read the message:

This will look nice with the dress x

I grinned and held the box close to my chest. I delicately took the key chain necklace from its box. It was so beautiful. It glistened below the dim lights above me. Suddenly a huge burst of flashing lights and screams erupted as we turned the corner. The limo stopped in a queue behind the others as the guests exited their limos and made their way along the red carpet. I was the last to arrive, to increase the anticipation. I quickly struggled to clip the necklace around my neck. The tiny handle on the back was too small for my trembling fingers, but I got there in the end. I’m surprised to meet myself, if that makes any sense. This is the biggest moment of my life. Only two cars waited now, Max and Eleanor’s, and mine. Their limo door opened, and the cameras flashed. Max must’ve been terrified. Eleanor almost had to drag him forward.

“Here we go, good luck!” Wayne shouted.

My heart was beating out of my chest. The throbbing in my ears had returned. Even with my throbbing ears the roar from the crowd was deafening. This was it. The moment we’d all been waiting for. I checked my reflection in the privacy glass, practicing my smile. The last thing I want is criticism over my smile.

This is it
. I shuffled over to the door as it opened, carefully hoisting my feet out. Maneuverability in this dress is limited. The cold bitter air struck my face, chilling my cheeks. A hand extended towards me, offering assistance. I reached out and grabbed a hold tightly. I gazed up to thank them.

And there he was, with the biggest smirk on his face, knowing I was oblivious to his presence. I stood up with beaming smile on my face. My nerves and unassurances vanished. I had my bestfriend here with me now. All was well.

“You really thought I’d miss your first premiere?” Ethan said in my ear.

I’d completely forgotten about everyone else. The blinding camera flashes reminded me to remain focused. There were hundreds of cameramen squeezing forward holding their cameras in the air to capture a glimpse of my arrival.

“I thought you couldn’t make it?” I shouted into Ethan’s ear.

We were stood no further than a foot away from each other, but the noise made it hard to hear.

“I planned this from the beginning! I wanted to surprise you! You look as beautiful as ever, my dear, a little too beautiful. It’s giving me flashbacks to your Mum’s dress when we met Stanley.” He flicked his eyes down to my cleavage to which I raised an eyebrow up at him. For the first time in, well ever, he had a bow tie on instead of a tie. He looked rather handsome and dashing.

“I hate you. I’m bloody freezing!” I shouted to him.

“You love me and this is the best surprise ever, so shush you. You can have my jacket after we’ve done all these photos.”

I rolled my eyes at him, linked my arm with his and we took our first steps together down the red carpet. We stopped on the marker positioned infront of the cameramen. All the flashing cameras sent my eyes funny. I turned to Ethan to block some of the beams and regain my sight. I noticed he was already looking at me before rotating his head swiftly away. It made me think of Mum’s explanation with the photos.
Could he have been doing the same just then

After we passed the cameramen we entered the next group, fans. Far more overwhelming although there weren’t as many flashes now. Eleanor and I wandered off down the crowds signing books, magazines, and photos. One girl asked us to sign her forehead. We laughed, but we signed it. Ethan and Max stood aside and watched in a clueless fashion. Ethan may be use to fame since his shows release, Max however, is new to this. He couldn’t have chosen a bigger event to make his first major public appearance with Eleanor. I looked over my shoulder to check on them and saw them both posing for a few photos with a group of screaming girls. I smiled at them before posing for a photo myself with a little girl who was wearing the cutest dress.

“You look very pretty,” I said with a comforting smile. She was being held in her Mother’s arms. I think the loud atmosphere scared her.

“Say thank you.” Her Mother said.

“Thanks, my Mummy bought it me.” She murmered before clinging to her Mother, hiding her face. She was so adorable. She eventually came out of her shell and gave me a hug before I had to attend to the other screaming fans.

It made me think of Madeline, and how I wish I could have brought her here. She would be skipping up and down the carpet with great excitement. And striking many poses infront of the cameras.

All the continuous signatures made my wrist ache. I was exhausted after spending twenty or thirty minutes with everyone. Many members of the crowd were so sweet and lovely, they all commented on how beautiful I looked and said how they loved me. It was so humbling to hear. I couldn’t have dreamed for a better reception. I wish I could have spent more time with everyone.

We were then escorted to the next department, interviewing. Sweat had gathered at the top of my forehead. I wanted to wipe it away, but knowing me I’d wipe my entire make up off and leave a blotch of it on Ethan’s jacket. The interviews didn’t last too long, they were short and sweet.

- What’s your favourite meal for breakfast?

- What book was your favourite growing up?

- Who is your idol/role model?

- Dogs or cats?

- Who’s your favourite

- Are you in a relationship or do you have a special someone in your life?

My eyes darted over to Ethan after the last question, I snapped them straight back before a connection was made.

“Uh, no.” I replied and laughed it off.

Everyone then made their way into a cinema screen. Eleanor and Max, Ethan and I, were all seated together alongside Stanley and Jasmine.

Stanley sat beside me. “Excuse me, August Bishop is supposed to be sitting there. Do you know where she is, because you’re clearly not her?”

I smiled and shook my head. “I can’t thank you enough, Stanley. I feel so beautiful in this dress.”

Stanley slumped into his seat then leant on the armrest. “It’s the other way around. The dress feels so beautiful on you.”

I blushed. “Thank you for the necklace, too.”

“What? Oh the necklace! You’re welcome. I figured you’d probably lose a ring.” He joked.

The screen then started to flicker.

Everyone’s conversations died into silence.

Ethan patted my hand to reassure me. “You can relax now.”

I rearranged my posture slightly to not appear so upright and eager. It was hard to change my shape because of the dress.

Stanley leant over his armrest with a look of delight stamped on his face, “Here we go!”

There’s something odd about watching myself in a movie that made me nervous. Maybe it’s because I’m scared that I might not approve of my performance. I made mental notes in my head throughout the movie:

- Look more upset when you’re fake crying.

- Sound more posh.

- Have better eyelashes than Eleanor.

- Become less cool. (Everytime I shot someone it was the coolest thing ever.)

And finally:

- Do more squats.

A huge applause erupted from everyone as the end credits ran. Everyone started shaking Stanley’s hand, congratulating him on his phenomenal production. “I didn’t think it could be done in the time given, Stanley my boy.” One man said, kissing Stanley’s cheek.

Ethan pretended to be asleep for the final moments of the film, I nudged him and he grinned like a toddler.

We stood in appreciation for everyones reaction, Ethan and Max remained seated. It was so humbling. Since walking into my first acting class as a kid I’ve worked my ass of my entire life and it’s finally paid off. I’ve made it. My dream had come true.

After being bombarded by everyone waiting to shake my hand, and
photographers. Wayne drove us all home in his limo. Ethan and I were seated at the section nearest Wayne while Max and Eleanor sat across from us. Eleanor had spread herself out and rested her head on Max’s lap and fallen asleep. He gently stroked her hair behind her ear in a smooth rhythm.

It’s midnight and we’re still another hour away. I flicked off my heels and tucked my legs up while spreading myself across Ethan’s lap, mirroring Eleanor’s position. I watched the dim yellow streetlights flow by in the dark night sky, quickly drifting off to sleep.

When I woke Ethan’s face was hanging over me. We were in the elevator heading up towards our apartment. He was carrying me in his arms like your Mum or Dad would carry you to bed when you had fallen asleep on the sofa.

“I can walk now, thanks.”

“Oh now you can walk, can you?” Ethan joked.

He placed me on my feet as the elevator door opened. I dawdled forward and fiddled with the key in attempt to open the door. Ethan took the key off me and opened the door.

“Thanks,” I whispered. “Will you undo my dress, please?”

I needed to get to bed as soon as possible, but more importantly, I didn’t want to ruin this dress. I walked into the apartment and stood still, waiting for him to undo my zip. There was a small pause before he zipped down my dress and unhooked the clip.

“Thanks.” I whispered before slithering out of it, and placing it over the back of the sofa. I shivered and then realised I was stood in nothing but my underwear. It was the last of my concerns. Sleep was more important, and it was calling me. It may work in my favour anyway. I flopped onto my bed. Tucking myself underneath the heavy cold covers. I laid on my back and gazed up, suddenly wide-awake.

“Ethan…” I shouted.

The door creaked open marginally and he poked from behind it. “Yes?”

“Will you stay with me, please?” I asked, patting the bed beside me with a sulk on my face. I wasn’t trying it on,
. I wanted someone to cuddle and warm me up. I always crave that.

“Put some clothes on first.” He replied.

“Give me your shirt, I’m too tired to move.” I groaned.

“Fine.” The door creaked open and shut.

I switched my bedside lamp on so he could see where he was going, there’s nothing worse than stubbing your toe on the corner of your bed during the middle of the night. He unbuttoned his shirt, and threw it over me. It floated down, landing on my head.

“Thank you.” I murmured from under it. I leant forward and flung the shirt over me, buttoning it up. Ethan’s shirts are like wearing a small nightgown. It was warm and hugged my body.

Ethan snuggled in beside me. “You’re freezing!”

I shushed him and rested my head on his chest as he tucked his arm underneath me. I placed my arm across his chest and rested it on his left shoulder, so I could feel his heart beating against my arm again.

“Thank you for surprising me tonight.” I mumbled, since my cheek was squished against him.

“I wasn’t going to miss it, was I?” He replied, rubbing my shoulder.

I smiled and drifted off to sleep as he softly played with my hair.

November 20

verywhere I look I see my face. I’m becoming tired of seeing myself; newspapers, magazines, news channels, gossip channels. The movie was released into cinemas the day after the premiere. Around twelve more movie parts have been sent my way. Over half of them are ones I wouldn’t benefit from doing. After reading through the detail of the movies, only two tempted my interest. Max emailed them and both productions replied saying they would love me to audition. Meaning I have five auditions lined up. I hate that everything takes a while to sink in with me, I have five movie auditions and I’m casually sat eating a fruit salad like nothing has happened.

Ethan and I are going to visit home before Christmas. Time has just flown by and it’s taken a while for me to notice how long it has been since I left home. Mum and Madeline came to visit not long ago, but I haven’t seen my Dad for six months. Ethan said he has booked us a private plane to take us home next week. Ethan’s house had been left unattended for a while, too. We’ll need to check on it. I’m not sure what he intends to do it with it. I doubt he’ll want to sell it. It’s his parent’s house, so I’d assume he’d keep it, and then when we’re in England we’d have somewhere to stay. The house means more to Ethan than he knows. It means a lot to me, too. I spent as much time in Ethan’s house as I did my own.

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