Kade's Dark Embrace (Immortals of New Orleans) (3 page)

Tonight, Sydney wasn’t looking for a husband, or love. She didn’t have the time, or energy to even entertain the idea of a relationship. No, what she did need was a quickie, no strings attached. It was an empty existence, but it was enough to calm her nerves and sate her need for release.

As she walked into Eden, the pounding music and glaring lights hit her hard. The smell of cigarette smoke and sweat from the dancers permeated the room. Also, there was a faint hint of bleach, the place was clean even if the activities were down and dirty. Eden was an upscale club that catered to singles and couples who were looking to watch or be watched, serving both humans and supernaturals.

The multi-colored lights bounced off the mirrored ceilings. The bluish walls appeared to move as the lights danced. A large, wall-sized water fountain ran along the entire length of the club opposite from the bar. If you stood next to it, you could faintly hear the hiss of the water and feel the spray on your face. Behind the bar, a fifteen foot, yellow boa constrictor, named 'Eve' slithered behind the glass. Inside, Eve climbed on a large tree so she had plenty of space to watch the patrons. In the club, a large, winding staircase led upstairs to the private rooms where clients could go to talk, or engage in sexual activities in private or public, depending on what they wanted.

Sydney knew that she could comfortably lose herself in here for a few hours before going back to death; death always waited for her. It was patient, but never kind. Quickly scanning the room, she darted into the ladies' room. She changed into her tiger-striped, spandex mini dress with matching 'fuck me' heels; she was ready to hunt. Her tanned skin shone beneath the plunging cowl neckline exposing her ample cleavage. A black, lacy thong was all she wore under the dress. She shoved her clothes into her tote bag and locked the custom locker Eden provided its guests. Pulling her hair free of the ponytail holder, she let her blonde curls slide down her back. With a quick spritz of hair spray, she was ready. Sydney had officially transformed from cop to chick, and looked every bit the bait she intended herself to be.

Walking over to the bar, she waved to the bartender. “Hey, Tristan. Lemon Perrier, please.”

Tristan shouted over to Sydney, “No champagne? What’s up, mon chaton?” Tristan liked calling her 'my kitty'. Tonight the nickname fit, given she looked every bit the cat on the prowl.

“No champagne tonight, mon loup,” she teased. She certainly had every intention of making him her wolf for the next few hours. “Sorry, Tris, only here for a while, and then I gotta get back to the grind. No alcohol for me tonight, just a few hours of dancing and fun. Then I’m outta here.”

Tristan smiled. God, Sydney looked hot. At one time, he would have taken her as a lover and never let her go, but somehow being the owner of Eden had put him into her 'friend with benefits' category, so he would have to be satisfied with sex every now and then, sometimes even dealing with watching her with other men. He could not understand how a beautiful woman like Sydney remained single. She was a smart, all business kind of woman, yet sexy, willing to play hard sexually and refusing to commit herself to one man. Tristan cared about Sydney and would like to see her settle down, maybe with him, but he didn’t own this business to judge. People came here to have fun and do whatever they wanted. Being that he was an Alpha wolf, he knew all too well people’s need for sizzling sex without ties or questions.

Tristan watched Sydney, noticing that her tight dress was so short that it barely covered her ass, and what a fine ass it was. Tristan knew that she was never going to commit to one man and felt protective. He kept an eagle eye on her as she began to dance in the sea of undulating bodies. The men in the club inspected Sydney as she began to dance alone, wishing they could fuck her. Most women jealously watched her, wishing they could be her.

Sydney could feel people watching her as she danced, swaying her hips as she felt the music, and she didn’t care. There was a reason she came to Eden: music, sex, all of it for the taking, confidential without judgment. It was everything she needed this very moment, a well-deserved release. As she danced on the floor, she slowly opened her eyes to see Tristan coming straight at her. She yearned to release her sexuality, to relax, to forget, and Tristan could take her there.

Sydney’s Alpha wolf was sex on a stick. Tristan’s rugged, earthy, dominating presence commanded attention when he walked into the room. He was good-looking but not exactly handsome. With captivating amber eyes and wavy, platinum blonde hair, he looked as if he could have been a California surfer. And even though his tan skin gave off a radiant glow, his hard eyes served as a warning to others that he, indeed, was a predator. Tonight he was dressed in light blue jeans and a white, linen shirt that he wore untucked; casual, but not messy; serious, but cool. He entertained the guests with his adventure stories, and was able to deflect the interest of ladies in a way that made them still feel special. But, tonight, there was only one lady he wanted...Sydney.

As she danced, Sydney felt strong hands clasp her waist. She leaned into the stranger, recognizing the feel of the muscular chest up against her back. She loved the woodsy, clean scent of Tristan, and felt his arousal as they swayed to the music. Tristan pulled her around so he could see her face. “Look at me, Sydney.”

She looked up from his chest into his intense, golden eyes. “Yes,” she whispered.

“Looking for fun tonight, Syd? Tell me, how do you want it, mon chaton?”

She shivered at the thought of him taking her quickly. He was dominating and pushing her to tell him her fantasy. “Tris, I don’t have a lot of time.”

“Okay, no games tonight. How do you want it?”

“Fast, hard, private,” she teased.

“Let’s finish our dance. Shall we, mon chaton? Your wolf has everything you need.”

Sydney smiled and let the arousal overcome her, feeling the warmth grow in her womb. She wanted this...no, she
this tonight. Both the stress of the grisly murder, and then Kade showing up at her scene trying to run the show, had put her on edge. She wanted to forget, and Tristan could give that to her. He understood her the way no one else did, a friend with benefits who didn’t judge her. She laid her head back on his chest enjoying the warmth of his arms.


The crime scene disturbed Kade. Killing and violence was part of his world, but the torture of an innocent was unacceptable. As the leader of vampires in New Orleans, he suspected who had committed the crime, but he would have to investigate further to be sure. Kade convinced the head of P-CAP to let him on the scene, because he did not trust the local authorities to handle the case. It wasn’t his job to investigate the murders like a detective, but being the leader he was, he planned to find the rogue and mete out justice.

For now, he would work out of a brownstone graciously loaned to him by Tristan, the local werewolf Alpha. He and Tristan were good friends from times long ago. Tristan was the one who phoned him to tell him there was talk of a possible rogue vampire in his region who was practicing black magic. There were rumors of rituals, but nothing solid to go on. Finally, the evil had shown itself, and Kade jetted out of NOLA on his private plane as he got the go ahead from his inside source at P-CAP. As much as he wanted to leave it up to P-CAP to find the perpetrator, he felt compelled to come to Philadelphia, suspecting the magic was being drawn from his territory.

What he hadn’t expected was the confrontation with the spirited Miss Willows. What an interesting, sexy distraction she was. She smelled of lilies, and he could practically taste her sweetness in the air.
What would it be like to taste her?
He had to stifle his arousal in front of her. He wasn’t planning on lying to her, but she was human, so it was necessary for her own protection. Supernatural problems were on a ‘need to know basis’, and she did not need to know. Besides, human guns were no match for dark magic or vampires.

But damn, if he didn’t enjoy a little sparring with the blonde detective. She was lean and curvaceous with a mind to match. The scent of her arousal at the scene drove him wild with desire. He craved her. He admonished himself for his lusty thoughts, knowing he wasn’t there to get involved with women. Kade figured he was a little agitated from all the stress of flying up to Philadelphia in such a hurry. He needed blood, maybe sex, not necessarily in that order. What this vampire didn’t need were complications.

Tristan owned a club in the area where he knew he could get his needs met. He signaled to his second. “Luca, let’s swing by Tristan’s place, Eden. I could use some refreshment. I told Tristan I would fill him in on what I’ve learned.”

Luca barked out an order to the limo driver and turned to Kade. “We’ll be there in ten minutes. Do you wish for me to find a private room and procure a donor?”

“Yes. Thanks, Luca,” Kade replied as he stared out the window, his thirst gnawing at him. Growing irritable, he needed blood soon.


On the dance floor, Tristan grabbed the nape of Sydney’s neck and pushed his long fingers through her hair. She leaned back giving him full access to her throat and chest. The wolf in him howled at her submission, and the man in him was left breathless at the sight of her smooth skin and the rise of her breasts. He continued to pull her head back and kissed her throat near her ear. Looking down, he could see the rosy edge of her hardened nipples. She wasn’t wearing a bra. God, this woman was killing him.

She moaned at the feel of his lips, and reached for his ass: hard, sexy, rough; that was Tristan. She knew the sex would be fast, but good. She also knew she would walk away with no strings attached. Sydney gasped as Tristan slid a hand up her belly and cupped her breast. Sydney moaned in response. “Tristan, please...”

He leaned and whispered in her ear, “Like that, mon chaton, do you? Come on now, tell me what you want.”

Sydney had enough with the games. “Tristan, you and me upstairs...now. I am done playing.” She could barely speak as she licked her lips. Dancing and pulling him close, she ground against his hard arousal.

“Ah fuck,” Tristan grunted, noticing that Kade just walked into the bar. “Sorry, Sydney, but an old friend just came into the club. You have no idea how I hate interrupting our fun, but I have to talk with him...important business. It’ll only take a few minutes though. Do you want to go up to my private room and wait for me? I'll meet you upstairs in ten minutes.” He was irritated with the interruption, but this was important.

As Sydney contemplated her answer, she felt a chill again like she felt down at the docks. The hair on the back of her neck stood up.
He was here.
Rapidly scanning the room, she saw Kade sitting at the bar staring at her. She wasn’t imagining things. Kade was actually here, and for some reason he didn’t look happy.
What in the hell was he doing here?
Did he follow her from the crime scene? Couldn’t she get one hour of peace without the job following her?

Sydney took off across the dance floor toward Kade without saying a word to Tristan, leaving him wondering what the hell she was doing. Why wasn’t she going upstairs to his room? No, instead she stomped directly over to his friend Kade, looking like she was on a warpath.
Putting two and two together, Tristan quickly surmised that somehow Sydney knew Kade. He wasn’t sure how, but so far this didn’t look good. Immediately, Tristan recognized that Sydney had switched into work mode, and that meant things could get ugly.

Hands on hips, Sydney stalked up to Kade, daggers shooting from her eyes. “What the fuck are you doing here? Are you following me? Perhaps we need to get a few things straight if we're going to work together.” Despite her anger, Sydney felt instantly drawn to him, and she found herself even angrier that her traitorous body was responding to Kade’s presence.

Tristan stifled a laugh. No filter on his girl. Before Kade had a chance to answer her, Tristan held out his arms to Kade. “Hey, Kade! Welcome! I’ve missed you, brother.” The men exchanged hugs and then both stared back at Sydney waiting for her reaction.

Confusion swept over her as she watched the two sexy men hug and talk as if they were good friends.
Tristan and Kade know each other? Friends? Shit.
Sydney was pissed, not just pissed but pissed off and aroused.
Can my night get any worse?
She had been trying so hard to relax....trying not to think about the murder or how Kade had completely thrown her at the scene and tried to steal her case, or how he turned her on beyond belief. Now here he was...right here in the bar, watching her while she danced and practically had sex on the dance floor.
Just freaking great.
Not only was she irritated at the interruption, she realized that she was irritated at herself for being so attracted to him. Worse, he was looking at her seductively, noticing her sexy clothing...or lack thereof. She guessed her air of professionalism was shot to hell. Whatever, he wasn’t supposed to be here anyway, screwing up her entire night.

As she was about to bolt, Tristan grabbed her possessively around the waist, and turned to Kade. “So, you two know each other? Care to share?”

Sydney wanted to shove Tristan’s hand away, but she didn’t want Kade to suspect she desired him. The thought crossed her mind to let Kade think she belonged to Tristan. What would it hurt? Tristan knew the truth. Didn’t he? He was holding her as tight as a dog held onto his bone, so she decided to go along with the charade.

Sydney sighed, “Yes, Tristan, as much as I despise discussing work while I'm at play, and I was so about to get into some play, Kade and I met today on a case.” She shot Kade an annoyed look. “Now, would you like to enlighten me as to how you know Kade?”

Tristan smiled knowing she wasn’t telling him everything. “Well, Kade and I go way back, good friends from the bayou.”

She raised an eyebrow, “Bayou? Really? Okay then...whatever. Well, you two have fun...talk about old times and all. Sorry, Tris, can’t wait around tonight...gotta get back to work. Until next time, mon loup.” She placed a chaste kiss to Tristan’s lips as Kade watched with jealous eyes. Narrowing her eyes at Kade she quipped, “And you...mister P-CAP, not sure if or when I'll see you again, but later.”

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