Kane, Samantha - Brothers In Arms 06 (16 page)

Nat slid his fingers into Alecia beside Palu’s. She gasped and wiggled her hips on the pillows they had stuffed under her.

“Natty,” she moaned. “It’s enough, I can do it. Please.”

“She’s so tight,” Palu whispered. “Are you sure, Nat?”

He sounded so worried, but at the same time so aroused, so excited by the prospect of what they were going to do. Nat was extremely grateful Palu had sucked him earlier, or he’d be ready to come again right now just from listening to Palu and Alecia. Palu had been making these extremely erotic little growling noises in the back of his throat ever since he and Nat had begun playing with Alecia’s tight little arse. Nat didn’t even think Palu was aware of the sounds, which made them even more exciting.

“Yes,” Alecia mock growled, and Nat almost laughed at the similarities between her and Palu. “Yes,
is sure,” she said firmly. The effect was lost as Nat twisted his fingers around Palu’s inside her and Alecia gave a little shriek of surprise that collapsed into a sob of pleasure.

Nat did laugh at her response, but the sound was dark and hot and satisfied. Christ, he loved when he made Alecia lose control like this. It had never happened with another man, only with Nat. But her barriers were down around Palu. She trusted him.

Hell, she loved him. She’d told Nat so. And Nat was ferociously happy about it.

Because the freeness in her tonight was different—it was a little wild, a little aggressive.

Palu had changed her. Palu had changed him, too.

At the thought Nat leaned over and kissed Palu’s shoulder, tracing one of those gorgeous black ink swirls with his tongue. It had become his favorite pastime, to make love to Palu’s
. “Yes,” he murmured, his mouth busy tasting Palu’s salty, dark skin,

“she knows how to take a man here, Palu. She loves it.”

“Do you love it?” Palu asked thickly, tilting his head to the side and Nat’s mouth traveled up his neck from his shoulder.

“Mmm,” Nat said, “yes.” He pulled back and looked at Palu from under his lashes.

“I love to fuck Alecia in the arse, just as I love to fuck a man there.” He shrugged suggestively. “It’s so much tighter and hotter, Palu. So deliciously wicked, as Alecia says. Don’t you think so?”

Nat could see the memory of the nights they’d spent together slipping through Palu’s eyes, leaving them burning with black fire. “Yes,” Palu growled. “I loved fucking yours, Nat. And now,” he turned and looked down, “Alecia’s.”

“Then do it, for the last time, do it,” Alecia moaned. “Quit talking about it, you two, and fuck me.”

Palu laughed and Nat grinned. “Oh, pretty little Alecia, so eager to take my cock in this tight little hole,” Palu rumbled, fucking his finger in and out around Nat’s. Alecia groaned in desperation and Palu got a wicked little half smile on his face. Nat’s cock 83

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twitched and leaked and he hoped like hell that Palu was ready, because Nat didn’t think he could wait one more minute.

When Palu looked at him, his eyes a little glazed, Nat knew it was definitely time.

He eased his fingers out and Palu followed. Without a word Nat poured oil into his palm and waved the bottle at Palu’s hand. He filled Palu’s hand as well, set the bottle down and the two of them wrapped their fists around Palu’s thick cock.

“Christ,” Palu said with a shudder, sweat dripping down his temple to get lost in his hair as he tipped his head back and closed his eyes.

Nat would never get tired of this. The realization was a bit of a shock. He’d always enjoyed sexual pleasures. Perhaps more than your average man, even, which was saying a lot. But it had been over a year since he and Alecia had taken another man into their bed, and Nat was ready to admit it was because he had grown tired of it. He’d grown tired of the emotionless, meaningless encounters. But the pleasure he found with Alecia and Palu was something else. It was more than sexual.

He focused on his hand wrapped around the heat of Palu’s hard flesh, the inky
gleaming with oil in the fading light. Nat’s hand looked pale next to Palu’s dark skin, saved from being delicate by Nat’s wide knuckles and thick fingers. He had calluses on his hands from riding, and Palu seemed to enjoy the roughness of them on the velvet soft skin of his cock.

Alecia had pushed up and leaned back on her hands, watching them. “It’s just like the first time he fucked you, Nat,” she whispered, her eyes riveted on their hands on Palu’s cock. “When Palu and I did that.”

Perhaps Nat was deliberating trying to recreate that. He wasn’t sure. He knew it wasn’t necessary. He knew that this first time for Palu and Alecia would be as special as his first time with Palu had been. It would be different, though, because Nat would share this fuck in a way Alecia had not. Nat would actually feel Palu inside her, against him. It seemed a lifetime ago he and Alecia had done that with Simon. He vaguely remembered a sense of excitement, a sense of the forbidden. But tonight there was no sense of committing a forbidden wrong accompanying the excitement coursing through his veins. Instead it felt so very right.

Nat’s hand closed tight over Palu at the thought, and Palu groaned and thrust against him. “Nat,” he growled. He shoved Nat’s hand away. “Enough. I want to come in Alecia, not on her.”

Nat laughed self-consciously. “Sorry.” He blew out a breath. “I was just thinking how good this all is.”

“Alecia,” Palu said roughly, staring at Nat, “roll over.”

“Gladly,” Alecia said fervently. She scrambled over and up to her knees and threw the pillows there to the floor. “Nat, get beneath me,” she demanded.

Nat raised an eyebrow as he looked between the two of them. “Oh? Are you two taking over now?”


Love in Exile

Palu wrapped his big, slick hand around the back of Nat’s neck and pulled him close. “I wasn’t aware you were supposed to be in charge here,” he murmured against Nat’s lips. Then he kissed him. Nat gave up without a fight. Palu’s kisses did that to him. He tasted so rich and dark and decadent, and Nat wanted to fuck Alecia with him more than he wanted to breathe.

Alecia grabbed Nat’s hand and pressed it to her breast and Nat could feel how fast and uneven her breathing was, and her heartbeat was racing. Alecia rubbed his hand around her breast and then pushed it down to her stomach. Nat broke away from Palu’s kiss, reeling, to see what she was doing.

“Rub this all over me,” she panted. She reached back and grabbed Palu’s free hand and began to rub it on her as well. “I want to be slick with it. I want to slip and slide against your bodies as you slip and slide inside me.”

For some reason her request ignited both men. The thought of Alecia covered in oil, glistening and slick all over while they fucked her appealed to Nat in a primal way, and from Palu’s growl Nat could tell he felt the same. They rubbed Alecia with their hands, not too rough but not gentle either. Nat kneaded her breasts firmly, coating them with oil. As he squeezed the pale globes of her breasts he leaned down and took one of her nipples in his mouth, licking and sucking on the turgid tip, rubbing and squeezing the plump, firm mound. Palu had moved to her other side and was rubbing his hands over her stomach and the cheeks of her bottom. Alecia writhed between them. Nat had never seen her so wild. When Palu’s hand and mouth joined Nat’s on her breasts, Alecia let out a strangled cry and jerked in their arms. As one they moved closer to her, boxing her in, and their hands continued to roam freely while they feasted on her breasts.

Alecia wrapped her hand around Nat’s biceps and her hips jerked when his hand slid between her legs. Suddenly she wriggled, opening her legs wider and Nat felt Palu’s hand glide down to join his. Both men pressed their fingers into her hot, clenching cunt, and before Nat could do it Palu’s thumb moved to Alecia’s clitoris and began to circle there.

In just a few strokes she came apart in their arms. Crying their names out she convulsed between them, her inner walls vibrating with pleasure. Palu grunted as she came and Nat felt him curl his finger and rub softly inside her. She cried out again and shuddered for a minute more.

“Now you’re ready,” Palu said in a low, thick voice. “Now this pretty cunt is wet and ready.”

“I’m ready for you, too, Palu,” Alecia told him breathlessly. “I ache for both of you.”

Nat could take no more. He pulled away and lay down on his back and then pulled Alecia so she straddled him. Palu helped her because she was still unsteady from her release. Nat wanted to fuck her now. Now while she was soft and wet and still thrumming inside. She was ripe for them. He pulled her down so that her arse was in the air and her face was pressed to his shoulder.


Samantha Kane

Palu didn’t need to be told. He moved behind her and grabbed her hips and without a word pressed inside her tight passage. He was moving slowly, but Nat felt Alecia tense and a whimper escaped. He could tell by the sound she was biting her lip.

“Alecia?” Palu asked quietly. He was shaking. Nat could see his arms tremble as he held onto her hips. So much control. So much fear for her.

“Please, Palu,” she groaned, “please, all of it.”

Palu moved and he groaned long and low as he slid further inside. Nat watched that thick cock disappear between her beautiful pale cheeks and it was as exciting and arousing as he’d known it would be. Watching Palu’s cock with its
his hips and legs and stomach dark with the beautiful, primitive designs as he fucked their Alecia was amazing and astounding and exhilarating. Nat wanted to be in there, too, sharing the moment with them, the physicality and sheer power of that entry.

“Oh God,” Alecia cried out, “oh God, Palu,” and Nat’s own buttocks clenched in remembrance.

“I know, Lee,” he said raggedly, rubbing his cheek in her hair, “I know. He feels so good.”

“Yes,” she sobbed, “it is so good.” She sniffed and moaned and rubbed her forehead on Nat’s shoulder. “It feels so good to have him inside me at last.”

Nat understood what she was really saying. She loved him. She’d needed to have him, to make him a part of her. Nat hoped to God he could do the same before Palu left again. But sharing Alecia was as important. Palu was right, there was an “us” for him and Alecia that was inviolate, inseparable. He loved her so much she was part of who he was. But with Palu, they were different, they were more. In giving to Palu, they gave to one another, in sharing him they came together. Why was it him? Why did it matter?

This was the first time they would truly be together, all three of them. But not the last, Nat vowed. They would share each other in every way possible before they had to let him go.

When Nat pushed inside, Alecia thought she’d be torn in two for a moment until the pain passed and then there was only pleasure, mind-numbing pleasure that stole her ability to think, and threatened to take her voice as well. Palu held her tightly under the arms as he slowly lowered her onto Nat’s cock. She felt every inch as it entered her.

She was tighter than she could ever remember being. Palu’s cock in her behind made her that way, and Nat had to work his way inside while Alecia forced her muscles to relax and take him. She could hear her whimpers and cries, but she couldn’t control them. She had to trust her two men, because for her there was nothing but the pleasure, no control and no fear.

“Lee, Lee,” Nat chanted softly, his voice strained and desperate. His neck arched for a moment, but he jerked his head back down to watch her take him, as if he didn’t want to miss a moment of the sight. His face was flushed, his cheeks sharp and his eyes diamond bright. She loved it, she loved him. He wanted this as much as she did. He 86

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wanted to see and feel her take both of them, him and Palu. Palu. She felt him behind her, filling her, holding her. He was so gentle and big and warm, his strength and power contained for her, now a part of her. Alecia reached down blindly and gripped Nat’s hand where it held tight to her hip, then she reached up and behind, wrapping her arm around Palu’s shoulders, and he hunched down so she could reach him, his mouth resting on her shoulder, kissing her, crooning softly to her, caring for her, feeling
, Alecia, and no other woman.

When Nat was all the way inside her Alecia could hardly catch her breath. She felt as if she stood on a precipice. Palu gently nudged her forward and Nat hooked his hands under her arms and held her as she came down over him until her breasts pressed into his chest. Her skin felt stretched tight everywhere, so sensitive she felt the air moving through the room, each individual hair on Nat’s chest caressing her. Then Palu came down behind her, his hands coming to rest beside Nat’s shoulders on the bed. She was surrounded by them, full of them, she breathed with them, their hearts thundered in rhythm, and suddenly she knew. This was joy. This overwhelming love and happiness and anticipation she felt was true, unfettered joy.

She bit her lip but she couldn’t stop the tears from filling her eyes. She’d never felt this way. It was magical, wondrous. “I love you,” she said hoarsely. She knew Palu didn’t understand. But Nat cupped her cheek and made her look at him, and she knew he saw and understood everything. “Love me,” she whispered.

“I do,” Nat told her and kissed her softly on the lips. “I do.”

Alecia shook her head. She needed Palu to know what she wanted. Nat looked worried, but he didn’t stop her. “Palu, love me,” she asked, waiting, hoping.

He didn’t answer. Instead, he began to move.

Palu slid out of Alecia just a mere few inches but that small movement within her tight passage was enough to make him clench his teeth and every muscle he had to hold back his release. He could feel Nat inside her. It was the most incredible thing he’d ever known. To feel both of them so intimately, to know that each move, each breath, each heartbeat was shared by all three. When they had been together a week ago they had shared each others’ bodies with hands and mouths and words. But this, this was so much more.

“Palu,” Alecia cried out. Her voice was shaking and breathless and it soaked into his skin and heated his blood. She wanted him. She needed him. He leaned down and licked her shoulder and felt her shiver.

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