Keep it Secret (4 page)

Read Keep it Secret Online

Authors: Olivia Snow

Tags: #romance, #love, #love triangle, #na, #new adult, #new adult romance, #steamy romace

“Name?” Asked the security
guard. His face looked down at a clipboard, he didn’t even bother
to look up.

“Veneziano.” I snapped I
didn't appreciate his tone or his lack of manners. Behind him I
heard someone coughing like they were choked on something. Rude
security guard gets pushed aside by an older, shorter, chubbier man
with gray hair and a scruffy beard.

“Ava?” He asked clearing his
throat while he looked into my truck. “Mrs. Veneziano! My, it’s
good to see you both.” Dan spoke with a slow southern drawl. I
smiled as Rose responded to his greeting bringing herself over the
middle so she was able to see better. Out of instinct, I recoiled
not wanting her to touch me. It didn’t go unnoticed by Rose,
however she didn’t say anything.

“Dan! I’m so glad to see
you’re still here. How have you been?”

“Oh, I’ve been well ma'am
can’t complain. I’m so sorry to hear about Tomas, my condolences to
you both.” My smile instantly faded I jerked my head forward facing
the road in front of me. Rose smiled apologetically at

“Thank you, Dan. Ava and I
appreciate it.”
No, Ava does

It was not difficult to
sense the awkwardness you could cut it with a knife. I stayed quiet
and Rose had run out of things to say to a man she hardly knew. Dan
looked between Rose and I before clearing his throat again.
“Well...ah…this is Smith. Smith, these two young ladies will be
staying at the Saint John residence. This here is Mrs. Veneziano
and her daughter Ava.”

“Nice to meet you Ava, Mrs.
Veneziano.” Spoke manner-less rent a cop who goes by

“Good to meet you too,
Smith.” Rose replied with kindness. I, being the bitch that I am,
stayed silent ignoring him.

“All right then, it was nice
seeing you both. I hope ya’ll have a great day. Let them on
through, boy.” He said to Smith. Dan couldn’t do away with us fast
enough. Rose smiled again giving them a small wave before I peeled
out. Minutes later the familiar iron gate came to view. It was huge
so you were able to see it a few blocks away. Giant gold S, J
capture your attention the most, welded around the initials were
steel tendrils that made the gate look like it was centuries old. I
slowed the truck as the gate opened slowly metal screeching while
it spread. Once I was in a position to fit my monster of a truck
though, I drove along the circular multi colored brick driveway
until reaching the front door. Just as I put the truck in park the
dark wooden door bursts open. Out flew the most beautiful girl I’ve
ever seen.

Dazed by her beauty I slowly
opened the door and jumped out the truck. She was as tall as me,
gorgeous light brown hair down to her back it was cut in layers
curled loosely at the ends giving her hair dimension and volume.
She was slender but toned like a dancer her lips were full and wide
not like my pouty fish lips. I saw her big round eyes and instantly
knew it was Vanessa. Only one other person in my family had honey
colored eyes like mine.

“Ava!” She yelled, hugging
me almost knocking me over.

“Vanessa!” I replied,
returning the bear hug. We held each other for what seemed like

“I missed you.” She
whispered into my hair. Vanessa still smelled the same, like
vanilla. I broke our embrace to get a better look at

“God, Vanessa, look at you
all grown up and shit. Let me see, gimme a lil’ twirl.” I teased
holding up her hand so she could turn. Instantly, she blushed from
embarrassment. I couldn’t help but smile. Same old shy

Rose cleared her throat as
she reached us. “Vanessa, sweetheart, you've grown so much. My God,
you're gorgeous.” She cooed at Vanessa giving her a hug.

“Aunt Rose, I missed

The front door opened again
catching our attention out parades Aunt Cynthia. Her eyes
immediately grew wide with…shock? Quickly, I looked behind me,
thinking she'd just seen a man pissing on her garden. That’s the
kind of look she was giving.

“Ava, darling, wow
you’re…you're so grown up.” She said with distaste, walking towards
me with her arms extended out for a hug.
Yes, Cynthia I've grown tits. They have a tendency to come in
during puberty.

“Aunt Cynthia.” I replied
unmoved, returning her cold callous hug I tried to sound pleased to
see her.

“Damn, there goes the
neighborhood!” A familiar voice interrupted. Thank God.

“Billy!” I yelled, letting go
of Cynthia running up the front steps to greet my Uncle Bill. Billy
and I had always had a different relationship than Cynthia and I.
I’ve always felt like Aunt Cynthia was judgmental and cold but
Billy, he was like a friend or like a much older big brother. He
and my dad were best friends, had been friends since they were
teenagers when
migrated to Colorado from Sicily. In all honestly I surprised
myself by being so excited to see him.

“Avie, it’s good to see
you.” He said, hugging me. Hearing him call me by my dad’s pet name
my body instinctively stiffened. Billy stills noticing my

“I’m sorry, Ava. I shouldn't
have.” Uncle Bill apologized as he ran his hands through his salt
and pepper hair.

“It’s all right, Billy.” I
said stepping back from him. Uncle Bill cleared his throat as he
headed in Rose’ direction.

“Hello Rose. How are you?”
He asked with warmness in his voice something that was missing in
my greeting.

“Better now. I haven't seen
Ava smile this much in a very long time.” She replied. Everyone
turned to look at me.
Wow. Okay
Talk about unwanted attention. My
hand flew to the cross around my neck clutching it for dear life.
Like the Angel of Mercy, Vanessa stepped in front of me.

“Come on Ava, I'll show you
to your room.” She grabbed my wrist pulling me inside the house.
Leaving our “parents” outside.



Seeing how uncomfortable Ava
had become cranked my protectiveness to a ten. My instincts to
protect her kicked in causing me to basically drag her inside the
house with me.

“Are you all right?” I
asked, closing the front door behind us, Ava smiled at me although
it appeared meaningless.

“Of course.” She replied,
while walking up the stairs. I followed behind.

“You’ll be staying in the room
you used to sleep in when you stayed here. The one with the
adjoining bathroom to my room, do you remember?” I asked, not sure
where my boundaries lied, if I was even allowed to speak about the
past. After how she reacted to Daddy calling her
I was scared to
push her too far.

“Yeah, I remember. I figured
I would.” She said, looking around the hallway, a lot had changed
since the last time she was here. Mother liked to keep unused rooms
closed, so when we reached the door to her room Ava stopped
suddenly, staring at it like it would grow a mouth and eat her. She
stood in the hallway leery of stepping inside but suddenly her
features hardened and her eyes became guarded. Caution disappeared
as she opened the door and strutted inside making me wonder what
was passing through her mind at that moment.

“So? What are the parties
like around here?” Ava asked, collapsing on the bed.

“Um…I wouldn't know.” Can I
sound more like a loser? Mother controlled my life so I was
constantly participating in ‘enriching’ activities during the
weekend; piano lessons, Pilates, Spanish lessons, violin practice
and tutoring the list was endless. I used to get invited to parties
all the time but the kids at school quickly gave up after my
I cant’s

“You’ve…never been to a
party?” Ava asked her forehead wrinkled in confusion.

“The last time I went to one
was Katy Alexander’s twelfth birthday party. I bumped the cake

“Oh my God, did it fall to
the ground?” Ava snorted half chuckled.

“It’s not funny, Ava. No one
could have cake. She’s hated me ever since.” The cake was a giant
pile of pink and purple. Plastic Hannah Montana drowned in a sea of
frosting. It was tragic.

“Oh, damn I remember that.
Cynthia called Rose that day she was mortified, thought her place
in the ‘inner circle’ would be ruined.” Yeah, that sounds like
mother all right.

“Okay, so no parties.

I looked down kneading my
fingers together feeling the embarrassment creep from my toes to my

“You do!” It wasn’t a
question Ava was intrigued. This was not good. She crossed her legs
patting the bed calling me to sit. Plopping down, I was having a
hard time looking her in the eyes. I felt like such an

“No, he’s not my boyfriend.
Just a guy I’ve been crushing on forever. He’s the wrestling and
swim team captain this year. He’s gorgeous and basically out of my
league.” I’m completely mortified. Ava had a way of reeling
information from me without even trying. It’s her stare. That’s
what it is.

“You’re shitting me right?”
Her eyebrow arched freakishly high.


“Vanessa, you’re

“No, you are. I’m just okay
looking.” I said looking her straight in the eye. I’m not ashamed
of my looks I know I’m nothing special. Mother has made that very

Ava snorted. “Do you not own
any mirrors?” There went that eyebrow again.

“Ava, come on, you’ve always
been the one who’s gotten the attention—”

“Because.” She cut me off.
“I’m loud and obnoxious. I make it difficult for people to ignore
me. You're crazy to think your ‘okay looking’. Hash tag
don’t-be-an-idiot.” I laughed it felt like old times. Man, did I
miss her.

“I’m so glad you’re here
Ava, I really missed you.”

“I missed you too, Van.” She
said with a tight but sincere smile.

After helping Aunt Rose and
Ava unpack and get settled, we were called down for an early

“When will Declan be
arriving?” Aunt Rose asked mother while she sat down at the dinner

“He should be here any
minute. He's been so busy with his internship this summer. He
hardly has time to come see us.” mother replied reaching over for
her wine glass taking a rather large sip.

“Dolores, darling, can you
go upstairs and tell Ms. Ava dinner is ready.” She orders. Dolores
was our housekeeper and cook, amongst other things.

“Sure, Mrs. Saint John.”
Dolores responded with her thick accent. I innocently teased her
about it all the time. I thought it was adorable. I’d make her
repeat different words just to hear her say them. She thought it
was strange.

“Mother, I could have gone.
Ava is probably getting out of the shower.” I said trying to cover
my annoyance with concern.

“Nonsense, Vanessa, just fix
yourself a plate, here, have some salad.” She shooed with her hand
towards the salad bowl. Glancing at Daddy he gives me the ‘you know
how your mother is, just do as she says’ look I smiled at her
demand. Silently sighing to myself I do as I am told.

Of, course
. Just as I was prepared to do as mother said the front door
opens. The robotic voice from the alarm system calls: FRONT DOOR
OPEN. Declan’s home! I hurry out of my seat to the foyer just in
time to see Declan setting down his overnight bag.

“Declan!” I screeched jumping
into his surprised arms. Declan and I weren’t the closest of
siblings, but he still provided the feeling of
big brother
, even though it might
possibly be me making it up in my head.

“Oomph. Hey…Van, missed me?”
He asked breaking our embrace looking a little confused.

“Sort of, I need a buffer
from mother, and dads not helping much.”

“Shit. There goes my
relaxing weekend.” Declan complains, already irritated and he
hasn’t even been here five minutes.

“I thought she’d behave in
front of Aunt Rose.” I replied.

Boy, was I wrong.

“Well, if it isn’t the
finest motherfucker in Colorado.” Ava called from the top of the
stairs. Both Declan and I laughed leave it to Ava and her filthy
mouth to break the tension. By the time we finished Ava was
stepping off the last step walking to Declan.

“Ava Maria, a pretty girl
like you shouldn't be using that type of language.” Declan said
hugging her. Imitating mother, of course.

Ava smiled cautiously at my
brother. “You still mad at me?”


Am I missing

“Hmm, ask me again later.”
Declan replied tapping his index finger against his lips
contemplating his decision.

“Why would you be mad at
her, D?” I asked.

What the heck is going on!
Have they seen each other? Did he get to spend time with her? No,
Ava would never reach out to Declan and not me.

“It’s not important, Van.
Come on let’s go eat.” Ava answered for Declan. I hate when they do
this. They always keep things from me like I can’t handle hearing
bad news or anything inappropriate. My entire family is that way
though everyone treats me like a porcelain doll. Like, I could
break if not handled properly. Inwardly, I let out yet another
exasperated sigh. I don't push it because I know it won't get me
anywhere. Walking back into the formal dining room with Ava and
Declan trailing behind me, Aunt Rose stands up to greet Declan with
a warm hug.

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