Keeping Hope (Broken Girl Series)


Copyright © 2016 Rachael Tonks


Published: Enchanted Publications


Cover Design: Simon Cooke @ SC Creative


Cover Image Copyright: George Mayer @


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Edited by Amy Gamache @ Rose David Editing


Interior Formatting by Angela Shockley @
That Formatting Lady


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Enchanted Publications
































Stopping dead in my tracks, I literally have no comprehension of what the fuck just happened. I’m frozen with fear.

My heart slams against my chest and the fuzzy sound of voices echoing all around me are all I can hear. I can’t make out what’s being said, only the buzz of voices shouting at me.

I feel someone shaking me furiously as I snap from my inner torture of the moment.

“Cole, dammit, answer me.” I snap my head to the right and see Jake staring at me bug eyed.

With a sudden sense of urgency, I sprint over to my truck.

“Cole, man, wait up.”

“Just get in the fucking truck, Jake. I need to catch up with that car.” I point in front of us. I see the beige colored Lincoln Town Car pulling out of the lot. That car will be imprinted in my mind until I find her.

Jake jumps in the front seat and I hear the click of the rear doors as they open. I swing round to look at who it is and see Abbey and Ash rushing, desperately to get in.

“We are coming too, Cole. Hurry! Drive before we lose sight of the car.” I hear the desperation in Abbey’s voice as I shove the gear stick into reverse and speed backward.

My frustration grows at the sight of people standing around, blocking my exit. I press on the horn aggressively, desperate to catch up with the Lincoln, now out of sight.

Jake rolls down the window. “Get out of the fucking way!” His hands gesture from side to side as he waves the people out of the way. Everyone is staring at the car as I strategically maneuver around them, through the parking lot, but I don’t care. I speed out as fast as I can get the truck to move.

“Cole, dude, you really have to tell us what the fuck is going on. Who are we chasing?” Jake asks.

“I have no idea, Jake! All I know is someone has taken Ken, and I’ll be fucked if I don’t try and stop the bastards.” I let out a heavy sigh before I bash my hands on the steering wheel. “I can’t believe this shit! Fuck! What if something happens to her!”

“Dude, I don’t know what to say!” Jake’s voice raspy and uneasy.

I feel a warm hand on my shoulder “Do you think it is someone from the cult?” Abbey asks, her voice straining and full of emotion.

“It has to be, Abbey. Dammit, why didn’t I listen to her? She said they would come for her, but I thought it was just paranoia! Fuck, she was right.”

I hammer my foot to the floor, accelerating heavy. The engine roars in response. I catch sight of the car in the distance as it heads toward the freeway.

“There, Jake.” I point to the Lincoln in front.

He puts his hand on my arm.

“Let’s play this clever, Cole. Stay back so the car is just in sight. We don’t want them to realize we are tailing them. It will be much easier to track them if we stay inconspicuous.”

“Good point.”

“Then what!” Abbey squeals. “What exactly are we planning on doing?”

“Fuck, I don’t know, Abbey, but if we can see where they are taking her we can do something. Anything!”

“We really need to call the police, Cole,” Ash whispers, speaking for the first time. I look at his face and he looks totally shell shocked.

“Not yet,” I snap.

“But why, Cole? Shit, we’re not the police!” Ash shrieks.

“Dammit! I know, but let’s work out what we are walking in to first! I don’t want the police getting involved just yet, causing us to lose the trail.” I dig into my pocket and throw my phone at Jake.

“Here, text my mom and let her know what’s going on. I have a feeling this is going to be one hell of a drive.”




I feel the judder and motion as we drive. I lay bound and gagged on the back seat of Master’s car. A blindfold is wrapped so tightly around my head. The stiff cloth feels like it is cutting into my skin. My scalp tingles and I wonder if my blood circulation is being cut off. My whole head throbs.

I want to scream or cry out but I can’t. Every part of me is bound so tightly. My movement is totally restricted. I hear the monotonous voices of the two men in the front as they talk between themselves. Their words are barely audible but I listen intently, trying to figure out what they are saying. I know wherever I go there’s only one thing waiting for me.


Long, painful, excruciating death.

I can’t stop the tremble of my body as I lay there with nothing but thoughts of what is to come. I knew I could never really escape the evil horror of the commune. I’m truly terrified. My breathing is rapid as I try to steady the tremendous thudding of my heart. I feel the pulse in my neck hammer as my clammy, cold hands clutch together. The motion of the car only intensifies the sickness I feel in the pit of my stomach. I hope that Cole saw me and realizes what happened, alerting the police. I have to hold on to the hope that someone will find me, to rescue me and my unborn child from the clutches of evil.




I weave in and out of the traffic, trying to maintain the distance between my truck and the Lincoln. We try calling the police after the text from my mom struggled to deliver. We seem to have limited to no service. I roll my head to elevate the tension in my neck and shoulders. I feel like I have been in this tense position for such a long time. It’s freaking killing me.

“Hey, man, I can take the reins if you need a break,” Jake offers.

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