King (9 page)

Read King Online

Authors: L J Dee

He caught my gaze and held it there. “Grayson
haven’t got this pitch, it’s a personal contact Smith, so there’s no
competition, my friends don’t eat cake and neither do I”. “You don’t like cake?
Even chocolate and vanilla?”
I asked in astonishment,
unable to comprehend how anyone could not like cake. He looked at me intently,
his mouth twitching wickedly “especially not vanilla” he grinned. “Smith, the
team haven’t come up with anything I’m happy with, and you are the target
market for this product. I really, really need your help” he shrugged. “I’m not
being facetious Smith, I just couldn’t think of anyone better”.

he considered me a girl who stuffed her face with dessert. It was partly true,
I laughed inwardly. I had nothing to lose and everything to gain, including the
two to three pounds this cake would put on my hips that I’d have to spend all
weekend running off. Sod it, it was worth it I thought, reaching for the fork
he was teasing me with. “Not so fast Smith, you can’t just dive in. I’ve
brought you here because this is creative space and I need you to get in the
right frame of mind, so you can get a feel for the product”. “I’d rather get a
taste for it King” I smiled as he laughed gently. “You’re going to have to
trust me”.

Well that would be the day, I thought, sitting
back on the couch as he sat next to me, slightly closer than necessary and
burning me with his gaze. Mine flitted between his and the chocolate and
vanilla decadence calling me from the box in his hands.

want you to lie down and wear this” he grinned, pulling out a black silk eye
mask from his pocket as my heart flipped and I stared at him wide eyed. “Not
going to happen” I frowned. He simply smiled. “Listen, I want you to totally
relax, imagine you’re somewhere else and concentrate all your senses on that
cake. It’s the only way we’ll get to something nearly good enough for this
pitch. I’m not going to do anything to you. You can take the blindfold off if
you feel uncomfortable, but please at least give it a try. I’ve taken it on
good professional advice that this is the best way to get what I need. Please,
be a sport Charlotte”. My eyes flew up to his, his features had softened and he
looked silently hopeful, and a big part of me wanted to explore this strange
opportunity with King. An even bigger part was determined to
up that cake. It didn’t help my resolve that he had
actually called me Charlotte.

“OK” I smiled and nodded, laying back on the
couch as he put the silk mask delicately over my eyes, my last vision of his
soft full lips and dark stubble before the room went black. “Do you want some
music to help you relax?” and I giggled, shaking my head. “Stop being nice
King, you’re freaking me out”, his soft chuckle like a delicate call to my ears
as all my other senses heightened and I couldn’t help but smile. I felt his
weight, perched on the couch next to me, turning my face towards him, acutely
aware of his soft breathing before he whispered gently in my ear.
“Open wide”.

His voice was smooth, sensual, and I couldn’t
help but think if dentists used eye masks and spoke like that, people would
positively relish going for a scale and polish. I opened my mouth, banishing
all thoughts of dentists, concentrating instead on our mutual soft breathing
and the sudden rush of exquisite chocolate that danced in all its sugary glory,
smooth like silk against my taste buds, as I relaxed into the couch. I couldn’t
help the small moan that escaped my lips as I swallowed it down.

the soft low chuckle again, which was doing
dangerous things to my sight deprived body. The feel of him near me, his masculine
woody scent, the taste of the chocolate relaxing me into a state I didn’t
recognise, and my body arched involuntarily towards him as he whispered the
word “more”, low and seductive and I opened my mouth, surprised at the level of
my own arousal. I was in a strange and unfamiliar hypnotic trance, relishing
the feel of the chocolate in my mouth, revelling in the new layer of taste that
burst across my tongue, deeper and richer than the one before it, and as soon
as I swallowed I parted my lips for more, that seductive low chuckle making me
crave the invisible King almost as much as the cake.

taste was heavenly, divine and indulgent, a pure edible bliss and I licked my
lips before opening wide again. This was vanilla cream and smooth dark chocolate,
moist sponge wrapped in a silky soft sweet stickiness and I moaned again, my
breath hitching as I felt his finger running across my lips, and I heard his
almost inaudible gasp as I kissed it softly. “Do you like that Charlotte?” “
” was about all I could manage, inching towards him
as he ran a soft finger down my cheek and neck. I knew it was King, the bane of
my professional life and a source of constant irritation, but I couldn’t stop
myself wanting him, silently pleading for him to go further as I parted my lips
and arched upwards.

The finger on my neck was replaced by his lips
as I shivered deliciously beneath the touch, lost in my senses. He planted
smooth, soft butterfly kisses in the most sensitive places, as my skin ignited
beneath him, my deprived sight and my heightened awareness driving the
intensity of my arousal as his lips landed softly on mine, and I moaned into
him. I felt his deft hands quickly undo the wrap dress as the wonderful,
intimate assault on my sugar sweetened lips continued, his hand dipping inside
my bra to stroke the hard buds of my nipples that strained against the delicate

low rumble in his throat resonated between my legs and suddenly, my desire for
King had taken over that of the cake as I plunged my fingers through his hair,
pulling him towards me. He stilled momentarily and pulled away, whispering
deliciously in my ear, grazing the lobe with his gorgeous lips while still
stroking my aching breasts under the lace of my bra. “More?” he said teasingly
as a chocolate coated finger eased its way into my mouth before working its way
slowly down my chest, across my stomach and inside the lace of my panties,
leaving a trail of supercharged and highly alert nerve endings in its wake. I
gasped beneath him as he stroked my wetness, moaning gently as he whispered
“more” against my lips and I knew we were not talking about the cake as I
nodded. I could hear nothing but the soft sound of his breath under the rise
and fall of his hard chest, the faint song of the birds and low hum of traffic
outside, and my own ragged breathing. He stroked me gently, sliding his hands
around me to remove my panties slowly down my legs, kissing my breasts, my
abdomen and I stilled, gasping loudly as I felt his tongue replace his fingers
and I was lost, deep in a dark euphoric haze at the absolute mercy of Jason

wasn’t the frenzied hurried lust of our last
this was slow, deliberate, liberating and intoxicating as he moved his fingers
inside me, stroking my pleasure spot, licking me expertly, the soft graze of
stubble running against my thighs as the pleasure grew in my core. Wave after
wave of exquisite bliss consumed me, and I was falling into the darkness, over
the edge, hearing nothing but the pounding of blood through my ears and feeling
nothing but him, as the most mind blowing orgasm raced through me, touching
every nerve in my body and I came apart, shuddering beneath him, gasping his

small vibration eventually brought me around, still hazy from the pleasure and
I could feel him, pulling the material of the soft lace panties back up my
legs, the heat radiating as he leaned over me, but I still couldn’t move,
relaxed and boneless, lay on the couch of Jason Kings ‘creative space’ still in
the darkness behind my mask. The vibrations started again, stopping as he
gently lifted the mask off me and I blinked against the sudden assault of the
daylight on my eyes. He was smiling as I smiled back, kissing me gently on the
lips and I tasted myself, concerned for the first time about how I must have
looked spread out like that for him and I blushed shyly. “You are exquisite
Charlotte” he purred seductively as my stomach flipped and I held his gaze,
beautiful blue eyes, blazing into mine and I was so in awe of his overwhelming
beauty that I couldn’t even respond.

was still fully clothed and turned as the vibrations started again, standing up
to retrieve his phone from his pocket as I started to exit my relaxed daze and
sat, fastening the tie on my open wrap dress and watching him as he walked to
the window, a masculine and powerful silhouette, bathed in late sunlight, as he
eventually answered his persistent phone. “

the low word cut through my euphoric daze, as my head suddenly started to get
back in the game and I wondered what the hell I had done. It was spinning now
as I picked up on snippets of what he was saying. “I’ll come now” I caught,
followed by a gentler “I know, I’m sorry” and I couldn’t believe that even King
would be arrogant enough to speak another woman, while I was sat on his couch,
barely round from my orgasmic bliss and I dropped my head in my hands. I wasn’t
sure I had the strength to stand and was fighting back the shameful tears that
pricked at my eyes. How had I let this happen again?

didn’t even notice he had finished the call and as I looked up at him, he was
gazing down at me, his smile hadn’t faded, but I couldn’t manage one back. “I’d
better go King” I said quietly, a confused frown shadowing his features briefly
as he nodded, looking unsure of quite what to say or do, and from the look on
his face it was an action as unfamiliar to him as it was to me. I stood,
nervously, stepping back as he moved towards me and the frown was there again.
The vibrating phone broke the silence as he looked at the screen and then
apologetically at me. “I’d better let you get back to your girlfriend King” I
said quietly, the fierce stare that accompanied it betraying the fury that was
rising from my gut, and the brief flicker of a puzzled frown was there again.
“I already told you, I don’t do girlfriends” he said eventually, answering his
phone as I turned for the door. “I’ll be there soon Sweetheart” were the last
words he said, and they weren’t to me.

the fuck had I done? Was I absolutely insane? My logical self was slapping me
around the head for being such an almighty idiot, but according to my body, the
answer was a resounding ‘no’. That had been incredibly intense and unbelievably
erotic and at the time I wouldn’t have changed it for anything, but in the
chill light of the early evening, reality dawned. I had just laid myself bare,
quite literally, to the man who was single
ruining my career, upsetting my emotional equilibrium on an almost a daily
basis and was dating a supermodel.

Didn’t do girlfriends.
He’d missed the key words ‘like you’
off the end of that sentence, and why on earth he’d think I’d want to be his
was anybody’s guess, although if I was perfectly honest with myself, my
behaviour in the last hour had probably given him that impression. Shit. What
the hell was I going to do?

called me but I didn’t answer, I didn’t know what to say. Awkward silences and
apologies would be worse than the goading and the insults, and if he called me
Smith I think I just might have imploded. I couldn’t even indulge my sudden
misery in
it was no longer my friend. At some
point in the future I knew we’d make up, but that damn irresistible chocolate
and vanilla was what had got me into this mess, and the thought of any kind of
sponge passing my lips right now was out of the question. I called at the off
planning on an evening spent soaking
myself in wine, but it was infinitely worse than I thought. I hit the gin.

wasn’t sure what time I passed out but when I woke I felt like a freight train
was running through my head, with the drummer from AC/DC playing solo on a loop
next to my ears. I hauled myself out of bed for
and water and crawled back in, wishing the world would evaporate and Jason King
with it, as sumptuous visions of him crashed into my thoughts, in complete
contrast to every logical piece of advice my brain was screaming at me. I
grabbed my phone.

It happened again, not handling it

The text came
back much more quickly than I’d have expected for this time on a Saturday

Oh shit.

There was
only one person in this world who would understand the enormity of my next
text, Katie.

If only. Gin

The reply was
immediate and probably the only reason I would get my sorry arse out of bed
today which was a good thing I reasoned to myself. We’d talk it through, she
would lambast him for being a prick and I would feel better.
It was just what we did, and I had done it for Katie many, many times in the
last twelve months. I always hoped she’d meet a really nice guy, but for both
of us, the whole relationship arena had become somewhat of a challenge.

I’m on my way

turned up an hour later with Sasha the junior creative who I hadn’t been
expecting and wasn’t entirely pleased to see. I was pulling my reputation
slowly back at work through sheer graft, and the last thing I wanted her to
witness was the grown woman, ultimately responsible for much of her commission,
crumbling due to an unforeseen oral encounter with the competition. It didn’t
create a great impression. Unfortunately, I found myself not caring, and burst
into tears the minute they walked through the door. Katie stopped dead in her
tracks, staring at me, utterly shocked and bewildered, it was something she’d
never seen before.

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