King Solomon's Journey (The Dominguez Adventures) (27 page)

            “What do you think of this?”

            She showed him a drawing of a cross with a Star of David on top, a rose in the center, and lines connecting the Star to form a prism.

            “Amanda…that’s awesome.”

            “The sketch is rough, and I don’t have colors, but you know what I had in mind, right?”

            “You designed Rosie’s gift?”

            “Santa Fe is an artsy place; I saw lots of jewelry artisans. Surely one of them would do this piece.”

            “I know one quite well that will do it. I’m actually on my way there now.”

            “Here is what I was thinking. The cross and Star of David in silver, the lines connecting the Star in gold, with red for the rose and defined by tiny pink stones.”

            “It’s wonderful. It’s perfect. How’d you think of it?”

            “I do not know. Nevertheless, I have a sense these are powerful symbols in your family. I thought that combining them in one design, with the rose, would be very special. It is… a forever thing.”

            “She’ll love it; in fact, the entire family will love it. Is there anything else you’d like for me to do while I’m out you genius little artist?”

            “I cannot think of anything,” she smiled.

            "Well then, enjoy your day; feel free to use the SUV, Joseph can get it ready for you, if you need to go anyplace."

            There was one place Amanda wanted to go, but first she had to make a phone call. Although she had not mentioned it to Antonio, she also knew a few learned men, who were experts on ancient civilizations.   


            Bear Designs sat right on the corner. It was the first of many small shops owned by artisans in the area. Most of them were Native-American and several of them made such high-quality work they had become world-renowned.

            Antonio walked into the shop owned by the Native Artisan, John Bear. He had known John for years and normally came in to discuss the ancients, but today, he was there to see the artisan.

            He spoke to John a few days earlier about a gift for Amanda. Ironically, Amanda had also hand-drawn a design for John to create into jewelry for Antonio’s niece, Rosie.

            “Hello John.”

            John came from behind the counter and gave Antonio a hug with a pat on the back.

            “Antonio, so glad you’re here. The special gift for your lady is ready.”

            “That’s great John. Before you go to get it, and I lose my head, can you do this? Amanda made this design and we want to take it to my niece in Miami for her 15th birthday.”

            “Oh this is great, Antonio. We'll make it beautiful.”

“I knew you were the man for the job, how long will it take though? We don’t have a lot of time.”

            “Three or four days tops, nothing strange in the design.”

            “Okay, well bring me the special piece you made me.”

            “Be right back.”

Antonio looked around. He was anxious to see what John had done with the unique Cognac Diamond.

            “Here we go, Antonio. A special piece for special lady, huh?”

            He opened the box. It blew Antonio away. It was an elongated, naturally faceted 3.99 Carat Cognac Diamond. John had set it to accentuate, without disturbing the stones rare attributes. Instead, he created a circle of silver with the stone set in the bottom. The circle acted as a frame and the stone seemed to float inside of it, from the heart of the stone, red fire glimmered beneath the surface.

            “John, man…you did a fascinating job. Amanda will love this. It’s so much like her. It’s as if you knew her already.”

            “I did know her, Antonio.”

            Antonio looked at John, confused.

            “Son, you carried her with you. I knew her from you.”

            “Can you really see her John, from that special viewpoint of yours as a Sage?”

            “Yes, Antonio. This lady has a strong presence in the invisible world. But you are carrying her all over you, she’s within you.”

            “I think I’m starting to understand, John. Believe me, the last few days have allowed me a peek at that world on the other side of the curtain.”

            “Quit thinking so much, Son. Feel the worlds you inhabit. Let yourself believe. The lady, you found her. That is good. I knew you would. Now it is forever. That is why I told you about my diamond. I saved it for you. I put the circle around the stone for infinity, the circle never ends.”

            “You’re the best, John.”

            They walked to the counter and Antonio paid him. John came back out, “Three, four days for your niece,” then hugged Antonio.

            “Take care, my boy.”

            “Until next time… old friend be safe.” He left the shop.

            John surpassed Antonio’s expectations by miles. He could not wait to give it to Amanda. It seemed like John had truly known her, or at least knew what she was like.


            Amanda settled for using Joseph and Maria's personal car, after Joseph had told her the SUV was up on the rack having the oil changed. She could wait for the SUV, or take advantage of his alternative offer, which had been graciously given. Her phone call had provided wonderful news. The man she sought has sent a representative to the Tesuque Pueblo, just north of Santa Fe. While he was not the most knowledgeable of the group she sought, he was awfully close. Thanking Joseph, she slid in behind the wheel, and allowed him to set the GPS for a round trip to the Tesuque Reservation.

            After a beautifully scenic short drive, Amanda pulled up in front of a small building on the edge of the reservation. Stepping out of the car she was greeted warmly by the younger American Native man she had come to meet.

            George Yuba was one of the last true Yuchee, who still believed in maintaining the sacred artifacts of his tribe, and only one of two, Oklahoma Yuchee, who knew their whereabouts. He and Amanda shared a common love of moving through the world with few waves to disturb the peace of the Earth.

            "George it is so good to see you again. How is your Grandfather?"

            "He is doing great! He said to tell you hello, and to say you are cutting it close."

            Taking his arm, Amanda allowed him to lead her to the back of the building where a table had been set beneath a canopy of twisted pinion.

            "I did not know until recently, that I needed his advice. Unlike the two of you, I have to wait for the messages to be clear, before I understand their impact."

            George sat quietly, did not ask any questions, and allowed Amanda to speak in her own time. He had the same air of peace and calm, which gave his Grandfather the ability to study a situation from all angles, and never pressure another person.

            From within her purse Amanda drew forth an envelope and passed it to George. She waited for him to take it, but was surprised when he only lay one hand on, and closed his eyes. Then he pushed it back to her. "What lies within is another's secret, and needs to remain that way. Talk to me Amanda, not of research or documents of proof. Tell me what you know from the point of your soul that is now awake."

            Stunned, Amanda could only stare in disbelief! She had hoped the Yuchee sage could assist her in understanding the connections she was drawing between all of the People of America; both ancient and modern, and the ties that bound their souls.

            "You misunderstand Amanda. I am not refusing to assist you. I am only refusing to look at something that needs to remain silent for a while longer. Every eye that sees what that envelope holds will be an eye that threatens its existence."

            Taking a deep breath, Amanda told him everything she had experienced mentally and emotionally, since meeting Antonio. The 'event' in the Pueblo was where she stopped. "Do you see how this drives me to seek you out? No one is closer to the earth than the Native Americans', and my connection with your People George, that is my greatest advantage in understanding the words of not only the Priest in the Pueblo, but the words held within the documents in that envelope."

            For awhile George sat quietly, rubbing the medicine bag that rested on his chest.

            "When the veils part between the worlds, it is only for seconds in real time. A message that comes through must therefore be heard in a time beyond time."

            Amanda nodded; she understood the importance of time passing in mystical places.  It was fact recorded as far away as the Pyramids of Egypt and closer to hand at Hidden Mountain.

            "This priest walked into your world in a place held sacred by all. He split the veil and he touched you in a way few have ever felt. Open your mind Amanda; see that moment with the eyes that are never closed. If you do this, you will hear and see more than a man in Holy Raiment's, speaking in riddles.

            We know of the Scrolls, we always have. Their resting place was the only secret we did not have knowledge of. The Scrolls contain a message that needs to be heard now, but not for the only reason many would believe. While 12-21-2012, will be a day of change, with possibilities for both positive and negative outcomes that will be affected by the followers of the Scrolls message, it is also the days and years after of which the Scrolls foretell and offer a solution for all human-kind.

            Grandfather knows they were found. He also knows you entered the place of music. He believes you are the key to binding the People together. Your blood is old and true.

            Your ancestors and mine, sought truth and knowledge, healing ways, peace in war, and fought bloody battles to ensure knowledge is never erased. They fought and died and left all they knew behind, in order to leave something to warn us, the yet unborn, of the chaos coming to our world.

            America is filled with the descendents of old lines, connected in ways not yet known. Our ancient blood comes from many regions; from here, from across the sea, from lands of green grass, and lands of blowing sands, lands with towering mountains and lands now sunk beneath the seas."

            "But how can I bring People together, people who hate and despise each other for their differences on all levels?"

            "Just as not all men can dance, not all men hate. Just as you can dive into the river and save one child, you cannot dive in and save a hundred."

            "You are telling me, that no matter what we do, we cannot save everyone?"

            "Not everyone wants to be saved."

            "George, talking to you is like talking to your Grandfather or the Priest in my vision; you leave me with more questions than answers."

            "There will always be questions Amanda for which there is no answers. All you can do is trust yourself, trust your new friend, and those who will gather in the name of the Scrolls. By the way, Grandfather left one more message for you."

            "What might that be?"

            "Geronimo was Bedonkohe. By marriage he was Chiricahua, the fiercest of all the tribal groups of the Nide or Apache as you may know. He died and was buried in Oklahoma, and his spirit is strong. To hear the voice of Geronimo is to hear the voice of courage."

            Amanda sat there with her mouth open, then she laughed and George laughed with her. Apparently nothing was sacred or secret from his Grandfather, the Yuchee Chief and self-described protector of the 'Old Ones'.



Chapter 28

"Chaos in the midst of chaos isn't funny, but chaos in the midst of order is."
Steve Martin


            This pain was supposed to ease during the final stretch, yet Antonio continued to feel the grueling punishment. Lecturing himself, he mouthed Runners run. Runners don’t take days off, no vacations. They sure as Hell don’t stop running when a woman comes along and all they can think of is chasing her around the house naked.

            He and Amanda faced eminent danger. His endurance as a runner may very well save their lives. Sometimes, staying safe was as simple as being an agile runner.

            Disregarding all of this information, Amanda entered his life. The last stretch up the big hill killed him, and he could only blame the pain on his boyish hiatus.

            At that moment, he decided never to allow himself to miss a run due to her seduction. He could shorten his workout to play with her, but would not cancel it again.

            Exhausted and out of breath, he reached the house. Inside, he stumbled his way into the kitchen and searched the fridge for a water bottle, seeing only loads of yogurt. That was practically all she ate.

            Antonio shook his head. His legs jiggled as if they were made of jelly, held together by over-tightened guitar strings. Repeatedly, he paced back and forth as he tried to regain normalcy in the lower half of his body.

            He took long, exaggerated strides up the stairs to stretch his hamstrings and walked to the door of his former office. The area had unofficially begun operating as ‘Our Office’. Amanda’s voice halted him before he entered. She was on her morning call with her mother to check on her Dad.

            “I love you, Mom. Tell Daddy I love him, too.”


            Antonio paced like a twitching racehorse as he waited. Every day she made that call privately and each time it caused her tremendous pain. He knew every time she dialed, fear shot through her with an arrow.

            Dazed, she didn’t even notice he had entered the office. Sneaking in from behind, he surprised her with a kiss.

            “Is everything okay?”

            She smiled.

            “Amanda, what’s up?”

             “Nothing... You are soaked with sweat.”

            “Well driving in an air conditioned car would not quite achieve the result I was looking for...”

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