Kyele's Passion: A World Beyond Book 4 (13 page)

“Did you hear me, Joni?” His voice roughened on the question.

That particular tone brought back the vivid memory of climaxing on his lap. Right before he’d rejected her. And still she would willingly listen to him because Joni knew with every fiber of her being that Kyele wouldn’t let anyone hurt her. She spun him around to face her. “You’re going to be behind me?”

Shadows played over his face. “Yes.”

The green hue of his eyes darkened. He was lying. Joni didn’t know how she knew but she did. Her stomach twisted into knots. The thought of Kyele hurt gave her chills.

Glaring for good measure, she fisted his shirt and leaned in close. Now wasn’t the time to be scared. She put as much iron will in her voice as she could muster. “You better not let anything happen to you, Kyele. You won’t like what I’ll do.”

The corner of his lips curled, recognizing the play on the words he’d spoken to her earlier. He clasped one of her hands and kissed her knuckles, melting Joni with the simple gesture. “Go, little Earthling.”

Joni ran.

As soon as she took off, lasers blasted nearby. Her heart stuttered as Joni ran full tilt doing her best to keep ahead of Kyele. No foot steps clambered in her wake. She risked a glance over her shoulder. Whimpers escaped her trembling lips when she realized he wasn’t behind her. Her lungs labored as panic threatened. Damn alien soldier. She faced forward determined to stay safe. More weapons fired, creating a cacophony of sound, but this time it came from feet away letting her know Kyele was doing the shooting.



Chapter 16


As soon as Joni took off, Kyele focused on the enemy. He waited to make sure she reached the safety of the hover-car fired again and again in the direction of their attacker to keep him pinned down. when a laser blasted near her, Joni ducked and raised her arms over her head.

Leaping into the middle of the walkway, Kyele ran in the opposite direction and kept firing to distract. As soon as the doors slammed on the vehicle, Kyele zeroed in on the lone figure perched on the edge of the rooftop directly across from where he stood.

Resolution settled now that Joni wasn’t out in the open. The figure rose from his crouch and started running across the top of the buildings for his escape since he’d lost the benefit of surprise. Kyele’s gaze hardened as he smiled and assumed his other form. Now to find out who was so determined to hurt Joni.

When he reached the rooftop, Kyele shifted back and raced ahead, gaze on the fleeing man. His boots splashed water up, soaking the bottom of his pants. The man surged forward then made the mistake of looking over his shoulder. Kyele assumed his other form and was on him instantly.

His hand snapped out, closing around a slim throat. The startled scream broke off as Kyele became physical again. “Who are you? Who sent you?”

“Please. It’s just a job.” The pleading ended on a cry as Kyele tightened his grip.

Patience running thin, Kyele used his free hand to bring up his knife and place it directly over the man’s pounding heart. “Who. Sent.You?”

“The Collector.”

He frowned, the name not registering. “The Collector?”

The man struggled but Kyele’s grip tightened as he pressed his knife closer, the point tearing through the fabric of the dark colored shirt.

“That’s all I know. He’s The Collector and wants the woman from Earth.”

Kyele would have Jaron figure out the rest later. “Did you send the Chamele to her place?”

“We’re partners.” The rapid pulse beneath his fingers sped up. “We do jobs together.”

Kyele let out a harsh growl and leaned in. The knife dug deep. “Consider yourself without a partner.”

Brown eyes widened and the man moaned. “Don’t kill me. There’s two more.”

The blood drained from Kyele’s face, his head jerking up and to the side. He strained to view the street below but couldn’t see the hover-car from here. “What?”

“I came with three others. You…you only mentioned the Chamele.” He blinked rapidly and for the first time smiled. The gleam held malicious pleasure. “They’re down below. One inside her place, me on the roof to take her out if she escaped and then two street side in case she had help.”

“You’re done.” Kyele plunged the knife deep and dropped him. After wiping his knife on his pants leg, he tapped his comm and sped back the way he’d come. “Jaron?”

“What’s wrong, Kyele?” It didn’t matter that it was the dark of night. Jaron monitored the communications of every team member with diligence.

Kyele hurried to the edge of the building. “Someone sent four assassins after Joni. Find all you can about The Collector.”

“Do you need assistance?”

Not when he got through with them. “No.”

Jaron hissed. “Be careful.”

Kyele dove over the side as he shifted forms mid-flight and landed on the walkway on two legs, the impact jarring his bones. Joni’s scream ripped through the air and he disconnected without responding to Jaron.

He rushed toward the hover-car only to find it empty. Another piercing scream broke the night. Kyele turned, catching sight as two men dragged Joni behind a building. There was a rough edge to them, confirming his assumption she’d been targeted by a criminal element. Whoever it was lacked professional mercenary contacts, because these men were amateurs. There clothes were worn and the skin around their faces held a yellow tint hinting at lack of nutrition or sickness.

Kyele followed. Joni put up a good fight, every kick and punch well placed. They held her between them trying to hurry. Thanks to her efforts, Kyele reached the one on the left without notice and wrapped his arms around the man from behind. Her gaze met his. He’d expected the fright in their depths but not the anger.

The second guy abandoned his partner and threw Joni over his shoulder as he took off running. Everything in him wanted to pursue but he needed to be strategic and that meant taking them out one by one. It seemed they wanted Joni alive. Kyele had to trust in that as he let the distance between them grow.

The assailant he held spun in his hold and punched him in the side. It was the same spot the Chamele had injured. Kyele gasped, his grip releasing reflexively but he reached for his knife and swiped upward. The spurting blood filled him with satisfaction but the attacker lashed out with a kick that skimmed Kyele’s temple. He stumbled back on the rain slick ground.

 A low chuckle rumbled forth. “Not so great now, Jutak.”

Unwilling to waste time, Kyele drew his laser and aimed for the brown eyes staring at him. He pushed to his feet, hand unwavering. “Who sent you?”

Although his skin paled, the next words proved the man didn’t care what happened to him. “You’ll have to shoot me, Jutak.”

Another of Joni’s screams lifted the hair on Kyele’s head. The distraction cost him as a blow to the face sent him crashing back into the wall of the building behind him. Kyele fired and missed as the man raced off on a burst of speed.

Curses lodged in his throat as Kyele rose to his feet with a roar and ran after him. From his memory during the times he scouted the area for vulnerable positions, the unused street ended with no outlet. They’d be trapped. Kyele closed in, lungs pumping.

Joni must have managed to break away but they blocked her exit. She faced them, hands raised in a defensive position. Both men closed in on her. The one on the right shoved her to the ground and picked her back up by her hair. She rammed a fist into his crotch area and he retaliated with a punch to her face.

Panic slammed into Kyele when she cried out. He bit his inner cheek hard and stayed where he was though everything in him wanted to rush forward and annihilate. He couldn’t risk Joni being hurt in the cross fire. Going against his nature, he tried to placate them. “I’m not attacking. Don’t hurt the female.”

They turned toward him as the taller of the two banded an arm across Joni’s middle and yelled, “Drop your weapon!”

After activating the locking mechanism, Kyele carefully tossed his laser to the ground. He didn’t need it to kill them. Joni lifted her head and stared. His chest constricted. She was soaked, hair falling about her face and chest rising with each breath but her eyes blazed with fire. It was the most beautiful sight Kyele had ever seen.

“She’s pretty.” The man gripping her hair nuzzled his cheek along Joni’s and Kyele’s need to lash out almost broke free. Then he noticed the smear of blood on the corner of her lip and the small bruise forming on her right cheekbone.

“You’ll pay for that,” he said, sending them both a dark look of retribution.

“Why do you care about one woman?” The one on the left asked.

Kyele didn’t waste time answering. He had his own questions to ask. Questions that would help him figure out how to protect Joni. “Who sent you?”

“The Collector.”

Joni flinched, drawing Kyele’s attention. Her face lost all color and her shoulders rounded forward as if to protect herself from a hidden foe. The extreme reaction cut through his skin deeper than any blade. A fierce need to protect surged forward and in that moment he lost all desire for more answers.

Shifting forms, he surrounded the two dark haired men before they knew what hit them. Kyele retained enough control to deposit Joni far back from the mayhem.

Pure rage ruled. Faster and faster he whirled, creating a vortex of wind and rain. He partially changed his fists mid-way to plunge through flesh as he caused the most damage possible. Every sound they made was a symphony of pleasure to Kyele’s ears. Using the gift of his heritage, he delved into their bodies and laid waste to their insides.

Shrieks poured forth, fingers raked at the ground in an effort to escape and still he continued until nothing remained. Except quiet.

Kyele assumed his physical form, gasping harshly. He’d exerted himself more than usual tonight. Almost drained of his energy because of the mission earlier today and the bruised ribs from the Chamele, he stumbled and braced his hand on the stone wall behind him. The muted patter of rain washed away the blood and gore. Breath huffed out as he sought to regain control and straightened.

He walked toward Joni. A look of horror crossed her face. He froze as an onslaught of emotions suddenly engulfed him. Her eyes were wide in her pale face. It struck him that he may have destroyed something he’d only caught a glimpse of. His mouth firmed as his emotions turned dark. So be it. He was wet and he was angry. Angry Joni had been targeted, angry he didn’t know why and angry because she now looked at him with fear. He’d never wanted Joni to see this side of him.




Joni knew she’d never seen Kyele in such a murderous mood before. Not even when she’d turned off the perimeter alarms. She didn’t bother to glance at the mutilated bodies of her kidnappers as she stared at the man who’d rescued her. Rain slicked his short hair to his scalp and his green eyes glowed with an unholy light; mist and shadows playing about the orbs. His chest heaved with each breath he took. Rips and snags marred the black shirt which clung to his abs in individual ripples.

Time and time again Kyele had saved her. He was the one she thought of in that split second of danger. Only Kyele could ease the tremors of fear with careless effort. Her heart swelled and then relief burst forth. She was safe. Joni started to run toward him but he turned from her to gather his discarded laser. The move struck like a blow and her heart clenched as she came to a hard stop.

“We should go.” The words were brusque and unlike the gentle tone he’d used with her earlier.

“Kyele?” She stepped around the mess and what was left of those men.

“I need to get you back to the Jutak facility.” He continued as if she hadn’t spoken.

Her chest tightened further at the realization that he wasn’t going to say anything more. Wasn’t going to speak about the kisses, the moment of vulnerability when he helped her from the shaft.

And he certainly wasn’t going to acknowledge or act on the growing hunger they shared. Lips pinched, Joni made her decision. She’d wait. Be patient. “Alright.”

He took the lead in silence and Joni remained quiet for as long as she could muster. The further they got away from the dark alley the lighter her steps became. Tension and terror released their brutal hold on her. She wouldn’t let his mood discourage her questions. “We’re safe, right?”

Kyele glanced at her with a slight frown. He kept his laser down at the side of his leg and navigated with his other hand at her lower back. The weight of his palm burned through her clothing. “What makes you say that?”

Joni swallowed back the ache swelling in her loins and waved her hand in his direction, the limber way he carried himself. “Because you’re not as tense. If we were in real danger you’d still be all snarly. And ghostly.”

His brow creased further as he continually gazed around the darkened alley. Joni wasn’t sure what he could see that she couldn’t but she bet it was double her vision.

“Snarly? Ghostly?”

At least he was facing her again and not avoiding her eyes. She winked. “You appear to be scary in dangerous situations. You snarl a lot.”

That was putting it lightly. From her experience, Kyele was a one man destruction crew.

The corner of his lips twitched and she knew he was trying not to smile at her explanation. Joni exhaled a soft sigh, another knot loosening its grip on her tight shoulders.

“And ghostly?”

“Well, duh.” She bumped his shoulder with hers. “You do that mist thing where you turn into smoke.”

Joni remembered the instant he’d been standing in the alley like an avenging soldier and then he’d changed into a column of smoke that whirled around with whip-like speed and encompassed the two men. When Kyele had returned to his physical form, what was left of the men had been lying on the ground in a pool of blood and other things she’d avoided looking at.

She wasn’t ready to deal with that yet so, humor was her best defense.

Kyele stiffened, amusement vanishing. “It’s clear. Let’s go.”

He grabbed her hand and pulled her forward as if she hadn’t already been hurrying to keep up with the pace he set. A brisk wind blew through her thin nightgown until her skin chilled. Joni hid her shiver as Kyele dragged her until the sight of the hover-car met her weary gaze.

He directed her straight toward the parked vehicle. Joni didn’t resist and dropped into the front passenger seat the minute he opened the door. He rounded the front and got in on the driver’s side.

Kyele pushed several buttons and heat blasted down from the blowers in the ceiling. Joni curled her arms about her waist, huddled against the seat and faced Kyele. His brows lowered and he gripped the guiding wheel tight enough to have the knuckles of his fingers redden.

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