Kyele's Passion: A World Beyond Book 4 (16 page)

Chapter 20


Joni awoke alone. She sat up in the bed amidst tangled sheets with no sign of Kyele. She tucked her knees beneath her chin and curled her arms about them as she reflected on the night. They’d slept together. She’d finally had sex with Kyele and it was better than anything she could have imagined.

The gentle perfume of their night together rose from the sheets. She dropped backward and took a moment. He’d been fiercely passionate and yet protective and gentle during their love making. The way he held her and tended to her after the brutal nightmare seemed even more unbelievable in the light of day.

The Jutak who scared everyone around him had a softer side. After all his dire warnings who would have thought? Joni climbed from the bed, lower muscles and thighs tender. A goofy grin spread across her face as she wobbled her way to the bathroom and showered. Enotians took high tech bathrooms to the extreme. The multi-jet shower was one of the many things Joni would never tire of using after spending much of her captivity covered in her own filth. The experience was less enjoyable than last night’s when she’d had the pleasure of Kyele’s nude body to feast on.

Pausing at the mirror after she finished, Joni studied her reflection. Her hair was pulled back, sleek and smooth but as soon as it dried, curls would spring on the ends. The glow in her eyes took her aback however. Joni considered the reasoning and realized she was happy.

It had been a long time since she could genuinely say that she was happy and the result was all because of one man. Kyele. He had no idea of what last night meant to her. She suffered no illusions about it either. They’d needed one another and though the experience deepened the earlier blooms of feelings she had for him, there was no guarantee Kyele felt the same way.

His promises and words could stem more from his protective nature then a declaration of his heart. At least that’s what she had to assume since he’d pushed her away initially. Her lips twisted in a grimace. All of this back and forth made her head hurt. He was not an easy man to figure out.

Back in his bedroom, she liberated one of Kyele’s black buttoned down uniform shirts from the closet. Pulling the collar to her nose, she frowned at the lack of his scent on the freshly laundered material. The next time she claimed an article of his clothing, she’d have him wear it first. If Kyele didn’t find it creepy. Another silly smile graced her face.

Joni floated into his living area on a bubble of euphoria and almost tripped over her feet at the two people present.

“Joni!” Sylvie leaped up from the sofa and snatched Joni into a tight hug.

Joni hugged her friend back, her gaze going to the man getting to his feet slowly.

“Greetings, Joni,” Arak said, his eyes on his mate and her effusive greeting. “Kyele wished for us to await you. He is scheduled for training this morning.”

Joni relaxed, unwilling to admit she’d been concerned about his disappearance. The history she and Kyele shared didn’t lend itself to either of them skipping off into the sunset but she wasn’t quite sure what to expect from him now. “Thanks.”

“How about you come back to our place and change clothes. I have a gazillion things of yours there.” Sylvie released Joni from her death grip.

“Sure.” Joni considered the shirt she wore and Arak’s knowing grin then shrugged. “Let’s go.”

Sylvie leaned in close. “You slept with scary Jutak.”

Joni choked and elbowed her friend. “And you sleep with the kitty Jutak. What does that say about us?”

“We both win?” Sylvie edged her voice up on the end as if questioning.

Joni laughed. “We both win.”

Arak escorted them upstairs where Joni changed quickly into a pair of spike heeled boots, knee length skirt made of a buttery leather in a camel color and a turquoise shell with beading at the collar. As she and Sylvie talked about her night and the attack, the half-shifter Jutak stayed close, occasionally brushing his hand over Sylvie’s blonde head or kissing her shoulder.

Unlike in the past, the affection didn’t seem obsessive to Joni anymore. After her night with Kyele, she viewed Arak’s actions in a new light. Each touch caused a spark in Sylvie’s eyes and the occasional purrs Arak emitted had her friend blushing. Arak’s constant petting was a physical reflection of the love he bared for Sylvie.

“Do you have any idea why someone would send people to kill you?” Sylvie asked, relaxing back against the sofa as Arak took a seat behind her.

“I’m not sure if they were supposed to kill me.” When Sylvie and Arak frowned, Joni said, “I believe it may have been one of the men who bought me in the past trying to abduct me again.”

Sylvie flinched and Arak’s arms tightened about her waist. “Why?”

Her friend’s question didn’t hide the fear in her voice.

Joni took a careful sip of the hot kaff, Enotia’s version of coffee. She needed the stimulant right now. “Because he promised he’d kill me before he let me go.”

Arak rose to his feet, fingers caressing Sylvie’s cheek. “I’ll contact Torkel on the communicator. He’s going to wish to speak with Joni right away.”




Kyele glared at Jaron. It almost felt as if the Team One Leader was going out of his way to delay Kyele’s departure.

“Have you spoken to Rydak about his interest in having you work more with V’hor?”

Kyele shoved his dirty shirt in his locker and reached for one of the clean ones hanging inside. “I’ve agreed to the schedule changes he requested.”

Throughout his training rotation and the other work assigned him as Team Leader, his mind had constantly been filled with images of his night with Joni. As soon as he was done, his plan was to head back to his place to see her. If she was still there. Doubt plagued him. She’d listened to his story about Gita and didn’t seem disgusted. He didn’t let himself believe she wanted a future with him as she’d hinted. In hindsight her words had to be an emotional response due to the attack.

But what if she’d left? Kyele needed her where he could keep her safe. It hadn’t crossed his mind to tell Arak to keep her there if she chose to leave. Fear teased at his senses.

“Have you noticed any differences in Vee since he’s been back?” Jaron’s question broke through his thoughts.

Kyele slid his head through the hole of his shirt and tugged it down his torso. He dropped the towel from his waist and stepped into a pair of black pants, fastening the closure. “Vee’s behavior
he went to infiltrate one of the Marenians ranks has been questionable.”

In truth, Kyele had noticed Rydak and Bane from Team Three keeping a closer eye on the Serpine. From his confession the night they’d sparred, Kyele knew Vee was dealing with a lot in his efforts to combat his desire for his mother’s approval and the shame it inevitably wrought.

“This is true.” Jaron leaned against a locker. “Torkel hasn’t seemed concerned but I’m not sure his head’s in the right place considering everything that’s been happening of late.”

Kyele slammed his locker closed and arched a brow in Jaron’s direction. “Is there a reason you want to talk to me? Usually you stay out of my way.”

And Kyele preferred it.

Chuckling, Jaron didn’t move from his relaxed pose. “I thought since we’re both Team Leaders now we should have a better relationship.”

It was true while Kyele respected his Unit, he found no need to extend his time in their company with the exception of Arak. The half-Argoran was different. Kyele tolerated his company because Arak made a deadly opponent and the jovial façade could fade from one moment to the next. In addition, Arak’s Chosen was Joni’s best friend and he needed that connection more than he wanted to admit.

Joni. The memory of the night they’d spent sex sharing slammed into him. Inhaling sharply, Kyele shook his head and made to step around Jaron.

“Why the hurry, Kyele?” Jaron’s smug grin taunted as he shifted his body in a subtle move to block Kyele’s exit from the locker room.

“Move.” The one word contained a promise and a threat.

Jaron winked and stepped aside. “No problem.”

When Kyele was several feet away, Jaron called, “Tell Joni greetings from me.”

Kyele drew in another deep breath and continued to walk away despite the wish to slam Jaron into the wall.

Torkel caught up with Kyele before he could escape into the elevator. “I need to speak with you.”

The serious tone implied the topic was important. He turned on his heels and headed for the stairs where they’d have privacy and more time than the brief elevator ride would allow. Torkel kept pace with him.

“I’m concerned about Joni, Kyele. In light of the recent break in, I want her moved here.”

Kyele froze, his heart picking up its pace. Joni closer and within his reach. “Did something new happen?”

Torkel shook his head. “Jaron shared with me what happened last night and I spoke with Joni this morning. This Collector is dangerous and I’m not willing to take further chances with her safety. Are you?  ”

“You already know the answer.”

Torkel smirked. “Then you don’t have a problem accompanying her? She told Faye she needs to pack a few things and I’ve secured her a suite on the same floor as Arak and Sylvie.”

Kyele wanted her in his home but he’d discuss that with Joni later. “I’ll take her.”

Torkel raked his hand through his hair. “Team One checked out her place first thing this morning and it doesn’t look disturbed other than the dead body you left which they took care of.”

Kyele slowed down as they reached his floor. He didn’t want Joni around when he had this conversation with Torkel. “Anything else?”

“I sent you all of the data Jaron managed to compile on The Collector. No one has been able to get close to him. Joni’s the first of his…projects to live successfully outside his reach.”

Kyele grasped for the railing, his fingers biting into the metal. He deliberately uncurled his fingers to hide the betraying gesture. “What are you saying?”

“I believe the attacks are instigated by his attempts to retrieve…” Torkel paused and they both stopped at the door that led to the next floor. “his property. Rumors hint that The Collector is obsessive about his possessions.”

“She’s not his possession!” His eyes burned. Kyele sensed his gifts responding to his heightened emotions and that another male would lay claim to what belonged to him.

Torkel clasped his shoulder and squeezed. “I understand, Kyele. We’ll do whatever it takes to protect Joni. You know this.”

Kyele stared at his Unit Leader hard then admitted what Joni disclosed to him during the night. “Joni says The Collector is someone named Dr. Kirkem. He purchased her from a sex slave auction.”

“I gathered that from the intel. It’s how he gets all of the victims for his experiments but Dr. Kirkem has done a good job covering his tracks. We’ve never had cause to go after him because he hasn’t been considered a serious concern by the Jutak Commander. Until we can identify where Dr. Kirkem makes his base of operation, it is best to keep an eye on Joni.”

If it was up to Kyele, she would never be out of his eyesight. “Thanks.”


Chapter 21


Joni stared at the clothes spread out over her bed. It was best to take more than less. Her knives were tucked back in their thigh sheaths where they belonged. She wasn’t sure how long she’d be staying at the Jutak facility but having her weapons eased her. She folded several of her favorite shirts in the small carrying case Faye loaned her from her Singles Program days.

Kill the Jutaks.

The thought burst to the forefront of her mind. Joni flinched and rubbed at her temple. The sporadic headaches came and went but with more frequency. In addition to the bruise on her cheek, she was turning out to have more issues than in the last few months combined.

She glanced over her shoulder to unobtrusively observe the man with her. He looked up at the same time. Heat smoldered from his stare. Kyele didn’t look any worst for wear and she assumed by the fluid way he moved that he’d had his injuries looked over by Dr. Maku.

“Would you like me to assist?” Kyele asked from where he stood at the door.

He’d been quiet for the most part on the ride over, answering her questions about the attack but not saying much other than Torkel planned to do his best to have someone watch over her at all times. Neither of them broached the subject of last night.

Joni waved in his direction then at her dresser. “Just grab some things from the top drawer and add them to my bag.”

She hated to admit the level of relief when the Jutak Unit Leader discussed his reasoning for the change in her location. The Collector seemed adamant about following through on his promise to take her back or kill her. If Kyele hadn’t come along, Joni wasn’t sure she would have braved coming back to her place alone. Knowing Jaron and the others had already walked through her apartment earlier offered another bit of reassurance.

Much to her surprise there was no blood or dead bodies anywhere and the security palm panel at her front door had been changed and upgraded with a fancier high-tech scanner. It utilized technology she’d never understand. Someone had even had the forethought to repair the grate in her ceiling and it showed no signs of her manic escape.

With a deep sigh, Joni tossed in a few pieces of jewelry from the various designs she’d discovered by going to the Enotian’s version of an outdoor mall. Kyele choked behind her.

She spun around, her heart kicking up a notch. Her gaze flickered about the room. No one leaped from the corner. No weapons fired around them. “What’s wrong?”

An unexpected flush stained his cheeks as he backed away from the open drawer. “Perhaps you should do this one and I can help with something else.”

She couldn’t imagine anything embarrassing the tough Jutak. Intrigued, Joni joined him and glanced at the items placed directly on top of her Earth style bras and panties. Her sex toys. She lowered her head to contain her humor and wondered if the big, bad soldier had ever seen anything like these before.

She held up a thumb sized device and mused aloud, “Imagine my surprise to discover that a vendor at the marketplace sells these. Reminded me of home and I got all fuzzy inside.”

Dark brows pinched together but his eyes gleamed with interest. “You used these on Earth?”

“Duh, man shortage, remember?” To tease further, Joni flicked her finger over the power switch and a loud hum filled her bedroom. The egg shaped ball vibrated in the center of her palm and Kyele backed up a step. Holding in a laugh, Joni turned it off and picked up the other two toys she owned.




Joni owned pleasuring devices. Kyele’s limited exposure to such had him appalled and fascinated in equal measures. As she exalted the merits of each of the
sex toys
, he studied her facial expression. She appeared engrossed in her explanations, eagerly reaching for the last item in a drawer filled with an explosion of colorful silk.

“Enotians are more open about the going-ons in the bedroom than I expected.” She moved to sit on her bed, her treasures making there way into the bag she packed.

The comment and her decision to bring the items along caught him off guard but combined with her smirk, Kyele wondered how she expected him to react. Perhaps she tested him. Another side of Joni to discover, not that he needed more reasons to be fascinated.

“And my personal favorite,” she said, holding a purple curved toy, “is Big John.”

“Is that the last of them?” he asked, feigning a serious interest.

Joni sighed. “Three wasn’t enough but I didn’t want the lady at the stand to look at me strangely if I went back. Oh, and she added lube.”

She went on to extol the virtues of lubricating items, using Earth words that didn’t translate but Kyele had no trouble applying meaning to. He waited until she finished speaking then edged closer to the corner of the bed and the pleasure devices she owned. Sex toys as she called them that she’d used in lieu of reaching out for what she wanted. If his friends on the teams could see him, they’d be laughing awaiting his reaction. Joni sat calmly, fingers stroking a dark shaft made of some material he couldn’t identify.

He winced at the thought of her using it on her soft body. He didn’t like it. She wouldn’t have need of any of them. Kyele reached her side and his hands smoothed over the sleek fall of her red curls.

“Does knowing any of this bother you?” Mischief twinkled in her eyes.

Kyele had never had caused to be mischievous with a female but Joni’s flirty smile tugged at his chest. He ran a forefinger over his lips to hide his smile. “It doesn’t bother me.”


Enthralled, he could only stare, paying particular attention to the deep V of her shirt and the hard buds of her nipples beneath the clinging top. He thumbed the tips and she gasped. Kyele loved her reaction. Joni’s sensitivity to sexual pleasure was one of many things he enjoyed about her.

Lowering his voice, he added, “I’m comfortable with…” He pretended to think. “I’m comfortable with the words you used.”

She frowned and Kyele held in his unexpected humor. “What words?”

“Dick and junk.” He leaned down and kissed her before saying, “Although I prefer cock.”

Joni’s skin flushed a shade of red close to the hair on her head. “I…I can’t believe…” She sputtered and his lips twitched. She snickered then laughed out loud. Her laughter was a delightful string of music to his ears. “Me too.”

Her cheeky grin had him responding in kind. Kyele tried not to flinch as he took the purple shaft from her hand and removed the other two
from the bag she was packing. He went back to her dresser, tossed them in and closed the drawer with a determined bump of his fist.

“They stay here.”

“Hey, I might need those.” Joni came off the bed in a flurry but Kyele blocked her access to the dresser and gripped her waist to keep her from going around him.

“You won’t.”

The playful light in her eyes shifted. “Are you suggesting I use you instead?”

Kyele paused in thought. Was she opposed to the idea of them sex sharing again? There was only one way to find out. He tightened his hold on her hips and urged her backward until she pressed up against the wall. He checked on Joni, hoping he hadn’t been too rough. A half smile tipped her mouth as her pupils dilated and his chest seized. She was digging her way into his heart as if he didn’t already carry a part of her buried deep.

He leaned in close and stopped, lips a hairs breath away. The need to consume her overruled his good sense. Kyele tossed his honorable intentions away. “Not suggesting.”

Joni shivered but never once looked away from his eyes. “Hmm, I hope you make it worth my while if I leave them here.”

“It will be worth it.”

Her lips pouted. “Show me.”

“Fair warning.” Kyele said as he reached for her hands and pinned them over her head to the wall. “I will devour you, Earthling.”




Joni didn’t bother struggling. His husky words increased her mounting arousal and the slight edge of trepidation had her wet without him touching anything besides her hands. The pitch in his tone raised the hair on her arms. But as she’d told Kyele before—she trusted him as she’d trusted no other man.

“I like the sound of that.”

“I don’t want to hurt you, Joni,” he rasped between kissing her throat.

Having his mouth on her resolved any concerns about whether he still wanted her. Joni undulated against him. She wanted his clothes off. Wanted to feel him skin to skin. “You won’t hurt me, Kyele.”

His eyes gleamed with sudden intensity. Using their clasped hands, he drew her arms down, bit each fingertip one by one then sucked two of the digits into his mouth, tongue laving.

“Oh, God.” Joni moaned as her head tilted to the side. Kyele leaned forward and nipped her neck, leaving the skin tender. He did it again, sucking longer and drawing harder. He’d probably left a mark as well but she couldn’t find it in her to care.

“I need you,” he muttered, pure lust aimed in her direction. “Here. Now. Say yes.”

She’d give him anything. “Yes.”

He released her wrists to shove her skirt up above her waist and ripped the delicate lace of her panties off. His belt clinked open. Then his knuckles skimmed her swollen folds as he pressed his erection forward. Stretched muscles eased his way and locked down on his shaft for maximum pleasure at the first deep thrust and pull. Joni closed her eyes, soaking in the sensation, her focus completely on the man flexing between her thighs. A man who held a claim on her heart.

Bit by bit Kyele worked his length inside of her. Hot and slick she welcomed him. He choked out each breath as he began to stroke faster, harder. Joni lifted her hips to meet his and opened her eyes. She wanted to see Kyele and know how much pleasure she brought him.

His cheeks turned red, the skin around the scar stretched taut. His eyes held her. The vivid green stare never looked away and Joni felt him down to her soul. She reached up and placed her palm directly over the mark he let define him. They writhed together fiercely, limbs tangled. He was so hard and every stroke sent surging pleasure racing through him. She wanted more. All of him.

“Harder, Kyele,” Joni panted. The muscles of his thighs gathered and Joni braced against the wall in preparation but he hesitated.

“Can’t hurt you,” he gritted out, pressing their faces cheek to cheek.

“You won’t. Promise.”

He took her at her word and plunged deeper. Joni went wild, screaming and clawing at his back. The scrape of her nails had to sting but he didn’t complain. He seemed to love it. Kyele released a hoarse groan and his head thumped on the wall by her head as his hips thrust back and forth. Flyaway strands of red lashed his face but he continued to pound into Joni, the wall vibrating with their desire.

Her thighs clenched as she tried to climb his waist. He pinned her wrists in one hand and helped by grabbing one of her legs and pressing it up and back. Kyele’s moan coincided with hers from the new position which gave him added leverage.

“Don’t stop, Kyele.”

He slowed his strokes and pulled back to face her. The look in his gaze grew dark and Joni’s inner muscles clamped on him in response. Deep growls rumbled from Kyele.

“My little Earthling. My Joni.”

Joni’s breathing grew rapid as Kyele’s words fell between them. Her senses swelled with every roll of his hips. The loud smack of their flesh and Kyele’s driving force caused the knot in Joni’s belly to coil tighter. He let her hands go to brace one palm on the wall for leverage.

Joni grabbed him for balance and pushed up on his downward strokes to take him as deep as possible. She teetered on the verge of erupting but through it all she kept her arms latched onto his shoulders, head slammed back to the wall.

Each time Kyele rocked forward, the angle let his shaft rasp against her spot. Joni sucked air between her teeth. He released her thigh and gripped her chin, bringing her face up to his. “Are you alright, Earthling?”

Joni blinked at the sudden change and swallowed. He’d stopped moving. Desire and concern burned from his green eyes. “More than.”

The muscles in his arms flexed as he thrust and started the maddening pace again. Joni gasped but pumped her hips to meet him. She could feel every inch of Kyele pressed along her curves, aligning for a perfect fit. She’d wanted him for so long, her body craved and relished every stroke. Her back scraped against the wall but Joni felt no pain, only the wonder of her climbing passion. She held back a whimper as their hips rocked together.

“You’re close,” he declared with savage pleasure and bit her bottom lip.

The tiny spark was all she needed. Joni climaxed on a scream, nails digging deep into his back as her body arched up. The orgasm rolled over her like a freight train and Joni shook until her body couldn’t take any more. Kyele’s arm locked around her waist, their chests pressed tight as he released a low muffled groan. She collapsed in his arms, thankful he caught her weight before she fell to the floor.

“Every time I think you can’t be more beautiful, you are.”

Kyele’s whisper snapped her head up. He gazed at her with an emotion she couldn’t describe. Then the look darkened, the green swirled and his eyes glowed with rising desire. Joni stared into his gaze, unable to look away from the harsh lines of his face.

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