L'amore: The Luminara Series (49 page)

Read L'amore: The Luminara Series Online

Authors: SJ Molloy

Tags: #The Luminara Series - Book 2

“I’m sorry, Jackson, this is Omari Fayed, Lucca’s very good friend and solicitor.”

“Omari, I’ve heard a lot about you.” Jackson sounds upbeat, taking Omari’s hand which throws Omari off. Then reality dawns on him when he realises who Jackson is.

“Really?” Omari looks at me and I shrug, not knowing where this is going.

“Yes, Cameron introduced me to Lucca yesterday. He mentioned you’re a keen footballer, so I suggested we should get a charity match organised.”

Omari looks absolutely thrilled. “That would be great. I love a good game, but I admit I don’t get the time to play often. Our mate Chris is diehard. He thinks he’s shit hot, but he’s not. He’s a delusional idiot.”

Jackson laughs. He has a rather cute laugh.

“Well, I’m sure we can get something arranged and all in a good cause.” Jackson nods his head.

“One of Lucca’s interests is supporting the drug trials for treating certain cancers among many, but I’ll let him talk to you about that. I’m sure this will excite him,” Omari adds then backtracks when he sees the blank expression on my face.

I wonder what Omari knows about it. I am curious. I remember the invoices I found in Lucca’s study. I had forgotten about that until he mentioned it.

“Shit, Lexi … what happened?” Omari’s eyes trail down my legs to my knees. Jackson lifts some mugs from the cupboard and holds one up to Omari, moving around my kitchen as if he has been here forever.

“Coffee for me, thanks. Are those Rose’s cinnamon buns I smell?” He walks over to the tub and lifts a bun out. “Hmmm, Lucca is one lucky son of a bitch,” Omari says before scoffing a bit of bun.

Jacksons chocolate eyes meet mine. “Yes, he is,” he adds then turns around to make the hot drinks. My heart skips a beat.


“So what happened?” Omari asks, pointing to my legs.

“Oh, I was out running and went over on my ankle and fell. Jackson was out running too, so he helped me home as I could barely walk on it.” I lift my ankle so he can see the swelling and start of the bruising.

“That’s a nasty bruise you’re going to get on your ankle.” Sighing, I shrug nonchalantly. Bruises fade; I’ve had many so they don’t really faze me. It’s the damage inside that stays with me forever. “Have you told Lucca yet?” he adds.

“No, I’m just home and I didn’t have my phone with me. Why?” I sing and drag out the end because I’m curious what he’s going to say, but I think I have a pretty good idea.

The shaking of Omari’s head confirms to me that Lucca will be pissed. “He’ll be on the first flight home when he finds out. Oh actually on second thought, he can’t. He has an obligation he can’t miss. Shit that’ll piss him off even more. You here and hurt, him over there. Yeah, good luck with that.” He lifts his brow as if to warn me.

I bristle at his suggestion but tap my fingers quickly on the counter. “I’m absolutely fine, and I wouldn’t allow Lucca to fly home because I have a stupid cut to my knee and a sprained ankle. Omari, please don’t alarm him with this. I’m sure you know how protective he is, and there is nothing to worry about.”

“Sure, I realised that the other night at dinner, but I’m just warning you.” He loosens his tie a little at the neck and leans against the opposite counter.

“Thank you,” I whisper.

Jackson puts out coffee for all three of us then enjoys one of Rose’s buns as Omari has another. I sit like Humpty Dumpty in the middle, sipping coffee, listening to them talk about football.

Just as I’m about to hobble off the counter to check what’s in the fridge, Cameron strolls in, eyeing Omari’s hand which is resting on the counter near my ass. Cameron shakes Jackson’s hand and pats his shoulder, surprised to see him here, then turns his gaze back to me then over towards Omari.

“What the fuck have you gone and done now?” he scolds. Narrowing his eyes, he points to my knee and ankle.

“Stop shouting at me. Why are you here?”

“Because Lucca has been trying to call you. Your phone is off, so he is worried about you. You look as if you’ve been dragged through a hedge backwards. Dish. What did you do this time?” He lifts my leg and shakes his head. Jackson smirks listening to the two of us nark at each other. It occurs to me Cameron doesn’t even ask Jackson what he’s doing here.

Sighing, I ignore his question and introduce him to Omari. He shakes Omari’s hand and apologises for his irrational tone and bad manners then lifts a bun from the tub.

“God, these are good,” he says after chewing a few mouthfuls. “So?”

I’m so angry with his abrupt tone that I slither off the counter, wincing when my feet hit the tiles with my weight on my ankle. The three of them stare at me, noticing my discomfort.

“Jackson, thank you for helping me home. I really do appreciate it, and thank you for tending to the cuts. Could you fill Cameron in before he has an aneurism?” He smiles and nods.

“Where are you going?” Cameron gripes.

“I’m going to shower. I have an appointment.”

“You’re not seriously going like that, are you?” Jackson asks, sounding alarmed. I detect a hint of genuine concern and warmth in his eyes.

“Yes, I have to.” I hobble across the tiles.

“Forget it, mate, there is no reasoning with her when she gets something in her head. Her and those two fucking left feet,” Cameron adds, scoffing another bun down and opening a carton of orange juice from the fridge which he drinks in a long gulp from out of the carton. Ewww gross.

“Omari, if you could leave the documents there, I’ll have a look at them later. If you’re not here when I come back down, I’ll get Lucca to call you,” I say, looking at the documents.

“Sure thing, Lexi.” He smiles like someone straight from a male calendar with his deep eyes, beautiful chocolate skin, and well groomed looks.

“Boys, I won’t be long so help yourselves to anything,” I say, holding onto the door.

“Thank you, Lexi, but I really do think you need to eat too,” Jackson says with concern before I leave.

“I will when I come down.” I look over my shoulder to smile and I’m positive Omari and Jackson are eyeing my ass.


I don’t know if it’s because Cameron is here, I feel a little more comfortable about both Omari and Jackson, or it’s because the words and interaction I’ve shared with them has helped me relax. Ironically, my first impression of them both wasn’t favourable, but getting to know them and giving them a chance, like the way I gave Lucca a chance, has made this easier for me.

I have choices to make and my choice is to trust them.

The thought of them staring at me isn’t making me as self-conscious or anxious as it normally would. Ordinarily this would freak me out and make me panic, especially if it were complete strangers doing this. But I don’t feel as if they are total strangers because Omari is close to Lucca and Jackson is close to Cameron and there is a definite connection here, an understanding of trust, boundaries, and respect. Being in groups, mixing with men who aren’t threatening, is teaching me to trust, undeniably helping me be more accepting and stronger.

When I reach the suite, I want to slump into bed and pull the covers over me, but I can’t. I need to keep my appointment at the clinic and visit Mr. Carlin. I take the painkillers I use for my wrist as these will help with my ankle ache. Standing under a hot shower, I recoil a little when the water reaches my cuts and stings the open wounds, but I grit my teeth and it passes very quickly until it feels numb.

Blowing my hair dry, I run my fingers through the natural waves so it’s soft and bouncy. Lathering myself in my Brazil nut cream, I throw on a bright-coral silk vest top and tailored white shorts. I put on my diamond stud earrings, Cartier watch and pendant, then skim some bronzer over my cheeks, touch up my mascara and gloss, and spray some perfume. I put my gold gladiator sandals on and grab my gold clutch bag.

When I totter downstairs and find the kitchen is empty, I’m relieved. Maybe they did decide to leave after all, but I wander slowly through to the family room, balancing on one foot, and find Cameron, Omari, Jackson, and Doris watching the highlights from Jackson’s last game.

No such luck.

I laugh at Doris sprinting from side to side as she watches the football on the big screen. Jackson and Omari lift their eyes and stare at me, clearly admiringly. Omari is the first to drop his gaze, focusing back on the game, but Jackson holds his a little longer, giving me a gentle smile and sweeping his eyes across my body.

Feeling awkward with the atmosphere in the room, I break the silence.




Still nothing.

Jackson nudges him, taking Cameron’s focus away from the TV.

“What’s up?” he asks without interest.

“Can you drive me?”

“When’s your appointment?” He still doesn’t take his eyes away from the screen.


“Sorry, Lex, I can’t. I’m late shift. Can Peter or Marco take you?” Jumping up, he shouts something obscene at an attacking player who missed the shot and rakes his hands through his hair. Omari and Jackson shout out in unison following Cameron’s outburst.

I cross my arms over my chest after their rowdiness quietens. “Peter is out, and I don’t want to bother Marco. It’s okay, I’ll get a taxi or call Hazel.”

Cameron starts shouting at the referee on the screen and running his hands through his hair again, even though he has seen this game and knows the score. When he starts swearing at the TV, I sigh and head for the kitchen.

I open the fridge to see what I have left after the boys raided it since we must be low if Rose is doing a food shop. Smiling, I reach for the soft cheese and smoked salmon on the top shelf, but I stop when I sense someone close behind me. I know it’s not Cameron.

“Here let me.”


He takes the food down but stays close to my body, his face near my hair inhaling my scent. “Hmmm, you smell nice,” he whispers and ever so slightly moves my hair over my shoulder so that his hot breath is close to my neck.

Gasping, I flinch, straightening my spine, and try to ignore his subtle flirting. I take the food out of his hand and then walk to the island to make myself a sandwich. “Thank you. Do you want one?” I ask sharply without looking upward.

“Depends what you’re offering me.” He smirks. Impish humour graces his handsome face.

Oh my God.

“I meant a sandwich,” I say bluntly because I’m horrified.

He laughs. “I knew what you meant. I’m good. Cameron brought us food.”

Relieved and giggling, I ask, “What was it, takeaway pizza?”

He joins me in my amusement. “No, just some chicken salad rolls and potato chips.”

“That’s Cameron’s culinary masterpiece because he can’t cook,” I add.

“Nothing wrong with that, neither can I, but I get by. Look, I’ll drive you to your appointment.” He raises his brow as if asking another question.

My body pricks with a nervous energy running through my veins.

Once I’ve spread my bread, I hobble to the pantry for a lemon. Jackson frowns as he watches me limp about. “Alexis, I’ll take you. I’m off today so it’s no problem. I want to help.”

He reaches over and places a hand at the small of my back. My skin pricks with nervous goose bumps so I break the contact to move to the fridge. Keeping my distance, I take a seat on a bar stool at the island and cross my legs then think better of it when my grazed knee chaps off the skin behind the other leg.

“So I’ll take you, Alexis?” I hear him but my thought process is slowing down. I do notice that he always uses my full name. I’m not sure if it’s through politeness or unfamiliarity. I’m hoping it’s through politeness.

“Thank you, but no, it’s not a good idea. I really am grateful for everything you’ve done today for me, but I think it’s better if I go alone.” I chew the inside of my cheek and furrow my brow.

“Okay, I’m sorry if I overstepped the mark. I was only trying to help.” He sighs and holds his hand to his nape.

Now I feel awful.

Keep composure, Lexi!

“No, I’m sorry. I just think it’s maybe best if we don’t …”
Spend any more time together because Lucca is going to flip.

I’m hoping he takes enough out of that to realise I’m insinuating nothing will ever happen between us. He reluctantly nods in agreement then traces his fingers across his sexy stubble, deep in thought, the mirth in his eyes subsiding.

“You look beautiful, by the way. You wouldn’t know you had twigs in your hair a short while ago and looked like Jane of the Jungle.” He smiles and it’s so cheeky yet friendly I can’t help but smile back.

I smack his arm playfully. “Very funny, smartass,” I chide. He’s likeable. Would definitely make a great friend. I can see how he and Cameron are good mates; they have a similar sense of humour.

“No, really, all joking aside, you look lovely. Did you put the antiseptic cream on?”

Frowning, he knows I haven’t so he lifts some out the first aid kit and starts to rubs it into my knees. Inwardly gasping, I can’t concentrate on eating, not when the UK’s number one sexiest male footballer is touching me. I drop my sandwich on my plate and hold my breath until I’m interrupted by Cameron.

Praise the Lord …

“Lex, Lucca is on the phone. He’s not a happy chappy, and he’s worried. Sounds a bit pissed, so you need to speak to him. Everything okay here?” He looks at me with his protective look, glances at Jackson and back to me, then nods.

“Yes, fine, give me the phone,” I answer, slightly agitated, not purposely with Cameron but more at the thought Lucca being pissed.

Cameron passes me his phone, taking it off silent.

I breathe deeply to prepare myself and shift uneasily, but it doesn’t discourage Jackson. He continues to apply cream to my sores. Cameron looks at me again for a reassuring sign, I nod flicking my hand so he know it’s fine to leave then heads back off to the family room to zap back in front of the plasma like a firefly buzzing amidst a flickering candle. Engrossed.

“Hey, honey,” I chirp, hiding any anxiety in my voice.

“What the fuck is going on? I am only away a few hours and you are injured, stranded, and a fucking footballer is swooning over you who I would rather not be within a mile of you. Jesus, Doc, I am out of my mind with worry. Why did you not take your phone? What the fuck were you thinking? And why the fucking hell is he still in our house?”

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