Last Call (23 page)

Read Last Call Online

Authors: M.S. Brannon

I nod my head and Jami knocks on the glass partition where the driver and Ray are seated.

The glass lowers and Jami says, “Hey, muscles.” Ray turns around, looking back at Jami. “How is this Jason fella going to get us into Toxic? Is he friends with you or something?”

Ray looks puzzled then responds, “Mr. Cain employs me, ma’am. He asked me to accompany you to his establishment and to see you get in your VIP seats.”

“Wait a second there, pal,” Wendi’s loud mouth chimes in. She looks back to me then to Ray. “Are you telling me my sister is dating the hottest and wealthiest bachelor in the state of Florida? Jason is
Mr. Cain who is the owner of the hottest nightclub in Miami?”

“Yes, ma’am.” He looks to me and I shrug, not really knowing what to say at this point. “He owns several actually.” Ray looks to me again and I roll my eyes, knowing this will only excite the bunch even more.

“Holy shit!” Cyndi says. We all look to my sister-in-law out of shock, our mouths hanging open. She rarely uses foul language. She chugs down her champagne then lets out a little burp. “Your boyfriend is a millionaire playboy who loves to entertain women and basically owns the nightclub scene. Damn, Mariah… that’s intense.”

“How do you know all this?” Jami asks the question on all of our minds.

She looks ashamed, but then admits to a little hobby of hers. “I like to read the grocery store magazines when I’m waiting in line to pay.”

I don’t say anything; just really think about how wrong this is. We are portraying a couple to my family when my entire being wants to be with him as a couple. This is fire we are playing with, and I can’t get excited about it. I know it will be me who will get burned and heartbroken in the end.




My sisters are in heaven when we get ushered up to the VIP section at Toxic. They are quite impressed we have our own waitress, dance area, and all the classy amenities that accompany the exclusive seats. I catch a glimpse of my pregnant sister, Wendi, and simply laugh when she does her best Christina Aguilera impression during the remix of “Lady Marmalade.”

We are all having a great time, and when Giselle and Shelby show up, I begin to lighten up and have fun. I start drinking beer and doing shots with my family, and then I let my hair down and dance with all of them. Right now, Jason and I are on two very different pages, but for tonight, I will forget about it and have a good time.

A couple of hours have passed when we are graced with His Majesty’s presence. Jason walks up the stairs to the VIP area and is swarmed by my sisters. They are all thanking him for the wonderful time while he patiently and expertly handles all their questions. I choose to ignore them and turn my back on the conversation. Giselle comes walking up, knowing instantly how sad I really am.

“You didn’t tell him yet, did you?”

I shake my head, knowing she will understand and give me a little sympathy. I have yet to tell Shelby that Royce and I spent the day at the beach with Jason and how much of a total mess I was after he left. She assumed Jason wanted to do something nice for me and that’s why he did this gesture of getting my family into Toxic. If I told her that we haven’t spoken in a week and Jason is merely playing my emotions right now—even if it’s not intentional—she’d smack me in the face, then kick Jason in the balls for hurting my feelings.

Giselle and I collectively decided we’d leave her out of that conversation until I’m ready to break the news that we are officially over. And just as the thought crosses my mind, Jerrica’s overly loud, drunken voice snaps me back into their conversation.

“So you’ll be there, then?” she asks then takes another sip of her champagne.

“I’m sure I can manage to show up,” Jason replies. I immediately butt in, needing to know what exactly he is showing up to.

“And where is that exactly?” I ask with a short, clipped tone.

“Your sister has invited me to her wedding in a couple of weeks. I offered to accompany you in order to keep you out of trouble,” Jason says in his deep, southern tone.

Uh, what? That is not happening. Not on my life will I allow him to come to my sister’s wedding. What the hell is he doing? He will be forced to meet my aunts and uncles, cousins, and my… gulp, dad. Holy hell! That is not going to happen, at all. My dad would have him for lunch if he knew what we’ve been up to, and he has a way of spotting someone who is less than truthful. It would be the epic Dave-shit crazy moment like no one has ever seen before.

I pull on his arm and march him over to the quietest spot I can find. “You’re not coming to my sister’s wedding,” I say as quietly and forcefully as possible

“I didn’t realize you’d be so offended by that, Mariah.” Jason’s face deflates a little and then he expertly recovers, morphing into the asshole I loathe. “I was just trying to appease her. She’s pretty drunk, and I doubt she will remember talking to me. If she does, just tell her I have to work or something,” Jason says, as smooth as ever.

“You know, Jason, I am really not into lying to my family. Why the hell did you do all of this? And why are you acting like its some big game to you? Have you ever considered how it makes me feel when you barge into my life and turn it upside down? First, with my son and now my sisters. This is why I established rule number two. I can’t have you in my life if you’re not really in my life. Does that make sense?” I look into his eyes, and there it is again, the glimmer of sadness. I immediately feel bad for saying what I have; however, it needed to be said. I can’t have Jason fucking everything up.

Jason leans in closer, and with his lethal tone, he whispers back to me, “Well, I’m sorry, but the beach was your fault. If you had any coordination, I would have never noticed you and the day never would have happened. And excuse me for seeing how sad your son was when you told him you’d have to leave the beach. Call it a weak moment, but all I wanted was for him to have a good afternoon.”

Fuck, he really knows how to lie on the guilt, instantly making me feel worse.

“As for tonight, yes, it’s probably a dick move getting your sisters’ hopes up about us dating, but I again was trying to help you out when I showed up unexpectedly at your house. So if you want to leave, go right ahead. Either way, it won’t bother me.” Jason turns on his heels, and as fast as he arrived, he’s gone.





The moment I reach the top of the stairs to my office, I slam the door, pissed with everything she’s just said. I understand why she’s mad at me for tonight, but the time at the beach… Why the hell would
piss her off? We had a good time, and I almost gave into my unknown feelings toward her, but in this moment, I am so glad I didn’t. I’m glad I spoke to her before I acted irrationally, telling her I wanted to be her friend. I could have put myself on the line, and for what; to get completely knocked back down? Well, no thank you! She’s only good for one thing in my life and that’s getting naked to satisfy me. She is such an ungrateful brat sometimes.

I walk to my bar and pour a tall glass of Jamison, wasting no time drinking it down, then pouring another glass. I down the second glass in quick succession, knowing all I want is to erase her from my mind.

I walk to the one-way mirror and get a glimpse of her in the VIP section. She looks so beautiful in her red dress and heels. Her curves are perfect and that ass… Damn, I want to do nothing more than to squeeze it in my palms and bend her over the couch in my office. In fact, that’s exactly what I will do. I believe she owes me that. For tonight, she can give me a little pleasure in return.

I guzzle down my third glass of whiskey and page Bryce, who is looking over VIP. From my mirror, I watch him as he listens to my request and acknowledges what I want him to do. The next moment, I can see Mariah looking over here. For a second, I think she isn’t going to come, but the next thing I know, she’s following Bryce through the crowd.

I turn and lean my back against the glass. My head is starting to swim from the abundance of whiskey consumed in a short amount of time. I keep my eyes trained on the door until she is standing just inside it. I waste no time. I don’t want to talk or do anything other than fuck her into submission. I want to bend her over my couch and think of nothing else except the pleasure I am giving her.

When I stalk toward her, she tries to wave me off, but then realizes I mean business. I keep walking to her until she has nowhere else to move and her back is pressed flush against the closed door. I press my body against hers, and she lets out a sigh, one I know is not from annoyance. She wants this as much as I do. She’s never been able to say no to me.

I slide my hands down her arms and snatch them in my hands, holding her wrists with one hand above her head, and lean down, getting dangerously close to her lips. I want to kiss her, but not there.

As she moves in to kiss me, I back my head away, refusing to let her put her lips against mine. She glares at me, and I only smile. I move my mouth close to hers again. And, again, the moment she moves in close, I back my face away. She then growls in anger while I smile like the wolf I am.

Mariah begins to struggle against my grip, trying to break herself free, but I won’t allow it. She will fuck me tonight, and she will be completely overwhelmed with me, and how I make her feel when she comes.

I move my lips next to her ear and whisper, “Not tonight, darling. You’re going to make
happy tonight.” Then I flip her around, still holding her wrists, but now pressing my dick into her backside.

I rock my hips forward, right against her satin covered ass and hear her moan in pleasure. With my free hand, I find my way under her dress and feel the lacey fabric of her thong. I waste no time ripping it from her body and watching it fall to pieces on the floor. Mariah gasps, her head falling back against my shoulder, submitting to me, as she should. She knows what I can do to her and succumbs every single time.

I let go of her wrists and turn her around, looking into her eyes, and tell her exactly what I want her to do. “Put your palms flat on the door.” She does and I lean in, getting really close to her face then command, “Spread your legs.” She complies; however, they are not quite where I want them; as a result, I command again, “Wider. Good, now stay there.”

I walk to the bar and grab the bottle of Jamison from the shelf. She looks so fucking sexy wearing her short, red dress with her legs spread and hands splayed on the door. Her perfectly poised tits are moving up and down from her anxious breaths, lips parted as she awaits my return.

I don’t keep her in suspense. I move back to her, guzzling a drink from the bottle without swallowing it. I hold the whiskey in my mouth as I then fasten my lips to hers. When she opens her mouth, I share the liquid with her and watch her gulp the liquor down. Then I take another drink and swallow it for myself. I can’t wait to have her the way I want her.





Jason has me trapped between the only place I want to be and the only place that is poison for me. I am standing against his door, sharing shots of whiskey with him. Jason sets the green bottle down on the floor and slowly brings his hands up my sides. He has yet to really kiss me, only teasing me with his lips, and I’m getting so frustrated.

My head is clouded from the toggling feeling of right versus wrong and drunk versus sober. All I know right now is I need to have him pressed into my body, sending me to orbit like he’s done so many times before.

I feel the zipper of my dress slowly move down, and the next thing I know, my dress is getting drug down my body, leaving me naked from the waist down. It’s not long before Jason unfastens my bra, baring me completely with only my fire engine red stilettos.

He then bends down and picks up the bottle of liquor. I know I am feeling quite drunk right now between the champagne in the limo and the four Mojitos I’ve had. As I study his face, I’m aware that Jason is quite drunk, too. I’ve seen him drink many times, but I have never seen him intoxicated. However, the whites of his eyes are red and the way he’s acting is not the same.

Before I can ask him if he’s okay, Jason is tipping the bottle of Jamison up and the whiskey drenches my breasts. He wastes no time moving his mouth to my nipples and sucking the fluid from my skin. All thoughts of Jason being drunk, wondering if I should stay or go, and my raging emotions toward this man instantly leave. He is sending me to orbit with a single lick of his tongue.

He moves the bottle down and again pours the contents over my skin, only this time it’s dripping down my stomach, crotch, and legs.

Before I can process a single thought, Jason’s tongue is slowly trailing up the inside of my leg. As he makes his way up, he kisses and nips my skin, then repeats the process with the other leg until he lands his mouth right at the apex of my thighs.

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