Lasting Attraction (Cassie Series) (25 page)

I slide those panties down her legs, throwing them behind me somewhere. "I think its been too long since I showed your pussy just how much I adore it," I tell her just before licking her slits. Her body bucks towards me, wanting and needing more. I dip a finger inside of her, rubbing along her slick insides, wanting to reach her g-spot. I use my tongue to pleasure her clit and I can feel her getting ready to come already.

Her uneven breathing and gasping turns me on so much more, and I can't help but going a little rougher with her. As I start to suck between her folds, she tightens around my fingers and starts screaming out in pure ecstasy. Just as she comes down from her euphoric high, I stand up, stripping myself of my jeans and boxer briefs. I pull up on her hips and have her sweet spot meet with my hardened cock, and I slam into her. With the angle her body is at, she feels so much fucking tighter around me, I won't be surprised if I come in just a few minutes.

As I slam into Cassie's pussy, I watch her as she tries to grab onto the sheets, or anything else, and to see her struggling to maintain a grip onto anything, proving she is enjoying my fucking her like this, it just makes me want to go harder. Her pussy starts to swell around my cock, I've never felt her body do something like this, and the tightness brings me quickly to my breaking point.

"Holy fuck," I yell out! I come so much harder than normal, completely filling Cassie up the same time she starts screaming, coming a second time.

We lay next to one another on the bed, waiting for our breathing to go back to normal. After a few moments, I look over to Cassie. "I don't know what happened, but you swelled up around my cock."

She blushes while biting down on her lip. "I don't know why that happened either, but I can still feel that it is."

Not able to help it, I grin wide at her. "Good, I'll be ready in twenty minutes."

"Avery," she fake whines.

I kiss her mouth, then we lay here and talk about our day. Before I know it, Cassie is sleeping and I'm left here just watching her. I'm not sure if that is creepy or not, but I don't care, because I don't think there is much more in life as precious as this moment, at least not yet.

The next day on my lunch break, I receive a call from Aubrey telling me that Cassie's mom and Aubrey are planning a baby shower for in three weeks from now. They want my help in getting her to her mom's house, and of course I'll make sure it happens. I look at my work schedule for the following week once I'm off the phone, then go to my boss to request time off for the entire week. I want to bring Cassie somewhere sweet before the baby comes. He accepts my request, since I've proven myself well enough at work.

Once I get home from work and see Cassie in the nursery trying to decorate the wall with these removable sticker things and other wall art, I realize how hard its going to be to keep this secret of her baby shower coming up. The idea of the baby shower is on the tip of my tongue, and I know if I don't mention a baby shower in general, I may end up slipping up and telling her they are planning it. Which, I'm sure she knows they're planning on, just not when and where.

Either way, I say the only reasonable thing that comes to mind. "Why don’t you wait to do that until after your baby shower?"

She turns abruptly and smiles at me. "Jesus, you scared me. And because I don't want to. I want it done now."

I walk in and wrap my arms around here. "Do you need help with anything?"

With a sigh, she answers, "Not right now."

"I was thinking," I pull back and walk to the other corner in the room, "his crib should go here, and right here above it, we should have wooden letters with his name. What do you think?" I turn to face her.

She has a content smile on her face while she nods her head. "Perfect."

"I don't want to interrupt your designing of the room, I just picture it in my head every time I walk in here."

"Avery, I want you to help me, or at least give me ideas. I feel like you're more connected that way. And I love the fact you're envisioning things in here already. I can't wait to have it completely set up."

"I just can't wait to have him here with us." I kiss her lips and we hold each other in our arms while we just look around the room.

She grabs my hand and places it on her stomach to feel him kick around. I've felt him countless times but it doesn't change things, I love feeling it, and she knows it. I think this is what I'll miss the most about her not being pregnant. Well, that and the size of her tits, but I won't admit that to her, because I'd probably get slapped upside the head.

When I was seven my dad bought me a new bike. It was purple and covered in a pink and blue glitter. The handle bars had those pom-pom looking things, and I remember being so excited about the fact there were no training wheels on it. I was a little scared to do it on my own, but the excitement of having a brand new beautiful bike took away any fear I had, and within the hour of getting the bike, I was riding around like any pro seven year old. It was the best day ever.

When I was fourteen, I was told by Jett Hopkins that he loved me. It was the first time that I was ever told that by a guy. Of course, later I found out he only said that because he wanted to have sex with me. But I was fourteen, I believed it, and I thought it was the best day ever. I felt wanted, loved, adored, and so many other things every fourteen year old girl wants to feel from a guy. Especially when they're as good looking as someone like Jett.

I told my parents for weeks that I wanted a cellphone when I was fifteen. They told me I couldn't have one unless I bought it myself. I was bound and determined for my sixteenth birthday to purchase my very own cellphone- of course, not knowing how much I'd have to pay monthly. Two weekends before my sixteenth birthday, my mom brought Aubrey and I to the mall and let us each pick out a cell phone as a surprise. It was the best thing ever, especially because our cellphones matched!

My first year of college, I met Carson who treated me the way every girl wants to be treated. I probably would have spent forever with him had Avery not came back into my life. Our relationship seemed absolutely perfect. The day Avery and I made love for the first time though, I knew he was it for me. I knew he was the best thing to ever happen to me. I fell in love with Pierce though, not meaning to, and it was the best feeling having him love me back. Even with the fall outs between Avery, Pierce, and myself, I knew meeting these guys were the best things to ever happen to me.

All this, and more, have been special moments in my life. Days I'll remember, days I'll cherish, days I'll show appreciation to. However, not one of them compare to this moment, right here, as I hold my baby boy for the very first time.

Over the last several months, I've learned to love Avery with my whole heart. I've learned to cherish our moments together, to respect not only him but myself. I've learned to connect with him, to consult in him, to appreciate him. We've had our moments, that much is for sure, and I know we'll have more, but it doesn't matter so long as we survive everything together. As long as in the end, we have one another and we continue to love and respect each other.

Pierce and I have remained friends, but our friendship has strictly been about our child. About Jason Larson Danielson. I've gotten to know his girlfriend, Miah, as well. She isn't someone I'd picture Pierce with, but she has a head on her shoulders, she works hard, and she treats him well, and I'm happy for him. For them. They've become pretty serious, so I know she'll be involved in our son's life, and I truly believe she'll be good to them both. That is all the matters in the end.

I took my dad's middle name and used it as Jason's middle name. I took Avery's advice but it sounded better using his middle name instead of his first. My dad actually cried a little when I broke the news to him. He and I have finally gotten closer the last few weeks. I broke down at his house, one day when Trish wasn't there, and we talked about everything. He has become more consistent in my life again, and I feel myself becoming daddy's little girl all over again. I was too busy being angry at him, I forgot how much I actually missed and needed him.

Last week I could feel the baby drop and it was the oddest feeling. I started getting groggier and more anxious. My due date was three days ago, and on the same day I had such bad cramping I came into the hospital thinking I was in labor. They told me it was just false labor, so when I really went into labor last night, I waited way too long to come into the hospital. By the time I got here, I was in tears and screaming and cursing. The doctor said I was four centimeters dilated and would be pushing within two or three hours. I got lucky enough to get an epidural, but it was a close call. I almost couldn't. I'm glad I did, because I don't think I could have dealt with that intense pain much longer.

Jason was born at seven nineteen this morning, at seven pounds, two ounces, and twenty inches long. He is a lot smaller than I thought he'd be, especially seeing as his dad is over six feet tall and naturally a bulkier size. They said it doesn't mean much though, he could grow to be bigger than his father.

Avery, my mom and Aubrey were all in the room with me. Pierce never asked to be and I never asked if he wanted to be. I felt a little guilty the second he walked into the room, but at the same time, even though its his son, we're not together and I think it would have felt a little too intimate to have him in here. Things went perfect, and I can't feel guilty about that, especially since he didn't ask ahead of time.

I continue looking down at Jason and I try hard to figure out which he looks more like, me or Pierce. He has the brightest blue eyes, which neither of us have, but they say that'll change as he gets older. The shape of them are most certainly mine right now, but he has his daddy's nose and lips for sure. He is going to be a heartbreaker when he grows up and I'm already scared for that. I've never seen such a precious, beautiful boy in my entire life.

"My turn," Aubrey whines.

"I don't think so," my mom says to her, getting in to move closer. She peeks down at her only grandchild and starts to cry. "He is perfect. I'm so proud of you Cassie." He puts her hand on my shoulder and just continues to stare down at my baby. I look down at him too, not wanting to give him up quite yet.

"Well, when the hell do I get to hold him. He is my son after all," Avery claims from beside my mom. I look over at him and smile with all the pride I can feel inside.

Pierce clears his throat. "I'm pretty sure I have rights to hold him first." He makes sure to smile to show he is just being a punk but I do agree that he should be the first to hold him.

"Pierce, Avery, mom, Aubrey, then I want him back." I don't look up to anyone to see their reaction, and quite frankly I don't care. I think that is the order it should be, and when no one argues, I look up to Pierce to see him smiling largely at me.

He walks over and picks up Jason. He looks so... perfect. Seeing Pierce, all tall and muscular, hold this tiny little bundle of bliss, its perfection at its greatest. I remember seeing Avery holding Dakota, and although it was perfection, it can't beat this moment. My mom and Aubrey both snap a few pictures of him for me, and I lay here, holding Avery's hand, and watching as they all talk about how perfect baby Jason is.

Avery holds him next while he sits next to me. I rest my head on his shoulder and we both just stare down at the baby boy who has pouted lips and is sleeping so peacefully. He hasn't been awake all but the first hour he was born, but I don't mind, because right now I just want to treasure him.

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