Leaf, Erin M. - Tango Trio [Dream Marked 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (14 page)

Jared shuddered, his thighs rock hard. “Parker, stop fucking around.” He held himself rigid over her, unmoving.

Tessa didn’t know where Jared found the strength to control himself. She wanted to fuck herself on him, gorge herself until she couldn’t think anymore. Parker laughed, his voice simultaneously evil and sexy.

“Isn’t this fun, though?”

Jared reared back and rolled his eyes at Tessa. She giggled, despite the heat that was rapidly taking over her body. Then Jared began to thrust, bumping the hand Parker still had wrapped around his cock against Tessa’s clit. She moaned, and Jared smiled then froze.

“Yeah, okay, just like that,” he muttered. Parker had draped himself over the other man, and Tessa knew he was nudging his cock at Jared’s ass. When Jared began to shake, she stroked her hands up and down his arms comfortingly.

“Is this even going to work?” Parker asked, his voice so low that it rumbled.

Jared smiled. “Yeah, just be patient.”

Tessa closed her eyes and sought out Jared’s mind. He let her in immediately, and she felt what he felt—Parker’s thick cock circling at his entrance. It was maddening. Impossibly arousing. She shivered, desperately trying to stuff more of his cock inside her, but Parker’s hand barred the way.
Parker, let him in
, she begged.

No, not yet, Tessa
, he responded. She grumbled at him, but felt Jared’s agreement.

It will be so much better once Parker’s inside me.

Tessa sighed, seeking out Parker. She sensed his iron control as he fought against his body’s urge to just take. The tip of his cock was so sensitive, and Jared was so hot. She felt him circling, then pushing, then circling some more. Her clit throbbed in sympathy, the urge to touch herself almost impossible to ignore when suddenly, unexpectedly, Parker finally slipped inside Jared. Jared went rigid then relaxed completely as Parker shoved farther inside. When his cock bumped up against Jared’s prostate, Parker let go of his dick, and Jared surged inside Tessa, the entire, thick length of his cock suddenly inside all at once. Tessa squirmed, impossibly aroused as he began to thrust, faster and faster. Dimly, Tessa sensed Parker’s decision to let Jared move freely, his own cock swelling even harder as the three of them moved closer and closer to the edge.

Oh my God
, Tessa heard herself moaning. Jared scraped against her clit every time he shoved in. She savored Parker’s intense pleasure in the center of her mind as the heat of Jared’s body tightened around his cock almost to the point of pain. Jared’s intense pleasure intensified as Parker fucked him. As he fucked Tessa. Like before, she smelled forest and rain and night as they meshed with each other, their minds bonded just as their bodies were. When she came, it happened so suddenly she almost choked on her own breath. Jared moaned long and low and let go, the pulse of his cock heightening the insane gorgeousness of her climax. Their orgasms triggered Parker’s, and he grunted and shoved himself hard inside Jared, unable to keep his body from its instinctive urge to claim. To mark. Tessa threw back her head as Jared bit her, his teeth sinking into her skin as Parker’s sank into his. She supposed it was only fair. She’d scratched them both with the claws she couldn’t keep contained right at the apex of her pleasure.

* * * *

“Damn,” Parker sighed. Tessa looked across Jared’s chest at Parker. In their mind link she sensed him idly counting the stars that winked through the canopy along with a few puffy clouds lit by the crescent moon.

“Yeah,” Tessa croaked in agreement. She was kind of shocked. The sex kept getting better. The three of them generated so much excess energy that even the scratches she’d inflicted on them were already healed. She glanced at Jared, who lay with his arms pillowing his head. He had a half smile on his face. Parker’s head rested comfortably on the other man’s shoulder. Tessa sat up and ran her hands down their flanks, ignoring their protests. She didn’t care if it tickled. She had to be sure. She looked them over. No wounds from her claws. No scars. Her neck had healed almost instantaneously, too. The bite marks bled a little then closed up and disappeared.

“I’m not complaining,” Jared stated, his voice and demeanor matter-of-fact. “This is not a bad thing. Great sex and healing? Yeah. No complaints from me.”

Tessa grinned at him then leaned over and kissed his cheek. His stubble scratched at her lips, and she wrinkled her nose at him. “You need to shave.”

He opened his eyes and looked at her. “Oh please. You love it.”

Yeah, all right
, she thought at him and flopped back down, nestling her head into his shoulder. Her lips tingled deliciously from where she’d rubbed them against his skin. “So, what do we do now?”

“We go home, get a good night’s sleep,” Parker stated decisively.

“Whose home?” Jared asked, eyes still closed.

“Let’s go to Tessa’s. It’s the closest,” Parker said, sounding drowsy.

Tessa groaned. “I don’t want to move.”

“I don’t either, but we’re going to be covered in mosquito bites by morning if we don’t,” Parker said as he sat up. He had leaves stuck in his hair.

Tessa grinned at him then twitched as Jared plucked a twig from hers. He sat up and tossed it away, his eyes crinkled at the corners. Tessa sighed then laughed. Clearly it was going to be a long, frustrating, wonderful life with the two of them, she thought as she followed them out of the forest to her car.

* * * *

An hour later they pulled into her driveway. The clouds were thickening, obscuring the moon, so Tessa was glad Parker had prodded them into leaving the forest. It would’ve sucked to get rained on while sleeping naked on the ground. Plus, she itched. Despite Parker’s fear of mosquitoes, she didn’t have any bug bites thanks to her newfound, freaky healing abilities, but the dirt ground onto her back was unpleasant. Itchy. She wanted a hot shower and her soft bed. She stumbled out of the car half asleep, smiling as she listened to Parker and Jared’s good-natured bickering. What were they arguing about now? Oh yeah, some football game. She pulled her keys from her purse, opened the screen door, then stopped.
What the hell?

“Tessa? What’s wrong?” Jared asked, walking up behind her. He slung an arm over her shoulders.

My door is open
, she thought at him, too tired and confused to verbalize.

“What?” Parker asked, joining them on the porch. “You didn’t forget to lock it. You never forget to lock your doors.”

Tessa nodded. “I know.” She felt a trickle of foreboding. Jared nudged the door, and it swung open. Her living room was destroyed. Bookshelves were lying on the floor, books strewn everywhere. Broken lamps. Even her curtains had been torn down. Debris cluttered every surface and most of the floor. Tessa blanched and grabbed onto Jared.

“What the

?” she started to say, then fell silent as she caught the whiff of a familiar scent. She was suddenly afraid. Why did she smell her mother at the scene of her ransacked house?
Fuck. This is not good.

“Looks like a burglary,” Parker said.

Jared shook his head. “No, it’s not. Smell that?”

Parker frowned but did as Jared asked. “Shit.”

Tessa sighed and pushed inside. She didn’t really want to deal with this, but putting it off wouldn’t do her any favors.

“Tessa! Wait, you don’t know if it’s safe!” Parker exclaimed, shoving in ahead of her.

“It smells empty,” she replied, but stopped. She looked around. Parker put his arms around her, and she leaned into him, grateful he and Jared were here.
I wonder if the upstairs is as wrecked as my living room?

“I’ll go check up there,” Jared said. Tessa let him go even though she was certain he’d find the same kind of disaster up there. A minute later he came back down, face grim. She didn’t even have to speak.

“Yeah, I know, baby,” Parker murmured to her, running his hands up and down her back.

“We have to call the police,” Jared stated, wearily.

Tessa nodded, even though she knew it would be an exercise in futility. “They’re not going to find anything. Nothing is missing. I’d bet there isn’t a fingerprint anywhere. My mother did this out of spite when she discovered I wasn’t here.”

Your mother is evil
, Jared thought to her, as if afraid to say it aloud. Tessa shrugged. She’d known that for years.

* * * *

“No, officer, none of us use drugs,” Tessa stated, once again. How many times were they going to ask her this question?

The cop looked at her, his face kind but determined. “I’m sorry, miss, but we’ve had a rash of these break-ins. Nothing stolen, no reason for the destruction. Then, last week, a family called us in. Their house was ransacked. Everything was the same except the teenage boy was a ‘Path addict. When we started investigating further, we discovered that all of the houses that had been broken into either had a ‘Path addict living there or a bonded person living there.”

Parker walked over to Tessa and put a hand on her shoulder. She leaned into him gratefully, sipping her coffee while she tried to decide what to say. The cop waited. Finally she put the cup back down on the kitchen table. “I’m bonded.” She stretched out her arm and pushed up a sleeve. The cop glanced at Parker, and he showed the officer his arm, too. The cop sat back with a sigh.

“They were probably after you,” he said. The man ran his hands through his thinning hair. “I don’t know what they want, but we’ve seen an increase in bonded kidnappings again recently.”

Tessa frowned. “I thought that stopped last year?”

The cop rubbed his eyes. “Yeah, it did, but then it began to happen again, in small, isolated cases. Small towns, rural areas like here.”

That’s not good
, she thought and sensed Jared’s agreement through the wall. He was watching the cops poking through her belongings in the living room.
Is it still a good idea not to tell anyone about our trio-bonding?
she wondered.

It’s still a good idea
, Parker assured her.
We know that trio-bonding gives us at least one greater power—telepathy. And don’t forget the healing. Who knows what the ‘Path drug people could do with a bonded trio?

I hate leaving Jared out of it
, she sent back.

It only makes sense
, Jared thought to her.
You and Parker have known each other for years. We haven’t. From the outside it seems much more likely that you and he would bond than you and I

Yeah, I know. Even so, it makes me feel uncomfortable to deny you.
Tessa visualized herself rolling her eyes and sent the image to her men.

It won’t be forever
, Jared sent, his mind voice gentle.

“Miss? I know this is difficult for you, but we’re almost done,” the cop’s voice broke into their mental conversation. Tessa told herself to pay attention. The man was only trying to help.

“What else can I do?” she asked. “I already told you about the restaurant and what happened there. We know it’s probably connected.” Tessa thought about the sanitized version of the attack they’d told the cop. She hoped it would be enough to help them find her mother and assorted thugs because she really didn’t want to tell anyone about her healing power. Not to mention the trio’s sudden ability to pop claws out at will. That would be a disaster. She envisioned long lines of sick people begging her to heal them, and shuddered.

“You should’ve waited with the other diners to give your statement,” the cop said once again. Tessa shrugged and ignored his look of frustration. No way was she going to tell the cop they had to flee so she could heal Parker and then have sex in the woods. She caught Jared’s amusement at the thought and sent him a mental snort, then turned her attention back to the cop who was still talking.

“There isn’t anything else you can do here. Go to your friend’s house, get a good night’s sleep, and let us know if you remember anything else.” Tessa nodded obediently, grateful when the cop stood up, tucking his notepad into a pocket. He glanced at her then offered his hand to Parker, who shook it very carefully. Tessa knew he was trying to keep his claws sheathed. Apparently, strong emotions like protectiveness and wariness, both of which Parker was experiencing right now, made it harder to control the claws. The policeman didn’t offer to shake Tessa’s hand, to her irritation.

“Be careful of strangers, and make sure you keep your doors locked, even while you’re home,” the officer said, straightening his utility belt.

“We’ll be careful and let you know if we think of anything. Thanks,” Parker stated confidently. The cop nodded and stepped back, looking sympathetically at the mess in the kitchen before walking back to the living room. Tessa heard him discussing their conversation with the other troopers taking notes for their report. She knew the cop was happy she had two strong men around to keep her safe.
. She was the one who’d healed them. She could take care of herself.

Down girl
, Parker teased. She gave him the finger.

Now is that any way to treat your bond-mate?
Jared sent, walking into the kitchen. He carried Tessa’s duffle bag, packed full of clothes and bathroom necessities. Tessa pointed her middle finger at him, too, and he laughed.

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