Learning to Heal (32 page)

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Authors: R.D. Cole



Lounging around in some shorts and a tee, I click through the channels looking for something to watch other than Baby Einstein. Fin is addicted to classical music and rock. I’ve tried several times to see if she’ll stop crying with country, but every time I push play or switch it to CMT she gets louder. But give the child some Slipknot or Chevelle and she’s intently listening. Two months old or not, the child knows what she likes.

Looking at my phone I see Mason will be home before the storm hits. Tonight he had a call to help the auditorium’s sound system because it wasn’t working right. Fall semester is starting in a few weeks and everything has to be perfect to welcome the new students. Tru’s dance team is performing, and since Elle was accepted into the Joffrey Ballet Company she won’t be here next year. Jamal is actually the new captain and maybe Tru can be co-captain. She’s practically a junior with all the advance classes she takes.

After a very interesting rerun of The Vampire Diaries—team Damon baby—I hear a soft knock on the door. Nerves set in because everyone is busy tonight. When I get to the door I look in the peep hole and see Oliver’s wife or ex-wife. What the hell? Taking a deep breath, I ready myself to open the door. Is she a friend or foe? I’m not sure but hiding behind this door won’t give me an answer. I can tell she’s just as nervous looking in her brown eyes framed in glasses. And she’s not alone either. Two little girls with brown hair and brown eyes stand beside her. One looks to be McKenzie’s age and the other might be six. I see Oliver all over the oldest, and she looks at me like I’m the Devil. I can’t really blame her if she knows the story.

“Sorry to disturb you, Jasmine, but my girls wanted to meet their sister.”

Caught off guard, I look at her with wide eyes. “Um …”

Should I deny that Finlee is their sister and stick with the story about Mason being the dad? But there’s really only one answer to that question. No. I would want to know if my biological mother had another child, if there was another child with my DNA walking around somewhere. And looking at the younger girl’s excited eyes, I know it’s the right choice.

“Sure. Come on in.”

I follow them in and shut the door, wondering if there is another reason for the visit. “So are you girls thirsty?”

“Where are my manners? Addison, Marilyn, come introduce yourself to Jasmine.” They both walk over and stand in front of me with two opposite expressions.

The youngest sticks out her hand. I see the dirty fingernails and know this one is a tomboy but definitely a beauty. “Hi! My name is Addison Rose Wallace, but everyone calls me Addie. I like to fish and hit boys and my favorite color is blue. Sort of like your eyes. They’re very pretty.”

“Thank you.” Her words produce a smile from her mom and me. I take her tiny hand and shake it. “Nice to meet you, Addie.” She just smiles and goes on to look at the pictures on the wall. Most are of Finlee, but there are a few of all three of us.

Marilynn stands still with her arms crossed. She doesn’t like me a bit and it shows. After her mom clears her throat she huffs out a dramatic sigh. “My name is Marilynn Grace. You obviously know my last name and the other stuff about me is none of your business.” She turns and walks away.

“Young lady, you come back here and apologize. Now!” Allison’s voice is stern but Marilynn doesn’t seem affected and continues to ignore her mother.

Giving up, Allison turns my way looking regretful and apologizes. I don’t know why, because the child has every right not to like me, and I can’t blame her. With her parents’ divorce and the new baby sister that’s not her mom’s, well any eleven year old can connect the dots.

Shaking my head, I turn my attention back to the hysterical mother. “No, it’s fine. I was that age once and attitude is an everyday expression for them.” About that time Fin wakes up and gives everyone a startle. She is all lungs. “Hold on.” I walk in the nursery unaware of tiny feet behind me.

“This room is amazing.”

After I pick up Fin I watch Addison take in the room while spinning in circles. “Thank you.” Placing Fin on the changing table, I freshen her up and she calms right down. “You’re such a big girl.”

“She so, so, so cute. Can I hold her? Please?”

“Addie, stop begging. Besides she’s so tiny.” Allison walks closer and gets a good look. “Was she early?”

“Yes, but only by four weeks. She just takes after me in stature I guess.”

“And my dad.” Marilynn stands outside the door sneering.

“Marilynn, you are this close to getting grounded. And I mean no phone, TV, or iPod. Got it?” This threat only receives a shrug and a view of her back as she walks away. “That child has been driving me crazy. I just don’t know what to do.” Her voice is starting to sound thick and I see moisture build in her eyes. I believe it’s time to talk and figure out why she’s here and what’s next. I really want Mason beside me so hopefully he will hurry.

After getting Finlee fed and settled in her bouncy seat, I take Allison into the dining area to talk. This way the kids are visible, but hopefully they won’t here what’s being said.

The almost tears are gone, so her voice is higher. “I’ve been wanting to come see you ever since that day we first met. I knew instantly who you were when he sat by me and saw you and your friend kissing. Jealousy was clear as day. I mean, I’ve been with the man for over a decade so I kind of know him. But the guy you were with he was so sure the baby was his and he seemed so in love with you I wanted to find out if my suspicions were wrong. For his sake. I was already filing papers because of Oliver’s past affairs.” My eyes widen with the news.

“Oh yes, he’s been cheating on me for years, and I should have left him years ago but didn’t. I loved him from the first time I saw him at the country club. He noticed me and not many men did back then. But what I later realized is it wasn’t me he noticed it was my status and last name. My family comes from a long history of Mobile money. He won my parents over and of course me. He was so suave, but underneath he was a snake. I paid for his schooling and his car. When he constantly went on trips to conventions a few years back, I knew something was going on then. I didn’t want to believe it. We had just had Addie and I didn’t want to lose him and break up my family. And he has been a phenomenal father to the girls. That was another reason it took me so long to file the papers.”

She tucks some stray brown hair behind her ear while I visualize the story she’s telling me. “After a few years of this I became depressed. So bad I got hooked on prescription pain medication. Luckily my family was there to get me out and made me see I was better than Oliver. Better than I gave myself credit for. So I’ve been building a case against him for about a year now and he was recently served his papers. He doesn’t want to sign them, though, because if he loses me he loses his money. I know your family has money as well. Correct?” I nod my head while my brain tries to digest everything she’s telling me. “Well, he’s probably going to try to get you back. Especially now that you’re not a student.”

“Well you don’t need to worry about that. There’s no way I’d even think about getting back with him.” I look at the woman whose family is broken and angry because of mistakes I’ve made. I’ve forgiven myself these past months and I just hope she can forgive me too. “I’m truly sorry you’re going through this. I promise on my life I had no idea he was married or had children.” I grab her hand desperate for her to believe me. “The signs were there, but I was too naïve to notice. I’m sorry for hurting you like this.”

The tears sneak out from her eyes. “Don’t worry. I forgive you and I figured with the way we talked that day at the doctor’s office, and from your expression when you saw him sitting there, you had no idea. Besides this isn’t his first affair. But it will be the last one he has while he’s with me.”

We talk for a little while longer while the girls fawn over Finlee. They love her name and from the looks of it, her as well. Even Marilynn has smiled every once in a while. After they leave I take Fin and go lie in bed. I’m mentally exhausted and now the rain has come. I let the patter of rain on the windowpane and Fin’s breathing lull me to a restless sleep.


“Okay, girls. Let’s get perky. You’re both on duty tonight.” Glancing at my cleavage, I admire its fullness and the way the coral fabric hugs them tightly. Tonight is my first official date with Mason. Needing some alone time, we have his mom and Grace babysitting at our place. Tru’s working and Ryan’s band Lyrical Obsession is supposed to be on fire. I haven’t seen them play since New Year’s all those months ago, and even then they sounded good. Tru states they have brought major business and Ms. Janet, the owner, is thrilled.

Mason is ready and waiting in the living room with everyone else while I make some last minute changes to my accessories. My belief of a guy waiting for his date still stands, even if they live with each other. I really haven’t dressed up this much since before I became pregnant. The outfit I’m wearing is a short, strapless cocktail dress with an empire waist. The top is coral satin and the bottom is black tulle. The sash travels around my waist and forms a bow in the back. It’s very pretty and something I bought especially for this special occasion. Tonight is the night to listen to Marvin Gaye and get it on. I squeeze my thighs together in anticipation of what the night holds for us.

Besides the amazing sex to come, we are also celebrating. Allison came by last week with news her divorce was finalized. She also took the evidence of Oliver’s many affairs with female students to the board at South and he lost his job last week. The police are checking the ages of each girl to make sure no statutory rape charges will be filed. She said he showed up at her house pissed beyond belief and cussed her and the girls out for turning their back on him or some shit like that. She had to call the cops and after a few threats spewed from his mouth, she also got a restraining order on him. After that he left and hasn’t been seen or heard from.

Running my hands through my hair, I watch the curls bounce before they fall into place. Then my heart stops when I hear Finlee screaming in pain. My inner sex goddess is replaced by Super Mom immediately. Running out the door I reach everyone huddled around Grace and Finlee. “What happened?”

Mason is kneeling and talking softly to his sister. “Grace tried to give her the bottle back and it …”

I bend down and check on Fin while I wait for him to finish. “You okay, Princess?” Looking up and down her tiny body I see no marks or blood so I calm down. After kissing Grace’s head, I stand and turn toward Mason. He’s standing in front of me with his mouth hanging open and wide eyes.

“Are you okay?” I ask innocently. He likes what he’s staring at and I like the look he’s giving me. His eyes have darkened and I see his nostrils flare with each breath, but I like playing games with him so I run one hand slowly from my neck down to my breast and let it linger. “Do I have something on me?”

His throat constricts before he shakes his head. When his eyes finally leave my breasts and reach my eyes, he arches his brow and smirks. Busted! “You’re something else. You know that?”

I walk over and wrap my arms around his waist. He smells so good and looks so sexy in jeans and the plaid button down shirt. I can see a white tee under it because it’s loosely buttoned. I can’t wait to strip him bare. Looking up I smile. “I know. But I don’t mind being an unusual person. Just as long as I’m your unusual person.”

He kisses my glossed lips. “Forever.” The warmth of his words has me liquefying in his arms.



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