Learning to Heal (34 page)

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Authors: R.D. Cole

I grab her bare feet and place them gently on my shoulders. “Hold on.”  

Then I dive in—licking, sucking, and nibbling. Anything my mouth is capable of I perform it on her. “Fuck, you’re good.”

The tangy sweetness of her juices on my tongue has me straining against my jeans. When her hand reaches for my hair I know she’s close. So close. Bringing my finger up, I push it in her pussy for only a second before I take it out and slowly rub it over her anus.

She loses it after that. “Oh fuck. Fuck. Fuck!” Her screams and moans cause my hips to thrust toward the cabinets in front of me. My body belongs to her and knows it wants to be deep in her warmth. Her voice is like a mating call, and my dick is ready.

Standing, I unbutton my jeans and have them down and somewhere across the room in record time. I bet Superman isn’t that fast. Grabbing her hips, I look into her eyes and dive in. A loud growl rumbles up from out of nowhere in time with her moan, but my body is on automatic. She sits up and wraps her arms around my neck as I sink into her over and over again. When I go to kiss her it’s difficult and uncoordinated. I’m fucking her so hard our mouths can’t keep contact with one another for more than a second. I stare at her flushed face as she pants hard enough to cool my heated skin.

“Perfect. You’re so damn perfect.” She smiles and does something that squeezes my dick like a vise. And I lose the battle, but damn I won the war.


We head straight to Finlee’s room once we arrive home the next morning. She’s sound asleep but Jazz picks her up and cradles her close, ready to make up for lost time.

“I missed you, Princess.” Watching the two is amazing. The knowledge that they’re mine hits me and I smile.

Jazz sits and starts to nurse, so I go and talk to my mom who’s feeding Grace breakfast. “Good morning.”

Mom takes a seat with her cup of coffee. “Morning, son. How did last night go?”

My smile is immediate. “Well she said yes. What more could I ask for?”

Her arched brow tells me she wants details so I tell her. I don’t remember the exact words I said last night because my nerves were so messed up, but I do remember her face. I’m saved when Jazz comes in and joins the conversation. She of course remembers what I said word for word. When Jazz shows her the ring I see the approval in Mom’s eyes.

After breakfast Mom starts getting ready to leave but Grace is staying with us since she has a shift later tonight. Chanda has been staying with a friend somewhere and hasn’t been seen.

“No word from anyone at work?”

Mom shakes her head as she grabs her purse. “Nothing. I know she needs the money, so I don’t know why she’d just quit all the sudden.” Walking over she places a kiss on each of us before she leaves. She quickly knocks after I’ve shut the door. “Sorry, honey. I forgot to give you this. One of the neighbors said it was left in their mail by accident.” She passes me an envelope addressed to Jazz then walks out a second time.

Walking into the dining room I take a seat by Grace and lay the letter on the table. “Here, babe. You got a letter.” She stares at it for a few seconds with wide eyes before her eyes look up at mine. Her face pales and she shakes her head. “What is it?” I stand and go kneel by her chair. “What’s wrong?”

She takes a deep breath before she answers on a whisper. “Oliver. That’s Oliver’s handwriting.”

Taking it, I rip it open.

Dear Jasmine,

I hope this letter finds you well enough to understand what I’m about to say. I have contacted a lawyer and plan on having a DNA test done. You should be receiving a subpoena soon and I expect you to cooperate. I’m sure you’re already aware that my employment has been terminated by now. But I plan on fighting the allegations tooth and nail. When I do have employment again, I also plan on gaining custody of my children. All three of them.

You might be wondering how. Well you just have to wait and find out.


Oliver M. Wallace PhD.


Anger and outrage don’t describe my feelings at the moment. All I want to do is hit something. Hard. But then I see Jazz take the letter from my hands. After she reads she looks up at me with terror in her blue depths.

“He’s going to try to take my baby?” I catch her before she hits the ground. “He can’t have her. Dammit! He can’t.”

I sit on the floor with her small body curled in my lap crying. “Hey. Look at me.” Grabbing her wet cheeks, I turn her to face me. “He won’t take her from you. I promise you. I won’t let him. Got it.” She takes a shuddering breath and nods her head. We sit there in each other’s arms for I don’t know how long. My brain is stuck on the promise I made her, and I’ve never been one to break a promise. And this one I will keep, even if I have to kill the motherfucker myself.


A few days after the letter’s arrival, we get the expectant subpoena he promised. It gives us the name of the clinic with appointment time and case number. It also provides a court date for the results to be read, but we already know what it will say, and knowing the truth doesn’t change the fact that in my heart Finlee Breanne Reed is my daughter. Deep down I was really hoping it was a bluff, but he seems adamant about pursuing this. Jazz called Allison and she hadn’t received a letter at the time, but the next day it came and said something similar to ours. She has her lawyer looking into it, and they both believe it’s a bluff, but the guy has balls.

Walking into the courtroom we keep our attention on the judge and not the asshole on the left. For someone I used to admire in the classroom he has truly become someone I despise in the real world. Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t mind him being in Fin’s life because every child should know their dad, but trying for full custody when the mother is a hardworking and loving person? That’s just cruel and selfish. And if he truly wanted her in his life then why not come by and try to see her. We haven’t heard a word from the guy besides the letter. I have a feeling there is an ulterior motive for all the theatrics and not just the children. I just don’t know what yet.

After the judge calls order we all stand while the bailiff brings the yellow manila envelope over and places it in the judge’s hands. Jazz reaches for my hand and puts a death grip on it. She is so scared I can feel her body shaking. Dropping her hand, I place my arm on her small shoulders and hold her close, needing to take that fear away. I kiss her temple and look behind us. Tru and Jax are a few rows back with Finlee. We weren’t going to bring her but Jazz didn’t want to be away from her for too long, so they came for support and to kick the shit out of the guy if needed.

The judge opens the envelope and takes out the papers. “Mr. Oliver Morris Wallace. It seems you are the father of three month old Finlee Breanne Reed. Congratulations.” He hits the gavel and dismisses us all.

“Thank you, Charles. Sorry, Judge Steiner.” Oliver smiles like a snake and rubs his palms together. “Now I want to meet my daughter.” He makes his way over to where we’re standing.

Tru and Jax are already by us and Jazz has Fin wrapped in her arms. I kiss her tear stained cheek. “Hey. We’ll make this work. He has nothing on you. It takes some really heavy shit for a mother to lose her children.”

“Oh don’t be too sure, Mr. Reed. Now pass me my child.” Oliver reaches out and after a moment of hesitation Jazz gives her over. He looks down and scrutinizes everything. “Oh she’s perfect. The only thing that needs to change is the name. Really what kind of name is Finlee? And we’ll definitely need to fix the last name. I mean she looks just like me and no child of mine will have any other name than Wallace.”

I take a deep breath before I knock the shit out of the bastard. Jax must notice because he shakes his head. But I also see the anger he’s also holding back. Not causing a scene is harder than I thought.

“Finlee is a great name. So it’s not changing. You might be the biological father and you can be in her life, but you can’t just barge in three months later and act like you give a shit. And you definitely won’t dictate what I choose to call my daughter.” She sticks her arms out when Fin wakes up from the commotion and starts to cry. “Now give her to me. I need to nurse her.”

He hands her back and glares at her menacingly before I step in and give him a look that says “back the fuck off.”

“Well I got news. She’s my child and I will have a say in her life. So stop being a dramatic child per usual.” He walks away but looks over his shoulder. “Oh and expect to hear from my lawyer very soon. I really don’t think you’re fit and healthy enough to care for a child, and I’m sure Charles will agree with me.”

“You son of a—” Jax’s arm is around my waist holding me back.

“Not the place, man. Not the place.”

The bailiff’s watching us and straightens his shoulders, ready to come over if he sees fit. I take a deep breath and shake off Jax’s hold even though I’m far from calm. “I’m good.” My eyes stay trained on the dick in a pressed suit as he walks away.







After the paternity reading we decide a weekend at the beach is needed. So after packing half the nursery up, because I freaked about leaving something, we head to Mom and Dad’s. When I step out of my Tahoe, I see my parents sitting together on the white steps of the front porch. I immediately run to them and let the tears fall. With the warmth of their bodies surrounding me, and the sensation of salty wind in my hair, I feel like a child again. Sometimes even adults need their parents when they’re scared or having a shitty day. I still think my dad is a super hero who will kill the bad guy and my mom is Mary Poppins with the best medicine to make it all better.

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