Legally Bound 2: Against The Law (16 page)

Rita turned to face Marcus and her hand reached for her belly protectively. A stream of emotions ran across his face. Awe, rage, confusion, joy and then rage again. He turned to glare at Anton.

Anton rose to his feet and threw his arms up in surrender. “Never, ever a threat, that is all you papa,” Anton said with his accent and a warm smile.

Marcus turned back to look at Rita’s belly; then he looked up at her face searching for answers. Why hadn’t she told him? Why hadn’t she come home sooner? She was having his baby?

Once again his feet were carrying him to her without him placing the command to his own brain. When he stood before her, his hand reached to cover hers that was still resting on her bump. Tears wet her lashes.

“We’re having a baby?” Marcus said in just about a whisper.

“Yes,” Rita said nervously and started to chew on her lip.

Marcus really took her in this time. He lifted his other hand to caress her cheek. Her face looked a little drawn and her eyes, they were more than just tired from a long flight or the time change. Marcus knew instantly that this has not been an easy pregnancy on her. Everything started to make sense now, Jasper rushing off, her not returning sooner.

“Oh Baby, I should have been with you. You needed me,” Marcus choked out.

A tear slipped from the corner of her eye. “I’ve just been a little stressed. The doctor wants me to rest is all,” Rita answered his unspoken words and questions.

“This calls for a celebration,” James bellowed through the room breaking the tense moment.

“Wait,” Marcus held up his hand, “I have something to do before we start celebrating.”

Marcus looked around the room and knew his next move more clearly than all the plans he had made to propose to Rita. “Dad, Grandpa, Thomas, Nate, Sam, Bobby, Jas I need a little help if you all don’t mind,” Marcus called out to the men in the room. He looked over to Anton and pressed his lips but nodded toward him. “I could use you too.”

The men all stood around Marcus curious of what he was up to. Marcus nodded to them all nervously and licked his suddenly dry lips. He turned back to Rita and reached into his pocket for the box that had been burning a hole in his pocket. “I had planned to do this differently, but I can’t wait any longer. Last time I did you ran away from me,” Marcus said with a crooked smile.

“Rita I want you to take a look at all the men standing before you. At some point each of these men have loved you, protected you, they have all been the men you have run to when you needed safety and support.

“But today I am asking you to trust me enough to be the one and only. The one you run to, the one that loves you, the one that keeps you safe and supports you. Trust that you don’t have to run to get my attention because you have always had me,” Marcus became choked up and cleared his throat. “Look at these men around me, Baby. See their strength and their fierce need to protect you. Then look into my eyes and tell me if you see the strength of all these men put together in my eyes alone.”

He dropped to one knee before Rita and opened the box with the ring he was bursting at the seams to give her. Rita gasped and covered her mouth as the box dropped open. The ring was just divine. Tears started to well in her eyes as she watched Marcus pull the ring from the box.

“If you see what I know I feel Rita, then also know that I have loved you forever. Know that with all my mistakes I will never make the mistake of losing you again. I want to spend the rest of my life making it all up to you.

“Rita Jennifer Briggs will you please marry me. I know for a fact I can’t live without you,” he looked up into her green eyes pleading with grey ones.

“Yes, yes, yes,” Rita breathed and grabbed his collar to pull him up off his knees.

A rumbling growl came from somewhere deep in Marcus’s chest as he grabbed her waist and pulled her in closer. He captured her lips and kissed her deeply. Rita almost forgot that they were in a room full of other people.

Marcus broke the kiss to slip the ring on her finger as the men standing behind him patted him on his back. It was a perfect fit. Better than the first one, it fit on her finger like it longed to be there, like he longed to be with her, inside her, bound to her.

This ring’s band was made of infinity links that were covered in diamonds. Two large stones centered themselves on top of the links. They were mounted and set on top of a single infinity symbol that was encrusted with stones as well.

Marcus had her birthstone, a single Alexandrite stone placed in the underside of the mount between the stones and the band. Rita would know this was picked and created just for her. He hoped she loved it as much as he thought she would.

“It’s amazing,” Rita sobbed as she looked at the ring. “It’s too much Marcus.” Her cheeks were blushing.

“Nothing is too much for you,” he replied and stroked her cheek.

“That’s my boy,” Marcello crooned and slapped Marcus on the back. “You boys did very well.” He looked around at his three grandsons and their families, “Very well indeed.”

“I did didn’t I,” Marcus said as he placed his brow to Rita’s. “I love you, Baby.”

“I love you too, I never stopped.”








Chapter 25

Five Months later

aniel, sweetie, tell mommy what’s wrong,” Rita cooed at her sweet little boy in her arms. He’d been crying nonstop. She fed him, bathed and changed him.

“I think he needs his daddy,” Marcus crooned as he walked up behind Rita and wrapped his arms around her waist.

He still couldn’t believe this was his wife, and now they had little Daniel. He couldn’t wait to marry her once she returned home. That weekend they had a small ceremony in the great room in the family estate, and as promised, they had a larger wedding just a few weeks ago, two and a half months after Daniel was born.

Marcus could still see images of his stunning bride walking to him in her form fitting dress. That dress had every woman jealous to know that she had just given birth and looked so stunning in it. Her breasts were fuller from the milk she carried to feed their son, but it made no difference she was gorgeous.

The entire wedding he could only think about how he wished he could feast on her delectable body. Even now he was having the same thoughts just thinking of her walking toward him. Her pregnancy was rough. As a result, Rita had gotten a lot of practice in on her oral skills. Her mouth is amazing, but Marcus couldn’t wait to experience her tight heat around him.

He had to shake the thoughts from his mind. Daniel was still wailing, and Rita looked tired. Marcus had just come in from court and was taking off his shirt and tie when he heard his little monster crying through the monitor in their room.

Marcus moved around Rita and cupped his tiny son in his arms. He was in awe of how this tiny person could fit in his palms. He placed Daniel against his bare chest and placed a kiss to the top of his head full of brown curls. He smiled to himself as he thought of how much his son looked like his brother’s two boys. They were all going to be little heartbreakers.

“See there we go,” Marcus cooed. “Tell mommy she can go have a nice long bath. We got this.”

“Thank you, Baby,” Rita gave a tired sigh.

“Anything for my wife and my son,” Marcus gave her a sexy grin and kissed her forehead. “Now go relax. He’ll be fine.”

Rita placed a kiss on her husband’s lips and one to her son’s little head and turned to leave for a much-needed bath. She had a surprise for her husband that she was sure he would enjoy. It was long overdue.

“Hey little guy,” Marcus crooned to Daniel as Rita left the room. He rubbed the baby’s back and swayed to a tune in his own head. “How about I tell you how I fell in love with your mommy again. That one seems to be one of your favorites.”

“Or I can tell you about how your Uncle Nate and I taught her how to break noses,” Marcus chuckled when Daniel squirmed on his chest and whined.

“Broken noses it is. You’ll be learning to protect your mom and sisters anyway. But you have to keep my secret about the sisters. Your mom will kick my butt if she finds out I want to get her pregnant again,” Marcus laughed quietly. “Unfortunately, for me, she graduated from breaking noses to putting bullets in people. Don’t worry, if you want to skip over the law firm or the family security business, I’ll support whatever you want to do.”


Marcus spent an hour talking to his little boy and was in pure heaven. He really loved that sweet little boy. It was hard watching him so weak, but still fighting for his life when he was born. Rita had only been about seven months when she went into labor a few days after Paige had.

The whole family was freaked. They expected Paige to go in early because she was carrying the twins, but everyone was worried about Rita with such a rough pregnancy. Marcus thought about his wife; she was a fighter. He knew his son was too. He thought that he somehow loved them more because of what they had been through.

Marcus had a smile on his face as he unfastened his belt and the top button of his slacks while walking into his bedroom. He stopped in his tracks as his eyes grew wide and his mouth went dry. His body tightened and his dick tried to break through the zipper.

“Baby,” Marcus groaned. He couldn’t take another blowjob with her dressed like this. He wanted inside her tight body so bad he was ready to blow on the spot. “This is torture, Rita.”

“It doesn’t have to be,” Rita smiled and lifted a brow. “But from what I heard you telling Daniel, you may want to lock up my guns if you plan on getting me pregnant tonight.”

“Wait…what? You mean,” Marcus swallowed as he fully took in his wife. He could hardly comprehend her teasing threat or the fact that she had been listening to the baby monitor. She was standing on the foot of their bed with her hands above her head holding onto the rod that connected the posts for the canopy. A tight navy blue jacquard corset, trimmed in black lace, hugged her curves causing her full breasts to spill over the top.

Tiny lace panties barely covered her, and a black garter held up black stockings with a jacquard pattern on them. On her feet were red patent leather platform fuck me heels. This was one time that he could give a shit about her shoes being on the bed although with Rita he was sure they were brand new and the sole never touched the ground outside.

“Shit Rita,” Marcus growled. “If I can’t be inside you tonight you better tell me now and take that shit off.”

Rita pouted then sucked her bottom lip into her mouth. Her eyes raked over his chiseled bare chest down to his trim waist to the bulge that was wreaking havoc on his zipper. Her eyes lit up at the sight of his arousal encouraging her to move forward with her plan. Moving one hand from above her head, she let her fingers travel from the hollow of her neck, between her breasts and down her side, until she pushed her fingers into her panties.

She watched Marcus’s eyes dilate, and his nostrils flare. She pulled her soaked fingers from her folds and brought one finger to her lips and sucked on it. Then she held out the rest to him. In her husky voice, she asked, “Do you want a taste, Baby?”

“This is okay? You got the all clear?” He asked hoarsely.

Rita bit her lip and nodded her head. Marcus made quick work of stepping out of his slacks and stalking over to his wife. His eyes were full of hunger, and he was barely containing himself.

“Now about that baby,” Marcus crooned lifting her in his arms and letting her slip down his naked body. He hissed as she rubbed against his painfully hard erection. He slipped one hand into the long side of her hair drawing her face to his.

Rita laughed then gasped as his hands grabbed a firm hold of her full curves. He lifted her from the floor wrapping her legs around his waist. They didn’t break the kiss once as his hands roamed her body. His kiss started a burning fire in her belly, and she realized how much she too wanted this. It had been over nine months since she had her husband in a truly intimate way. She could already feel her folds becoming slicker by the second.

This would always be her reaction to Marcus. She was a hundred percent sure no other man could get her to feel this way, no matter how hard they tried. As he slid his hands up her sides and moved his mouth to her neck, she tilted her head to give him better access and released a loud moan.

“I’ve missed you, Baby. I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of you,” Marcus breathed against her throat.

He pulled back to look at her then gently pushed her back against the bed. He reached for her left leg and pulled her shoe off her foot. Slowly he brought her foot to his lips and kissed each toe before retracting his path nipping at each one. Rita moaned as he kissed and nipped the sole of her stocking covered foot.

Marcus’s eyes skimmed up her legs to the lace of her thigh highs and the garter that was turning him on. Rita watched as his face grew dark with desire. He reached up to push his fingers under the garter straps that rested against her thighs.

“Fuck Baby,” he groaned. “You’re so sexy.”

He crawled up her body to take her lips in a hard passionate kiss. Between the sight of her and her sweet taste, he was ready to lose it.
Get a grip Mairettie,
Marcus thought to himself,
you have her for the rest of your life.

“Marcus, I love you so much,” Rita panted as he moved back to his original task.

“I love you too, Sweetheart. Turnaround for me,” he commanded gently.

Rita turned around and followed his hands that were leading her into a sitting position, her butt against her heels. Marcus reached for the zipper on her corset and slowly pulled it down. He could feel Rita’s anticipation spiking just as he wanted it to. When the zipper finally reached its stop, he leaned in and pushed the fabric from her right shoulder before placing a kiss to it. He then moved to her left shoulder doing the same.

Rita let the corset pool from her shoulders to the bed. She was panting as Marcus placed tiny sucking kisses down her back to the base of her spine. He murmured his appreciation against her silky soft skin. Placing his hands on her hips, he dragged his tongue up her spine and Rita gasped and wiggled against him.

“You’re so perfect Baby,” Marcus murmured as he unhooked her garter at the waist and gently bit down on her neck.

“Marcus, please,” Rita whimpered.

“I’ve got you, Baby, hold on,” Marcus chuckled against her ear. “Lift your hips.”

Rita did as instructed lifting her hips as Marcus pushed the garter down and unhooked the rest of it. She leaned forward as he pulled the flimsy fabric away and off her body then returned to her sitting position as his hands guided her. She sat before him in nothing but her lacy black thong and stockings. Her entire body was humming from his simplest touch. She wasn’t sure she would ever feel this way again ten months ago, and now here she was in the arms of the only man that could set her mind, body, and soul on fire.

She was no longer the young girl he cared for but refused to touch. Now his every touch had the purpose and intention of bringing her the ultimate pleasure and her body was purring for it, calling for him with every breath. She could feel his restraint and control as he took his time to tenderly run his hands over her shoulders down her arms and then forward to cup her breasts as he feasted upon her neck that she opened to him.

Small whimpers and moans started to escape her lips. “Shh Baby, I’ve got you,” Marcus rasped against her ear before nibbling on her lobe. “I’ve missed you so much. I’m going to love making up for lost time.”

“Marcus,” Rita whimpered as his voice sent shivers down her spine.

He kneaded her breasts and flicked his tongue out across her neck before moving to bite into her shoulder and then licking it to soothe her flesh. Rita writhed in his hold and wiggled to press back against his chest. She pleaded and whimpered not sure if she wanted him to stop or to continue this sweet torture. It felt like her brain was short circuiting.

“Oh God, Marcus please,” Rita purred.

“Please what Baby,” Marcus chuckled huskily as his hand slid down her stomach. “Tell me what you want. What is it you need?”

“I-I want…I want you. I need you…please.”

“Is that all you want Baby? How do you want me? How do you need me?” Rita gasped as Marcus’s fingertips brushed over her mound and dove into her slick folds. “So wet and ready for me, tell me what you want.”

Rita gulped down a breath and purred. “I want you inside me, please.”

“Soon,” Marcus growled as he stroked in and out of her soaked flesh. “I can’t believe I have my hands on you like this. You’re mine for the rest of my life. Lay down on your stomach, Baby.”

Marcus growled at the sight of her sprawled before him. Leaning forward and catching her thong between his teeth he tugged it down and away from her body. Letting his hands glide up her calves to her thighs and then her hips, slowly and teasingly, he tightened his hold on her waist and turned her over. Rita reached for his neck and pulled him to her.

Marcus reached for her hands and stilled them, pulling them above her head and holding them there with one hand. Rita had to bite back a gasp at his pulsing erection bumping against her aching core. She looked down his body to stare at his stiff rod. It was unbelievable, but he seemed to be bigger than the first time she ever saw him.

Rita licked her lips not able to take her eyes off his impressive manhood. “See something you like Baby?”

Rita’s eyes flickered up to his, her greens getting caught in his greys. In that moment, Marcus could see all the love, need, and lust swirling in her eyes. This was what he was missing in his life for too many years. Seeing her green eyes reflect the love that has always shined from her eyes, but now it was so much more intense and carried so much more meaning.

Before Rita could answer him, he caught her by the ankles and pulled her to the edge of the bed as he backed up to drop to his knees on the floor. He ached to be buried deep inside her, but his need to please her and taste her sweetness was greater.

Rita sat up on her elbows to look down to watch him and his panther-like movements. If it weren’t Marcus between her legs, she would be wary of the predatory look in his eyes at
that moment. However, because it was Marcus, she felt her sex clench and the juices gush.

She could see the moment his eyes darkened all the more, and he bit his bottom lip and groaned. Without another thought, his face was buried between her legs as he nuzzled her soaked lips with his nose inhaling her sweet scent. His tongue began to lap up her juices, and she fell back against the soft golden comforter as cries of pleasure escaped her lips.

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