Legally Bound 2: Against The Law (17 page)

Marcus groaned in satisfaction then pulled back slightly to look at her soaked flesh in sheer disbelief of how wet she was for him and how perfect her soft petals looked as they glistened back at him. His brows furrowed in concentration before he dove back in and latched his mouth over her swollen nub.

Rita bucked up off the bed, and Marcus' arms snaked out to wrap around her thighs and trapped her to him. He sucked gently, and then relentlessly at her clit before releasing it and letting his tongue plunge inside her heat. Rita was out of breath and was sure she was seeing stars.

“Oh God… Marcus…oh yes,” Rita screamed.

They both could tell that she was so close. It wouldn’t take much more to push her over the edge. Rita could feel the tension coiling in her belly and was pleading for it to be released. Marcus eased a finger into her flesh and groaned at the pull of her hot wet trap sucking him in. He could no longer wait he wanted to be inside her when she finally came for him.

Marcus swiftly rose up between her legs pulling them to rest on his shoulders. Rita went to protest as she was so close, but her words were cut off as Marcus plunged into her hard and fast. Marcus’s face went tight with a mix of pleasure and desire, almost bordering on pain. Rita could see the barely restrained beast clawing to make its way out of him.

Marcus reached for her waist wrapping his fingers tightly around it pulling her downward to meet his every thrust. He wasn’t able to hold back, this was Rita he was finally inside of her, and he was positive for the first time in his life that she was his and his only. His need to possess every part of her reared up something fierce.

“Fuck Baby,” Marcus bellowed as he felt her explode around him. Rita’s head whipped from side to side as she called out not even knowing herself who she was calling to. “Again!”

Rita whimpered at his command, but her body was already responding to his relentless thrusting. His pace was becoming harder and faster. Rita locked her gaze on him as his eyes were trained on her heavy breasts bouncing with every lunge. Her breath caught in her throat when his hands moved up her waist and his nails bit into her skin. Marcus rolled his hips and Rita thought she would faint from the overwhelming pleasure.

She was so full, and he was so deep it was borderline painful, but each jolt of pain turned into sharp pleasure. Her second orgasm was building strong and fast. Marcus’s grip on her waist was so tight Rita’s back was bowed off the bed, and he was pounding into her core like this was the last time he would ever get to be inside her.

“Is this what you wanted Baby, your man fucking you,” Marcus growled as memories of Rita walking out on him filled his mind. Anger suddenly urged him on. Rita just cried out in response as her orgasm took her over.

Marcus leaned forward pinning Rita’s ankles to the bed beside her ears. He knew with her years of training her body was more than flexible. He captured her lips and slowed his pace, using long deep strokes to tease her g-spot. He knew his baby’s body so well from their one night together.

“Answer me, is this what you wanted,” he bit out again as he started to pound into her again in earnest.

Rita noticed the pain and anger in his eyes and a knot worked into her throat. She could see the raw emotions from what her actions had done to them. She was stunned that it was spilling out now, but she wanted to do anything to wipe away those feelings.

“I’m sorry,” Rita panted out. “I’m so sorry.”

Marcus locked his fingers in her hair and roughly brought her lips to his and devoured her sobs. “No, I’m sorry. I love you so much. Your mine, don’t ever doubt me again, don’t run from me, don’t deny me this…you. I never want you to deny me you ever again. I almost lost my fucking mind. I missed you so much and now that I’ve had this pussy I know I can’t live without it.”

“I love you. I promise I’m not going anywhere. I never wanted to deny you. I just wanted all of you,” Rita sobbed out. Rita could feel the tension release from him at her words. His eyes softened, and he gently kissed her swollen lips. He never knew he hadn’t resolved these feelings until now.

“You have all of me, Baby. You always have and always will,” Marcus said tightly as his own release started to take
him over. “Come for me one more time Baby. I’m about to lose it.”

On cue, her walls clenched around him as her body quaked. Marcus grunted out his own release pumping into her a few more times before emptying out completely. Rita could barely hold her lids open as Marcus collapsed on his side. He reached for Rita’s thigh and started to knead it as he caught his breath.

Reaching for the other leg to knead it as well after his breathing returned to normal, he pulled it to rest across his waist. Rita snuggled closer to his warmth and placed her face in the crook of his neck. She kissed him sleepily and placed her hand on his chest.

“Marcus, I’m so-,” Rita started but was cut off as Marcus grabbed her chin between his fingers.

He kissed the tip of her nose. “I will never bring it up again. I shouldn’t have in the first place. I love you, and you’re my wife. You have nothing to apologize for. I promise to protect you and our family and make up for everything I put us through, Rita. I’ll take care of you always. Take a nap I can’t get enough of you and I’m not too sure how much longer I’ll be able to wait for the next round.”

“You’re insatiable,” Rita laughed and muttered into his chest as he traced patterns up and down her spine.





















Chapter 26


arcus felt sick as he thought of the promise he made his wife. He had failed her and their son. He stood looking around the room barely hearing the words his parents spoke as they recanted what happened to Nate and his team. Marcus’s heart ached to have to tell his wife what was going on. The burning in his chest was almost as fierce as the burning in his eyes as he held back the tears. His son was so small and vulnerable.

“Marcus what’s going on,” Rita’s voice snapped him out of his thoughts.

“Baby, what are you doing here? You should be home in bed,” Marcus rushed to her side with concern.

“I was not staying home a minute longer. I have been trying all your phones, and my calls are not going through,” Rita said irritably.

“Teddy just found the issue with the phones. There is some device that has been interfering with electric devices. The phones, cameras, everything,” Nate said through tight lips. “It’s why the team wasn’t able to communicate that something was off. By the time, someone came into the house to check on things it was too late.”

“Too late,” Rita said in a whisper as she clenched her swollen belly, “What do you mean too late? What has happened?” Rita looked around the room and took note of the children that were there. “Where are all the boys? Oh God Marcus, what is going on where is our son?”

“Sweetheart, please relax and sit down. This is not good for you and the baby,” Marcus tried.

“We’re fine Marcus; I just need you to tell me where my son is,” Rita snapped.

“Marcus is right Rita you need to relax. I’ll have Daniel in your arms soon enough, I promise,” Nate said firmly.

Tears started to stream down Rita’s face making Marcus feel helpless. He rubbed her back as it was all he could do not to shed his own tears. Nate sat next to his sister and murmured his reassurances to her as he informed her of all the details they had about the kidnapping so far.

“So wait Bobby and Paige still don’t know, and you haven’t been able to get through to their phones either,” Rita scrunched up her nose. “It sounds like one of those devices may be on their property too, Nate. I don’t like it we should send a team over there to check on them.”

“Yeah, the estate is outfitted with the new system. I’m sure they are fine, but I will go over myself. I’ve sent Harris and Cooper to pick up Marie as well. I think it’s best we bring the family all to one location right now. Jasper is already following a lead. We’ll need all hands to find the boys.”

“Are you going to send for Pam,” Rita lifted a concerned brow at her brother.

Nate sighed. “I think it may be best. Until we know the threat and intent I want everyone in sight.” Nate swallowed hard the pressure was mounting, and there was a lot at stake at the moment. “I better get over to Bobby’s.”

“I’m going with you,” Marcus said as he felt the guilt rise in his throat.

“I think we should move everyone to Bobby’s once you give the all clear. It’s close to dad’s, and if we need to gather everyone for a while, there will be plenty of room between the two properties. And like you said the estate has been fitted with the new system, so has dad’s.”

Nate thought about what his sister was saying she was right. He admired her clear thinking. Her training was pushing forward at the thought of protecting and saving her family. He knew this had to be hard on her. They all took the families’ safety seriously. This was a hit to every Briggs and Briggs employee in the room.

“You’re right,” Nate nodded at Rita. “Cole, prepare transport for everyone to the main estate. I will give you the signal to load everyone up and drop them. Contact Harris and Cooper with the change. I want to know the moment a stitch starts to look out of place.”

“Got it, boss,” Cole replied and moved off to his new task.

“Teddy, you are with me. If there is a device interfering with things at the estate I want to know and I want it taken care of. Call Justin and have him find a way to override whatever was used to make sure it doesn’t happen again. I don’t want any more surprises.”

“On it Nate, Thomas, and Earl will be landing at the Briggs compound in twenty,” Teddy replied.

Nate sighed in relief he was going to need his dad and Uncle for this one. It was too personal to all of them, but Thomas and Earl were old school they would keep the lines clear.

“I need you to relax, we’ll get our son back,” Marcus said to Rita as he placed his hand on her baby bump and kissed her temple.

“I’ll be fine,” Rita said and in that moment, Marcus thought he would fall apart before his wife. She had a determined glint in her eyes that told him she was already plotting a rescue in her head.

Nate and Jasper had shared stories with Marcus of his wife out in the field. He had no doubt that she wished she was out there searching for their son herself. Marcus nodded and with a quick kiss on her lips he followed Nate out of the house to check on his brother and deliver the bad news.

Marcus rang the doorbell frantically as if he had just lost his mind. There had indeed been a device right outside of the property blocking the electronic signals, but it was not as strong or effective as the one at James and Minnie’s house. The fact that it was just off the property had limited its effect as well. Teddy worked to disable it as Marcus and Nate made their way to the house. 

Marcus was nervous when Harry had not come to answer the door. He rang the doorbell again. He held his finger to the button as his anxiety rose. This was all just too crazy. Marcus couldn’t hold back the tears any longer. All he could think about was how his actions had hurt his family.

Bobby yanked the door open and greeted Marcus and Nate with a frown. Marcus heard the moment when Paige gasped as she saw him and his tear soaked face. Paige stumbled forward and dropped to her knees.

“The boys,” she sobbed not asking. Marcus had a feeling she just knew, which would be just like his sister in law.

“Paige, I’m so sorry. This is because of me,” Marcus sobbed. “Their gone, all the boys are gone.”

” Paige screamed as her body shook.

Bobby stumbled back from the door in disbelief and confusion. “

Marcus swallowed back the bile. “I’m sorry,” Marcus repeated.

“It’s all clear Sir,” one of Nate’s team arrived at his side to inform him.

“Thanks get the team in place,” Nate nodded and removed his phone from his pocket to send a message to signal the move of the rest of the family. He sent the quick text then stuck his phone back in his pocket and stepped around Marcus, who was still rooted to the threshold of the door.

“Bobby, I will get the boys back,” Nathan said tightly.

“I don’t understand,” Bobby said in stunned shock.

“No, no, no,” Paige shrieked from her spot on the floor.

Nathan reached for Bobby’s shoulder and gently squeezed it as he leaned into his ear. “I have this under control. The boys have been taken, but we will get them back,” Nate tried to soothe his friend.

Bobby nodded absently. Nate knew he was in shock because he made no move to comfort his wife that was sitting on the foyer floor sobbing loudly. Nate squeezed Bobby’s shoulder once more knowing that Paige and his two boys meant the world to him. Bobby would give his life for his family and had done so much to keep them safe and happy.

Nate kneeled to the floor before Paige and scooped her into his arms. Paige had become so much more than Nate’s best friend’s wife. She was like a sister to him in more ways than one. It was tearing his heart apart to hear her sob like this. Rita had taken things so much better than this, but that was because this was Rita’s line of work. She could see that her team was working to get their family back safely.

For all Paige knew there was an occasional security team that was just a regular precaution and not as advanced or as determined to do their job as they were. Nate sighed as he knew he was about to share more with Paige than he was ready to, but it was time that more than Paige knew the truth.

“Paige, sweetheart, it's going to be okay. No one in my family has let a thing happen to a Mairettie in over ten decades, and I will not allow it to start to happen on my watch. I’ll get the boys back. It’s what I do,” Nate said against Paige’s ear.

She pulled away from him looking up at him in confusion. Paige blinked a few times as her brain started to clear and Nathan’s words, and the months since she had known him started to play in her head. Suddenly she didn’t see the best friend that was always around to hang out with his friend or dropping in unannounced to check on them. Pieces began to fall into place as she thought about how Nathan would escort her and Bobby to the oddest places and how Bobby would request Nathan to tag along and accompany Paige at times.

Paige was confused and pissed at the same time. All, this time, they had hidden this fact from her. She had been too wrapped up in the changes going on all around them that she hadn’t seen this sooner. All the times she had fussed with her twin that Nathan and Bobby were just really tight, and that was why they spent so much time together. Sure Nathan seemed to always have secrets but this was beyond.

She was still getting used to all the security around the family during big events but with a high profile family full of wealthy lawyers she has thought little of it. However for her children to now be missing and to find out that there was a secret level of security Paige wanted answers, and she wanted them now.

Full understanding raged in her eyes as she glared at Nathan. “Who else….who else is posing as a friend but is really security,” Paige asked.

“It is not like that Paige. You are taking this wrong,” Bobby finally snapped out of it to answer. “Nate’s family has been our personal security for years. We don’t really inform outsiders of our official security or how deep it runs but…”

Paige cut him off. “Outsider? We have been married for almost a year and a half. You mean to tell me that I am still considered an outsider?” Paige snapped.

“No,” Bobby growled. “You haven’t let me finish what I was saying. There are some sensitive issues we have been dealing with. Marie for starters knows nothing about the depth of the Briggs family involvement in her security and it has just become a lot more complicated in the last year. With the threats and things we just thought it better to wait to reveal things to all parties that should know.”

“Oh my God, what threats,” Paige gasped.

Bobby pinched his eyes closed. He had just said way too much. “After we were married when Marie and Rita returned to Europe there were some threats. Things have been quiet off and on,” Bobby explained.

Paige’s tear filled eyes bounced between Nathan and Bobby. “Do you think the threats have anything to do with the boys being kidnapped?”

Bobby looked at Nate, and he gave a small nod. Bobby communicated silently for Nate to reveal what he knew. It was time that he stopped keeping secrets from his wife, although he had done it to help give her peace of mind. The threats had been off and on and only toward the women in the family never the children. Each one of the women had been gifted with trackers in the form of some piece of jewelry, as well as trackers on their cars and their phones as far as Bobby knew.

“There have been multiple threats off and on directed at Marie, Rita and more recently you,” Nathan started.

“Wait a minute,” Marcus interrupted. “Why the hell hasn’t anyone informed me about recent threats against my wife?”

Nate sighed. “I’ve had some leads on where they are coming from, and I didn’t want to involve you if it wasn’t necessary. You and my sister have enough on your hands right now.”

“Yeah, but if I would have known I wouldn’t have had my head in the clouds and I would have better protected my family,” Marcus spat.

“Listen, man, I hear you, but like I said, I got this,” Nate said losing his patience for the first time Paige had ever seen.

“So who is behind the threats,” Marcus demanded. He already had a sickening feeling in the pit of his stomach that told him he already knew. “Is it possible they have the boys?”

“I believe we are dealing with one and the same, but I want to clarify some things before I go pointing fingers. There is just something nagging at me that doesn’t quite add up yet,” Nathan said almost to himself.

Bobby helped Paige to her feet, but before anyone could fire off any more questions, the caravan of their family arrived. Car doors were being opened and closed, and the family was being moved into the house. Nathan turned to Paige and looked her in the eyes.

“Let me be the one to tell her,” he pleaded. Paige nodded her assent and gave him an understanding look. She was both relieved and pleased that a lot of questions would finally be answered, and, at least, one challenge could be put to rest.

If only she could have her boys back in her arms. This was not how she saw this night going. She had news for her husband that she wanted to share while the boys were away, but this no longer seemed like the right time. Bittersweet was an understatement for what Paige was feeling.


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