Lessons in Purrsuasion: BBW Paranormal Werelion Surprise Pregnancy Mob Romance (Chicago Catastrophe) (11 page)


t was
the second time Stone woke next to Selina and he hoped it would become a regular thing. She stirred in his arms, turning to face him with a sweet little yawn.

Was she full of self-doubt? Would she run away again? Stone didn’t think he could handle it if she did.

To his surprise, Selina greeted her with a sated smile as her eyes fluttered open.

“Good morning,” she murmured, eyes twinkling.

Stone was never one for sentimentality or sappy declarations, but the mushy response seemed to spill out on its own.

“I love seeing you smile.”

It was the truth. All he wanted was to see her happy and safe. Well, and naked. He could stare at her nude body forever, committing every delicious inch to memory.

“It’s been a while since I’ve really had something to smile about,” Selina sighed, stretching in his arms.

Stone’s lion purred proudly at that sentiment. Selina’s black hair fell around her, wild and glossy. She looked picture-perfect. Like she should never leave that moment, and neither should he.

“We will bring Parker down. This will all be over soon and you can be happy again,” he said, cupping the side of her face with his hand.

He would get this woman her nice, normal life back even if it killed him, which he hoped it didn’t, as he was planning on being a part of that life.

Yup, Stone Calloway was beginning to picture himself as a family man, all white picket fences and car pools and nonsense like that. The fact that he wanted to hold onto it was as insane as it was welcome.

“Damn right,” she agreed.

They got cleaned up and dressed, Stone opting for one of the robes hanging in the closet. Kate was already sipping a cup of what smelled like Brazilian fine-roast coffee when they got to the kitchen for breakfast.

“Coming out of the same bedroom, I see. Wow, how shocking. No one could have possibly seen this chain of events coming miles away,” she remarked drolly over the steam snaking up from her mug.

“How do you know that?” Stone asked with casual curiosity, pouring himself a cup of coffee.

Kate didn’t say a word, but pointed at a small set of screens across from where she was seated.

How very Kate of her. Eyes everywhere.

“Is that what the lacy set was about?” Selina asked with sudden realization.

“What lacy set?” Stone queried, suddenly very interested.

“I plead the fifth,” Kate said, holding up her hands with the tiniest hint of amusement to her features.

Stone looked from one woman to the other, but it didn’t look like either of them was going to clue him in. Before he could pry further, Richard, the head of security, walked in, grabbing some boxes from the counter. He was a tall, lean man with a thin face and light brown hair. Stone swiveled to face him.

“Feeding the prisoners?”

“Yup. A nice, healthy salad,” Richard replied.

“I see the torture has already begun,” Stone chuckled, earning a smile from the usually stern-faced man.

“I’ll be down in a few to get the interrogation going,” he continued before Richard disappeared downstairs, raising one of the boxes at Stone on his way out as confirmation.

Tigers were hard to break, but Stone had some unpleasant tricks up his sleeves. He didn’t enjoy inflicting pain, like some hitmen did. It was just a means to an end.

“What do we hope to learn?” Selina asked, taking a seat at the table and pouring herself a glass of orange juice.

“Weaknesses, mostly. In Parker’s security, or in his personal life. Maybe they’ll let something slip we wouldn’t even know to ask about,” Stone answered, grabbing a chair and moving it closer to Selina before sitting down.

The table was full of all manner of breakfast foods and Stone didn’t waste any time digging in. Kate stood up with a small sigh, looking a bit more tired than usual.

“I’ve got some tools ready should you need them. In the meantime, I’m going to have to play the part and call up my contacts looking for you,” she said, before walking off in the direction of her study and leaving him alone with Selina.

After Kate left, Stone quickly cleaned his plate, not wanting to waste any time. The men downstairs could provide valuable intel. He needed to come up with a plan. Parker had seriously beefed up his security, so hitting him at the apartment complex was no longer an option unless he managed to raise an army.

They ate in silence, sharing little glances between one another. It made Stone feel far more warm and fuzzy than it had any right to.

“I’d like to come with you,” Selina said as he stood from the table.

Stone froze. He did not want her to see that side of him. He would do whatever it took to get their prisoners to talk and it wasn’t going to be pretty. Selina didn’t need to be exposed to that. As much as he wanted her to know all of him, some things needed a bit more time before being built up to, in his opinion.

Evidently catching Stone’s deer-in-the-headlights expression, Selina quickly explained.

“I just need to see Tom’s face. He kidnapped me in front of my own home and threatened my family. I want to see him afraid, to see how he likes to be vulnerable for once. Is that horrible?”

Guilt washed over her beautiful face and all Stone wanted to do was replace it with a smile. He knelt beside her seat, grabbing her hands in his.

“It’s not horrible, it’s perfectly normal. Just remember to not let anything he says get to you. He’s going to try to regain power in a powerless situation. Don’t let him.”

He wrapped her in his arms as a mental image of Selina, fierce and determined, her fist flying through the air flitted across his mind.

“You punched Tom in the face when we captured him, how did I forget about that? That must have felt pretty good. And it was well-executed. You are a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for,” he said, voice carrying a hint of pride and amazement.

She really was something special, his little spy.

Selina pulled away to look at him with a grin.

“You think my overprotective big brother didn’t teach me how to stick up for myself? A drunk guy at a bar got handsy with me once, so I broke his nose. My parents were shocked. Joe couldn’t have been more proud.” Her smile grew wistful as she added: “I miss them.”

“You’ll see them soon. Ready?” Stone asked, standing and pulling her up with him gently.

“Ready,” she nodded.

Stone and Selina made their way to the basement. He could hear her heartbeat accelerate as they descended the steps, but she managed to calm herself before they made it all the way down. He made sure to walk slowly to give her some time to gather herself.

Richard was still there, holding empty food boxes. Another member of Kate’s security team, James, was sitting in a chair in the corner. Tom and his driver were scattered on the damp, concrete floor with their hands and legs bound.

Tom’s navy blue suit was covered with streaks of dirt, his red hair hung limply on his forehead.

“Hello, Tom,” Stone greeted the man cheerfully. “Sorry, I didn’t get your name,” he continued, turning to the driver.

“I heard Tom call him Will,” Richard interjected, sounding bored.

“Great, now that we’re all acquainted, why don’t you guys tell me everything you know about your boss’ operation?”

Tom’s eyes glowed defiantly.

“You’ll be better off killing me right now. I’m not a rat,” he spat out.

We’ll see about that.

His eyes turned to Selina as an ugly smile twisted his lips.

“Hey there, Miss Rozack. Feeling pretty great about yourself right about now? Enjoy it while it lasts, I know for a fact Parker likes it rough.”

Anger burst through every fiber of Stone’s being. If Tom wanted to die today, all he had to do was keep saying shit like that and Stone would be more than happy to oblige. He walked over and casually kicked Tom in the ribs, putting more force in it than he usually would have. The man coughed and sputtered, doubling over. The crackle of bones had been unmistakable.

“Watch your mouth when you’re talking to a lady,” Stone warned, his lion growling.

“She’s no fucking lady,” Tom groaned, only to get another kick in the same spot.

This time, Stone knew he broke at least two of the ribs.

Selina stepped closer from where she was standing by the stairs. If Tom’s words had had an effect, she didn’t show it. She wasn’t giving him any power, just like they had discussed. Stone admired how she just took everything in stride.

She was extraordinary.

“You’d be wise not to forget who’s in charge here,” she spoke coldly, eyes narrowing.

“You are not in charge of anything. You are just a pretty thing, trading hands until you get to where you belong,” Tom spat back. “Seated on the right cock.”

Stone was seething. Tom would be a bloody pulp by now, if it weren’t for Selina’s presence. His body started moving forward, even as his rational side told him to stop. Selina grabbed ahold of his arm, pulling him back,

“And what are you?” she countered. “At least Parker wants me back. You have probably already been replaced and forgotten.”

That seemed to hit Tom where it hurt.

“You don’t know anything, bitch.”

Okay, that’s it.

Stone grabbed the man by the collar and dragged him to his feet, curling his fingers around his throat.

“Do you want to keep your tongue?” he asked, rage taking over.

Tom would never speak another word against Selina, if Stone had anything to do about it.

“Why are you so upset? Got a taste of something that doesn’t belong to you? Hope you savored it, she will be in Parker’s bed in no time,” Tom got out between gasps for air.

The lion inside Stone roared, thrashing near the surface.

She will never be Parker’s! That bastard will never touch her again!

“Selina is
, my lion has claimed her and nothing Parker does will ever change that!” he snarled, almost losing control.

Tom’s eyes darted behind him at Selina and a victorious smirk stretched his face. Stone turned to look at Selina, staring at him, mouth agape, backing away towards the stairs.

Oh shit.

“Excuse me? I belong to no one but myself,” she said forcefully. “I should have known…” she added under her breath.

Selina turned on her heel, marching up the stairs and closing the door behind her with a loud bang.

Well, this could have gone better.

Ice pooled in the pit of his stomach and Stone’s eyes narrowed as he turned to look at Tom again, dangling from where Stone held him up against the wall.

“You know you’re going to have to pay for that, right?” he asked, forcing his voice casual.

The crooked smile on Tom’s lips vanished. Soon, there would be nothing but screams coming from the room.


elina is mine
!’ The nerve!

Selina stomped to her room, fuming.

I don’t belong to anyone! When are people going to get that through their thick skulls!

A knock on the door a while later told her Stone had followed after giving her time to cool off a little. She was in no mood to look at his stupid, gorgeous face.

“What do you want?” she demanded through the closed door.

“Can we talk, please?” Stone asked softly.

At least he sounded apologetic. Selina sighed in frustration.

I’m going to have to speak to him eventually,
she thought, getting up and opening the door.

Albeit totally reluctantly, as she confirmed to herself.

She scowled at Stone, who was standing awkwardly in the doorway. His knuckles were bloody. She got the very distinct feeling that he had taken most of his frustrations out on Tom. A very big part of her didn’t mind that one bit.

“So I’m
, am I?” she demanded, hand flying to her hip.

“It’s not like you think…” Stone started, just like every douchebag in romantic comedies who’s just been caught in bed with the protagonist’s sister.

“So what, we had sex and now I suddenly belong to you? Were you lying before when you said lions had it different than tigers?” she pressed on, determined to get answers, anger and fear mingling within her.

“No, it’s not like that at all. When I say you are mine, I mean you are my soul mate. I am yours just as much as you are mine. It’s not about ownership,” he explained, taking a step towards her. “I know we are fated to be together. As such, you are mine. But it is not something I can force on you.”

Selina backed away, still not quite convinced.

Soul mates? That sounds like a bunch of bull.

But given what else she had learned lately… Was it really such a stretch? Selina felt silly even contemplating it.

“And how can you be sure that I’m your soul mate? That we’re ‘fated’, or whatever?” she asked, suspicious.

“I just know it’s true. It is a part of being a shifter. There is this pull, a primal connection… I can’t really explain it. You are my mate.”

The fire that burned in his eyes when he said that told Selina that he meant every syllable he said. But she couldn’t help but think it was still… well, entirely ridiculous.

But hadn’t she felt the same pull he was describing as soon as she laid eyes on him? She was drawn to Stone like no other man before, with a force that was even scary in its intensity.

“So you’re not in… heat?” she asked.

“No, I didn’t lie. That’s a tiger thing. And I would never hold you against your will or force you into something you are not comfortable with, you have to believe me,” Stone said, reaching out but not touching her.

Can I trust him?

Everything inside her was saying ‘yes’, but after the night hey just shared, she may be a little biased.

She was stuck in uncharted territory, forced to go with her gut. It hadn’t failed her so far. And if Stone had some ulterior motive with her, she was bound to figure it out sooner or later, right?

She swallowed dryly, taking in his impressive form and those sad, soulful eyes that seemed to be pleading with her to understand.

Who was she kidding? She wasn’t going to be able to stay away from him either way.

She hesitantly stepped closer to his outstretched hand, leaving the safety of her room.

“You should have told me,” she admonished, already softening as she felt his warmth radiate towards her.

“I didn’t want to scare you off…even more,” he smiled cautiously, fingers tightening over hers as he took her hand.

“Is there anything else?” Selina asked, wanting to have it all in the open.

As if this isn’t already too much,
she added under her breath.

“I used to be part of a pride, but I broke off from them. It is customary for a powerful Alpha to mate with as many females as possible, to secure strong offspring,” Stone replied, looking more vulnerable than she had even seen him. “I was supposed to take over after the previous Alpha died. I didn’t. I left for the Navy instead. I decided that wasn’t for me and struck out on my own. I wanted control over my life, to love who I choose, just like you do.”

Selina got the feeling this was a part of Stone he rarely revealed. Both his words and the sincerity echoing off of them struck a chord with her. Stone had never been anything but honest with her and could she really blame him for not wanting to freak her out with this whole ‘mate’ thing?

After all too much contemplation, she leapt into his arms, covering his mouth with hers.

Stone’s hands tangled in her hair as their tongues twisted together. All of Selina’s anger dissipated. The feel of his body against hers was all that mattered.

She had to remind herself they needed to stay focused on the task at hand. Tom had already managed to get them fighting and was probably feeling pretty pleased with himself right about now.

Well, probably less so now than before Stone used him for a bit of boxing practice.

Selina pulled away with more than a little reluctance, flattening her palms on Stone’s chest.

“We’ll pick this up later. You’ve got work to do.”

Stone’s eyes hardened as he let go of her, he too more than a little reluctant to do so.

“You’re right. That little worm is going get what’s coming to him. As soon as I get any usable information, you’ll be the first to know,” he said, sighing.

He gave her a look that made goosebumps pimple on her skin, pure animal desire blazing from those mesmerizing green eyes of his. She watched as he gave her a nod and stalked off, headed back to the dank cellars to wring Tom for what little he could.

Selina took a moment to gather herself before choosing to leave the bedroom in search of some company. She settled into the living area just as Kate emerged from her study.

“One of my informants claims he just spotted Stone,” she sighed. “Better go check it out lest he slip through my fingers,” she added sarcastically.

“Go get ‘em!” Selina encouraged with a raised fist.

“Yay,” Kate responded dryly.

After about an hour of nothing but silence from the basement while Selina pretended to be interested in a book she’d picked off one of the well-stacked shelves, Selina finally figured out Kate probably had it soundproofed. She shuddered when she realized why that would be.

Little Miss Hypocrite, at it again,
she chided herself.
It’s not like Tom is having tea and cookies down there, and my heart’s not bleeding over him.

When Richard emerged from the cellar a while later, a harrowing scream slipped into the living room before he could close the door after him.

“How’s it going?” Selina asked, before realizing how inappropriate the question was.

“They’re tough, but Stone’s just warming up,” Richard answered, his face carefully neutral.

I really shouldn’t have asked.

“I’m going to put the cell phone you recovered from Tom into a Faraday bag, cutting it off from all outgoing and incoming signals so that I can safely access it. Maybe the contacts will tell us something useful,” he continued, changing the topic.

He sounded so blasé about the whole thing. It was really amazing to Selina what passed for ‘normal’ for some people. The height of excitement for her had been a missed order at the bakery, or a particularly long day. It was peanuts compared to what these people went through on a daily basis.

“Well, don’t let me keep you,” Selina said, turning on the TV as Richard walked away.

It was evident that she wasn’t going to retain a word of the book she’d been ‘reading’. In fact, she couldn’t even say what it was about at this point, and she’d been at it for more than an hour.

This whole thing is probably going to take a while and I’m not very useful,
she thought, scrolling through the channels.

Another uneventful hour full of reality TV passed before Richard returned. He looked at the basement door, then at Selina.

“No news?” he asked.

Selina shook her head, feeling like an ineffectual watchdog.

Maybe like one of those overzealous poodles,
she mused absently.

“Nope. How about you, find anything interesting?”

“I unlocked the phone, but I don’t really know what to make of it. Actually, could you maybe come give me a hand?” Richard asked.

Selina jumped up, excited to be useful.


“Sure, whatever I can do.”

Richard led the way to a part of the house she hadn’t been in before. With a swipe of a keycard he had tucked away under his suit jacket, he let her into a brightly lit room filled with all manner of weapons and electronics. He picked up the phone, which was inside a little mesh bag to keep it from being traced.

Selina couldn’t help the low whistle she gave, looking around herself. The armory looked like something out of a Mission Impossible movie.

“You were with Parker for a while, maybe you heard something, a name mentioned more frequently than others, something like that. It could help me narrow down the contact list to subjects we should investigate more closely,” Richard explained as the door whooshed shut behind them.

“They were pretty careful around me, but I can give it a shot. You could read out the names and I’ll do my best to remember,” Selina shrugged, eyes roaming over the shelves full of shiny metal.

She didn’t even know what half of the stuff was meant for, but none of it looked particularly safe.

Joe would have a field day in here.

She took a seat next to Richard, around a large metal table in the center of the room.

“Kate has really taken a liking to you,” Richard said, abruptly changing gears as he navigated the phone with his thick fingers.

Selina let out a small laugh.

“She has been very good to me, but I’m not sure she actually likes anyone. She just does what she thinks is right.”

Richard turned and gave her an odd look. It was part sad, part determined, maybe even a little afraid.

“And I have to do what I think is right. Kate will be upset with me at first, but she’ll see, in the long run, it was the best option.”

Selina’s stomach turned hollow, catching the glint in Richard’s eyes.

What is this?

“Richard, whatever you’re thinking of doing…” she warned, standing and quickly backing up against the door, keeping her gaze on him.

Richard stood as well, pulling a hypodermic needle out from his back pocket.

“I have to keep her safe. This isn’t going to end well and she’s letting her personal feelings cloud her judgment,” he said, checking the clear liquid in the tube.

Selina yelped, even though it was utterly useless, turning to yank on the locked door that had closed automatically behind them. Kate was out and Stone was down in a soundproof basement. Richard had picked the perfect time. She pushed and pulled at the door, but it was bolted shut, the only way to open it dangling around Richard’s neck.

She planted her feet as she spun around to face him, determined to go down with a fight. The punch-kick combo she attempted when he got close enough was too slow. Richard blocked both hits, his free hand flying towards her neck.

The last thing she felt was the needle piercing her skin.

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