Lessons in Purrsuasion: BBW Paranormal Werelion Surprise Pregnancy Mob Romance (Chicago Catastrophe) (15 page)


tone backed
the car up and parked it away from the road that lead them here. He and Selina picked out an isolated spot on the hill, well in the tree line, and crouched down, waiting to spot any movement.

“It doesn’t look like anyone’s here,” she whispered, her excitement both palpable and adorable.

“I think I hear something though,” Stone answered, perking up his ears.

Selina grew still beside him. The sound of a revving engine grew closer and closer, until even Selina nodded, signing to him she heard it, too. A truck rolled past their hiding spot and came to a stop next to one of the shelters. Four men poured out, each getting to work on their own tasks.

One of them hopped in the excavator and the machine groaned to life.

“What do you think they’re building?” Selina asked, adjusting to get into a more comfortable position on the damp earth.

They no longer had to worry about being heard with all the machinery sounds.

Stone sniffed the air.

“I don’t know, but they’re definitely shifters.”

Whatever they were working on here, they were no doubt acting on Parker’s orders, which made Stone curious. Anything they found out could be useful.

“We can’t scope the place out until they leave,” Selina remarked.

She was right, they just had to wait it out. It wasn’t like they had anything better to do, anyway. This place was the only lead they had.

“Better settle in then,” Stone said as they lay down on their stomachs.

Even in this markedly unromantic situation, Stone couldn’t help but steal glances at Selina, undressing her with his mind. He already knew what lay beyond her clothes, of course, but it was a sight he would never grow tired of seeing.

Selina used her elbows to edge closer to him, pressing their bodies together. Knowing she craved to be near him just as much as he did made Stone’s lion purr.

Hours passed as the men down at the site kept working. For Stone, it was one of the most pleasant stakeouts he had been on, thanks to Selina being there with him. Stone kept his eyes peeled, but didn’t notice anything unusual going on. They were really just doing construction work. Selina shifted next to him and sighed.

“I think I’m getting a cramp,” she complained quietly.

“Don’t worry, I’m more than happy to give you a massage once we get back to the apartment,” Stone grinned, already imagining his hands on her body.

“Leave it to you to make involuntary muscle contractions sexual,” she replied with a huff, but Stone could see a hint of a smile dancing on her lips.

It was getting dark, and Stone hoped that would mean the end of the workday for the guys below. Just then, the men brought out some portable lights.

“Are they going to work all night long?” Selina groaned, her stomach rumbling.

Stone chuckled. This little stake-out didn’t even register on his discomfort scale. After you’ve stood neck deep in the freezing ocean for hours, waves pushing salt water up your nose while your drill sergeant yells at you to ring the bell and quit, lying on the forest floor next to a sexy woman seemed like a reward.

He grinned at Selina.

“The only easy day was yesterday.”

“Oh, that’s the SEAL motto, right?” she asked, earning a nod from Stone. “Man, I’m an idiot. You’ve probably had it far way worse and here I am, complaining,” she continued, apologetic.

“Don’t feel bad. I went through a hell of a lot of training to get used to situations like this. You are allowed to complain,” he said, playfully bumping Selina’s shoulder with his.

That got her to smile again. He loved seeing that.

The excavator rumbled to a stop and Stone looked down to see the men finally packing it up. They turned off the lights and got back in their truck.

“Finally,” Selina whispered.

Stone and Selina flattened themselves against the ground as the car full of shifters sped past, a couple hundred feet away from them. When he could no longer hear the sound of the engine, Selina slowly got up, stretching and groaning.

“Okay, let’s get down there,” Selina uttered, sounding optimistic.

He understood her enthusiasm, but they were in a position where they had to be very careful. Seeing as he wasn’t alone, he wanted to be even more sure things went smoothly and with no surprises.

“Let’s just wait it out for a little while longer, until we’re sure those guys aren’t coming back and that no one else is lurking around,” he reasoned.

Selina quickly sat back down.

“Oh, right.”

Stone put all his senses to work, listening to every little rustle and chirp, scanning the darkness between the trees with his excellent vision. He was just about to give Selina the all-clear, when he heard rumbling coming down the road.

“Get down!” he ordered, voice low.

Selina burrowed back into her previous spot and so did he. It wasn’t long until a car breezed past. It wasn’t a truck this time, but a flashy blue Audi.

Stone could hear Selina’s breathing grow faster as the car’s door opened and Parker stepped outside. He turned the portable lights back on before getting a duffel bag from the trunk and striding into one of the shelters.

They spent about five minutes staring at the shelter before Parker walked back outside, the duffle bag in his hands looking a lot lighter than before. He hopped in his Audi and drove off, seemingly having concluded his business there.

Another hour went past under the guise of waiting, just to make sure no one else was going to stop by, before they carefully sneaked into the shelter. The lock was flimsy. If Parker was stashing something here, he was probably counting on the remote location and unassuming surroundings.

The inside was pretty bare, just two tables filled with papers and tools and a couple of chairs. Stone started to look around, running his hands over the walls and searching for potential hiding places.

Something about the space seemed odd. Glancing down, he figured out what looked out of place.

Who would bother putting a carpet here?

Selina followed his gaze with her eyes, catching on.

“You want to rip it up?” she asked eagerly, making Stone chuckle.

If you can have fun while trespassing and doing property damage with her, she’s a keeper.

He grabbed two box cutters from the nearby table and they went to work. Stripping away the ratty green covering, they uncovered the floor along with the little hatches built into it. They started prying them open, one by one, and were greeted by a wholly different kind of green.

Selina clamped a hand over her mouth, looking at him with wide, excited eyes. Stone grinned.

This was it.

Now, they had a fighting chance.


hey both grabbed
garbage bags from the corner and piled them full of money. There had to be at least five hundred thousand dollars there in small denomination bills. They didn’t waste any time getting the bags to the car and driving back into town.

The whole time, Selina thought her heart was going to beat right out of her chest.

This is madness,
she thought.

Selina still couldn’t believe they had actually pulled it off. Even Stone was grinning from ear to ear. It took them about an hour to get to the apartment. The clock showed well after midnight when they finally arrived, hauling the bags full of money up the stairs only to be met by an angry Kate when they opened the door.

“Where have you been? I thought you were both dead. You didn’t even call,” she accused, holding an icepack in one hand and a glass of wine in the other.

Richard was still tied to the chair, facing a wall with music blaring into his ears. Selina almost felt sorry for him, but then thought better of it. He’d earned his fate.

“We got it. We found the place and then Parker showed up and stashed a bunch of money there!” Selina explained excitedly.

“You got the money?” she asked, looking at Stone with some surprise.

“You could act a little less surprised. I’m starting to think you didn’t have a lot of faith in us,” Stone smirked.

“All the faith in the world,” Kate mumbled, eyes still glued to the bags.

Their current victory aside, they still had to let Parker’s boss know they took his money right from under Parker’s nose. All their chips were riding on the assumption the mysterious man would be angry enough at Parker to not care when Stone killed him.

Killed him.

They all knew that was the end goal here, yet no one had said it out loud. Seeing as Kate and Stone were both assassins, Selina assumed it was because of her that the topic was being avoided.

Selina tried to feel bad about being part of a plan that ended in someone’s death, but she couldn’t really muster up anything resembling guilt or hesitance. Parker was a ruthless, savage man who had no regard for human life. That was evident enough in the slaughter she had witnessed at Kate’s villa.

No, Selina had made peace with the fact Parker had to die. The only thing she was concerned with was that Stone remain unharmed in the process.

“How are you doing with your contacts, can anyone get us a meeting with Parker’s boss?” Stone asked, grabbing two beers from the fridge and handing one to Selina.

“No one is really jumping at the chance to talk to me right now, and those who do pick up my calls claim to know nothing,” Kate answered, her brow furrowing.

“Wait a minute!” Selina exclaimed, abandoning her drink untouched and running to the bedroom to rummage around in her pants pockets.

She returned to the living room holding Tom’s phone, still in its Faraday bag. Kate’s eyes widened.

“This could definitely help me along,” she murmured, nodding appreciatively.

Kate took the phone and retreated to her bedroom, looking like she had forgotten Selina and Stone even existed.

With Kate nowhere to be seen after a while, Selina and Stone decided to get some rest, as well. It had been a long day, and they weren’t out of the woods just yet. Besides, cuddling up against Stone was something that Selina was sure she would not get tired of. She took every chance she got to indulge in it.

Luckily, she felt much better today than the day before, so the risk of throwing up in his lap was minimal.

“I want to be there when we manage to get the meeting,” Selina said, as Stone slid into bed next to her, clad only in boxers.

She could feel him tense beside her.

“Selina, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“Have I not been an excellent partner in crime so far?” she countered, pushing herself up on her elbows and staring into his emerald eyes.

“Yes, but…”

“What if I promise to be extra special careful?” she bargained.

Selina knew she would probably not be of much help if something went wrong, but sitting around with her hands in her lap as Stone risked his life for her yet again wasn’t an option.

The dim light cast shadows on his hard, handsome features. She had to restrain herself from tracing the lines of his face, lest it lessen her bargaining position.

“There’s nothing you can say or promise that will make me not worry about your safety,” Stone murmured, kissing her forehead.

“Maybe there’s something I can do instead?” Selina offered cheekily, pulling herself upward to nibble on his lower lip.

Why not combine business with pleasure, right?

Stone growled softly, making excitement pool in her belly. If they did get a meeting tomorrow and everything went sideways and this happened to be their last night on earth, she was going to make it one to remember.

She slid on top of Stone, their bodies pressing together, and planted soft kisses along his jawline. Stone’s hands cupped her ass, squeezing and massaging. Selina pulled away just as he was leaning into a kiss, wearing a devilish grin.

She sat up to straddle him, enjoying how Stone’s eyes grew hazy with desire. The grumble in his throat grew louder as he licked his lips. She slid down the straps of the nightgown she’d found while searching through the cabinets in the room with deliberate slowness, tugging at it to expose the hard peaks of her nipples.

Stone was thoroughly entranced. She could feel his cock grow between her thighs and she started to softly rock back and forth, grinding on top of it.

Stone pulled her back down, claiming her mouth in a sizzling kiss. There was an urgency to it that Selina thoroughly enjoyed. They broke apart only for the second that it took them to remove their underwear, her panties already soaking wet.

Why did I keep them on to begin with?
She wondered absently.

She lowered herself onto his thick cock, savoring the way it filled and stretched her, a sensation so intense it bordered on pain.

Stone groaned, gripping her hips as she started to move on top of him, her body knowing exactly what to do. Stone’s hands roamed over every part of her body that he could reach, stopping to spend extra time teasing her nipples in between his fingertips.

The way he pinched and pulled had her whining with need. He grinned in response and she felt her cheeks flush red.

, she thought feverishly.

“You’re cruel,” she complained as Stone hiked himself up slightly to suck one of her nipples into his mouth.

He grumbled something that sounded like a ‘no’, but she was in no state to check. Selina kept rubbing herself against his thick, hard, veiny cock, spreading her juices all over him and relieving some of the pressure inside of her in the process.

She could have stayed there forever, almost, rocking back and forth, feeling him stutter for breath as she rolled her hips in a way that put pressure on the top of his cock.

Selina’s head fell back as the tension inside her grew. His hands moved back to her hips, lifting her up only to pull her back down, slamming deep into her hot core. He fit easier now, but it was still a bit of a struggle each time. A struggle she thoroughly enjoyed.

“Finally!” he hissed, as if he’d been waiting for the moment forever.

Truth be told, time seemed to stand deliciously still when Selina was in Stone’s arms, so she couldn’t blame him for the sentiment.

Selina could only whimper, overwhelmed as his cock touched spots in her that she’d never expected to find. He made her blossom around her and her pussy fit him perfectly, as if she’d always been waiting for him and only him. She used her knees as leverage and picked up the pace, losing more and more control each time Stone raised his hips to thrust into her.

“Yes, please,” she practically purred, her voice breathy.

The growl she received in response told her all she needed to know. He was as far gone as she was.

The cold, the dirt, the mud and the endless waiting on the ground seemed to be a distant memory. All there was left was Stone and the way his hard, unyielding body felt against hers as he claimed her and filled her with each deliciously painful, long stroke.

Her eyes rolled back in her head and she gurgled a moan as her whole body seemed to throb, the rhythm their bodies took now seeming more like breathing than anything else because it came so naturally.

“Oh fuck, Selina,” he growled, the low murmur of his voice rattling through her and seeming to gather in her pussy.

Leaning forward, her mouth covered his. Stone lifted his thighs and bucked his hips, pounding into her relentlessly and splitting her open for him until she unraveled in ecstasy. She clenched around him, and it wasn’t long until his roar of pleasure echoed through the room.

She felt him fill her with his seed and Selina licked across her lips, completely spent. The endless shudders of her orgasm seemed to trek through her even as Stone softly enveloped her in his arms and made her lay down on top of his chest, his cock still sometimes twitching inside of her and making her whimper. It was heaven captured in a moment and she never wanted to let go of it.

If tomorrow is it, then at least we went out with a bang,
Selina thought, falling on top of Stone in pure, post orgasmic bliss.

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