Read Let Me In Online

Authors: Callie Croix

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Adult

Let Me In (13 page)

Her heart stuttered. He
her? Even after everything she’d put him through? The tears she’d been fighting suddenly flooded her eyes. She blinked them back but they spilled over despite her efforts. “I love you too.” The choked words tore out of her before she could take them back, but she’d never meant anything more in her life.

His expression became so intense she almost couldn’t breathe. He shook his head in exasperation. “God, baby, c’mere.” His arms drew her in close, squeezing hard, nearly bruising in their force.

A quiet sob escaped. She buried her face into the shoulder of his wool coat, trying to get control. He loved her. Liam Brodie loved her and wanted to make a relationship with her work, despite what she’d done and everything he’d seen about her mother. She trembled in his arms while he murmured soothing things against her ear, sheltering her from the cold. Was this really happening?

“You must be freezing. Come inside and eat with us,” Liam whispered, kissing her temple.

“Wait.” She pulled back and wiped at her cheeks with one hand. No one understood better than him what it would mean to be separated while she was on deployment, but… “I leave in two days. I’ll be gone until the end of February.”

One side of his mouth turned up. “You worried I can’t handle the separation? I think you’re worth the wait. Besides, I’m going back next week myself.”

Her eyes widened. “To Afghanistan?” Already?

“Yeah, on a three-or four-week stint. Never know—we might see each other there since we’ll be in the same neck of the woods.”

She didn’t like that he’d be operating there in harm’s way, but as a Marine she understood his desire to take the job. “You’ll be careful?” Barring some kind of brazen suicide attack, she was safe working at headquarters. Liam would be out in the field guarding VIPs and such in various hot zones.

“Hell, yeah. You just give me that much more incentive to come home without any holes in me.”

She must not have looked placated, because he grinned and bent to kiss her. If he meant to temporarily distract her from her worry, it worked. Her fingers curled into his hair as she opened her lips to him, the velvet stroke of his tongue making every nerve ending in her body flare to life. She moaned and pressed closer, needing more, never wanting him to stop. The memory of his loving had haunted her ever since she’d walked out his front door.

Someone opened the door a crack. Talia tried to jump back but Liam only held her tighter, flush up against him until she felt every hard inch of him, including the length of his erection straining against his fly.

“I don’t mean to interrupt, but we’re already on seconds in here. You guys coming in to eat, or what?” Angela called out.

Liam glanced down at her. “I don’t know about you, but I’m starving all of a sudden.”

The wicked gleam in his eyes told her he didn’t entirely mean for food. She smiled but still felt a bit nervous. On the other side of that door, her fondest wish awaited. To be welcomed as part of the family with Liam by her side, knowing he wanted her there. That she finally, truly belonged here.

He trailed his fingers across her damp cheek. “I’m glad you came to see me.”

“Me too.”

He kissed the tip of her nose. “Ready?”

Pulling in a deep breath, she laced her fingers tightly through his and nodded. “More than ready.”



“Welcome home, ma’am,” the female customs officer said, handing back Talia’s passport.

She picked up her bag. “Thanks. It’s been a long deployment.” While technically this last part had only been three months, being away from Liam made it seem more like a year. He’d seen her once in Kandahar while he was over there but only for an hour or two, and they hadn’t been able to do more than have a meal together and a heated makeout session before he had to leave. Though the constant chain of e-mails and phone calls helped her stay connected to him, she’d been counting down the days until the separation was over.

Strangely, though they’d been apart all this time, she felt more confident in his love than ever before. He truly understood what it was like for her to be away from everyone she loved, understood her commitment to her country.

Now that she was back, her heart thudded at the thought of seeing him in just a few minutes. Without a doubt he’d be waiting for her out by the entrance.

Exiting the doors, she couldn’t wipe the sappy grin off her face as she rushed past other passengers and scanned the waiting crowd up ahead. Other families were reuniting around her but this time she barely noticed them. Excitement surged through her veins, an almost electric sensation that tingled across her skin.

Rounding the corner, she spotted Liam. He stood next to a concrete pillar holding an armful of red roses, and he’d brought his entire family with him. The moment he saw her he broke into a wide grin.

She ran toward him, her eyes blurring with hot tears. Dropping her duffel, she launched herself into his waiting arms, crushing the roses between them. Liam made a growling noise and lifted her off her feet, his embrace so tight around her.

“Welcome home, baby,” he murmured against her ear, sending shivers across her skin. “God, I missed you.”

“Hi,” she replied, squeezing him for all she was worth. “Missed you too.” She pulled away just enough to loop her arms around his neck and rain ecstatic kisses across his face, uncaring that his family was watching.

Chuckling, he cradled the back of her head in one hand and covered her mouth with his in a possessive kiss that completely disregarded their surroundings. Her entire body tingled in reaction. He tasted so good, felt even better, and she could hardly believe he was hers.

When he lifted his head and smiled at her, she grinned back, her face flaming. “I love you.”

“Love you too.” The gleam in his eyes promised to pick up right where they’d left off with that kiss the minute they had more privacy. Releasing his hold to let his family greet her, she struggled to hang on to her composure when Mrs. Brodie grabbed her tight, her cheeks wet. Talia hugged Angie next, then Liam’s dad before stepping back to answer their excited questions.

Liam came up and took her hand, a strangely intense look on his face. “Hold this,” he said to his sister, shoving the bouquet of flowers at her. Angie caught them against her chest with a blank look, then shot an undecipherable one at her parents before backing away a step. Ignoring them, Liam pulled Talia close and took her other hand while she stared up into his eyes, wondering what he was doing.

“I want to take you home right now and get you naked, but Mom’s got a special dinner ready for you at their place…and I can’t wait to do this.”

Before she could even guess what he was about to do, he dipped her just enough that she had to cling to him, then kissed the breath right out of her. It was a blatant public claim, an I-want-to-be-inside-you-right-now kiss, and she didn’t even think of protesting. His hand cradled her nape, his mouth moving across hers with a slow, thorough insistence that brought every nerve ending in her body to a screaming crescendo. He tasted like peppermint and smelled of spice and cedar. Delicious.

Someone wolf-whistled in the background. Her face began to heat, the blood rushing to her cheeks when he wouldn’t let go despite how she pushed at his shoulders. When she laughed he finally stopped and pulled her up, then walked her another few paces away from his family so they had more privacy.

“I can’t believe we have a whole dinner to get through before we can be alone,” he groaned. His eyes glittered with a sensual promise she couldn’t wait for him to fulfill.

“We’ll suffer through it somehow.”

“Barely.” Slinging his arm around her, he hefted her bag onto one broad shoulder and led her out to his truck. His family piled into the backseat, insisting she stay up front with Liam.

“I’m so glad to be back,” she said with a smile. The significance of that statement wasn’t lost on her. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been happy to come home. Liam made all the difference in her life.

“Since you missed Christmas dinner with us, Angie and I made it for you tonight,” Mrs. Brodie said.

“You guys are gonna spoil me.”

Angie shrugged. “We figure that might partially make up for whatever Liam puts you through when we’re not around.”

“Thanks for the support, guys,” he replied dryly.

Talia’s stomach was rumbling by the time he pulled into his parents’ driveway. Liam held her back while the others went inside. She gave him a curious look.

“Got one more surprise for you,” he said with a mysterious smile.

“What is it?”

“If I told you it wouldn’t be a surprise, would it?”

With a sappy grin on her face she preceded him up the front steps, into the cozy house that smelled of scrumptious roasted turkey. When she took off her shoes and rounded the corner into the dining room to offer a hand, she stopped dead. The smile froze in place, her lips suddenly too stiff to move.

Standing next to the lavishly decorated dining table, her mother set down the crystal candlestick she’d been holding and offered a nervous smile. “Hi, Tal.”

Talia gulped in a breath, her chest tightening. “Hi.” The word came out strangled and for a moment she couldn’t move, could barely breathe. Liam came up behind her and set a comforting hand on her waist. She fought the urge to lean into him for strength.

Her mother fiddled with one of the table settings, her thin fingers trembling slightly. “They invited me, and I thought…I wanted to be here for you.”

The burn of tears had her blinking fast. “I’m glad. Thank you for coming.”

That tentative smile spread, gaining confidence until it took over her mother’s face. She took a step forward and reached her thin arms out, and when she spoke her voice was rough with emotion. “Welcome home, sweet pea.”

Talia closed the distance between them without thinking and went into her mother’s arms. A ragged breath shuddered through her as she battled the tears. Her mother let out a watery laugh and patted her back awkwardly. “I was hoping to make you smile, not cry.”

“Happy tears,” she whispered, totally overwhelmed. This was like Christmas and every other holiday she’d never had, all rolled into one. She’d never let herself hope for this kind of chance. Wiping her face with the heels of her hands, Talia pulled back to look down at her mother. “So…how are you?”

She smiled ruefully. “Better. My new meds seem to be helping quite a bit. Still a long way to go, though. I’ll never be June Cleaver.”

“That’s okay. I’m really proud of you, Mom.” Damn it, she was going to cry again.

Her mother lifted a hand to wipe away another tear that escaped. “Thanks. I’m trying my best. I wish I could promise you more.”

“That’s okay.” It was enough for now.

Pressing her lips together, she turned her attention to Liam, still behind Talia. “And thank you for giving me a chance to make things right.”

He reached out to gather her against him with his free arm, hugging them both to his solid frame. “You both deserve it.” He kissed the top of Talia’s head. “Now let’s eat before she starts crying again.”

Her mother headed for the kitchen, tossing an uncertain smile at her over her shoulder. In the ensuing vacuum of silence, Liam turned Talia to face him and cupped her face between his hands. “You okay?”

She shook her head, unable to articulate the painful pressure in her chest. “I—I need a minute,” she managed.

He reacted instantly. “Come on.” Without another word he seized her hand and led her out through the front door so no one would see them. Outside the fresh, cool spring air washed over her, allowing her to breathe again. She followed Liam around the back of the house to the lush green lawn, past the manicured flower beds just coming to life. He stopped under a tall aspen tree, its tender bright green buds beginning to unfurl in the sunshine.

Talia looked up at him helplessly. When she didn’t say anything he gathered her against his chest. She rested her cheek against him, glad for his strength. “It’s overwhelming,” she admitted in a small voice. “I can’t take it all in.”

He made a quiet sound of understanding and stroked her back. “You’re happy, though?”

She nodded. “I haven’t seen her like that in years. Not since my teens, actually. I want it to be real this time.” She didn’t know if she could make him understand the constant anxiety inside her whenever she thought of her mother. “It’s like I’m dreaming and I’m afraid I’ll wake up to find it all gone.”

“It’s real, sweetheart,” he said softly, squeezing her tight. “She loves you. We all do.”

“I always hoped she did, somewhere deep down inside.” Some part of her had clung to that throughout the hard, lonely years.

“She does. She was worried you might not want her here, but my mom eventually wore her down.”

Talia pulled back to look into his eyes. “Your mom did this for me?”

“She loves you like a daughter. You have to know that.” When Talia bit her lower lip he chuckled. “Hey, no more crying. This is supposed to be a happy day.”

“It is.” She struggled to maintain her composure. “The happiest of my life.” That her mother had shown up today allowed Talia to hope that things might eventually change between them.

Liam’s eyes darkened. “Good, because I love you and want to see you happy.” He caressed her damp cheek with gentle fingertips and bent to kiss her. His mouth was warm and firm against hers, the sensual glide of his tongue setting off tremors deep inside. When he finally lifted his head, she could barely breathe. “There’s something else I wanted to talk to you about.”

“Okay.” After finding her mother in the dining room, nothing could surprise her.

“Having you back here is incredible, but I want more.”

Her eyebrows went up. She had to be careful not to read anything into his words. “How much more?”

“For starters, I want to wake up in my bed every morning with you beside me.”

Talia gaped at him, heart tripping, sure she was misunderstanding. She had to be.

Liam’s dark eyes were full of sincerity as he continued. “Don’t freak out, I know we’ve only been together a few months. But I love you. I want to be with you as much as I can, not just date you and spend the weekends together. I want you to move in with me.”

Talia’s mouth dropped open. Her heart did a crazy flip. She knew his reputation, knew he could have any woman he wanted. “Are you sure?”

He laughed. “Hell yeah, I’m sure. What about you?”

Having him there when she fell asleep at night, waking with him beside her each day. Being able to make a home with him. It was a big step toward marriage, and if that happened maybe someday they’d even have a family.

In that instant, for the first time all her dreams seemed possible. There was only one answer she could give.

“I would love to move in with you.” She threw her arms around him in an ecstatic hug. He caught her, chuckling against her hair.

“No backing out now, so I’m holding you to that. Verbal contracts are binding, you know.”

“Good thing I’m a woman of my word, then.”

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