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Authors: Alex Ross

Naegele, Philipp
Nagano, Kent
Nancarrow, Conlon
Napoleon, see Bonaparte, Napoleon
Nasseri, Soheil
National Center for the Performing Arts (Beijing)
National Conservatory (New York)
National Endowment for the Arts
NBC Symphony
Nelson, Willie
Neue Zeitschrift für Musik
Neuhaus, Max:
Times Square
New Albion (label)
Newbould, Brian
New England Conservatory
New Jersey Symphony
New School
New World (label)
New York
New York City: Björk in; Cage in; Chinese composers in; classical music in; Dylan in; Kiki and Herb in
New York City Opera
New Yorker, The
New York Grand Opera
New York Mycological Society
New York Philharmonic; and Bernstein; and Borda; and Boulez; in China; and Gilbert; and Salonen
New York Review of Books, The
New York Times, The
; and Cage
New York Tribune, The
Nielsen, Carl
Nietzsche, Friedrich
Night at the Opera,
A (Marx Brothers)
924 Gilman Street
; and the Pixies; “Smells Like Teen Spirit,” ; and Sonic Youth
Nixon, Richard
No Child Left Behind
Noiray, Michel
Nonesuch Records
Norman, Jessye
Norton, Charles Eliot, lectures
Noseda, Gianandrea
“Not Dark Yet” (Dylan)
Notley, Margaret
Novalis (Friedrich von Hardenberg)
Nuttall, Geoff
Oakland Tribune
Oakland Youth Orchestra
Obama, Barack
Oberlin College
O’Brien, Ed; background of; guitar-playing of; personality of
Ochs, Phil
Ockeghem, Johannes: “Fors seulement,” ;
Missa Fors seulement
O’Hara, Frank
Olympics: in Athens; in Beijing
Onassis, Aristotle
ondes Martenot
Ono, Yoko
Oquendo, Mateo Rosas de
orchestras, in America
Orion Quartet
Ormandy, Eugene
Orn, Einar
Ortiz, Diego
Ortiz, Tae
Orwell, George
Overholt, Eric
Oxford, England, Radiohead in
Oxford Brookes University
Pachelbel, Johann
Paci, Mario
Pacific Symphony
Paganini, Niccolò
Page, Jimmy
Pareles, Jon
Paris, audiences in; Chen Qigang in; Mozart in; Salonen in; Verdi in
Paris Opera
Parish, Jovan
Parker, Charlie: “Salt Peanuts,”
Parker, Michael St. John
Parker, Roger
Part, Arvo
Partch, Harry
passacaglia; and Bach; and Berg; and Britten; and Ligeti
Patel, Aniruddh
Patton, Charley
Patton, Mike
Peabody Institute
Peking opera
Penderecki, Krzysztof
Pennebaker, D. A.
Pepperdine University
Perahia, Murray
Pere Ubu
Peri, Jacopo:
Perretti, Edward
Pet Shop Boys
Pettis, Michael
Philadelphia Orchestra; in China
Philharmonia Baroque
Philharmonia Orchestra
Philip, Robert
Philip II (king of Spain); as Verdi character
Philips (label)
Philleo, Jaren
Piave, Francesco
Pink Floyd
Pirates of Penzance
(Gilbert and Sullivan)
Pixies; “Where Is My Mind?,”
Planet of the Apes
Plant, Robert
Plasson, Michel
Platen, August von
Play of Daniel
Polanski, Roman:
Death and the Maiden
Pollini, Maurizio
Pollock, Jackson
Ponselle, Rosa
Popper, Karl
Porat, Matan
Porter, Andrew
Poulenc, Francis
Pound, Ezra
Powers, Richard:
The Time of Our Singing
Poznansky, Alexander
prepared piano
Presley, Elvis: “That’s All Right, Mama,”
Previn, André
Price, Leontyne
Planet Earth
Pritchett, James
Prokofiev, Sergei
Proms (London)
Providence Quartet
Pruiksma, Rose
Public Enemy:
Fear of a Black Planet
Puccini, Giacomo:
La Bohème
punk rock
Purcell, Henry:
Dido and Aeneas
; Dido’s Lament;
King Arthur
; “O I’m Sick of Life,” ; “Plung’d in the confines of despair,”
Pushkin, Alexander:
Mozart and Salieri
Q (magazine)
Qi Yue
Qianlong (emperor of China)
Qu Dawei
Queer Nation
Rachmaninov, Sergei
Radiohead, background of; early fame of; fans of; habits on tour; and Internet; live shows of; musical style of; politics of; promotion of other bands; Salonen on; working methods of; works of: “Airbag,”
The Bends
; “Climbing Up the Walls,”; “Creep,” ; “Dollars and Cents,” ; “Everything in Its Right Place,” ;
Hail to the Thief
; “How to Disappear Completely,” ; “Idioteque,” ; “I Might Be Wrong,” ;
In Rainbows
; “Just,” ; “Karma Police,” ;
Kid A
; “Knives Out,” ; “Let Down,”
; “Life in a Glasshouse,” ; “Like Spinning Plates,” ; “Meeting in the Aisle,” ; “Morning Bell,” ; “No Surprises,” ;
OK Computer
; “Packt Like Sardines,” ; “Palo Alto,” ; “Paranoid Android,” ; “Pyramid Song,” ; “The Tourist,” ; “Treefingers,”
Radvanovsky, Sondra
R. A. I. Institute of Musical Phonology
Ramirez, Ariel:
Misa Criolla
Ranaldo, Lee
Randle, Rick
Rather, Dan
Ravel, Maurice
Ray, Johnnie
Reagan, Ronald
recording: effect on performance; invention of; theories of
Red Detachment of Women
(Wu and Du)
Red Pony, The
Red Rocks, Colorado
Reed, John (musicologist)
Reed, Lou
Reich, Steve
Reményi, Eduard
Renmin University
Reynal, Jeanne
Rhode Island School of Design
Ricci, Matteo
Rice, John
Richie, Alexandra
Richter, Sviatoslav
Ricks, Christopher
Ricordi, Giulio
Riddle, Nelson
Riley, Terry; turtle tank of
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai:
Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh
Ringle, Rebecca
Rinuccini, Ottavio
Roberts, Dawud
Robertson, David
Robertson, Lesley
Robeson, Paul
Rodgers, Richard: “My Funny Valentine,”
Rogers, Fred
Rolling Stone
Rolling Stones
Ronconi, Giorgio
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
Rosand, Ellen
Rosen, Charles
Rosselli, John
Rossini, Gioachino
Rothko, Mark
Rudolf, Max
Rupp, Franz
Rushton, Julian
Ruth, Sebastian
Saariaho, Kaija;
Adriana Mater
L’Amour de loin
“Sad-Eyed Lady of the Lowlands” (Dylan)
Sadie, Stanley
Sainte-Marie, Buffy
St. John, Scott
St. Lawrence Quartet
Saint Louis Symphony
Saint-Saëns, Camille:
Samson and Delilah
Salieri, Antonio: and Mozart; and Schubert
Salomon, Frank
Salonen, Esa-Pekka: background of; children of; composing of; conducting of; departure from L.A.; early attitudes of; and L.A. Philharmonic; personality of; programming philosophy of; reaction to California; recordings of; works of:
Five Images After Sappho
Foreign Bodies
L.A. Variations
; Piano Concerto;
Wing on Wing
Salonen, Jane
San Francisco: Dylan in; Kiki and Herb in; Lorraine Hunt Lieberson in
San Francisco Symphony
San Quentin
Sandow, Greg
Santa Fe Opera
Sarabhai, Gita
Sarnoff, David
Satie, Erik:
Savall, Jordi
Schacht, Richard
Schafer, R. Murray: Quartet No. 3,
Schiller, Friedrich von
Schneider, Alexander
Schober, Franz von
Schoenberg, Arnold;
The Book of the Hanging Gardens,
; on Brahms; and Cage; in Los Angeles;
Pierrot lunaire
Schola Cantorum, Iceland
Schopenhauer, Arthur
Schreier, Peter
Schubert, Franz; Anderson sings; background of; and Beethoven; Brahms and; death of; images of; lament and; later works of; Ligeti on; personality of; poetry and; politics of; recordings of; sexuality of; style of; syphilis and; Uchida and; works of:
; “Atys,” ; “Auf der Donau,” ; “Auflösung,” ; “Ave Maria,” ; “Der Doppelgänger,” ; “Der Erlkönig,” Fantasia in F Minor; Fantasia in G Minor; “Freiwilliges Versinken,” ; “Gretchen am Spinnrade,” ; “Ich schleiche bang und still herum,” ; Impromptu in C Minor; “Die Liebe hat gelogen,” ; “Nachtgesang,” ; Piano Sonata No. 21 in B-flat; Piano Trio No. 2 in E-flat; Quartet No. 8 in B-flat; Quartet No. 13 in A Minor; Quartet No. 14, “Death and the Maiden,” ; Quartet No. 15 in G;
Die schöne Müllerin
; String Quintet in C, ; Symphony No. 8, “Unfinished,” ; Symphony No. 9, ; Symphony No. 10 (sketches); “Uraniens Flucht,” ;
; Die
Schuller, Gunther
Schulze, Ernst
Schuman, William
Schumann, Clara
Schumann, Robert; Brahms and; death of; quartets of; on Schubert; suicide attempt of; syphilis and; “The Two Grenadiers,”
Schwab, Cynthia
Schwarzenegger, Arnold
Schwarzkopf, Elisabeth
Schwarzwald, Eugenie
Scott-Heron, Gil; “Whitey on the Moon,”
Sebald, W. G.:
Sedgwick, Edie
Seeger, Pete
Segovia, Andrés
Seldes, Gilbert
Sellars, Peter
Selway, Phil; drumming of; on Radiohead
Senn, Johann
Serkin, Irene
Serkin, Peter
Serkin, Rudolf; background of; grave of; personality of; philosophy of; playing of; recordings of
Serra, Richard
Setzer, Philip
Shaffer, Peter:
Shakespeare, William;
Henry IV, Part
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
The Tempest
; Verdi and
Shanghai Conservatory
Shanghai Opera
Shanghai Symphony
Shaw, George Bernard:
Man and Superman
Shaw, Robert
Shaw, Woody
Shelley, Steve
Shere, Charles
Sherman, Richard and Robert:
Mary Poppins
Shiffman, Barry
Shipibo-Conibo people
Shipp, Matthew
Shirley, George
Shostakovich, Dmitri; quartets of; Symphony No. 15,
Sibelius, Jean;
Swan of Tuonela
; on Anderson
Sibelius Academy
Sichuan Conservatory
Sigur Rós
Sigurðsson, Valgeir,
Valgeir Sigurðsson
Silbiger, Alexander
Silverman, Kenneth
Simionato, Giulietta
Simon Bolívar Youth Orchestra
Simone, Nina
“Simple Twist of Fate” (Dylan)
Sinatra, Frank: “Angel Eyes,” ; greets session musicians; lament and; “Only the Lonely,” ; recordings of; voice of
Sindri Eldon þórsson
Singh, Talvin
Sistema, El
Sitting Bull
Sjón (Sigurjón Birgir Sigurðsson)
Smith, Bessie: “Crazy Blues,”
Smith, Chad
Smith, Craig
Smith, Harry:
Anthology of American Folk Music
Smith, James Austin
Smith, Joshua
Smith, Mamie: “Crazy Blues,”
Smyth, Ethel
Snoop Doggy Dogg
Snow, Meredith
Soft Machine
Solti, Georg
Solomon, Maynard: on Mozart; on Schubert’s sexuality
Solzhenitsyn, Ignat
Sonic Youth;
Daydream Nation
A Thousand Leaves
Sousa, John Philip;
Stars and Stripes Forever
Soyer, David
Spano, Robert
Spaun, Josef
Spears, Britney
Springsteen, Bruce
Stalin, Joseph
Stalnaker, Sara
Stanford University
Stanley, Ralph
Steblin, Rita
Steinberg, Michael
Steinitz, Richard
Stella, Frank
Stent, Mark (Spike)
Stereo Review
Stern, Isaac
Steuermann, Edward
Stevens, John
Stevens, Wallace; “Ésthetique du Mal,”
Stewart, J. O., Jr.
stile moderno
Stockhausen, Karlheinz; and the Beatles; and Bjork; and Miles Davis;
Stokowski, Leopold
“Strange Fruit” (Allan)
Stratas, Teresa
Strauss, Richard;
Four Last Songs
Ein Heldenleben
Stravinsky, Igor;
The Firebird
; in Los Angeles;
Oedipus Rex
Requiem Canticles
The Rite of Spring
; Symphony in Three Movements;
Symphony of Psalms
Strepponi, Giuseppina
Strozzi, Barbara:
L’Eraclito amoroso
Strozzi, Giovanni Battista, the Younger
Stuckenschmidt, Hans Heinz
Stucky, Steven
Su, Liane
Super Girl
Suzuki, D. T.
Swafford, Jan
Swed, Mark
Sweelinck, Jan Pieterzsoon:
Fantasia chromatica
“Swing Low, Sweet Chariot,”
Symphony Space

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