Live In Position (18 page)

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Authors: Sadie Grubor


I was shocked at the softness of his voice.

"Yes." She said in a low tone.

"You were very brave today." His tone wasn't as soft as before, but his words were enough to make her face light up. She smiled large. "Alright then,"
the Snow Miser returned. "I’ll see you both later. I will be home in an hour or so."

addy, Sophia is taking me out for ice cream." She smiled at me then to him. "Since I was so good at the lab she is –"

"I see. Well, then

"Want to come with us?" Victoria blurted.

"Oh, uh, Victoria I'm sure your dad has a lot to do and –" I didn't know what else to say and looked over to Dr. Bishop. His brow was furrowed, in anger?

"Perhaps another time," He nodded to both of us and walked away stiffly.

I groaned quietly and hurried us to the car. We stopped for ice cream as I’d promised. Victoria got double fudge, chocolate mousse, and chocolate chip which of course were covered in chocolate syrup, strawberries, and whip cream. I didn't think she could eat all of it, but she proved me wrong.

When we arrived home Dr. Bishop's car was in the driveway, but
when we entered there was no sign of him. I assumed he was in his office and headed toward the kitchen to get dinner started. Victoria went up to read for awhile and digest her ice cream.

After getting everything need
ed to cook dinner, I started the prep work and set it all aside for a couple more hours. I cleaned up the mess from the preparation and decided to check on Victoria. At the top of the steps I could hear Dr. Bishop's voice coming from down the hall.

"All the tests should be back by the end of the week and then we
’ll know exactly what grounds I have." There was a long pause. "I’m well aware of what she could do either way, but I’m fighting for

In that moment my chest tighten
ed and swelled with happiness. I almost forgave him for his lack of doing or saying anything when Grace dropped her disturbing news.

The week went by quick.
School was winding down for Victoria and her dance recital was coming up this weekend. We were leaving the dance studio after picking up her costume and she was bouncing from excitement.

"Did you like it? Was it really pretty? Do you think ours will be the best costume?"

"Calm down," I laughed and hung the garment bag containing her ballet outfit onto the hook above the rear passenger side window. "You looked fabulous and you all will look amazing on stage together."

She was full of smiles all the way home.

When we walked through the door, we were met by the entire Bishop family. All sitting in the room next to the foyer, their heads snapped into our direction. They looked grave and I immediately worried Grace had been correct.

"Victoria, could you please come here?" Dr. Bishop
sounded tense.

She was fro
zen next to me, so I nudged her. She walked slowly toward him.

"Don't dawdle, child." Ilene quipped.

I imagined slamming her head onto the antique coffee table in front of her. Victoria picked up her pace.

I swallowed thickly and started toward Victoria's room to hang up her costume.

"Stay." I froze at Dr. Bishop's instruction.

"Why do you need her to –

"Allison..." Larissa hissed.

Looking toward Victoria, Dr. Bishop pulled her directly in front of him. He stared into her face and held her in place, his hands on her shoulders. Different emotions flashed across his face. His brow furrowed and then he released a breath, dropping his head down.

"What's wrong D

"Collin, will you please tell us what is going on?" Allison cut off Victoria.

I imagined her with a coffee table imprint to match her mother.

"The test results are back." His voice strained and I could only assume the worst.

If he spoke those words in front of her I was definitely going on a rage filled ass kicking of the whole family. Unconsciously I took a step forward. He opened his mouth.

"She's mine." His head came up,
eyes filled with tears. "I'm her father."

Victoria looked confused.

"Of course you’re my daddy." She smiled.

e smiled back, and there it was, they both had the same crooked smile. She looked like her mother, but she had her father's smile. She wrapped her arms around his neck and they held one another. I bit my lip and wiped at my eyes before anyone noticed my tears.

"Oh Collin..." Larissa rushed to him and wrapped them both in their arms. "Of course she is. Sh
e has your temper." She laughed. He chuckled.

After that day there was a shift in the house. Dr. Bishop wasn't a warm and fuzzy father, but he
made genuine attempts with Victoria. It was extremely exciting for her, but I also worried it would be just as Grace had been, making an attempt only to drop her after a couple of months.

I was getting her ready for her recital when there was a knock on her door. Dr. Bishop stood in
her doorway.

"Are you ready?"

"Almost," I yelled from her bathroom. Finishing the last twist and pin of her bun, I wrapped the fake ivy leaves around.

"There, you look perfect." I smiled through the mirror.

"It looks perfect!" She squealed and then spun to hug me.

"Okay fairy princess, let's get going." I gave her a shove toward the door.

She went running out.

"Look daddy!"

I walked out and slipped on my shoes while she twirled and pirouetted. I laughed lightly at her show.

"Doesn't it look great?"

"Yes, it does." I could actual hear amusement in his voice "It looks..." I walked toward the door and felt his gaze before I saw it, "beautiful."

I diverted my eyes instantly. "Come on little fairy. You don't want to be late for your recital do you?"

She came bounding toward me and grabbed my hand, pulling me out the door and toward the stairs.

"Whoa, slow down.
I'm wearing heels." I laughed out and gripped the railing.

She tugged one more time and that was all it took for my heel to catch in the plush carpeting. The heel sta
yed while my body tried to move. My body began the descent. I inhaled a large breath and every muscle tensed in preparation for the fall.

Warm arms surrounded me, one around my waist and the other wrapped
so his hand gripped my shoulder. He pulled me back, which had me flush against his chest. His arms still wrapped around from behind. My breathing hitched.

"Thank you."
I whispered.

There was no response. Victoria was three steps ahead of me looking back at us with a shocked expression that shifted to impatience. Still
, no response from him, and his arms weren't moving. I bit my lip and started to pull away. His grip tensed and I swear he inhaled deeply. Then his hold loosened. I stepped quickly but carefully down the stairs.

"Let's go." I grabbed her hand and pulled us toward the coat closet by the door.

Crouching, I buttoned Victoria's jacket over her outfit. His presence warmed my back.  Standing, I reached into the closet. Pulling out my trench jacket, Dr. Bishop's hands shot out and took it from me. I snapped around confused, until he held the coat open for me. Smiling nervously, I slipped my arms in.

"Thank you."

He was still silent and it was making me nervous. I was starting to prefer the cold tone in comparison to this silence. When we reached the car I knew he was going to seat me next to him in front. Luckily, Victoria was so excited she talked almost non-stop during the entire drive.

Pulling up to the recital,
I climbed out to get Victoria out of the backseat. As I closed my door, I heard a growl and turned my head. Dr. Bishop stood furrowing his brow at me. I turned back to Victoria's door as she opened it and hopped out. She grabbed my hand and pulled me into the theater's side entrance.

fter touching up Victoria's make-up, hair, and attaching the wings to her costume, I kissed her head. Wishing her and her friends luck, I walked into the theater seats. An usher stopped and looked me over.

"Hello." He smiled slyly. "Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Um...yeah, my seat." I cocked my eyebrow at his innuendo.

"Of course," He winked and put his hand out. I handed him my ticket. He looked it over and then looked back at me. "So, do I get a kiss if I show you your seat?" He tapped his cheek.

I leaned in close to his face, distracting him. "No." I snatched my ticket from his hand and walked around him.

"Errggh," he groaned and started to follow me. "I'm sorry." I glanced back to look at him.

I shook my head. "It's fine. I'll find my seat. Thanks."

"Is there a problem?"
My head snapped to the sound of his voice.

there isn't a problem."

e approached closer and kept his eyes on the usher.

"Our seats are over here." His cold tone
returned and I’d never been more thankful.

Nodding, I
walked in the direction he started in. We reached the row and he stopped, I stopped too. Dr. Bishop moved his body sideways and then placed his hand against my lower back leading me into the row. I internally groaned, realizing he was putting me between him and Jonathan.

Jonathan stood and greeted me. Allison huff
ed at his gesture. I took my seat between the two of them and thought perhaps it wouldn't be so bad. They both sat back in their seats. I quietly released the nervous breath I’d been holding as the lights dimmed and the spot light hit the stage.

Victoria wasn't going to be onstage until the fourth act and we were required to sit through all performances since she would also be in the finale. Soon it was act three and I was fidgeting with anticipation.

When all of them tiptoed onto the stage in the tutus, leotards, and fairy wings I almost squealed out loud. Instead I covered my mouth to contain myself. I heard a chuckle, but could tell if it had been Dr. Bishop or Jonathan.

Victoria's performance was fantastic and it wasn't until s
he was off stage I realized I’d inched up in my seat. As I sat back into my seat I could feel him rubbing the side of my forearm. The shock of it caused me to freeze as my brain made excuses that it was an accident and he didn't realize he was doing it, and anything else that still made no sense.

Finally, I pulled my arm away from the armrest and glanced at him from the corner of my eye. He was looking at me
, smirking. Swallowing hard, I bit my lip. He leaned toward me and I leaned away. His hand moved down onto his seat, but his finger stretched out and grazed my thigh. My eyes widened. There was no mistaking Jonathan's intention.

I furrowed my brow and shifted away from him. He finally backed off and settled into his own seat, but for the rest of the night
I was on guard. Every time he moved, even slightly, I was aware and jumpy. When I could finally go and get Victoria from back stage, I practically sprinted over Dr. Bishop's lap.

When I reached Victoria, her little face was lit up with pride.

"You were fantastic!!" I shouted. Picking her up, I spun her around.

"I agree."

I looked over my shoulder. There was Dr. Bishop holding a single rose. He held it out to Victoria and she beamed.

"Thank you D
addy!" She hugged his leg.

"Let's get going. Aunt Allison and Grandma are waiting on you."

She nodded.

"We also need to get to our reservation at the restaurant."

They walked away and out the doors to the theater with me behind them.

Great, another dinner, the l
ast one didn't go so well.

inner this time wasn't as rough, mostly because I was ignored. The one time I was asked to pay attention was when Allison informed me I needed to have Victoria and myself ready by June 5
to leave for Whidbey Island. I simply nodded in acknowledgement and made a mental note to prepare for the trip.

The drive home wasn't as ten
se as the drive to the recital. I welcomed the silence as my mind tried to process the Jonathan situation. The thought of vacationing with the Bishops would mean Jonathan would also be there. I was worried about that now. I didn't mean to sigh loudly, but apparently I did.

"Is there a problem?" Dr. Bishop spoke cool and quiet.

"No." I looked out the window, and heard him sigh.


Chapter Eleven

Victoria's final wee
k of school had gone by quickly. We started to go through her closet and dresser to pack for vacation.

"This is my favorite dress!" She held it
against her.

"Um, sweetheart, I don't think that fits you anymore." I wrinkled my face at
how small it looked.

"What?" She walked over to her mirror. "Oh,
tartar sauce!" She pouted.

"What did you just say?" I laughed loudly.

She grinned at me and laughed.

re too funny." I shook my head and started looking at the tags on her summer clothing.

"You know most of these are going to be too small."

"Does that mean we can go shopping?"

I looked up and saw her excitement.

"I think it does."

She started dancing around crazily.

"We’re going shopping…we’re going shopping…" she sang.

"You really are funny…and crazy." I stood up from the floor and assessed all of the clothes
. "We should box these up and donate them."

"Donate them to what?" Victoria stopped dancing and looked at me confused.

"You know, like the Good Will." I shrugged. "What did you do with your clothes in the past?"

She shrugged. "I think Miranda gave them to Mrs. Baker."

"I'll ask her first, but we should put them in a separate pile in your closet for now." I entered the walk in closet and started to pull clothes off of hangers, creating a pile in a laundry basket against the back wall of her closet. That's when I came across her bathing suit.

"Hey, try this on and see if it still fits." I tossed it out of the closet.

"Okay!" Victoria shouted as she picked it up off the floor. A few minutes passed by and then she appeared. I was taking the last few items that were going to be boxed.

"I, uh, think it's too small."

I looked at her and started laughing.

"I'll say!" I laughed harder when she turned around and I could see half of her
butt. "Get that thing off. We’ll have to get a new one."

"When are we going?"

"On vacation?" I walked out of her closet.

"No," she giggled. "Shopping." She held out the bathing suit to me.

"I suppose we should go tomorrow. I mean, we have to leave this weekend, so we need to get it taken care of." I shrugged. "We can head to the mall after breakfast and then get lunch before we come home and pack for the trip. Sound good?"


"Alright, well we’
re done with the clothes for now. We should probably make a list of things you want to take with you." I headed to my room, Victoria followed. She plopped down on my couch and I slouched down next to her. "So, toys, games, all of that stuff, what do you think you want to take?" We sat there for about an hour talking about what we would need to pack.

"What about you?"

"I'm easy." I crinkled up my face. "I don't grow out of my clothes, so I have plenty that’ll work at the beach.

Victoria rolled her eyes and skipped into my bedroom.

"I think you should get some new things too. This stuff is old." She held up a sundress I owned for about three years.

I leaned against my doorframe.

"Hey, that's one of my favorites."

"Time for a new favorite," she giggled. I tackled her onto my floor and tickled her.

The next morning, Victoria was awake before me. She dressed before coming down for breakfast and everything.

guess you’re a little excited to go shopping?" I raised an eyebrow at her over my coffee.

She giggled.

"You two going shopping today?" Both of us looked over at Dr. Bishop

"Yep." Victoria popped her 'p' when she answered. "I've grown out of my summer clothes from last year." She smiled proudly.

He smiled back to her and poured his coffee.

"I'm going to go get dressed." I said to Victoria. "You finish your breakfast." She nodded
and took a large bite of waffles.

Quickly, but careful with the coffee mug, I went to my room and changed into a pair of jeans and a plain white t-shirt. I brushed my hair and teeth,
grabbing a hair tie and sweatshirt before I headed back downstairs.

"You done?" I grabbed her plate.

"Yeah." She smiled and jumped down from her seat.

"Whoa…stop." She turned around. "Finish your milk." She finished her milk before she put her cup in the sink.

"All done!" She announced.

"Good, let's get going." I headed out of the kitchen.

"We're supposed to wait for daddy."

I examined her face.

She smiled.

"I asked if he wanted to come with us. First, he said he couldn't, but I gave him the pout face." She imitated the same face she’d given Dr. Bishop.

"Oh." I walked slowly toward the door and grabbed her jacket from the closet.

He was going to the mall with us? Really? I was still trying to process that bit of information when I heard him come down the stairs.

"Are we all ready?" He cleared his throat nervously.

I turned around and was a little taken back with 'casual' Dr. Bishop. He had on a pair of dark blue jeans and a dark gray t-shirt, his hair was damp from showering and a little more unruly than usual. For a moment I almost swooned. Get it together Sophia, this is the antichrist. No matter how hot he looks.

"Yep." Victoria practically bounced with excitement.

I held out her jacket and she slipped her arms inside. Then I pulled my dark blue hooded sweatshirt on over my head.

Dr. Bishop opened the door and motioned for Victoria and me to go out first. That was when I noticed he
’d pulled on a cream colored sweater. I had to fight another swoon, taking in the conflict of his reddish brown hair and pale skin against the cream color of his sweater.

Antichrist, antichrist, he is the antichrist. Check your purse to make sure you have
your rosary.

Once we were in the car and Dr. Bishop started the engine, he sat back and rubbed the back of his head.

"Um, where were you going?" He peeked up at me.

"The mall," I said quickly and looked out the window.

"Okay, to the mall then." He put the car in gear and we drove off in silence.

Dr. Bishop circled the parking lot a f
ew more times than I would have. Apparently he needed to have a special parking spot or something. I tried not to laugh at the 'lot laps'.

"Where are we going first?" She asked as Dr. Bishop opened the doors for us.

"Where ever you want to go." I shrugged.

"Well, we need to stop at stores for you too." She reminded.

"Hey, you've already made your opinion of my clothing clear, so zip it." I tickled her side. She giggled and moved away, but didn't release my hand.

"Did you have somewhere particular you needed to go?" I turned to Dr. Bish
op. His eyes were already on me. My face heated. Damn him.

"Um, actually, I was just tagging along because Victoria
asked me to come with her."

I was amused, because he seemed to be more unnerved than I was. I cleared the laugh from my throat.

"Well, I don't know how interesting the children's stores will be for you, but that's where we’re heading."

He nodded.

"Then we are going to a store for you." Victoria chimed in with a giggle. I laughed and shook my head. I think I even heard Dr. Bishop chuckle.

re going to get it." I fake threatened.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." She responded. "Can we go in there?" She pointed to a Gap Kids store.

"Sure thing." I steered us in the direction of the store.

As soon as we were through the entrance, Victoria let go of my hand and was like a flash of red curls.

"Ooohhh, I like this, and this," "this is so cute", "Sophia look"; it went on and on. She had ten outfits picked out and insisted on trying them all on, which was the smart thing to do.

I took a seat in front of the dressing room and Dr. Bishop stood behind me. His discomfort with the dressing area was evident.

"Okay, first outfit." Victoria announced. Stepping out she did a spin.

I clapped.


She giggled and went back into the d
ressing room. Ten outfits later, we were at the register with five out of them, shoes and accessories included. She also had picked out two bathing suits. I’d tried to convince her she didn't need a pair of shoes for each outfit, but Dr. Bishop simply told her to get them if she wanted them. He paid for her clothes and then grabbed the bags from my hands. Victoria dragged both of us to the next store.

Six stores later and, I swear, enough
outfits for twenty little girls, she was pulling me into a woman's clothing store.

"Victoria, I can go shopping for myself later." I argued with her. "We should go get lunch." I started toward the exit.

"Come on." She groaned. "We’re already here." She grabbed my arm and pulled me back into the store. "What size am I looking for?"

"You think I
’m going to just yell that out." I snorted.

Next thing I knew she was behind me pulling on the back of my jeans
, trying to get to my tag.

"Hey!" I laughed and pulled her away from my butt.

"Size five." She gloated.

"Sneaky little booger." I stuck my tongue out at her and she laughed.

This time I really did hear Dr. Bishop chuckle. I turned around at the sound of it.

"Don't encourage her." I sc
olded and he smiled, another damn swoon moment. I began my antichrist chant once again.

"These are cute!" Victoria ran up with a pair of pink short shorts.

"Yeah and they should cover one half of my butt. I think I'll pass." I took the shorts and walked them back over to the table she’d gotten them.

"Fine." She sighed.

I quickly grabbed a couple pairs of shorts, t-shirts, and a sundress, and then headed to the register.

"You need more than that." Victoria argued.

"I think that's enough." Then the girl at the counter stated the total. I looked back to Victoria. "Definitely enough." I laughed and handed the girl my card.

"Ms. Ashwood, you should just use the house card I gave you."

“Buying my clothes isn't a necessity." I stated and turned back to sign the slip.

"True, however, you wouldn't be shopping if it weren't for the vacation my family has planned." He argued.

"You’re as bad as your daughter." I stated without looking back to him. Grabbing the bags from the counter, I headed toward the exit.

"One more store!" Victoria pleaded.

"For what?"

"You need a few more things. Come on." She pulled me toward a very pink store and my eyes widened.

I dug my feet into the floor. There was no way in hell I was perusing that store with a seven year old and Dr. Bishop.

"No, not that one." I stood still.

"Come on. Aunt Allison goes in here all the time." She pouted.

"I, uh, think I’
ll sit this one out." Dr. Bishop said from behind us. I didn't even look back, because I knew my face read mortification.

"Come on." Victoria released my hand and took off into the store.

"Victoria!" I shouted and moved after her. I caught up to her in the store. "Don't run away like that." I scolded her, mostly out of worry.

She rolled her eyes.

"Look, this is cute." She held up a pink bra with white polka dots.

"Yeah, it's cute and unnecessary." I took it out of her hand and put it back on the wall.

"Will you just look around and get some stuff. Look, they have bathing suits." She walked quickly to them. "You'll need one of these for the beach."

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