Live In Position (2 page)

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Authors: Sadie Grubor

She nodded and I smiled before turning back toward the door.

I ended up face to chest with Dr. Bishop. His scent was a mixture of crisp linen and purely man. My stomach fluttered from manly aroma and the warmth from his close body.

"Victoria, please go to your room." His voice was cold and stern.

Blinking a couple of times, his strict voice snapping me out of my current trance, I took a couple steps back and around him, heading out the door. Once I was in my Jeep I released the scream I had been holding.

"Well, way to screw that up Sophia," I grumbled at my reflection in the review mirror before I drove away.

Grabbing my cell phone, before getting back onto Interstate 5, I quickly text Miranda.

'I'm sorry. I just couldn't take anymore of him. Forgive me?'

It was hours later while sitting in front of the TV with my father watching baseball when Miranda responded.

'You are more than forgiven. You are hired!'

I had to read the text three times before it sunk in and I got excited. Then I stopped, mid happy dance. Crap! I'd have to see and deal with the antichrist every day. Ugh…if only he kept his mouth shut and just let me look at him, it would be perfect. I laughed at my own internal dialogue and my father looked at me like I had lost it.

"Do I even want to know what's going on in that head of yours?" He chuckled.

"Do you ever really want to know?" I smiled mischievously and wiggled my eyebrows.

"No." He turned back to his baseball game with a large smile.

"I got a job, so I will be out of your way soon."

"You aren't in my way Soph." He answered without looking away from the television.

"Yeah right, now you don't have to sneak Carla into the house anymore." I laughed when he turned to look at me wide eyed. "You should so see your face right now." I laughed harder.

"You, you know about..?"

I rolled my eyes.

"Of course, the question is why you thought you should hide it from me. I'm happy for you." I got up and kissed his head.

"Well, with your mother, I just…um…Thanks." He sat a little straighter. "So, um, this new job, it's a live in position, I take it?" I knew his stumbling had everything to do with when we lost my mother five years ago. Instead of rehashing that pain, I let him switch the topic.

"Yeah, I'll be taking care of a six year old girl, though her father could possibly be the antichrist."

"I'll be sure to stop by the church and get you some Holy Water before you move out." My father snorted with laughter.

"Good, I might need it. Can you
see about a crucifix while you're there?"

"I'll ask Pastor Thomas what he can do." My father's large smile was so endearing. I kissed the top of his head again.

"Well, I'm gonna head to bed. Good night dad!"

"Night Soph."

The next morning I woke up to another message from Miranda.

'Call me, as soon as you can.'

I stretched out on my bed, listening to some of my cramped joints crack, and then called Miranda.

"Hey Soph"

"Hey, what's up?"

"The agency will be sending you the contract in a couple of hours and once you get it I'd rather you call me if you have questions, okay?"

"Sure," I yawned out. "Sorry, still waking up. So, in a couple of hours I'll just give you a call as I go over it, how's that?"

I heard her breath in relief. "Perfect."

"Is there something else?" Ever since I had met Rand through the agency she had become one of my best friends, and, well, she was never good at hiding her emotions. There was definitely something going on and she was stalling.

"Well, can you start in a week?" She asked quietly.

"I thought you still had three weeks with…"

"Technically I do, well did. But…I figure I could have you here with me for a week to learn the routine and then well I could cut out earlier than I had…"

"Wait, does the antichrist know?"

She laughed heartily.

"The antichrist? Nice." she laughed out. "I talked to him already. Honestly Sophia, he isn't that bad." I snorted. "He's a little stiff and intense, but once you get familiar you really won't have much interaction with him at all."

"He's never around? You never mentioned that before." I thought it was kind of odd. Typically you saw the parents around their children. Miranda had told me about Victoria's not being around; having left her at a young age, so I assumed Dr. Bishop would try to compensate.

"Umm…not really, and I'm really not supposed to discuss anything with outside people. You'll understand once you go through the contract, get here and experience the routine Victoria has."

"Okay," I sighed out. "Once I get the contract I'll let you know."

"Thanks Sophia."

We hung up and I headed to the shower.

After my shower the contract was in my inbox. I printed and read it over quickly. It was a standard contract I had seen many times; however, this time there were exhibits A and B included.

Some of the standards included the monthly salary payment of three thousand dollars; much higher than I had ever been paid in the past. It also outlined the contract terms that would be renewable annually, then went the basics of drug testing, medical testing, privacy clauses, etc. It was the privacy clause which called my attention first. We always signed a privacy clause, but this time it was much lengthier and I was sure this is what Miranda had been referring to during our call.

Exhibit A, duties and responsibilities, was a new section for me. Typically they would just include the responsibilities in the standard portion. Then came, Exhibit B - Accommodations, which wasn't unfamiliar; however the fact that it was its own 'exhibit' was new.

After reading it over again, I called Miranda. The vehicle was unnecessary and I could provide my own food; especially when he was paying me so much a month. I had very few bills since there were no living expenses, besides my school loans, car insurance, gas, and cell phone.

"Hey, did you get it?" She answered excitedly.

"Yeah, but Rand, I don't need a car."

"Sophia, just take the offer. Don't tell him you don't want anything, just take it please. It will be easier." She pleaded.

"I have a car." I protested.

"No, you have an ancient Jeep that he is not going to allow Victoria to travel in." She countered.

"Okay, but providing my food?"

"You are going to cook it."

"What other items could be necessary?" I asked quickly.

"Umm...not too many; however, sometimes the family goes on vacation and you’ll be asked, which means required by the way, to attend with them. They’ll pay for travel costs and that sort of thing. Your typical duties and responsibilities will be the same; though some adjustments may be made since it’s a vacation." She elaborated.

I sighed. It was better to
get more than less.

"I'll see you in a week."

Chapter Two

Miranda had forgone her Sunday evening off so she could help me get situated in the Bishop home. Most of her things aside from some essentials for the week had been moved into her fiancé, Benji's, place.

"This is going to be great Sophia, I promise." She beamed at me as we lugged the first of my boxes to the bedroom. "Just wait till you see the nanny suite."

"The nanny suite?" I asked as she pushed the door open.

She didn't answer me, but once we entered the room…err…suite she didn't have to. I put down the box in a decent sized room with a couch, chair, and television. There was even a small kitchenette off to the side.

"Follow me," Miranda motioned with her head as she walked through another door. Inside that door was a large bedroom, with a four post bed.

"I asked Mrs. Baker to help me clean the suite and change the sheets and everything for you. I went out and bought some new ones." She smiled at me as she set the box on the floor and the suitcase next to it.

eesh, Rand, this place is huge." I spun in a circle as I took the room in.

"Well, welcome home." She laughed. "I know you expected just a bedroom, but you get the living room, this bedroom with a balcony," she moved to a set of French doors and pushed them open "as well as a large bathroom." She nodded toward a door behind me.

I hesitantly made my way to the door, turned the knob slowly, and pushed it open.

"The light switch is on the left just inside the door." Rand yelled to me. My hand quickly found the switch and the room illuminated with bright light.

My mouth dropped when I saw the size of the large jet tub; the beautiful glass shower the kind with the shower head directly above you, hanging from the ceiling; and then there was the large vanity area and the sink.

"Holy crap Miranda, you've been living it up for the past three years," I laughed and heard her giggle behind me.

"I know, right!" She giggled out. "I think the one thing I hate to leave the most, besides Victoria of course, is that shower." She sighed. "Maybe Benji will install one for me."

"I'm sure if you promise to let him watch you shower, you can have whatever you want." I wiggled my eyebrows at her.

She shrugged. "Probably. He's a perv."

We laughed our way back downstairs for the rest of my things. Putting my clothes away we talked about Victoria's schedule, the Bishop family, and her and Benji.

"So…how are you?" Rand turned to look at me curiously. "I mean you've been with Victoria since she was three, right?"

She nodded.

"It will be hard, but I've already found another family that needs help with a little girl on a part time, non-live-in basis." She sighed.

"Hey you can always call us and we can visit with you." I smiled.

"Oh, I doubt it." Miranda rolled her eyes.

"Huh? Why?" I stopped what I was doing and looked at her.

"Sophia, Victoria's schedule is intense, especially for a six year old." I furrowed my brow in confusion. "Follow me." She walked from the closet and headed out toward the living room.

"Have a seat." She motioned to the couch. "I was going to wait, but might as well get started." She sighed and sat next to me with a binder in her hands. "I put this together to help you out."

I took the binder into my lap. It was heavy and thick.

"What is all of this?"

"Consider it a reference guide for you." She pulled it open to the first page. "This is Victoria's weekly schedule."

I looked it over.

"Are you serious? That little girl has this kind of schedule?" I asked without taking my widened eyes from the daunting list.

"Contact numbers for each activity and directions for horseback riding and Ballet, everything else is here in the house." Miranda pointed out each place on the next page.

"This is a lot for a six year old. When does she get to be a kid?" I looked to Rand.

She shrugged. "This is how it is for the upper class kids. Just wait till you see all the 'stuff'." She rolled her eyes. "It's crazy."

"I'll say. Geesh." I laughed out. "So, Saturday, what exactly does he considered educational and physical activities?"

"Well, last weekend we went to the museum and to the zoo. I try to make things fun, but I also know Dr. Bishop wants her to be kept on a strict regimen."

"Why?" I looked at her. "Why is he so strict with her, she's only six?"

She shrugged.

"I can't honestly say for sure, but it has something to do with her mother. I told you Victoria's mother left them unexpectedly and that’s when I was hired on remember?"

"Yeah, but what does that have to do with –"

"I can only assume it's to keep her busy. Victoria doesn't really remember her and Dr. Bishop doesn't speak of her, at all." Then she eyed me sternly. "And trust me; you don't want to ask about her."

I nodded and shrugged. It wasn't my
place to pry into the antichrist’s personal life.

We moved on to doctor
information and school location, teacher names and phone numbers, and an address book of school friends, etc. Miranda had made small notes in regards to other nannies and who they worked for.

Next was
the section regarding the Bishop family; Dr. Bishop had a brother and sister; Max and Allison. Both were married with children and, of course, nannies. All of the immediate family lives in Seattle, including the parents; Dr. Connor and Ilene Bishop. It was a lot to take in and even more to remember, I was sure the binder would be used frequently.

Three hours later we finished and Benji called with an offer to take us to dinner, so Miranda and I piled into her car and headed out to meet with him. Benji had brought a co-worker with him.

"Sophia, it's good to see you!" Benji pulled me into a large hug.

"It's good to see you too." I smiled and hugged him back.

"This is my friend Lucas Gray, we work together. Lucas this is Miranda's friend I was telling you about, Sophia Ashwood." He motioned back and forth in introduction.

I put my hand out, as did Lucas.
It was a normal handshake, but his seemed a limp, especially compared to Dr. Bishop's vice-like grip. Shaking the thoughts of him, I redirected myself back into the present.

t's nice to meet you."

"I figured it would be good for you to meet some other people in Seattle, besides just Miranda and me." Benji smiled warmly and then the hostess seated us at a table.

The night was filled with good, easy going conversation, and Lucas was actually pretty nice. We exchanged numbers to keep in touch before I had to pry Miranda from Benji's face so we could head back to the house. She informed me earlier about how Allison would get if no one was there to take care of Victoria when she brought her back on Sundays.

Once Victoria was showered and tucked into bed. The food and wine made it easy to fall asleep after my own shower. Miranda and I shared the large four post bed until the alarm screamed at five in the morning. Groaning in unison, we rolled out of bed. Once we were dressed it was time to start the routine with Victoria.

Victoria's room was just two doors down from mine, but first Miranda went downstairs and got Victoria's things together for school and lunch. Then before starting breakfast she headed back upstairs to get Victoria ready.

"Come on Victoria, it's time to get up." Miranda nudged her slightly. She moaned and covered her head. I had to stifle laugh

"Come on girl, you want to make a good first impression on Sophia, don't you?"

Victoria's head popped up from under her pillow, her curls full of frizz. She sat up in the middle of her bed and looked at me.

"Hi" she smiled
, but there was something lingering behind that smile.

Good morning," I sat on the bed next to her. Miranda pulled out a school uniform and placed it on her bed.

"You need to go get cleaned up and into your uniform
, missy." Rand smiled at her and helped her off the bed.

Victoria hurried into her bathroom. I could hear the water and the sound of teeth being brushed. I looked around her room and took in the wall of dolls on shelves, large white desk with a large white book case next to it, as well as the large entertainment system. Miranda was
n’t joking when she said there was a lot of 'stuff'. Victoria emerged from the bathroom with a hairbrush and a spray bottle. Miranda cringed.

"Here comes the hard part," she groaned in a
hushed voice. Miranda reached for the brush and bottle as Victoria turned around.

After spraying her head thoroughly, Miranda brushed through her hair and V
ictoria's face crinkled in pain. I saw tears form in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry
, Victoria," Miranda said with a sad look on her face.

"Oh heck," I stood up and grabbed the brush. I brushed through the tops of her hair where it wasn't so bad and finger combed the rest of her hair easily. "You got any rubber bands or ties?" I asked without looking at Miranda and started braiding.

"Here," I could hear the relief in Miranda's voice.

Once we were finished, Victoria got her pajamas off and started to slip on her uniform.

"Good job, it doesn't look like she has one knot in her head." Miranda laughed.

"My mother had issues with my crazy thick hair when I was younger. We'll condition her hair with detangle lotion tonight and then brush it all out." I shrugged.

"What about tomorrow morning?" Miranda smirked.

"We'll braid her hair before bed and then tomorrow it will be easier to brush when we take the braids out." I winked at her. "Another mom trick," I smiled and put the brush on Victoria's dresser.

Once Victoria was dressed, we made our way downstairs where Miranda fixed breakfast before we climbed into the car for the drive to school.

"This is a Lexus," I choked.

"The SUV." Miranda nodded with a slight shrug.

"This is the car he provides?"

"Mm Hmm." She answered and pulled out of the driveway.

"I'm terrified I'll wreck it." I sighed. Miranda just laughed.

It wasn't a long drive to St. John's Prep School and soon we pulled up to the curb. It was very reminiscent of scary B horror flick. The same black SUVs all lined up, with children in the same clothes stepping out onto the curb in unison. I shuddered for a moment at the creepy picture my imagination was forming. Shaking it off, I climbed out of the car.

There were young women helping young kids out of the cars and into the school, which I assumed were all nannies. I shook my head at the thought of all of these children being raised by non-blood related persons, instead of their biological parents. However, there was one woman there who was pregnant and for a moment I considered she could still be a nanny, but as we got closer I realized by the size of the ring on her finger there was no way in hell she was anyone's nanny.

"Good morning, Victoria." The dark skinned woman looked down at Victoria with a large smile.

"Good morning
, Mrs. Wright." She smiled, gave a small wave, disappearing into the stone building.

, Miranda." The woman turned to me and smiled.

"Oh, crap, Mrs. Wright this is Sophia. She will be taking over with Victoria when I leave at the end of the week." Rand turned to me. "Sophia
, this is Mrs. Wright, her and her husband are very close friends with the Bishops."

"It's a pleasure to meet you." I held out my hand.

She took it and shook it. "Welcome. If you need any help, you just let me know. Albert and Victoria are in the same grade; though my oldest Rachel is a year ahead." She smiled warmly and I nodded.

"Thank you."

"Sure, now I should get going. I'm starving." She laughed and rubbed her stomach.

"It's nice to see one mother here." I stated
and climbed back into the car.

"Yeah, Mr
s. Wright is a very friendly and attentive mother." Miranda smiled. "You’ll get familiar with their nanny Ella."

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