Logan's Acadian Wolves (39 page)

Read Logan's Acadian Wolves Online

Authors: Kym Grosso

Tags: #Vampires

“Whatever you want. I won’t lie; I’m looking forward to being with both of you. Must be the moon…or it could be that I remember how sweet she felt in my arms the other night…yeah, that’s it,” he teased.

“Yeah, I’m pretty sure this’ll be a one-time gig for you, so don’t get too attached.”

“Got it.” Dimitri smiled and grabbed a towel.

“Hey D.”

“Yeah.” He stopped before going out the door and turned to his Alpha.

“Thanks.” Logan’s eyes met his beta’s. His voice took on a gentle but serious tone. “I mean it. Thanks for being there. Not just tonight…but the past couple of months. I know Marcel wanted this for me, but if you hadn’t been there…things might have been way different.”

“No problem, man. We all loved him. But he was right about you.” He glanced to Wynter and back to Logan. “And about her shift…you’re right, it was rough. But she’ll be okay. Sometimes things don’t turn out how we think they should be. Just how they’re supposed to be. However the hell it happened, she’s wolf now.”

Logan silently regarded his beta. Words couldn’t be truer. He hadn’t set out to be Alpha nor did he choose a human for a mate. Life, destiny; it chose him, not the other way around. This new chapter in his life may not have been a walk in the park, but he’d come to terms with it.

“Hey, tonight’s a celebration,” Dimitri offered.

Logan gave him a small smile. “Ah, yes. Well, it seems my mate has taken to sleeping. Unusual reaction to shifting but nothing about her is mundane, that’s for sure. Go get a shower and then come join us, okay?”

“I’m gonna check the boat one more time and clean up.” Dimitri gave a final wave and left.

Logan threw back the covers, got in bed and pulled Wynter against his torso. He pillowed her head on his chest and ran his hand over her arm, taking her hand in his. His ferocious little mate had torn up out there tonight. The sight of her forcing Luci into submission was fucking unreal. And a huge turn on to his wolf.

Wynter snuggled into Logan’s warmth. As her senses awakened, so too, did her desire for him. Her eyes fluttered open and she pushed her leg over his so that the length of him rested on her thigh.

“Logan,” she purred.

“Hey baby, how do you feel?”

“Hmm….horny,” she laughed. Too tired to sit up, she took in her surroundings from the safety of Logan’s arms. Bare wooden walls and a tin roof gave no clue to where they’d taken her. “Where are we?”

“Our cabin.”

“You have a cabin?”

“D and I always had one…even before I moved to Philly. So when I got back, we ripped the old one down and put this up. Can you smell that cedar-like scent?”

“Hmm.” She nodded.

“That’s the cypress.”

“Cypress?” Wynter’s voice took on a higher octave as she realized exactly where she was. “Are we in the middle of the swamp? At night? With alligators? Bugs?”

Logan laughed. After hunting a wild boar and nearly killing Luci, his delicate little human was back.

“Yes, sweetheart and you’re safe. Nothin’s going to get you out here besides D and me. This place is sealed up tight. We’ve got everything we need to survive the night…food, water, a bed. It’s peaceful.” He kissed her again. “Secluded.”

“Secluded, huh? I like the sound of that,” she replied huskily. She ran her hand over the ridges of his abs and then traced her fingertip around his flat nipple.

Logan reached for her wrist. “You were gorgeous tonight. A red wolf.” He circled the pad of his thumb into her palm. “So wild. And fierce.”

“It felt freeing. It was like my wolf…she knew what to do. Some part of her, she knows already how to act.” Wynter blushed then shook her head. It still seemed unbelievable that she’d shifted. “It’s crazy, right?”

“No, not crazy. That’s what it’s like. And we’re going to be doing a lot of it while we’re here.”

A memory flashed in her mind, her teeth in a wolf’s fur. She looked up at Logan for assurance. “Oh God, is Luci okay? I remember…I bit…”

“She’ll be fine. You listened to me, that’s the important thing,” Logan confirmed.

“I just remember feeling so mad. Did you see how she freakin’ rammed into me?”

“Yeah and I’m thinking the fight kind of needed to happen, but I wasn’t expecting it tonight, that’s for damn sure. But after you growled at me…well, I let the fur fly.”

“Sorry.” Wynter cringed at the thought.

“Don’t be.” Logan shrugged.

“What are you saying?” Wynter pushed up on her elbow so she could better see his face.

“Luci, she wants to be the alpha female. If you hadn’t made her submit, she wouldn’t have stopped coming after me.”

“But she’s not your mate.”

“No, but that wouldn’t stop her. I wouldn’t ever choose her but as you can imagine, it wouldn’t be good for us if every time you weren’t around she tried to touch me. Just imagine me coming home with her scent. How do you think that would make you feel?”

“I’d fucking kill her,” Wynter stated emotionlessly.

“Yeah. You almost did,” Logan replied. “But now, rank’s been established. It’ll all fall in place. And it happened in front of the pack which is good.”

“When did I get so bloodthirsty?” Wynter laid her head back down on his chest. She’d meant the words, ‘I’d fucking kill her.’
Was this who she was now?

“Just stop the train, Dr. Ryan. I know what you’re thinking. And you’re not a monster. You are, however, wolf. You put her in her place and for that, I’m thankful. Now speaking of being hurt; how’s that ear?”

“I’m fine.”

“Let me see.” Logan pulled her up, so that she was facing him. Pushing her hair to the side, he inspected her ear closely and sucked on her lobe. “Good as new.”

As his warm breath caressed her neck, the ache between her legs thrummed with need. When she’d told him she’d felt horny, that didn’t begin to describe what was happening to her. Heat rushed to her face, and she pushed the covers aside, trying to cool her body.

“Logan, I…I…” Embarrassed by her state, she tried to hide her face in her hands.

“It’s okay, baby. I’ll take care of you. I promise by morning, things will be better.” He trailed kisses down her neck.

“Touch me,” she begged.

Logan caressed her breast, pinching a diamond tip. She moaned, wriggling into him.

“Logan, I think there’s something wrong. I’m so…so…” Wynter gasped, pressing her forehead to his chest. She struggled to find the words to describe the sensations afflicting her body. The aching, painful desire was unbearable.

Logan slid his hand around the nape of her neck and brought his lips to hers. Deepening the kiss, he reveled in her taste as their tongues intertwined. They both fought for breath as passion overtook them. His cock thickened in response. Wrapping his hand into her hair, he lost himself in her. He found her sex, and he plunged a finger deep into her tight heat. Straining to hold her, his pecs bulged as she bucked against his tantalizing assault.

Wynter’s whimpers were silenced by his mouth. She fervidly kissed him, biting at his lips and sweeping her tongue with his. The delightful suffering plagued every cell of her body from the inside out. Wynter released an animalistic cry as her claws extended from her fingertips and she quickly withdrew them. As the pressure built inside her, she arched her back like a cat. Logan’s fingers stroked her bundle of nerves, but it wasn’t nearly enough to assuage the tension. The pulse of her orgasm teetered at the brink, eluding her until the pad of his thumb massaged her clit. Screaming Logan’s name, her release shattered. She wished it had been enough, but within seconds, her body reignited.

“Logan, please make love to me. I need more,” she cried, climbing on top of him, savage with arousal.

“Come here, baby.” Logan wished her transition hadn’t been so difficult. As much as he loved her adventurous sexuality, he knew she’d be in pain if they didn’t appease her wolf. The sound of the door shutting, alerted him to Dimitri’s presence.

Wynter looked up to see Dimitri standing at the bottom of the bed. His tanned muscles flexed underneath the beads of water that still clung to his chest.
No, it was wrong.
Her conscience warred, struggling to rationalize her desire for him. Although not her mate, Dimitri represented safety and protection, Logan’s friend and confidant.

“Logan, I’ll be fine. I just need…”
How could she want to be with two men? Someone other than her mate?

“Wyn, it’s okay. We’re here for you.” Logan pressed a quick kiss to her lips. Holding her face in his palms, he gazed into her eyes. “What you feel…us…this isn’t wrong or dirty. It’s what you need. It’s a part of your change. And you’re beautiful. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known. This…tonight, the three of us, even if it never happens again, it’s special.”

What if he hated her afterwards? Rejected her?

“You’re mine, baby. D knows that. He’s the only person on this Earth who I’d ever trust with you…with us. No matter what we do, you belong to me. Always.” Logan growled and then kissed her passionately.

“Yours,” she breathed into his mouth. Oh God, she was going to do this.
Her men
…at least for tonight. She trusted Logan on this journey. Most of all, she loved him.

Logan briefly pulled his lips away from hers. Looking into Wynter’s eyes, he spoke to her slowly and lovingly. “Listen to me Wynter, you’re in control tonight. Now let us take care of you.”

Wynter’s eyes teared and she nodded. She felt too much
. Too much emotion. Too much desire.
But she’d made her decision.

Dimitri approached slowly. Naked, he sprawled onto the bed. His Alpha’s mate’s scent enticed him, but he patiently waited. Logan was right. This was special. Over a hundred years on the Earth, and never had he experienced the shift of a human. The enormous respect he held for Logan only heightened the importance of the evening.

Logan wanted to give Wynter the world and then some. Gently, he picked her up by her waist and laid her onto Dimitri so that she was cradled between his legs, her back to his stomach. He looked over to Wynter, who smiled, then above to Dimitri. Reaching for his beta’s wrist, Logan placed his hand onto her breast. Dimitri responded, caressing her soft peaks.

“That’s it, D. Feel our little wolf,” Logan instructed. “Isn’t she amazing?”

“Oh Goddess, yes,” Dimitri bit out as he touched her, his cock swelled against her ass. He pushed her hair aside and licked at her neck behind her ear. “Cher, you smell so good.”

“Dimitri,” she breathed.

Logan settled between their legs, his belly pressed to Wynter’s. He rested on his forearms so that he could feast on her breasts. Wynter threw her head back, baring her neck to both Logan and Dimitri. Submitting to them both, she allowed the erotic experience to envelop her.

“That’s a girl. Feel us,” Logan coaxed before taking her nipple into his mouth. He swirled his tongue around its tip. A small bite elicited a gasp from his mate. Logan pressed his hand down between her legs, startling her as he swiped his fingers through her glistening folds. He withdrew his hand and extended it to Dimitri, who met his eyes.

“Taste,” he ordered.

Dimitri complied, opening his lips as Logan’s finger pressed into his mouth. He moaned, savoring the unique sweetness. So intimate, Dimitri had never tasted from another man but couldn’t refuse. And shit, if it didn’t make his cock throb.

Wynter watched in fascination as Logan fed Dimitri.
So fucking hot.
It surprised her that he’d touch him so gently. Their closeness had always existed but this was more. Her body flared in response. She rocked her bottom against Dimitri’s growing arousal.

“Delicious,” Dimitri groaned.

“Relax, sweetheart.” Logan slid his body downward until he reached the apex of her legs and held her thighs apart. “Open, that’s it.”

Wynter caught his eyes, aware that she was fully exposed to them. She shivered as Logan softly grazed his finger through her labia and over her clit.

“Logan, please,” she pleaded.

“She’s so beautiful, isn’t she, D?” Logan kissed the top of her mound, teasing her.

“Oh yeah,” Dimitri agreed, taking Wynter’s breasts back into his hands while kissing her shoulders.

Logan smiled up at Dimitri and then to Wynter a split second before he swiped his tongue through her swollen lips. His balls tightened as he drank in her creamy essence. She grunted in pleasure as he speared his tongue into her core, and he could tell that she was going to come within seconds.

Dimitri, wanting to taste more of Wynter, slipped out from underneath her, kissing along her collarbone until he reached her breasts. He took a nipple into his mouth, sucking and teasing it with his teeth. She stabbed her fingers into Logan’s hair and then Dimitri’s, holding them to her skin. She was so close to release. Logan at her pussy. Dimitri’s lips on her breasts. And as she felt a tongue trail down her stomach, the energy of her arousal slammed into her.

“Logan, I’m going to…” She tried holding it back, but it was of no use. As the orgasm rolled through her, she was vaguely cognizant of them switching positions.

Unspoken signals passed between Logan and Dimitri as they moved seamlessly so that Dimitri took over for Logan; his mouth suckling Wynter’s clit. Logan pressed up onto his knees, positioning himself at her entrance. He watched Wynter’s head loll back into the pillow as he plunged his cock into her wet pussy. Unrelenting, Dimitri continued to suck her swollen nub while Logan pumped in and out of her hotness.

Wynter fought for breath as a second climax claimed her. Her eyes flew open and she saw Logan holding her legs, pressing into her, Dimitri’s head now in between her legs.

“Yes, fuck, Wyn. So goddamned tight.” Logan almost forgot where he was, lost in the heat of his mate. He saw her blindly reaching, grabbing Dimitri’s hair. “D, Wynter needs you.”

Dimitri licked his lips and knelt up so he could go to her. He hissed as Wynter’s hand quickly wrapped around his stiff shaft.

“Take him, Wyn. That’s it,” Logan directed, still thrusting in and out of her.

“Dimitri, come. Come to me,” she ordered, never letting go of him. She moaned in protest. He was too far away for what she had in mind.

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