Lone Girl (The Wolfling Saga) (2 page)

“Why not?” I asked.

“They emit a radio signal,” he said, nodding at the phone in my hand. “Even when you’re not making a call.”

I stared at the screen.
Battery 97%

“So, what do I do? Do I turn it off?” I asked.

Tom frowned. “Yeah … yeah. You could do that,” he said slowly.


“But I’d rather you destroyed it,” he said with an apologetic wince.

“Destroy it?” I said with raised eyebrows. “I just got it – for my birthday.”

“I know, I know,” he said. “But it can be used to track you. For all you know your parents installed an application that logs the data usage. They’d be able to track your location within a few yards.”

“My parents wouldn’t know how to do that,” I scoffed.

“Regardless … please, Rose. The phone needs to go.”

“Don’t you think you’re being a little bit paranoid?” I asked.

Tom sighed.

“All right, all right,” I said, switching the phone off. “I’ll get rid of it.”

“Obviously they’ll be looking for you no matter what you say to them,” Tom continued, staring at the long, empty road ahead.  “They’ll call the police within a matter of hours.”

“Do you think the
police will put two and two together?” I asked.

“Of course. Who else would you be with?” Tom glanced at me. He seemed to have aged ten years from the dirt on his face. I could see that his eyes were bloodshot from lack of sleep.

“We’ll need to find somewhere to rest,’ I said to him. “You look half-dead.”

“I haven’t slept since the transformation,” he replied.

“Let me drive for a while. You can get some sleep.”

pursed his lips. “Are you sure?”

I nodded fervently. “It’s fine. I’m not tired,” I lied.

“All right.”

We pulled over to the side of the road and Tom hopped out of the car, leaving the car idling while I slid over to the driver’s seat. As I adjusted the mirror and fastened my seat
-belt he jumped into the passenger seat.

“You sure you want to drive?” he asked. Perhaps his nerves did not stem from his fear
of being pulled over by police, but the driving ability of an eighteen-year-old girl.

“It’s fine.”

“All right,” he said. “But wake me in an hour. No doubt the police will be on the lookout for a red Ford Escort. If they’re clever they’ll even televise it in the hopes of finding you.”

I hadn’t thought of that. Of course my parents would tell police that I’d vanished along with my car and belongings.

Suddenly, I realized the lack of thought that had gone into my sudden departure. I’d jumped at the chance of running with Tom and followed him blindly. Regardless, I trusted him. That’s all that mattered. Tom would look after me and I would look after him.

“Get some sleep,” I said, hiding my fear with a smile.

Tom did as I told him and rolled up an old knitted jumper, which he propped against the window to use as a pillow. It took a remarkably short time for him to begin snoring.




I nudged Tom awake an hour later. He woke with a start, blinking rapidly. “What? What’s wrong?”

“The sun is up,” I told him.

“Oh.” He rubbed his eyes sleepily and sat up. “Let’s find a motel that charges by the hour. I don’t think it’s safe to stay anywhere too long.”

“How romantic,” I tried to hide my smile. “Do you take all of your lady friends to pay-by-the-hour motels?”

Tom chuckled, his eyes creasing in the corners. “Only you.”

“And you haven’t even taken me out to dinner yet.
The nerve!”

“Be grateful, kiddo.
It’s not every day I decide to kidnap someone.”




The ‘Quality Inn’ was anything
quality. It was situated on the side of a dusty highway, a two-minute walk from a McDonalds and a mechanic. While I went into the motel’s front office to rent a room for a couple of hours, Tom parked the car out of sight from the highway. At least now we’d be able to get some rest and perhaps food.

The motel room was depressing. It was dark
and dank, smelling of mildew. The floral wallpaper was peeling but the mattress seemed all right. I pulled a face as we stood in the middle of the room, observing our surroundings.

“Well … beggars can’t be choosers,” Tom said, shrugging as he began to unbutton his shirt.

We had no food, so I bought some chips and chocolate at a vending machine in the hall whilst Tom had a shower. When I returned he was drying his hair with a towel, a second one wrapped around his waist.

“There’s no w
ater pressure,” he complained. “I barely feel clean.”

chuckled, slinking to his side and unfastening the towel around his waist. Tom grabbed the edge of it just in time, covering himself.

“Hey,” he
gasped. “Behave little miss.”

I couldn’t resist.”

“What’s that you’ve got there?” he asked,
nodding to the rations in my free hand as he refastened the towel.

“Dinner,” I said, showing him the chips and chocolate. “I made it myself.”

“You shouldn’t have,” he slid his arms around me and kissed my nose.

I inhaled deeply
and closed my eyes, losing myself in the scent of his clean skin. He smelled of the forest after a storm, along with that unexplainable musk that always drew me towards him.

I ran
my fingertips over his damp flesh. Beads of water clung to the light hair on his chest. I marvelled at him – at his body. His skin was pale (but not as pale as mine) and his body was lean yet muscular. Living as a free werewolf had its merits – Tom’s metabolism was much faster than my own.

Tom looked down at me, raising a hand to tuck a tendril of hair behind my ear. “What are you thinking?” he asked.

“Mmh, I’m thinking about you,” I mumbled. “And the fact that we are alone together, finally.”

“Is that so?” Tom tilted my head up with his fingertips before tracing them
along my collar bone, sending chills down my spine.

“Mmm-hmm.” My stomach twisted into knots as Tom’s hand slipped
my shirt from my shoulder, exposing my bare skin. I hadn’t bothered to throw a bra on when I’d left that morning.

“Well, in that case you should probably know
I’m thinking about kissing you … here.” His head dipped down and his lips brushed just below my ear.

Oh?” A grin spread across my face.

“And here,” he continued, kissing my neck.

“What else?” I pressed.

I heard his throaty chuckle next to my ear. “I’m thinking about-” his hands
tugged the hem of my shirt. “-taking this old thing off you.” He followed through with the action as he spoke the words. I lifted my arms and allowed him to undress me.

“I see,” I said
, smirking. Tom’s warm hand cupped my bare breast, his thumb grazing over my nipple, which had become erect. His emerald eyes travelled up my body, before locking with my gaze.

He smiled, his eyes creasing. “You
are stunning,” he remarked. “My memory did not do you justice.”

I ran my hand along his damp chest. “
You thought about my body while you were in prison?”

“I thought about you every day and night,” he said. “Including your body, but mostly your eyes, your smile.” He trailed off, studying my face.

Reaching up I encircled my arms around his neck and pressed my lips to his. Tom returned the kiss, exhaling through his nostrils. Butterflies erupted in my stomach as I felt his hands on my bare hips.

Pulling away,
he closed his eyes and pressed his forehead to mine. “I cannot possibly put into words what you mean to me.”

“You’re such a sap.”

Tom laughed. “I’m trying to confess my love for you, Rose. Would you mind not interrupting until I’m finished?”


laughed softly and ran his fingers through my hair. “
For stony limits cannot hold love out, and what love can do that dares love attempt

“Romeo and Juliet?” I guessed.

Tom chuckled. “You know your Shakespeare.”

have a good English teacher,” I said. “Until everyone found out what a pervert he was.”

Tom laughed. “You know, you’re not very good at being romantic.”

“Sorry,” I said again and we laughed together.

His hands slowly began to explore my body as though he was seeing it for the first time. I responded to his touch, purring softly like a kitten, arching my back until our torso’s met. 

His hands caressed my face, our lips an inch apart. The anticipation was more erotic than the act itself, but finally his mouth came down in a warm, lingering kiss.

We breathed as one as his
fingertips traced along my neck before he gently encircled my throat. Carefully, Tom moved my head back to expose the length of my neck where his lips brushed along my throat.

Slowly, Tom backed me onto the bed and we fell into a heap amongst the sheets. His body rolled on top of mine as his mouth explored, his hand
grazing over my stomach with a delicate touch, leaving me trembling beneath him. His towel lay forgotten upon the floor.

His hand moved up to cup my breast
.  I shuddered, his slightest touch sending waves of pleasure trembling through my body. His lips moved to my earlobe and he gently suckled, his warm breath washing over me. His focus moved downward, gently nuzzling my breast. Tongue flicking out, he rolled my nipple into his mouth, before catching it gently between his teeth. I gasped and sighed, revelling in the attention he provided so willingly.

Then, he raised himself onto his hands and towered above me, staring down at my body. As his eye
s moved over my figure, everything inside me screamed with desire. He brushed his kisses over my stomach, savoring every inch of my pearlescent skin as his fingers worked the buttons of my jeans. I wriggled free of them quickly, kicking them to the side.

laced his fingers through my hair, while the other traced the fabric of my panties. I inhaled sharply when his fingertips brushed lightly against my desire.

Slipping his hand into my cotton panties, his fingers toyed with the trail of soft hair above my womanhood. I curled my fingers around his hair, the anticipation almost too much to bear.

“I want you,” I breathed. “

he replied, simply.

My body calmed at his request
and his fingers slowly cupped my womanhood. He could feel how damp I’d become already; the heat radiated from my sex.

A shiver ran down my spine as his searching fingers slipped between my folds. With just a slight brush over my swollen clit, my hips moved upward, begging him for more. He paused for a moment, enjoying the control he had over me. I ached for him to touch me, to be one.

Finally, he slid his fingers inside me at the same moment my hips drove upward to meet him. I tensed; my body alight with the simple pleasure he provided. Slowly he began to massage, his hand cupping my mound firmly, causing my body to burn with desire. I tried to grind against his hand, prompting him to go faster, but he resisted. He was in control without uttering a word and I knew it. I loved his silent command. I was not his Alpha – not in this moment.

He proceeded to slip off my panties, before returning his attention to my womanhood. As his fingers alone moved over my sensitive bud I allowed my thoughts to slip away until the passion began to overflow
and I was trembling with pleasure. Yet he didn’t want me to experience the release – not yet, anyway. He had much more to offer.

Lowering his mouth to my warmth, he kissed my soft patch of hair, allowing his tongue to dart out and taste my sweet, wet desire below. He let his tongue open my lips and search for the sensitive, swollen bud. My breathing became sharper
and my toes curled as the pleasure engulfed my body. The sensation was building as his tongue explored my sex, moving away from my clit and dipping inside my wetness. I writhed beneath him, my fingers threading through his hair as I bucked to meet his mouth.

He returned his tongue to my engorged bud, flicking the tip quickly, torturously. I squirmed and moaned his name, begging for more
and he knew I was close to the point of no return.

So he stopped and moved away from me. My eyes, unfocussed and wanting, searched for him. I sighed with frustration, but smiled anyway.

“You’re a tease,” I breathed.

“We were in such a rush last tim
e,” he crooned. “I want to savor every moment.”

Lowering his body to mine, he pressed his weight against me. The warmth and pressure of his body made me feel safe. His lips tickled my ear, his kisses slow and tender. He inhaled deeply, basking in my aroma
and the sweet musk of my desire for him. I was ravenous.

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