Lone Girl (The Wolfling Saga) (3 page)

I felt him, hard and erect between my thighs, his swollen member probing at my entrance, teasing me with things to come. I arched myself against him, willing him to make us one, but he simply smiled and shook his head.

“What’s the rush?” he purred in my ear. “I’ll have you begging soon enough.”

I was physically hungry to feel him inside me, to fill my depths. I could see the love in his eyes as he watched m
e squirm beneath him.

He used softly spoken words to coax and build my passion, cradling me in his arms as if I was made of glass; a fragile sculpture, or a delicate petal that needed the gentlest touch. Drawing me close he could feel my heart’s every beat. It was frantic, desperate for release
and swollen with love and affection. I wrapped my legs around his waist, willing him to enter, but he resisted. I tightened my grip, pulling him closer until his stiff manhood was rubbing against my aching slit.

“I want you,”
I breathed in his ear. “I

“You forgot the magic word,”
he teased, his warm breath tickling my neck.

I begged, my fingers grasping his broad back, my thighs drawing him in. “

cradled my upper body in his strong arms, drawing me close as he prepared to bring us together. He could feel my heat emanating from my most private area. He moved to enter me, pausing to feel the slick wetness against his manhood. He shivered with anticipation – it took all of his self-control not to take me then and there, with reckless abandon. He controlled himself and looked into my eyes. I looked back with hunger for him. He smiled. I was growing restless, he could tell.

pushed his hips forward, entering me by an inch. I bit down on my bottom lip, giving a sharp intake of breath. For a moment I thought that he was finally going to bless me with the act of love making, but I was not so lucky. He withdrew, a mischievous glint in his eyes and I knew that he really was going to make me beg.

I want
of you,” I breathed. “

He entered me again, slowly, inch by inch. With each new depth brought new emotions. He paused to allow my mind and body time to deal with each new
expansion. Finally, he felt my flowing warmth fully surround him and he was buried to the hilt in my womanhood which accepted his length with gentle pressure. We were one.

I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him close.
Our lips met, yet he did not thrust in and out of me like a bull. Instead he stayed perfectly still, absorbing the feel of me.

My body trembled beneath
Tom, fighting the urge to grind my hips against him. Instead, we simply revelled in the unity and the emotion brought on by such a simple act.

With him on top, our position suggested one of dominance, but at this point in time we were equals. We were simply a man and a woman, two halves of a whole.

His lips brushed my face, admiring the softness of the woman captured in his arms.  His movements began, slowly exploring my heated depths, stirring emotions within us both. His pressure was sensual, our passion rising as each body gave its all. Both were giving and taking, our unity calling for completion.

His hips moved against me and I responded alike. Together we moved as one, bodies trembling and breath quickening. Sweat beaded on our brows and my warmth contracted around his pulsating length, welcoming him.

Burying his face in my neck and breathing in my scent, Tom seemed momentarily overwhelmed, so much so that I saw his eyes water before he hid his face within my hair. I felt it too; the burning in my throat as a singular tear escaped my eye and trailed down my cheek, falling on the pillow.

Our passion rose
and my body gave him everything; my mind transported to a place of pure bliss. He watched me go there, saw the flickering of my eyelids as pleasure consumed my entire being. I writhed, legs tightening around his waist and fingers digging into his back. He felt the walls of my warmth contract around him, squeezing tight. I saw it in his face as his pleasure rushed forth to consume him. He pulled out of me at the last second and I felt his hot seed spill upon my thigh.

When the reward of our slow and sensual love had consumed us, Tom held me close. It lasted several minutes. My body was like an open flame, hot to the touch. Goosebumps erupted over my skin as I convulsed beneath him, wave after wave washing over me. He watched my face, contorted, as though in pain, yet he knew I felt nothing but bliss.

I was left panting in his arms, a bead of sweat in the hollow of my neck. He dipped his head and licked the saltiness from my throat. I smiled, basking in the afterglow of my orgasm.

Brushing a tendril of hair from my face, he studied me.

“I missed you,” he whispered.





Chapter Two


We slept four hours, waking around mid-day with rumbling stomachs. It was cold
and Tom’s body was curled around mine. It was a rather glorious way to wake up – that was until I remembered we were in a cheap motel that smelled of mildew.  Though in those few moments before I fully woke all I could feel and smell was Tom, his bristly cheek against my shoulder, his gentle breath upon my skin, arm curled around my body, and his hand cupping my breast. Perhaps he’d done it on purpose, or maybe it was a subconscious act. Regardless, it felt nice. I stretched and rolled so I was facing him, the tip of my nose against his. He was already awake.

“You sleep beautifully,” he murmured, a smile curling his lips.

“Have you been awake long?”

“A little while,” he replied.

His eyes were still bloodshot and he had dark circles underneath them. His unshaven face and tousled hair gave him a very rugged appearance which I wasn’t used to seeing but did not dislike. Tom was usually well groomed and clean-shaven, but I liked this messy side of him.

I touched his face with the tips of my fingers, trailing them along his cheek.

“Your stubble,” I said, running my thumb along the grain of his facial hair. “It’s got some ginger in it.”

“And some grey.” He smiled ruefully. 

I shook my head. “No grey. But I like you with facial hair.”

“Perhaps I’ll grow a beard,” he jested, his eyes creasing at the sides.

“Maybe. You’ll need a disguise now.”

He smiled and kissed my forehead, before sitting up.

“We should watch the news,” he said, groping for the television remote.

I groaned. “It’s only going to make me depressed.”

Curling up on the bed together, we waited with baited breath for the dreaded piece about the escaped ‘sex offender’. We were not disappointed.

“-Search for inmate Thomas Stone is still underway. Stone was found guilty of sexual assault in the first degree by the local court after having sex with multiple underage students-”

?” I fumed at the television. “They’re making things up to make you look bad!”

Quiet, I can’t hear
” Tom hushed me, trying to listen to the report.

“-Stone was sentenced to eight years in prison. The officer on duty during Stone’s escape is still in a critical condition in hospital, but his family has said that they expect him to make a full recovery. Meanwhile, crisis in the Middle-East is at an all-time high after-”

The newsreader went on to another story leaving Tom and I in stunned silence.

“Did she just say-”
              Tom began in a weak voice.

“She did,” I confirmed.

“Shit,” he groaned, putting his face in his hand. “Shit, shit,

“Don’t worry,” I reassured him. “They aren’t going to catch you again.”

“No, not that,” said Tom, his face very pale. “The prison guard.”


“A prison guard is in hospital,” he croaked, “because of

“It’s all right,” I soothed, placing my hand on his shoulder. Tom shrugged me off and stood up. He began to pace, his hands balled into fists around his hair.
He was still nude which made it very hard for me to concentrate on the crisis at hand.

“What have I done?” he moaned.

“M-maybe he just fell down some stairs, or, or –” I began.

“Oh, come on, Rose,” he said, his eyes wide and his pupils dilated. “I
that night. That guard came face to face with a fully-grown werewolf and lived. We both know what that means.”

I didn’t answer. I knew what it meant because it’s what I’d done to Tom. It was because of
me that he was a werewolf. Now it seemed he had potentially turned a prison guard.

“Oh, god,” Tom croaked, pacing back and forth. “The news lady said he had a family. Fuck. What if he attacks them? What if he has children?”

“Tom, it’s going to be okay,” I said, standing up and interrupting his pacing.

“You don’t know that,” he said, quickly glancing at my naked form.

I knew exactly what
Tom was thinking. He was far too empathetic. Tom cared too much about other people and if there was the slightest chance that he’d turned this guard into a werewolf, he’d turn himself in to the police out of sheer guilt. Then they’d put him away for good.

“Don’t do anything stupid,” I warned him. 

“How can I live with myself knowing I’ve ruined this man’s life? His family’s life?”

My heart sank. “Is that what I did to you? Ruined

Tom looked at me angrily, though he did not raise his voice at me. “Please, Rose. I’m not in the mood for a guilt trip right now,” he snapped.

Seeing the hurt expression on my face, his body relaxed and he sighed. “I didn’t mean it like that.”

I decided to let it slide. “Do you remember anything about that night?”

“I never remember,” said Tom, his expression beaten. “The transformation began and as usual everything went black. I woke up in the woods.”

I knew the feeling all too well.

“Look … there’s no use worrying about it right now, okay? They said he’s going to make a full recovery so the most we can do is hope he fell down a flight of stairs or something, okay? Don’t assume the worst,” I said. “Chances are you just sent him flying in a bid for escape.”

“You think?”

“It’s a possibility,” I said, though truthfully I was doubtful. “Regardless, it’s not so bad, right? You said so once yourself. It’s only once a month.”

“But his family-”

“Will support him,” I finished his sentence for him.

Tom nodded, his chest rising and falling rapidly. I approached him apprehensively, wondering whether he would turn me away in his foul mood. I reached up and encircled my arms around his neck, bringing him into a close embrace. He accepted my affection and slid his arms around my waist, holding me tight.

“Thank you,” he mumbled into my hair. “And I’m sorry about what I said.”

“It’s fine,” I replied, squeezing him tight. “And I’m sorry too.”

“What for?” he asked.

“Turning you.” I’d never apolog
ized for it before. Not that it was something I could have helped. I had no control over my actions during the full moon.

“Don’t be sorry,” said Tom. “If you hadn’t changed me we wouldn’t be together.”

At that moment we were interrupted by my phone vibrating loudly upon the dresser.

flashed across the screen. I stared at the phone for several seconds, not sure what I should do.

“Rose,” Tom frowned. “I asked you to turn it off and get rid of it.”

“Sorry,” I winced. “But they’ve probably only just realized I’m not there. I’ll get rid of it today, I promise.”

The phone continued to ring.

“Are you going to answer it?” Tom asked, looking down at the phone with me.

“No,” I replied, letting it ring out.

“I think it’s best if you call them from a payphone.”

“I will,” I replied. “When I’m ready.”

“We should get going,” he said. He was right, of course; we mustn’t linger. Tom wandered into the bathroom and I heard him peeing. Making sure he wasn’t looking, I grabbed my phone and found that I had seventeen missed calls, as well as a handful of text messages. We mustn’t have heard it vibrating whilst we slept. I read the messages quickly before Tom came back.


Mom - 7:15am

Did you take the car? Just be back before 8:30, OK? Xx



Mom - 8:01am

The moving truck will be here in half an hour.


Mom - 8:34am

Answer your phone.

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