Lord Sinister (Secrets & Scandals Book 3) (11 page)








Julian rushed from the house then out to the stable, surprising the two grooms outside having a smoke.  “My lord,” they said in unison, snapping to attention.

Without bothering with a reply, Julian hurried into the well-kept stables and began saddling his horse.  Titan nickered a greeting and danced around excitedly when he led the horse from his stall.

When the grooms saw what he was doing, they scrambled to assist him.  And soon, Julian sped down the cobbled streets, the note from the investigator, Thomas Porter, etched into his mind.  Amelia had been found.

Less than two hours later, Julian halted his horse before a gold-brown stone house, no more than twenty rooms, near a cliff overlooking the sea.  Seeing the expanse of green water beyond caused a pang of longing deep within his middle.  He pushed the feeling aside and slid carefully to the ground.  God’s truth, he wasn’t very used to the saddle, and gritted his teeth against the soreness in his muscles.  Hearing someone approach, he turned.

“Lord Julian,” Alex said, his eyes lit with surprised happiness.  “What are you doing here?”

Julian had missed his son.  He just hadn’t realized how much until that moment.  “Looking for you and your mother,” he answered, ruffling the boy’s hair.

Alex’s smile widened, then melted away.  “I wish we could have stayed.”  He looked down, digging the tip of his boot into the ground.  “How is your sister?”

“Megan is doing very well, although she misses you a lot.”

Alex looked up.  “I miss her, too.”  Then the sadness altered into excitement.  “Look.”  He dug into his pocket and pulled out a small silver coin.  “This is what I’ve earned since we arrived.”  His chest puffed out with pride.  “I’ve been working in the stables.”

Seeing the sixpence glistening in the center of Alex’s dirty palm brought anger so swift and sharp, it almost took Julian’s breath away.  By God, his son shouldn’t be working in the stables.  His son should be at Eton, making friends and mischief.  Alex should be carefree, having the time of his life—not mucking out stalls.

“Is something wrong, Lord Julian?”

Hearing Alex’s worried voice, Julian took a deep breath and forced his face not to reveal the turbulent emotions swirling around within him.  “No, nothing is wrong, Alex.  I’m just a bit tired.”

With a nod, his son reached for the reins.  “I had better get your horse to the stables.”  He started to turn, then halted.  “I’m glad you’ve come for a visit.”

Julian watched the boy lead Titan away, a lump of hot coals sticking in his throat.  As soon as Alex disappeared into the building, he turned to the house.  Straightening his spine and running a hand through his hair, he walked up to the door and rapped three sharp knocks on the weathered wood.

The door creaked open to reveal a frowning housekeeper.  “Yes?  What is it you want?”

“I am Julian Westland, Marquess of Amersleigh.”  He removed one of his cards.  “I am here to have a word with Amelia Wesson.”

The housekeeper’s frown deepened as she took the card from his gloved hand.  “Mrs. Wesson, my lord?”  Her eyes squinted up to him as if she had a hard time understanding his words.  “The new maid?”

Julian gritted his teeth and nodded.  “The same.”

Shaking her head, the housekeeper held the door open.  “This way, my lord.”

He followed the woman until she halted beside a set of doors.  “Mrs. Wesson ain’t in trouble, is she?  Steal something valuable?”

His hand tightened on the knob momentarily before he turned his head.  “No, nothing like that,” he answered.  Before the woman could ask another question, he pulled open the door and entered the room.

The sight of Amelia on her hands and knees scrubbing the marble floor caught Julian off guard.  He could only stand there and gape like an idiot.  It took him several seconds to recover his wits, then he marched to her and pulled her up from the floor.

“Have you gone mad, my lord?  What are you doing here?” She tried jerking her arm free.

The blood heated within his veins as he stared into her angry eyes.  It startled him to realize how much he wanted to pull her against him, thread his fingers through her silky brown hair and devour her lips.  Instead, he released her and crossed his arms over his chest.  “You are not going to work here any longer.”

The sparks in her eyes burst into full flame.  “Yes, I am.”  She spun around and headed for the door at the other end of the room.

Julian caught her in three strides, once again latching on to her arm.  He couldn’t remember ever being so exasperated.  “You are not going to work here or anywhere else because you and I are getting married.” He ignored the muffled gasp from behind the closed doors, keeping his intent gaze locked on the beautiful little pixie before him.

Her cheeks bloomed an enticing shade of red.  “Let me go, Julian.” She tried to pull her arm free.

“Didn’t you hear me?  We are going to marry.” He took both her arms in his hands.  God’s truth, he wanted to rattle some sense into the woman’s stubborn head.

Her eyes, round with fear, held so much damn vulnerability as she stared up at him.  It made him feel like such an ass.  But all he wanted was to protect her.  From everything that caused her harm.  And he wanted to make her life easier.  She shouldn’t be scrubbing floors and dusting furniture.  Amelia should be at Sagemeadow.  With him.

They would marry, Julian decided, even more determined to convince her.  He had to protect her and Alex.

She shook her head slowly.  “I will not marry you.”

The urge to kiss her grew so strong, Julian had already started to lean forward when he realized his intent.  Instead, he halted a hair’s breadth from her lips and gave her a stern look.  “We will marry.”

She began to tremble.  “No, Julian, we will not,” she whispered so softly, he had to strain to understand her words.

He gnashed his teeth together, furious.  Didn’t the woman realize how much better off she’d be married to him?  God’s blood, she’d never have to scrub another floor again.  “Have it your way.”  He released her.

The stubborn wench spun on her heel, sending the faint scent of vanilla to tease his senses, and headed for the door once again.  Just as she reached her destination, however, he folded his arms and announced, “You may stay, but my son will come with me.”

Amelia froze like a statue, her fingers grazing the cold carved handle.  Slowly, she withdrew her hand and turned her head.  “What did you say?”  She couldn’t have heard him right.

Julian cocked an autocratic brow.  “If you wish to keep Alex, you must marry me.”

Her mouth went dry.  “You can’t take him from me.” Could he really do that? Despair filled her.  “He’s all I have.”

Julian unfolded his arms and moved forward.  He didn’t stop until he stood just inches from her.  Leaning down, he gazed steadily into her eyes.  “No court in England would dare deny me custody, Amelia.”

“Why are you doing this to me?” she whispered, unable to prevent the catch in her voice.

He lingered for several seconds, his eyes moving down to her lips, making her stomach quiver.  For a moment, Amelia thought he would kiss her.  But then he straightened and announced, “I want to give my son the kind of life he deserves, like going to school and meeting friends.”  His eyes turned hard, his jaw tightened.  “Not mucking out horse stalls for a sixpence.”

Her eyes lowered to the large, square sapphire twinkling in the center of his dove-gray cravat.  Extremely expensive, dark blue superfine encased his broad shoulders.  Without doubt, it had been crafted by the best tailor in London.  She envisioned Alex wearing a similar outfit in future years.  After attending the finest schools.

A dream of Alex’s since he was six years old.

Bowing her head, Amelia knew she couldn’t deny her son the one thing he wanted above anything else.  The opportunity of becoming a great astronomer.  She also knew she could never give it to him on her own.

But Julian could.

Julian.  Oh, God!  She squeezed her eyes shut.  How long would it take him to begin resenting her?  To feel trapped in a marriage he truly didn’t want.  What if one day…

Her head came up and she finished the question out loud.  “What if you find someone else you’d rather be married to?  What then, Julian?”

His brows sprang up, then he shook his head.  “You needn’t worry, Amelia, I take my responsibilities seriously.”  He paused and folded his arms.  “I’ll have my solicitor put Alex in my will.”  He inhaled a shaky breath, regret shimmering in his eyes.  “Although Alex will never be able to claim the Kenbrook ducal title since we weren’t married at his birth, he can still inherit something from me.  I have quite a fortune of my own making, not entailed.”

Amelia almost gasped.  “You mean not to tell him that you’re his father?” she asked, her heart thumping wildly within her chest.

He didn’t answer right away.  He just stared at her with those cursed gray eyes—eyes she could never forget, no matter how hard she tried.  Nor could she forget the feel of his lips against hers, the taste of him.  How at weak moments she longed for him…

Amelia looked away, lest he read her thoughts.  She focused on the seascape painting across the room, calling herself a fool.  A damn fool.  Hadn’t losing her heart once to this man been enough?  Look what it cost her.  She couldn’t afford to do it again.

No.  Never again.

And in that instant, Amelia made a vow.  Under no circumstances would she ever fall in love with this man again.

When Julian began to speak, it took every ounce of willpower she could summon to drag her eyes back to his.  “I’ve given the matter a great deal of thought,” he began, furrowing his brow.  “I do want to tell Alex that I am his father.”

She opened her mouth to reply, but he placed a finger against her lips and shook his head.  The contact with his warm skin kept her perfectly still, while the white-hot bolt of excitement shooting through her body kept the words lodged in her throat.

“But because there will be a lot of upheaval in Alex’s life soon—our marriage, the move to Sagemeadow, him starting school, I’ve decided to wait and tell him when things settle a bit.”

Then the cursed man moved his finger over her lips.  The soft friction created such havoc within her.  She wanted to pull him into her arms, at the same time, push him away.  To lift up on her toes and press her lips to his, at the same time, spit in his face. 

She wanted to tell him she loved him, at the same time, tell him she hated him.  Instead, she listened to his voice, the hypnotic rhythm casting some sort of spell over her.

“We’ll leave here together and marry as soon as I can arrange a special license.”  The pad of his thumb continued to graze her lower lip, his words soft and low.  A sensual purr.  “We can make this work, Amelia, but we must work together.”  Then he lowered his head and settled his mouth over hers.

Her thoughts scattered like leaves in a gale.  She slid her eyes shut, blocking everything out but the feel of his mouth.  The silky hot skin gliding over hers.  And when his tongue probed the seam of her lips, she parted them, unable to withstand the temptation.

His long velvety strokes had her knees weak.  As if knowing she needed support, he wrapped his arms around her, drawing her to his stony chest, keeping her upright.  It made her feel protected.  And she could not resist responding to his kiss any more than she could stop her heart’s next beat.

The taste of him was exactly as she remembered.  Tangy and sweet.  It made her blood heat, her bones melt, and her skin tingle.  She reveled in the feeling, momentarily satisfied, then was swallowed up by flames of need.  The kiss deepened.  One minute it was slow and sensual, the next it became hot and wet and reckless.

Suddenly, Julian pulled away, leaving Amelia limp and disoriented.  She opened her eyes and blinked, trying to focus on his face.

“We will do well together,” he said gruffly, withdrawing his arms.  “Now go get your belongings while I inform Alex.”  He straightened and walked away, seemingly unaffected by the kiss that had cut through her defenses like a hot knife through butter.

Pressing trembling fingers against her pulsating lips, Amelia watched him leave.  She squeezed her eyes shut as tears sprang to them.  What a weak fool.  It took only a kiss for her to pant with desire for him.  How much more would it take to lose herself to him again?  To be so completely in love, she’d hand him her heart on a silver salver so that he could trample on it like before?

No!  No!  No!  She couldn’t do it.  She couldn’t marry Julian.

Then an image of her son rose up in her mind.  Amelia shook her head.  For Alex, she’d swim shark-infested waters.  For Alex, she’d walk the fires of Hades.

For Alex, she’d marry Julian Westland.

On unsteady legs, she climbed the stairs and entered her tiny room.  Keeping her mind on Alex, she started packing.  If she thought at all about that kiss she just shared with Julian, she’d…

“So it’s true?”

Startled, Amelia whirled around, the dress in her hands slipping to the floor.  Seeing Jack standing in the doorway, she relaxed and retrieved the garment.  “Is what true?”  She folded the dress once again.

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