Lose the Clutter, Lose the Weight (58 page)

When I've worked with clients to straighten up their home offices and establish systems to manage their paperwork and their money issues, their finances usually improved
. That's because often for the first time:

They feel a sense of control over their finances.

They can quickly find documents they need.

Fees for late payments disappear.

They frequently find a gift card they've overlooked or a little cash or even a check they haven't deposited.

Without an organized office and a system in place to manage the business of your home, it's easy to lose necessary bits of paperwork or other documents that are important for you and your family.

The same decluttering tasks you'll complete this week hold true whether you handle your household finances from a desk in the corner of your living room or you have an entire office where you operate both your business and your household.


Create your vision.

Collect malignant items.

Set up zones.

Clean off horizontal surfaces.

Organize Zone 2.

Organize Zone 3.

Get rid of malignant items.


Mindset adjustment

Physical activities

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