Lost & Found (11 page)

Read Lost & Found Online

Authors: Kelly Jamieson

Lost and Found
Chapter Twenty

Krissa wished she didn’t have a client meeting that day, but she had to drive to Ventura to meet with Phoenix Insurance at eleven. She prepared her materials, slid the file into her brief case, checked to make sure her cell phone was charged.

Then she sat at her desk, staring blindly at the computer monitor.

How could she have done that?

She’d made love to two men. Slept with them.

And she didn’t even feel ashamed. Or slutty. Her body ached with remembered pleasure. Once they’d gotten past the initial awkwardness Nate had been…amazing. How he’d gone from cold and distant, to warm and tender. How he’d made sure she’d had her pleasure first, even though that didn’t really matter. And then he’d made her come again. Three times in one night. That had never happened for her before.

She bit her lip. The passionate emotions she and Nate had evoked in each other last night made her suddenly painfully aware of how much that had been lacking between her and Derek for quite some time.

Her tummy clenched.

She didn’t want to think disloyal thoughts about her husband. It wasn’t his fault that sex had become so forced, so predictable, so—perfunctory. Following her reproductive cycle had resulted in that. It couldn’t really be helped. This was an unfortunate side effect of that.

Someday, things would be easy again with Derek. Once they accomplished this goal. Everything would be fine. In the meantime, she had two men to sleep with. It was win-win-win. Derek had been turned on by watching her and Nate, and she’d been turned on by…Nate. Well, even the blowjob she’d given Derek last night had been more enjoyable. More unexpected—less about procreation and more about pleasure. Pleasing him. And the fact that Nate had watched had only added to the excitement. She got warm and damp just thinking about it.

She glanced at her watch. She needed to leave. She hadn’t heard Nate return yet. He’d been out on the beach for a long time.

Why on earth was she worried about him? He was a grown man who’d traveled the world. He’d be fine.

She grabbed her car keys and let herself out the front door to go to her meeting.


Nate slept with them again that night. His lovemaking started with some perfunctory kissing and caressing and Krissa’s stomach tightened. What was going on with him? It felt so…detached. Then she grabbed hold of his face and held it while she kissed him, long, deep, open-mouthed, until he gasped and trembled and rolled her to her back. His touch became fevered and urgent, his kisses hot and consuming.

She made him stay again after, loving the warmth of both male bodies next to her. She slept between them, not allowing herself to think about the unconventional arrangement. The next night, when she asked Nate to make love to her again, to make sure they took full advantage of her fertile time, she didn’t have to ask him to stay—he just did.

The night after that, everything changed.

They could no longer claim their sex was about making a baby. Now it was pure, sexual enjoyment.



They didn’t even make it to the bedroom.

After dinner, sexual restlessness buzzed in the air, even while they did dishes, cleaned up in the kitchen. Krissa’s eyes shot sparks of heat every time she glanced Nate’s way, making his dick jump and his balls tighten. When Derek trailed a hand down her back and over her ass, she cast a sexy smile at him and Nate’s body had hardened even more.

When she brushed by him to get one last dish off the table, she’d paused and let her hand slide from his chest, down over his abdomen and brush over the bulge behind the fly of his jeans. His sharply indrawn breath made her smile.

“How about a dip in the hot tub?” Derek proposed. Krissa sent a heated glance at Nate, and he nodded.

Out on the deck, in the rich light of the setting sun, both men turned to Krissa. “Let us help you,” Derek said, and started on the buttons of her sleeveless cotton blouse while Nate stood behind her and reached around to undo the button and zip of her shorts. He slid them down over her hips and they dropped to the deck around her feet. He admired the sweet curve of her ass, covered only by three strings and tiny bow of her pink thong underwear.

“You have the prettiest underwear, Krissa,” Nate said.

Her thank you came out as a croak.

He took his time, sliding his palms down the side of a rounded hip, over her smooth thighs. He crouched, balanced on the balls of his feet as he gently lifted one small foot, then the other, to remove the panties. His hands wandered back up, over her ass, and he caressed her there while her blouse came off, then her pink lace bra.

His jeans were too tight, and every nerve ending jumped with tension and desire. Krissa’s soft sighs of pleasure as two men touched her drifted in the evening air. Nate pressed his mouth to one lush curve in a hot, open-mouthed kiss, then, unable to resist, he gently bit her. She gasped.

He kissed the spot, knowing it hadn’t really hurt her, although his mouth smiled against her firm flesh. His hands held her hips as he feathered kisses over her ass, then one long, lingering kiss in the small of her back where she was warm and womanly fragrant.

He stood up, felt her wobble as both he and Derek stepped away and he reached out a hand to steady her. She turned her head and smiled up at him, eyes unfocused and hazy. “Thank you.”

He smiled back down at her, put a hand on her face and cupped her jaw, while Derek divested himself of shorts and T-shirt. Then Derek helped Krissa step into the tub while Nate stripped his own clothes off.

Articles of clothing littered the deck, none of the three interested in picking up or being tidy. Nate stepped over the side of the spa and into the swirling heated water. A fine mist hovered above the bubbling surface and he sank down through it, letting the warmth surround his rigid body.

Krissa made little moaning sounds of pleasure, eyes closed, head leaned back. She shimmied her shoulders in the water. Desire knifed through Nate, straight to his heart.

Despite having spent the last three nights in Krissa and Derek’s bed, he was uncertain about what would happen tonight. The sexual tension humming in the air could not be ignored, and he knew Derek and Krissa felt it too. Would Derek share his wife again—when there was no need to?

Because Nate had a strange feeling that, having tasted Krissa’s sweetness, he couldn’t do without.

Her eyes opened and met his across the tub. She stretched out her legs and he felt her feet touch his, sliding over them in the warm water. She watched him as their toes played, as she stroked one foot up his calf, sending wicked spears of sensation up his legs right to his throbbing cock and balls.

“Come over here,” she invited in a throaty voice. She tipped her head to the side, and he moved in languorous slow motion through the water and slid onto the bench beside her, the opposite side of Derek. Krissa drew them both closer to her side, turned her head and kissed Derek. Nate watched, burning and throbbing inside as their mouths met and opened, clung, lifted, tongues grazing.

Then she turned to him. Their eyes met, then Nate’s lids lowered as he took her mouth with his, long, slow, and succulent. He drew deeply on her, wanted to absorb her into him. Her arm twined through his tightened and he floated closer to her, put a hand on her face. With his thumb he tugged on her lower lip, opening her wider for him, and she moaned.

Warm mist surrounded them as they kissed, as he held her face, then slid his fingers into her hair.

When they drew apart, Krissa turned wide, dazed eyes back to Derek, who kissed her again. Nate let his hand slide down her neck, to her shoulder, to her breast, cupping its fullness beneath the water. He played with both nipples, tugging, and rolling them, and Krissa’s small sounds of enjoyment caused pleasure and satisfaction to slide through him, hot and thick.

“God!” she gasped, pulling away from Derek. “I have to get out, I’m burning up.”

She raised herself out of the water, rivulets streaming over the curves and dips of her body, to sit on the side. Her breasts rose and fell with her rapid breaths. She blinked her dark and hazy green eyes.

Her long hair, wet at the bottom, dripped water onto her breasts. Her nipples puckered even tighter, so deliciously pretty and tempting. Nate glanced at Derek and they shared a wry smile. Nate was so hard he was going to explode.

“Do you want to go inside?” Derek asked. She shook her head.

“That’s okay. I’ll just sit here and cool off for a few minutes.”

“What if we don’t want you to cool off?”

Krissa smiled, hearing the teasing note in Derek’s voice. “You guys are insatiable.”

“Yup.” They looked at each other then each grabbed an ankle. Nate’s fingers circled her slender bones, and they tugged. With a surprised cry, Krissa fell into the water, splashing them both. They laughed, and tussled with her gently until they were all soaked and dripping.

“Enough!” she cried, pushing them away. Laughter gleamed in her eyes. “No fair, two against one. And you guys are way bigger and stronger than me.”

“See, that’s where you’re wrong,” Nate said, loosening his grip but keeping his hands on her. “We’re helpless against you, baby.”

Derek murmured his agreement and they shifted in the water so Krissa sat on Derek’s lap, her back pressed to his front, and Nate stood between both their legs. He reached down between her thighs, stroked his fingers through her sex, found the moisture there. “That,” he murmured, holding her gaze, “brings me to my knees.”

She stared back at him. “Oh.”

He stroked there, pushed a finger inside her, while Derek’s hands covered her breasts and played. He added another finger, used his thumb to find and rub her clit. Her eyes widened, then fell closed, her head falling back onto Derek’s shoulder. The exquisite pleasure on her face grabbed hold of him and his heart swelled up and tightened.

“Yes,” she hissed. “Yessss. Oh, yes.”

He kept his thumb moving, his fingers thrusting and then she cried out and arched, breasts thrusting forward out of the water. Derek pinched both nipples as Nate felt her pussy clench around him. “So hot, baby,” he murmured, watching her. She rippled and pulsed against and around his hand. Her beautiful face flushed pink, her teeth dug into her bottom lip, eyes still closed.

“God,” she muttered long moments later as they both stroked her and held her under the water. “Dear God.”

“Good?” Nate stroked her thighs.

“Mmmm.” She opened drowsy eyes and her mouth curved up. “Awesome.”

He loved doing that to her. He’d become addicted to her pleasure. And while he tried to enjoy the moment, he couldn’t help but wonder how long this would go on. Because nothing this good—or was this bad?—lasted forever.

Lost and Found
Chapter Twenty-One

Krissa led the way, wet and dripping, through the dark house and into the bedroom, all three of them naked. “I might fall sleep,” she warned the two men as she handed out towels. Her body felt weak and lethargic; her mind fuzzy.

To her surprise, Nate accepted the towel from her, shook it out and started drying her off. He rubbed her hair between two towel-covered hands, dried her shoulders and throat, then her chest, lingering on her breasts. Derek took a cue from him, and stepped behind her to dry her back.

Having two men attending to her pleasure was so exquisite she couldn’t believe this was happening. Four male hands gently toweled her body dry, then lifted her onto the bed. She was thankful for that because she wasn’t sure if she was able to move. The heat of the hot tub and the shattering orgasm had left her limp and lazy.

When Derek and Nate had dried off, they climbed into bed with her, into what was becoming a usual pattern of Derek on her right and Nate on her left. She knew she needed to look after them, but at that moment she couldn’t move. Maybe if they just let her sleep for a few minutes…

But they had no intention of letting her sleep, apparently. They did, however, seem to understand her languor and once again, two mouths and four hands stroked and kissed and licked her everywhere. She floated on a cloud of sensual bliss. At first she reveled in the carnal sensation, aware of nothing but her sense of touch as hands petted her, mouths brushed her and tongues slid over her. But when two mouths sucked on her nipples at the same time, her body tightened and arched. Mouths tugged, teeth nipped, and sharp little sensations flashed from nipples to quivering clit. Thick, hot liquid arousal pooled between her legs, fever heated her skin. Need built inside her, coiling, to a tight, sharp point.

Her clit pulsed in time with her heartbeat and she parted her legs as hands slid there. She heard a distant moan and then realized it was hers. The panting breaths and ragged moans belonged to the men.

She wanted to open her eyes and look at them, but her lids were too heavy. She licked her lips, turned her head from side to side on the pillow as her entire body became one hot glow of arousal.

Sliding caresses between her legs, fingertips and then, oh God, a tongue licking, lapping at her swollen flesh. She parted her legs wider as fingers probed, slid into her and out, glided wetly around, back inside. Then wet fingers skimmed lower, to the puckered rim of her anus. She gasped and jerked a little at that unfamiliar touch. She struggled to open her eyes, but kisses brushed her lids closed.

“It’s okay, honey.” Derek. He kissed her again, little feathery kisses all over her face. Were those his fingers there? “I know we’ve never done this…but tonight…we both want to fuck you at the same time.”

Desire clamped down hard on her womb at his words. Fingers gently stroked and probed. She moaned. “I don’t know…”

“We’ll take it slow,” Derek assured her in a whisper in her ear. Hands cupped her breasts, tugged her nipples. She writhed as sensation surged through her bloodstream. “Right, Nate?”

“Right.” His word was a whisper against her pussy and she clenched inside. He kissed her clit, a gentle, suckling kiss and she pulsed against his mouth.

The fingers—whose were they?—trailed back up to her pussy, drew up moisture and slid back down, and this time one finger penetrated her ass. She cried out, but it wasn’t unpleasant—just unfamiliar. The finger stilled, clamped by the ring of muscle there, pulsing, holding it and she gasped. Her pussy throbbed with need and excitement.

The finger moved, sliding in just a little deeper, withdrawing. In. Out. Krissa moaned, the sensation adding to the sensual overload. Dear God, were they going to fuck her there? She reached out, found a big, male body, searched around until she found an arm and squeezed. Dragging her eyes open, she realized she clutched Nate’s forearm. It was the fingers of his other hand there in that most intimate of places, where no man had ever touched her.

“Okay?” he whispered.

She blinked, not even able to answer, not sure what to say. She wanted to ask them to stop, but she wanted to feel more…to see what it was like, to know…Nate’s finger continued to fuck her ass gently, in and out. Derek played with the tight tips of her breasts, pinching them into sharp aching points.

She needed more. More.

“Gonna need that bottle of lube,” Nate murmured to Derek, who released her nipples and reached into the drawer of the night stand.

Her pussy clenched hard, her sensitized nerve endings aware of every brush of their bodies against her, acutely aware of Nate’s gently thrusting finger, the brush of his mouth across her stomach.

“Think you can do this?” he asked her, his finger sliding slowly out. To her own shock, she wanted it back there. She needed to be filled up, ached with an empty pang.

“I don’t know.” She met his eyes, hers still heavy. Her body burned, tension coiled inside her hard and tight. “I want to. I want to do it.”

She didn’t know how this would work or who would do what to her, but it didn’t matter. At that moment all that mattered was slaking the need bubbling inside her, hot and violent.

Derek lay his back beside her, Nate moved aside and they helped her roll on top of Derek. She tucked her face into his neck, breathed in the scent of him. She adjusted herself over him. “Sit up, honey,” he whispered and with difficulty she levered herself up, hands on his chest, and straddled him. His cock rose in front of her, hard and dark. Taking him in her hand she lifted over him and with a small cry of relief she lowered herself onto him. Down, down, until their bodies met and he was all the way in. She felt his cock twitch and lengthen inside her and she tightened around him. “Oh, yeah,” he groaned. He tugged her hands, so she lay down stretched out over him, and thrust up into her once.

She felt Nate move on the bed, behind her. His hands slid over her hips and her ass, gentle, reassuring, as he nudged his way up to her. His cock flexed against her and she sucked in a breath.

She heard the pop of the bottle of lube as he opened the lid, waited as he poured some out, the snap of it shutting, then the thud of the bottle hitting the carpet. Slick wet sounds reached her ears as Nate oiled his cock and every little muscle inside her quivered in anticipation. Nerve endings jumped as he separated the cheeks of her ass, probed at her entrance with the head of his cock, hot and slippery.

She couldn’t breathe, gave a choked gasp, her heart thudding against her ribs. She pressed her face into the curve where Derek’s neck met his shoulder, sank her teeth into her bottom lip. When Nate pushed into her, sensation surged through her body, a delicious pain, a burning pleasure.

A low sound tore from her throat. Derek’s hands swept up and down her back. He lay still beneath her, waiting until Nate was ready. “Relax,” Nate murmured, his hands on her bottom, gentle and warm. He pushed in a little further, and the burning intensified.

“Oh! Oh, God.”

They both continued to stroke her, pausing, and she throbbed around both of them. Her mind spun away from her, her world limited to the sensations shimmering over her, radiating from the core of her to her toes, her fingers, her scalp.

“Don’t tighten around me,” Nate whispered, one gentle hand on her back. “Bear down…a little. Like you’re pushing me out.”

She tried to focus, tried to control the out-of-control muscles of her body. “That’s it,” he crooned and she felt him slide in deeper. “Perfect…ah Krissa, your ass is sweet. So tight and hot…”

Pleasure spiked in her again. This was unbelievable. Hot wicked tingles flashed over every nerve ending, making her gasp, making her tremble. She was full…so full, two cocks inside her touching her so deep, stretching her, burning her. It was exquisite, it was mind-shattering, it was darkly, deliciously erotic.

They moved in her, moving in unison, and the pull and drag of their flesh on her sent her spinning to the stars. When Nate reached around between her and Derek’s body and found her clit, she exploded.

She wasn’t sure but she thought she might have screamed as the orgasm ripped through her. She saw sparkling lights, her mind disintegrated, a sweet pleasure she’d never known sliding over her in a deluge of sublime delight. She vaguely heard Nate’s hoarse shout, felt him grasp her hips tighter as he held her ass against him. She felt him spasm inside her, flood her ass with hot semen and thinking of that undid her again, and shockingly she came again in a smaller, tighter orgasm. The thought flitted through her spinning mind that she wished she could see Nate, that she hoped this felt special for him, too. With guttural gasps, he gradually relaxed his grip on her, and then Derek thrust into her harder, faster, too.

“Oh, Krissa, I’m coming, too,” he groaned, He grabbed her hair, turned her head so he could kiss her and their mouths met and held as he exploded inside her in hot hard bursts.

They both stayed inside her for long moments, Nate behind her, filling her behind, Derek below her filling her pussy, the exquisite fullness so incredibly satisfying. Their heavy breathing was audible in the dark bedroom. Derek’s arms stayed tight around her, Nate’s hand stroked slickly over her back, damp with perspiration. She tried to fill her lungs with oxygen, not sure if she would ever be the same again.

Two men had just fucked her at the same time. And she’d loved it. Her heart squeezed so hard she gasped.


The next morning, when Nate was in the shower, Derek rolled toward Krissa and leaned over her. “When I go to work early, you and Nate stay in bed together.”

“Yes.” She gazed up at him, put her hands on his warm chest.

“Do you have sex when I’m not here?”

She moved her head side to side on the pillow, holding his gaze. “No.”

“Why not?”

“Because…I don’t know. We haven’t talked about it.”

“You want to.”

She kept her face expressionless, not knowing what had prompted this conversation. “Derek…we won’t have sex without you. This is your baby, too.”

“Krissa. Last night wasn’t about making a baby.”

She blinked slowly. “No. I guess not.”

He stared at her for a long moment, then nodded. “You can do anything else—but no fucking. Unless I’m here.”

She rebelled at him telling her what to do. She and Nate had never done it without Derek around, and had no intention of ever doing it. Despite the heat and desire that often flared between them, they’d never acted on it when Derek wasn’t around. It was as if they both understood it, didn’t want to push it past what it was into something else. But for Derek to tell her not to, made her want to argue with him.

But she nodded her agreement. “Of course,” she whispered.

After that, the three of them slept together every night. They didn’t have sex every night—although Krissa felt so sensitized and aroused, she could have—but they did have sex, even when it wasn’t for the purpose of conception. Sometimes all three of them made love; other times they took turns, the watching almost as hot as the doing.


“We did a bad thing the other night.”

Both men looked up at Krissa across the dinner table, looked at each other, then back at her. It had been a week since their first night together.

“Uh…what’s that, babe?” Derek asked.

“We went in the hot tub.” She bit her lip. “The heat can lower sperm count temporarily.”

“But that was just after…” Nate stopped.

“I know. So not a big deal for you. But it can also increase the risk of miscarriage. If I’m pregnant, I shouldn’t have gone in there. I wasn’t thinking!” When she’d seen this piece of information on the internet earlier, her insides had twisted into tight knots. She’d known that! Why hadn’t she thought about that? Apparently, they’d gotten her so aroused, she hadn’t been thinking.

“It’ll be okay, bunny.” Nate’s reassuring words didn’t make her feel much better.

“There are tests that can tell you if you’re pregnant six to eight days after conception,” she continued.

“You want to know already?” Nate asked the question, then laughed. “Of course you do, little Miss Impatient.”

“I do want to know, of course I do. I’m worried, now. But…I’m afraid, too. I almost feel like it’s better to just wait…and see.” She poked at the rice on her plate.

“And that would be when…?” Once again, Nate seemed endearingly uncomfortable talking about Krissa’s female schedule.

“Another week.”

“You can wait that long, Krissa,” Derek said. He cut a piece of chicken.

“Yes. I can.” She lowered her gaze to her plate. Had she been hoping they’d talk her into trying the test, as anxious as she was to find out if she was pregnant?

“We really need to have a talk,” Nate said, setting his cutlery on his plate. “I know the clinic doesn’t exactly have guidelines for this type of thing, but it’s basically the same as a directed donation—we need to have some legal agreements in place.”

Krissa nibbled her bottom lip. “I hate to think that we need to do that…but yeah, you’re right.”

“We’re friends and we trust each other, and we all know why we’re doing this,” Nate continued. “But things can happen…”

“Like what?” Derek frowned.

“Like what if one day I decided I wanted to claim the child as my own?”

“Why would you do that?”

Nate shrugged, picked up his water glass. “I don’t know why I would. That was just an example. Something like that could really screw things up. I know we all agree right now on how this is going to work, but things change…I just think to protect us all and to protect our friendship, we should maybe have a lawyer draw up an agreement.”

Krissa felt heavy. “I hate that.”

“I know.” Nate’s eyes met hers. “But you agree, don’t you?”

She nodded. “Sure. How about we do that once we know I’m pregnant? If I’m not, it’s moot. Right?”

She had to be pregnant! God. The number of times they’d had sex—more than once in a night, three nights in a row and at the exact right time of the month—it had to happen. Her hands curled into fists in her lap.

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