Lost Wolf (Curse of the Moon Book 1) (29 page)

"They're all waiting for you downstairs. I have a private room where you won't be disturbed."

"Stop!" came an all-too-familiar voice from behind.

I spun around. Carter.

"What are you doing here?" I demanded.

Tap's face scrunched. "What is a jaguar doing here? I thought you were all too good for us—that's why you built the Jag."

Carter kept his attention on me. "You have to hear me out, Victoria."

I shot him a glare, wishing looks could kill.

He grabbed my arm.

Tap jumped between us, baring the sharpest teeth I'd ever seen.

Carter let go of me and backed up. "This is important."

"This more so." I turned to Tap. "Take me to Toby."

"Who's Toby? You don't mean—?"

I glanced out a window. The moon was moving higher in the sky. "Come on, Tap."

Carter grabbed my arm again. I yanked it out of his grasp. Tap bared his teeth again.

"Want me to tear him to pieces?" Tap asked.

"I don't care what he does, just take me to Toby."

Tap glowered at Carter and then dragged me down a hallway I'd never seen.

"I'm coming with," Carter called.

I groaned.

Tap turned to me. "Seriously, I'll send him home in pieces. Just say the word."

I had no doubt he meant it literally. "No, he needs to see this." I turned and glared at Carter. "Maybe you'll finally understand that we're through."

We entered a dark area, reminding me of the basement Toby had been kept in. Tap flicked on a light, showing instead a beautifully decorated room with items that looked like they belonged in a castle. "This way."

I followed him farther down the hall. He opened a door into a candle lit room. Gessilyn stood at a table, mixing something in a black pot. Toby, Soleil, and several wolves circled around her.

Upon seeing me, Toby broke free of the circle and pulled me close. "Why's he here?"

I stepped back and glared at Carter. "I think he followed me."

He stared at everything, horror covering his face. "What's going on here?"

"We're going to fix my memory. You'd better not try to interfere." Oh, how I wanted to slap him. "You know, since you did this to me."

Carter shook his head. "I swear I didn't. I came to tell you I finally figured out what my dad did—you were right. He was behind everything, including your memories."

I narrowed my eyes.

"But I didn't know about any of it. You have to believe me."

A pop sounded.

Gessilyn stopped stirring. "It's ready."

Toby let out a cry and stepped back. "We need to hurry." He rubbed the back of his neck. "I can try to hold this off, but it won't last long, and I'll need to save my energy."

My heart thundered in my chest. Was I really about to remember everything?

"How does this spell work?" Carter demanded.

"Who is this guy?" Gessilyn asked, sounding irritated.

"Nobody," I said.

Hurt crossed Carter's face.

Gessilyn waved me over and poured some black liquid from the pot into a small glass cup.

Soleil strutted over to Carter. "It's true love's kiss."

"What?" Carter asked.

She turned to me. "Want me to find out if he's telling the truth?"

"Maybe later."

Gessilyn handed me the drink. The thick goo bubbled and the glass was cold to the touch.

Toby cried out in pain again.

"Drink it," she urged.

"What's going on?" Carter demanded.

I brought the glass to my face. It smelled like tar and gasoline. I closed my eyes, plugged my nose, and swallowed. It was freezing and sticky.

The other werewolves ran from the room, fur growing all over their bodies.

Soleil explained the spell to Carter, and I tried to focus on her voice rather than the gross drink.


Gessilyn took the glass from me. "Let's hope this is enough. I made double what the spell called for just in case."

"Thanks. What do we do now?"

"Your true love kisses you and everything floods back. Although, it might not be that simple. You might have a rough night ahead of you, given all the years of memories stolen from you."

I turned to Toby. His face was contorted. I hoped he could make it.

He turned to me and took a deep breath. "I don't know how much longer I can hold off."

"Wait," Carter said.

Toby glared at him. "Who invited you?"

"I want her to kiss me first."

"What?" Toby exclaimed.

"Are you kidding?" Gessilyn asked.

"Get outta here." Soleil lunged for him.

Carter narrowed his eyes. "Victoria
love me. And besides, my family did this to her. It only makes sense that my kiss would fix this." He turned to Toby. "Unless you're too chicken to let her try."

Toby's nostrils flared. "I'm not afraid of you."

Carter turned to me.

I shook. "I've never hated anyone more than I hate you right now."

"How would you know?"

I lunged for him, fists flailing.

Soleil blocked me. She turned to Gessilyn. "How much time do we have left?"

"Not a lot."

Toby stood taller and glared at Carter. "Go ahead and let her try. It won't do any good."

I swallowed. "Toby—"

"No, I'm serious."

Carter stepped forward. "Are you afraid it might be true?"

"Never! I'd be glad to prove you wrong." I turned to Gessilyn. "What happens if I kiss more than one person?"

"Nothing, as long as you kiss your true love. You could kiss everyone in this bar before kissing Toby—"

"You mean her true love," Carter said.

Gessilyn glared at him and turned back to me. "But just so long as you kiss your true love before the time runs out, and it's ticking."

I turned to Toby.

He held out his arm toward Carter.

I glared at Carter. "This is just so you can't ever say you're my love." I went over to him and put my lips on his. My body relaxed as memories of good times with him flooded my mind.

Fear tore through me. He wasn't actually my true love was he? It couldn't be. He was a cruel traitor. A liar.

He pulled me close and deepened the kiss.

I had to fight my weakening body to pull away.

"Do you remember anything?" he asked.

"No." Not that I would have admitted if it had. I turned to Toby.

His arms were wrapped around his middle and his face was contorted in pain. Cracking noises sounded and then fur sprouted on his arms.

I threw myself into his arms and pressed my lips on his. He wrapped his arms around me and deepened the kiss. I melted into him and knew he was the one.

He pulled away. "I'm sorry, I can't keep the change away any longer." He brushed his lips across mine and ran from the room.

I stared at the empty doorway, breathless.

"Do you remember anything?" Carter asked.

I closed my eyes. The only thing in my mind was Toby's mouth on mine.

"Do you feel any different?" Soleil asked.

Nothing had changed from before I drank the potion. I opened my eyes and glared at Carter. "Did you do something to break the spell?"

Chapter 31




I escaped from the bar, tears spilling onto my cheeks. Why had I agreed to kiss Carter? The only thing I would have needed to prove my love of Toby would have been to kiss him.

Gessilyn and the others called after me, but I needed to be alone. I ran until my legs grew tired and my lungs burned. My bones ached, reminding me that they longed to shift.

I leaned against a tree and gasped for air. Not a single memory had formed. I turned around and punched the tree, digging the bark into my flesh.

At least the pain was something to distract me from the stupid mistake I'd made. I never should have trusted Carter. How could I have been so foolish?

Footsteps sounded.

I jumped up, ready to beat the crap out of my former jaguar friend.

Instead, a guy about my age with light brown hair and bright gray eyes walked over. He was handsome and seemed familiar, though I was sure I'd never seen him before. He wore a dark blue polo shirt that I thought I'd seen on Toby once.

Clearly, my mind was playing tricks on me.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"I'd rather be left alone, if you don't mind."

He frowned. "I understand, but if you'd like to talk, I'd be more than happy."

I gave him a double take. "I don't even know you."

"Actually, you do. You've shared all kinds of secrets with me."

My heart practically leaped into my throat. More memories I would probably never recover. "What do you mean?"

He stepped closer, extending his hand. "I'm Alex."

"Alex?" I studied him. "I don't know an Alex."

"Did you get to the Faeble in time?"

I gave him a double-take. "The wolf?" My face heated. How was that possible? "I d-don't understand."

"Have a seat." He sat at the base of the trunk. "I'll understand if you don't want to rub my ears this time."

My face and neck grew inflamed with heat. I slid down to sitting.

"I'm a werewolf, too," he said. "Only I live as a wolf and only turn human on the full moon."


"We're called wolfborns. Instead of being born human, we come out as wolves. Many consider us a bad omen. Most are drowned at birth."

I gasped.

"But those of us who were spared have formed our own pack."

"I'm so sorry."

He shrugged. "I don't know any different."

"But wouldn't you rather be human most of the time?"

"It's actually pretty peaceful living the way we do."

I tried to wrap my mind around it.

"You want to talk about what's bothering you?" he asked.

"Are you sure that's how you want to spend your one night as a human?"

He laughed. "It beats spending another evening in the Faeble. Not that it's a bad place, but it's nice to have someone else to talk with—especially someone who trusted me in my wolf form."

"Wait. Where's the rest of your pack? I've never seen you with any others."

Alex frowned. "Some hunters came through recently. They took most of us out. The rest of us were separated. I think they left the area, not that I can blame them."

"Why did you stay?"

He shrugged. "It's my home."

"But aren't you lonely?"

"Of course. But someone needs to stick around to take care of the new wolfborns. We find several a year. They'll never survive on their own—unless born to another wolfborn."

"Why don't you stay with Toby's pack?"

Alex shook his head. "Like I said, others view us as an abomination."

"Not these guys. They have a vampire living with them. Surely, you can't be worse than that."

He gave me a double-take. "They've got a vampire? Like, as a pet?"

I smiled. "No, she's married to one of them."

"No way."

"I'm serious."

"Well, maybe they
accept me."

I patted his shoulder. "I'm sure they will. Plus you could keep an eye on the property, as a wolf when they're humans and as a human when they're wolves."

He seemed to be considering it.

"Let's go. I'll introduce you to Ziamara."

"Maybe you should talk to the other wolves first."

"I'm sure they'll be happy to have you on board. They pride themselves in being a pack that accepts everyone. You'll add to the diversity."

"But what about when I find a newly abandoned wolfborn?"

"I'm sure they'll let you raise him there. I—" Everything spun around me.

Alex grabbed my shoulders. "Are you okay?"

White dots formed all around. "I…"

"Talk to me!" He shook me.

My eyelids closed and I couldn't fight them…

When I opened them, I was in a strange house. I shot up in bed. No, this wasn't a new place. It was my childhood home.

I sniffed, smelling eggs, bacon, and coffee. Noise sounded outside the room. It sounded like my family was already up, getting ready for the day. I got up and rummaged through my dresser, finding an outfit that had once been my favorite.

After I had brushed my hair, I went into the bright, cheery kitchen. My father sat at the table, reading a newspaper. My mother was flipping bacon. Two of my three brothers were wrestling in the corner near the door.

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