Lost Wolf (Curse of the Moon Book 1) (31 page)

"You won't."

Another shot. The bullet flew right past us, only inches from Toby's head.

"Come on," I pleaded.

"Okay." He slowed and let go.

I jumped down and ran. We went much faster without him carrying my weight.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Toby grabbed my arm and pulled me into a thick bush. Thorns scratched me as we fell into the shrubbery. My arm hit a thick branch, bruising it.

I gasped for air. "What now? They're going to find us easily enough."

He put a finger to his mouth and then pointed toward the other end of the bush. We crawled through, with thorns scratching my arms the entire way. My bag also kept getting caught on the branches. I was determined to keep up with Toby, though.

More shots rang through the air. They sounded close.

I shuddered.

Toby led me through a maze of bushes until we came to an empty den, barely large enough for the two of us. He pulled me inside and wrapped his arms around me.

"What lives here?" I sniffed, smelling a mixture of smaller animals.

"Nothing. Sometimes in my wolf form, I sneak away here to get away from my father."

I leaned my head against him. "How long before they give up, do you think?"

He groaned. "I'd give it a while. He's stubborn as a mule."

At least we were snuggled together and had a chance to rest. I couldn't have asked for anything more—aside from his pack not chasing us with rifles.

We sat quietly for what felt like hours. It was hard to tell for sure, though. We laced our fingers through each other's and gazed into each other's eyes a lot, neither daring to speak. Not with the excellent hearing wolves had.

I had so many questions about our future, it was torture to keep them inside.

Everything grew silent in the woods.

Unnaturally so.

Toby's back straightened. My ears perked up.

Something was wrong, but it was impossible to tell what, exactly.

An explosion sounded to our right. A branch flew off the bush in front of us.

Bang! Bang!

My heart sank. They'd found us.

Toby jumped in front of me to protect me from the shots. "If I'm injured, run!"

"No. I won't leave you." Tears stung my eyes at the thought of leaving without him. I'd already lost my sister. I couldn't lose him, too. I just couldn't.

He turned to me. "I want you safe. Promise me."

The bushes moved in front of us, and Toby's father appeared. "You think I didn't know about your little hiding spot, son?"

"Let us go."

He sneered. "Never. An act such as this requires death."

I shook, unable to handle any more dying.

"Father, it doesn't have to."

"You know the laws of our pack."

His father and a couple other men grabbed Toby's arms and pulled him away from me.


I froze. I couldn't leave him. If he was going to die, so was I. There was nothing left for me to live for without him, anyway. I crawled out from the den, watching from the bushes.

Toby knelt, execution style on the dirt with his hands on his head.

Terror shot through me. I couldn't let this happen.

His father aimed a rifle at Toby's heart.

I ran out from my hiding place and jumped in front of Toby, knocking him back.

A shot rang through the air.

Pain exploded in my chest. I hit the ground with a sickening thud.

Arms wrapped around me. Toby pulled me into his lap. "How could you?" Tears dropped onto my face.

I glanced up at his father. "Don't… hurt… him."

"I won't need to. Your death will destroy him." He laughed and motioned for his pack mates to follow him toward the horses.

Toby turned me so I was looking at him. His eyes were red and his face tear-stained. "Why did you jump in front of me?"

"You… can't… die."

"But now you're going to." Tears spilled onto his cheeks. He ran his hands along my face.

I took a deep breath, struggling to speak. "But my last moments are with you." Not my father and not Franklin. I reached up and ran my hands along his scruff. "I love you."


White crept into the outer edges of my vision. "Live your life well."

"Without you?" His voice cracked.

He leaned down and pressed his lips on mine. "I swear I'll make my father pay."

The white took most of my vision. I could only see him—barely. My arms went limp and my eyelids started to close.


My eyes closed all the way.

"I love you, too. I'll never stop."

Chapter 33




I sat at the edge of the bed. Though sleeping, Victoria clung to my hand, and I dabbed her forehead with a damp cloth. She continued flailing around, muttering.

"Is this supposed to happen?"

Gessilyn frowned. "Everyone reacts differently. Her memories are flooding back through dreams."

"How much longer is she going to have to endure this?" I dabbed her forehead some more.

"As long as it takes."

Killian, Gessilyn's husband, came in with a tray of food in each hand. He handed one to her and one to me. "Eat up."

"Thanks, but I have no appetite."

"All the more reason to eat." He sat next to Gessilyn and pulled some of his dark hair behind his ears.

I glanced back over at Victoria. It seemed cruel to eat while she was obviously suffering in her sleep. I took a bite, anyway. Killian was right. I needed my strength in case—no, when—Victoria woke. Who knew what the flood of memories would do to her?

She would remember dying in my arms at the hand of my father. Then she would remember returning to life, and whatever had happened in death and also her time with the jaguars before starting school.

"Did anyone ever figure out what's going on with the wolf outside?" Killian asked.

"Poor thing probably needs a pack," Gessilyn said.

I swallowed a bite of chicken. "He probably sensed us while we were in our wolf form. I'm not worried about him."

Victoria sat up, eyes wide, gasping for air.

I nearly dropped my tray of food, but managed to set it on the end of the bed. Gessilyn moved it to the table near her.

"Victoria," I whispered, taking her hand.

She turned to me, her face pale. The way she stared at me, it was like she didn't recognize me.

"It's me. Toby." I squeezed her hand gently.

Victoria continued studying me.

"You're safe, sweetness. We're here in my home and I'm going to take care of you."

She looked around the room, her eyes darting about erratically.

"Did you remember the past?" I pulled some hair from her eyes.

"Her memories might not have caught up with the present," Gessilyn said.

I kissed Victoria's palm. "Do you need anything? We've got some food."

She turned back to me. "Your father…"

My stomach sank. I knew where this was going. "Yes?"

"He, he killed me." She threw herself into my arms, burying her face into my chest.

I rubbed her back, a lump growing in my throat. "I know. I alone buried you."

She sobbed, soaking my shirt with her sweet tears.

"I wish I could take it all back."

Victoria shook her head. "Don't wish it away."

"What do you mean?"

"I had no other choice but to run from my father. He flew off the handle, insisting I marry Franklin early. It was either stay and endure them my entire life or risk leaving to spend my life with you. The short time we had was worth it."

"You never told me about that."

She clung to me. "I never had time because I needed to get away."

I took a deep breath, trying to make sense of it all. "He wanted you to marry Franklin right away?"

Victoria sat back and nodded, holding my gaze. "Elsie went to a school dance with a boy from her class. Father found out, and he killed her in front of me." Her eyes filled with tears and they poured down her face. Her lips trembled and she shook.

It broke my heart to see her in such pain. I held her close and rubbed her back. "I'm so sorry, sweetness. I never knew."

She sobbed, and finally sat up and took a deep breath. "Th-then he said he would put a stop to the family's rebellion, starting by forcing me to quit school and marry Franklin. That's when I fled to you."

"It all makes sense now."

Her eyes shone with tears again. "I know. It was all my fault."

I shook my head. "No, it was your father's. And my father's. All we wanted was to be together, but their stubbornness and old ways prevented that."

Gessilyn came over and sat on the other side of Victoria. "I know you've just been through so much, but do you remember everything?"

"I know Toby tried to save me. He did everything he could."

Gessilyn put her hand on Victoria's. "I don't doubt that. What I mean is, do you remember anything after that?"

Victoria glanced up, looking deep in thought. "No, I don't think so. Why?"

"The spell is going to keep working until you recall everything, and I want to stay here until it completes its course."

"Okay." Victoria leaned against me, shaking.

I wrapped my arms around her. "I'm really sorry you have to deal with all this."

"Do you remember anything about why your memories were wiped?" Gessilyn asked.

Victoria shook her head.

"It's coming. You should eat." She reached for the tray I'd eaten from and handed it to Victoria. "You'll need the nourishment."

"She's right," I urged. The next round of memories might even be worse—it was too hard to say. There was no telling what had happened to make her forget everything. Had it been a spell? Or had she experienced something so traumatic, her mind could do nothing else except block it all out?

Either way, we were sure to find out soon.

Victoria nodded and picked up the fork.

I couldn't help fearing what might be found. She'd kissed both me and that vile jaguar after drinking the tonic. A part of me kept asking the question I didn't want to think about—what if something had changed, and he was her one true love now?

A lump formed in my throat. I wasn't sure that was something I could deal with. I'd lived without her all these years, and now that I had her back, could I let go? I might not have a choice.

She handed the empty tray back to Gessilyn. "Thanks. I'm feeling sleepy now."

My pulse drummed in my ears.

Gessilyn spoke to Victoria, but I couldn't hear a word. All I could think about was whether or not Victoria would still love me when she woke up.

She lay down and pulled the covers up, her eyelids starting to close.

I leaned over and brushed my lips across hers. "I'm not leaving your side. When you wake up, I promise to be here."

Her eyes closed. "I love you, Toby."

"And I love you, forever and for always."

Please remember that.

Chapter 34




"Get something to eat," Gessilyn urged. "I won't take my eyes off her. I promise."

I glanced down at Victoria. She seemed to be sleeping peacefully, and had been for a while. "Do you think she's remembering anything else?"

Gessilyn put a hand on my shoulder. "It's possible. She could also just be recovering from such an emotional trauma."

"Trauma? That seems like a strong word, don't you think?"

"She just recalled her death, and not just that, but her sister's, too."

I frowned. "True. I can't imagine what it's like to go from remembering almost nothing to having all that flood back."

Gessilyn squeezed my shoulder. "But now you two can move forward together. I know how long you've wanted this."

"And how badly." I leaned over and brushed my lips across Victoria's. Then I turned to Gessilyn. "The moment she wakes, let me know."

"You have my word."

Relief swept through me, and I realized how hungry I was. "Do you want anything?"

She shook her head. "I ate not long ago. You can send Killian up, though."

"Sure thing." I rose from the chair. "Thanks again for everything, Gessilyn."

"Don't thank me yet."

I arched a brow.

"Not until I've figured out how to break the curse of the moon."

My heart nearly broke in two.

"What's going to happen to her if she doesn't shift?" Gessilyn sat in the chair.

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