Read Love Again Online

Authors: Christina Marie

Love Again (13 page)

The vehicle stopped in front of the black gates then slowly drove up the driveway.  No matter how many times I had looked at the pictures of the house, seeing it in person still took my breath away.  “Why do you need this big of a house?” I asked without looking at Dominique. 

“I’ll explain it to you when we get inside.” He opened his door after Randy had stopped the vehicle.  I held his hand as I got out, he didn’t let go as we walked inside. 

There was a lady in the kitchen putting groceries in the refrigerator and another lady putting food in the pantry.  Since I didn’t speak Spanish I had no idea what Dominique said to both of them.  They both smiled and said Thank You back to him then they walked out the kitchen door and left. 

Dominique walked to the front door and locked it, “What would you like to drink?” he asked from behind me.  My skin ignited with heat, and then Dominique slid my purse strap off my arm and laid it on the island in the kitchen. 

“Do you have any white wine?” I finally asked my voice only slightly shaky. 

After he poured us both a cold glass of wine I shifted under his intense stare.  “I didn’t get to have dessert.” He stated.

I laughed, “I had a delicious piece of cake, you really should have ordered a piece.”

“I’m going to have some.” He told me.

I exhaled, he was very confusing and quite honestly I didn’t understand why he was telling me he was going to have cake.  I shrugged my shoulders, “It’ll taste good with the wine.” I smiled at him.  He walked toward me, I took a step back and bumped into the wall. 

“I’m sure it will, but I bet as I’m eating it off of your body it’ll be better than any fucking recipe out there.”  He took my glass from me and set it beside his.

My eyes got big, “Um no.”

He nodded his head, before I could say anything else he had his mouth fused with mine.  The sweetness of the wine on his tongue and the deep groan he let out when my hands rested against his chest made my head spin.  I slid my hands up and linked my fingers behind his neck, he stepped closer to me so our bodies were pressed tightly against one another.  Dominique pulled away from the kiss, probably as dizzy as I was.  I looked down and he lifted my chin with his finger, “If you don’t want anything to happen you need to tell me now, because I’ve been picturing this moment since the first day we met.  I’ve jacked off so much it’s probably considered unhealthy.” He said with a grin.  But the thought of him stroking his cock made my pussy clench. 

I swallowed, “I just, I can’t do a relationship.  This still feels wrong, I know it’s not…” He silenced me with a kiss.  Then pulled away, grabbed the bottle of wine and both of our glasses.  I followed him over to the spacious living room, he nodded toward the couch then set the glasses and the wine bottle on the coffee table.  He left and went into the kitchen and a couple of minutes later reappeared with a plate…with a massive piece of chocolate cake covered in whipped topping and straw berries on it. 

He picked a strawberry off and stuck it in his mouth, I wasn’t sure if my mouth was watering because of the cake or the fact that he was staring so hard at me.  He picked another strawberry off and swirled it in the whipped topping, then offered it to me.  I stood up, our eyes never straying from each other’s I took a step toward him and grabbed his wrist before wrapping my lips around the sweetest strawberry I had ever tasted.  I flicked my tongue against his fingers.  Dominique’s eyes grew darker, “Are you going to let me have my dessert or are you going to stop me?” He asked me.  His deep voice was raspy, there was no way I could stop this from happening, not when just his voice made my clit throb. 

He put the cake down on the table, I watched his every move as he took his suit coat off and laid it across the back of the couch.  Next he loosened his tie then took it off and dropped it to the floor, my body felt like I was standing in the middle of a ring of fire.  He pulled his shirt loose from his slacks, one by one he unbuttoned each button and let it drop to the floor behind him.  Dominique was chiseled to perfection, his skin the color of milk chocolate.  I raised my hand to his chest and slowly moved my hand down, feeling his muscles flex against my hand.  When I looked up at him his eyes were closed then he opened them, he cupped my face in his hands and slammed his mouth against mine.  “Jesus Christ.” He mumbled against my lips.  I tried to loosen his belt but he stopped me and clamped my hands behind my back, in one of his massive hands.  With his other hand he found the zipper of my skirt and quickly yanked it down, when it fell in a pool around my ankles he released my hands so he could remove my top.  “Do you like this top?” he growled in my ear.  When I didn’t answer, he grabbed the front and ripped it open.  Buttons clanked around the room then he tossed it somewhere next to us.  I was standing in front of him, in just my pale pink demi bra and matching thong, “Fuck, could you be any more perfect?” He said before kissing down to my neck.  His hands trailed down my ribs then around my back where he quickly unfastened my bra and slid it down my arms.  I was shaking, I was hot, and every touch of his hands set my skin on fire.  Dominique turned me so I could sit down on the soft leather couch, “Put your hands on the back of the couch for me.” He told me.  I didn’t speak—I couldn’t form a coherent word if I tried.  Then he knelt down on the floor between my knees and grabbed the waist of my panties, and with slow hands he dragged them down my legs and over my high heels. I was naked and exposed to a man I hardly knew, I should have stopped him but I couldn’t. 

He dipped his finger in the cool whip and brought it up to my lips, “Don’t lick this off.” He said softly.  With his index finger, barely touching my bottom lip he drew a line across it.  The sweet smell immediately made me want to taste it but I didn’t lick it off, I watched as he brought the entire cake in between us and dipped his finger in it again.  With a larger amount he circled each of my nipples, the cool feeling making them ache for attention and my breasts feel heavy wanting him to touch them.  More cool whip was spread down between my breasts, down my stomach and around my belly button then across my hip area.  On each hip he drew an X and put slice of strawberry in the center of it.  He spread my knees apart so that my pussy was right there, bare and no doubt wet, for him to do whatever he had plans to do.  With the last bit of cool whip she drew and X on the inside of each knee with lines going up the inside of my legs and a circle was drawn on my swollen pussy lips.  He put the cake back on the table and stared at me, his eyes slowly working their way over my body.  I looked down and the small white lines looked like a football play drawn out on my body. 

Dominique leaned forward, his mouth so close to mine I could feel the heat of his breath.  “I’m going to remember this play for the rest of my life.” He whispered before he kissed me, licking the small amount of sweet cool whip off of my bottom lip and gently biting down on it.  I arched my back and moaned.  I knew that I wouldn’t be forgetting this night any time soon either.

Lennie completely naked in front of me with nothing but a pair of black stilettoes on was almost more than I could handle.  My dick was throbbing inside my pants I could feel pre-cum beading on the tip but I wanted to make her feel good, I wanted to show her that I could give her everything she needed to feel beautiful and sexy.  Lennie was beautiful and sexy, but because of Justin’s words she didn’t see herself the way I did and I was going to do whatever I had to do, to make her see what I was seeing. 

I took my time licking the sweet line of cool whip off her lips, when she arched her back and moaned because I bit her lip I thought my dick was going to explode.  She kept her hands on the back of the couch, her head thrown back, and her breathing coming out in deep pants.  I licked the line between her tits then over to one of her nipples.  The perfect rose-colored bud was hard and smooth against my tongue; I sucked harder on it while circling and flicking it with my tongue.  Then I moved to the other one, with one hand I massaged and tweaked the other nipple while my other hand supported the perfect sized tit in it as I lavished her other nipple.  She arched her back more, pushing her chest and tit harder into my face.  Her rib cage inflated and deflated with each rapid deep breath she took, I kissed and licked the line down her stomach to her belly button and circled my tongue around it.  Her knees where spread wide, I could smell her arousal and wanted to bury my tongue deep inside of her…but I had to finish the play I had drawn out on her.  When I got to the strawberry on her hip, I sucked hard on that spot and she started squirming rocking her hips back and forth trying to get some kind of friction to her pussy.  I did the same on the other hip and again got the same reaction.  “Holy shit!” she breathed out.  I looked up at her and grinned.  I could tell she wanted me to go for her pussy next but I didn’t.  I moved to the inside of her knee and licked the line up to her pussy, I blew across it before moving to the other leg and cleaning the cool whip off of it with my tongue.  I paused before moving in to lick on her swollen pussy lips, instead I reached down and unbutton my slacks and pulled out my cock.  The tip was soaked with pre-cum, I looked up at Lennie, she opened her eyes that were heavy with lust.  She looked down at my hand that was stroking my cock and whimpered.  Before she could move I leaned in a licked each pussy lip clean of cool whip, then licked up her wet slit.  She was practically dripping with come and her clit was perfectly hard and very responsive when I flicked my tongue against it.  “Don’t…don’t come… please.” She panted.  I looked up at her, with more pre-cum on my thumb I reached up and let her lick it off.  Her eyes rolled back and she let her head fall back.  If she didn’t want me to come I wouldn’t.  I spread her pussy lips apart with my thumbs, when I pushed my index finger inside of her I hooked it upward and massaged her g-spot the same time I sucked hard on her clit.  Lennie tried grinding against my finger so I pulled it out and pushed a second finger inside of her.  Her pussy juices coated my fingers, the muscles inside of her got tighter and she tried to close her knees but I used my elbows to keep her spread wide open.  I removed my fingers and moved my tongue to her opening, the sweetness of her come covered my tongue when I pushed it inside of her.  Using my thumbs I massaged her clit harder and harder.  She lifted her feet and dug her heels into the edge of the couch.  “I’m…oh god Dominique.  Fuck me!  Please!” she moaned out in her beautiful voice.  I wanted to fuck her…really bad, but I wouldn’t yet.  This was just the beginning of how our night would go and I wasn’t going to fuck her on my couch.  When she realized I wasn’t going to do what she wanted she sighed with frustration until I licked up to her clit.  With two fingers inside of her again and my mouth sucking on her clit she come so hard she screamed.  She was breathing fast and hard as her pussy contracted around my fingers, she couldn’t move.  I flicked her clit some more.  “Oh…stop—stop.” She was smiling and grinding against my hand and face.  The come from her pussy was pooled on the couch and sliding down to her ass.  I ran a finger down to the line to her tight hole she moaned then dropped her knees stopping me from moving any further.  With quick movement she leaned forward and cupped my face in her hands, we both moaned when our tongues touched.  Obviously she liked being able to taste herself on me the way our tongues massaged each other until we were both breathless. 

“Stand up.” She said against my lips. 

Without question I did exactly what she said to do, when she finally seen my cock for the first time her mouth fell open and her eyes snapped up to look at me.  “This…I can’t…Are you light headed from the blood loss that this thing requires?!” she screeched. 

I laughed, “It’s throbbing like a mother fucker, but you told me I couldn’t come.” I said.

“Dominique,” she stroked my cock then put her forearm up beside it, “oh-my-fucking-god!” she said with wide eyes.  I don’t know how else to describe the fact that my dick was huge, because…it just was.  Everybody thought that the nickname ‘The Destroyer’ was because of how aggressive I played football.  In all actuality it was a nickname given to me by teammates when they caught a glimpse of it in the showers.  “You’ll fucking Destroy’er pussy if you aren’t careful!” Hence the nickname.

I was quickly snapped out of that hysterical memory when Lennie put her lips around the head of my cock. I had to stop myself from thrusting the tip to the back of her throat.  I could tell she was nervous so I closed my eyes and soaked up the amazing heat from her mouth.  Her movements grew faster, and she took as much of me in her mouth as she could, the tip pushing deep into her throat without her gagging.  I looked down at her with big eyes.  “You keep doing that deep throat action and you’re going to get a throat full of come.” I growled out.  With slow deliberate moves she sucked me deep in her throat again.  “Fuck.” I grunted and pulled my hips back.  Lennie put her hands on my ass cheeks, encouraging me to thrust.  I wrapped my hand around my cock and pulled it out of her mouth and circled the thick head around her lips before pushing it back into her mouth.  Her fingernails sank into my ass cheeks, “You ready?” I panted out. She nodded her head once. I cupped the back of her head with my other hand and continued to grip the base of my cock tighter in my other hand.  Lennie didn’t push my hand away, instead she reached one hand up to my balls and started to massage them.  Not even five pumps later and all the muscles in my body started to tighten and burn, “You want to swallow it or can I come on those beautiful fucking tits?” I rushed out.  The first hot spurt of come shot down her throat, with my dick still pressed against the walls of it.  Another hot ribbon followed it then she swallowed and pulled me out of her mouth, I stroked hard and fast releasing more against her chest.  “Holy fuck!” I grunted and my knees about gave out.  When my vision had cleared up I looked down at Lennie, she wiped the come off of her chest and put it in her mouth.  “That just might be the sexiest fucking thing ever.” I pulled her up so she was standing in front of me, I had never had a woman swallow my come or lick it off of her fingers.  They had always wiped it off with a towel. 

I crushed my lips to hers, the salty taste didn’t stop me from wanting more of this kiss.  I stepped out of my pants that were around my ankles and lifted Lennie. She wrapped her legs around my waist tightly.  “What are you doing now?” she pulled away from the kiss. 

“I’m going to take you upstairs and fuck you.” I told her matter-of-factly. 

She laughed, “Maybe I don’t want to.”

I was walking up the stairs and stopped, I let her move down my body just enough that my cock slipped inside of her.  She gasped, “Con…Condom?”

“I’m one hundred and ten percent clean, did you get tested?” I asked. 

“Yes…yes.  But…” I took another step up pushing more of my cock inside of her. 

“But what?”  Once I was in the hallway I pushed her down more.  Then it donned on me, “Birth control?”

“I’m on it, I just…god it’s huge and I want you to fuck me hard.  But it’s just we don’t know each other and…” I cut her off with a kiss. 

Once inside the bedroom I still didn’t pull out of her, I laid down on the bed first so that she was straddling me.  That way she would control how much of me she took inside of her and I could stare at her beautiful body as she climaxed again. 

With my hands on her hips and her hands grabbing the headboard I lifted her up and let her sink down on her own.  Her beautiful tits were swaying in front of my face, so I took one nipple in my mouth and felt her pussy walls tighten each time I gently bit the hardened bud.  The long dark red locks of her hair cascaded down her shoulder as she rocked harder and faster on my cock.  I could feel her pussy juices trickling down my cock to my balls.  “When you feel like you’re going to come, I want you to stop moving and push your come out of you.  I’m going to drag as many orgasms out of you as possible.  Okay?” I said to her. 

She nodded her head, “Is…is it too wet?” she asked.  Her cheeks turned pink. 

“Fuck no sweetheart, the wetter the better!” I smiled up at her. 

She stopped moving, her pussy walls contracting quickly, then she lifted up and hot pussy juice rolled down my shaft.  “Just like that Lennie,” I reached down and used some of her own juices and brought the slickness up to her tight little asshole.  “Relax.” I whispered.  I pushed just the tip inside and she gasped.  I wouldn’t put any more than that inside of her until she wanted me to. 

“I really feel like this is getting messy.” She gave me a worried look. 

I pulled more of her come up to her ass and pushed my finger in deeper, she gasped but then stopped moving.  I could feel her pussy flooding with more come, “You could be a squirter, sweetheart.” I said with a grin.  I had only heard a few guys tell stories about it and watched it on DVD before, not porn, DVD that they recorded to have video proof that woman do actually squirt. 

Lennie shook her head and ground down on my cock hard then pulled out, the cool air hitting my slick cock made me want to shove it right back inside the tightest pussy walls it had ever been inside of.  She climbed off me and got on her hands and knees then spread her knees open wide, “I can’t keep going like that, I mean I can but...”

I shoved my cock inside, Lennie gasped and I moaned.  “Your pussy is fucking perfect for my cock.” I pulled out and punched my hips forward again.  The tip of my cock hitting deep inside of her until she couldn’t take any more of me.  I reached around and started circling her clit with my middle finger, “You’re coming so much it’s making my dick white with your juices.” I said into her ear.  Then I felt her hand moving on top of mine. 

“I really need to come Dominique, I can’t kiss you from this angle though.” She breathed out. 

I pulled out quickly and flipped her over to her back, I leaned down and kissed her as I shoved my cock inside of her again.  When I pulled away from the kiss Lennie was breathing heavy and had her eyes pinched shut.  “Open your eyes for me.” I said.  I was about to come and so was she, I wanted to watch those deep green eyes when she felt me fill her pussy for the first time.  “I can’t last much longer.” I told her.  I leaned back and spread her legs open with my hands at her ankles, “Circle your clit for me.” I panted out.  Sweat was forming on my brow as I pumped faster.  I watched her hand slide down her body to her pussy, and then she started rubbing her clit faster and faster.  “Can I come in you?” If she didn’t answer soon I was going to.

She swallowed hard then nodded her head yes, I dropped her legs and pushed her hand out of the way. With her hands clasped tightly in mine above her head, I pounded in and out of her and ground against her until she arched her neck back and cried out my name.  “Look at me!” I said.  When she looked into my eyes, I pushed with as much force as I could inside of her and stopped as I shot my release deep inside of her.  White lightning flashed behind my eyelids, my stomach muscles contracting with each pump of come.  Her pussy was sucking it all in with each contraction. 

“Holy shit!” she breathed out and laughed.

I raised one eyebrow at her, “Laughing? Is this a laughing matter?” I asked trying to sound serious.  But each time she laughed it squeezed my cock again. 

She pinched her lips shut and shook her head no. 

“That’s what I thought!” I kissed her quickly then pulled out of her.  A thick white stream of come started to seep out of her, I looked up at her.  Then using two fingers I swiped it up and pushed it back inside of her soaking pussy. 

“Oh god, we have to stop!  I need something to drink, I have no fluids left in me.  You have officially drained me.” She pushed my hand away.  I climbed off of the bed and went into the bathroom and started the shower. 

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