Read Love Letters Online

Authors: Geraldine Solon

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Comedy, #Literature & Fiction, #Contemporary Fiction, #Inspirational

Love Letters (19 page)

Richard told her he would call her later for the details while Chloe circled the dates on her calendar.
Yosemite will be perfect.
Richard wouldn’t get too distracted if they were surrounded by nature. Plus, with any luck she realized with a smile, the cell phone wouldn’t work out there. She called and booked two nights at the Evergreen Lodge in Yosemite. She had no sooner hung up and put her cell phone in her bag, and then it began ringing.
“Hi, Nic, how are you doing?”

Better. My mom is working with the bank for her new loan and it looks like she can afford her monthly payments now.”

That’s great news.”

Yeah, thanks to Josh,” Nicole said.

When Chloe heard Josh’s name, she hesitated.

Chloe, are you still there?” Nicole asked.

Chloe cleared her throat. “Um, yes.”

I don’t know about you, but lately it seems like your thoughts are far away every time I talk to you. Are you still trying to find your mom’s lover?”

Chloe exhaled, relieved that Nicole was so off base. “I’ve been looking for Ignacio on Facebook,”

Ignacio, your mom’s ex? You did not! Chloe, do you know what you’re doing?”

Yup, in fact I’m on Facebook now,” she said, logging in.

Whatever! Don’t forget about Wednesday night. It’s my birthday.”

Chloe slapped her head. She’d been so caught up with Josh, and now Richard, that she had completely forgotten. “Nic, you’re my best friend in the world. How could I forget your birthday? I have it written in my calendar.” She glanced at her calendar. “April 23 and it’s all in red.”

Yes, but this year Matt suggested that we do something different.”

What does he have in mind?” Chloe asked, while she searched for Ignacio Rodriguez in New York.

He suggested we go to the city and drink. He invited Phil, Amber, Heather and Josh.”

Chloe’s heart felt as though it had stopped. She knew she wanted to see Josh again, but how awkward would it be to have Josh and Richard in one place. Could she handle it? “Josh?”

Yes, Josh,” Nicole said. “Oh wait a minute… don’t tell me you still lik—”

It’s not what you think,” Chloe cut her off.

Oh c’mon, you can tell me. I’m your best friend.”

Chloe bit her lip. She decided it would be better to talk to Nicole in person about how confused she felt about Josh and Richard.

Before Chloe could say anything, Nicole said, “You want to know what I think? You need to get rid of your guy and hook up with Josh. You’re so right for each other.”

Chloe closed her eyes. She knew that Nicole would always root for Josh over Richard. Maybe it would be better if she dealt with the situation herself. For now, she was trying to give Richard a chance. Three days in Yosemite would help him realize he truly had been neglecting her. She was hoping he’d have a change of heart and agree to her terms.

I’ll bet you a hundred bucks that Richard will be a no show on Wednesday night.”

Save your money, he’s coming,” Chloe said, tapping her pencil on the phone. “We’re also going to Yosemite this weekend to spend time together.”

Really, I’m sure it was your idea,” Nicole said.

It was actually

Hmmm. Well, you’re old enough to know what you’re doing,” Nicole said.

It was clear to Chloe that Nicole had her mind set about Richard and she couldn’t blame her. “What bar are we going to on Wednesday?”

Matt suggested the Bistro 21 in San Francisco. Are you familiar with that one?”

Hmmm, I think Richard mentioned that place once. Sounds good to me. Who’s driving?”

We figured since it’s my birthday, we should all drink. Therefore, let’s take a cab.”

That sounds like a great idea. What time do we leave?” Chloe moved the phone to her other ear.

We’ll pick you up at nine,” Nicole said. “You can tell Richard to meet us at quarter to ten.”

Are Josh and Phil joining us in the cab?” Chloe asked.

Phil and Josh are riding with the Barbie twins, Amber and Heather. After Phil’s party, he hooked up with Amber and she’s taking her best friend Heather,” Nicole said. “They can only stay till midnight because Heather has an early day the next day.”

Of course Chloe remembered Heather. She couldn’t forget how she’d thrust her tongue in Josh’s mouth during the Truth or Dare party. Now, since Phil was dating Amber, of course she had to bring her best friend. “Okay.”

See you on Wednesday, and please be ready.”

I will,” Chloe said, snapping the cell phone shut.

She sighed.
Why do the Barbie twins have to come?
She put her phone in her purse and decided to continue her search for Ignacio. She found one Ignacio Rodriguez with New York listed as his network.
The man had no picture, but she felt compelled to send him a message.

She wrote in the subject line, “Looking for my long lost love.” In the body of the message she wrote,

I’m Suzanne Rogers, sixty years old and a widow. Forty years ago I met a wonderful sailor named Ignacio Rodriguez. We fell in love and wrote to each other while he was away at sea. He came back to marry me, but I was already engaged to someone else. He eventually married and had four kids. I haven’t heard nor seen Ignacio in the past twenty-eight years. If you’re the Ignacio I knew and loved, please reply.



Chloe felt a heavy load leave her chest after she sent the message.
Something tells me that this is the Ignacio I’m looking for.

Chloe logged off of Facebook after she sent the message. She came out of her office to help some clients choose gowns and, before she knew it, it was time to go home. When she was about to leave, she called to remind Richard about Nicole’s birthday on Wednesday and that she had booked their stay at Yosemite Evergreen Lodge.

Yosemite, that’s perfect. I’m looking forward to going away this weekend,” Richard said.

I’m so happy that I’ll get to see you on Wednesday and this weekend.”

I deserve a break, don’t I?”

Of course you do,” Chloe said.



Nicole knocked at Chloe’s doorstep at exactly nine o’ clock.

I’ll be down in a minute,” Chloe called, spraying on some perfume. Chloe was wearing a black, tight-fitting dress and open-toed high heels. She had flat-ironed her hair and applied her usual mascara, blush and a darker shade of lipstick. She rushed downstairs to open the door.

Nicole gasped when she saw Chloe. “You look gorgeous.”

Thanks! Happy Birthday to my best friend in the whole wide world,” Chloe said, giving Nicole a kiss and handing her a card.

Oh that is so sweet of you.” Nicole opened her card.

I didn’t know what to get you, so I decided I’d give you a Macy’s card since you love to shop there.”

This is perfect.” Nicole gave Chloe a hug.

They hopped into the cab where Matt was waiting, and arrived forty minutes later at Bistro 21.

A big crowd had formed by the time they arrived at Bistro 21 in San Francisco. The bar was elegant and had a DJ playing music from various artists. They spotted Richard, who was already sitting at the table Nicole had reserved.

He stood to greet her and Matt. “Happy Birthday, Nicole.”

Thanks, Richard.”

Chloe gave Richard a kiss and sat down beside him while Matt shook his hand and sat down beside Nicole. “I’m so glad you came, hon.”

The waiter handed them each a menu and Nicole looked at the appetizers.

Chloe examined the menu then put it down. “Nic, what time are the others coming?”

Nicole looked at her watch. “They should be here soon.”

Chloe felt hot suddenly and pulled at her blouse. How was she going to act with both Richard and Josh in the same room?

Since it’s your birthday, the first round of drinks is on me.” Richard winked.

That is so nice of you, Richard.” Nicole peered over her menu.

Richard took a bite of the peanuts the waiter placed in front of them. “You’re my fiancé’s best friend and you’ll soon be mine, as well.”

Nicole gave him a fake smile while Matt announced that Josh and Phil had arrived. Chloe felt a lump in her throat when she saw Josh. He had a wide grin that immediately dropped when he saw Richard. Likewise, Chloe’s expression soured when she saw the Barbie twins both wearing black skimpy dresses with really low necklines. Nicole told the waiter to connect both tables together.

Happy Birthday, Nicole.” Josh and Phil each gave her a hug before sitting down.

Heather sat next to Richard, as Chloe introduced them all to her fiancé.

Chloe caught Richard staring at Heather a couple of times. When the waiter arrived, Richard ordered a bottle of red wine for the four of them. Phil and Josh ordered beer. Amber asked for a mojito while Heather ordered a Shirley Temple.

Calamari, shrimp cocktails, and buffalo wings,” Nicole said, then handed the waiter her menu.

Let’s make a toast to the birthday girl.” Richard raised his glass. “To great health, love and happiness.”

They all cheered. Chloe forced her gaze away from Josh who continued to give her a forlorn look. The Barbie twins kept giggling and touching their hair.

Heather, I heard you have an interview tomorrow,” Nicole said.

That’s right. I hope I get the job. It’s here in the city,” Heather said.

Interview for what?” Richard asked.

It’s for a law firm,” Heather said, tilting her head to the side and batting her lashes each time she spoke.

Chloe almost choked on her red wine.
Heather, a lawyer?

Josh exchanged a glance with Chloe, who raised her eyebrows to confirm that she was all right.

Interesting.” Richard leaned closer to Heather. “Here’s my business card. I can help you find a job in case they don’t hire you. The people I deal with own their own companies and most of them need lawyers. What type of law do you specialize in?”

Heather looked at his business card. “I specialize in real estate law.”

Perfect, I work for Bank of America, and I handle both commercial and residential loans. I can refer you to the companies and investors I work with.”

That’s very kind of you,” Heather said, putting the card in her purse.

Chloe cleared her throat and gave Heather a sweet smile. Since when was Richard helpful? He wasn’t interested in helping Nicole’s mom with her loan and now he was offering to help Heather? Heather, who had kissed Josh.
First Josh, now Richard.

Thank you. I could email you my resume.”

Richard looked her in the eye. “Please do.”

Nicole kicked Chloe underneath the table and Chloe frowned.

Are you sure you don’t want a glass of wine?” Richard asked Heather.

I’m fine; I want to be alert for tomorrow’s interview.”

Josh’s eyes relayed a message of empathy to Chloe. He had met Richard for the first time, but it was clear by the disapproval written in his expression that he believed this was no way to treat Chloe. “I’m glad I came tonight,” he said, his attention only on Chloe.

Chloe excused herself to go to the bathroom. While in the bathroom she put cold water on her face. Was Richard flirting with Heather? Heather was definitely enjoying the attention.

Chloe came back and sat down, looking at Heather who kept patting Richard on the arm.

There’s definitely more opportunity now with so many homes being foreclosed. You couldn’t have picked a better time to begin your career in real estate law,” Richard said, picking at his buffalo wings.

How can you say that when people are losing their homes left and right? There have been mass layoffs.” Chloe raised her voice.

Chloe, don’t be so negative.” Richard glared at her. “Don’t you know that crises breed opportunities? Can you imagine how many foreclosed houses people can buy for a steal?”

He’s right. Now is the perfect time to invest. There are huge opportunities out there.” Heather nodded.

It seemed to Chloe that she was the odd one out. Josh had been silent most of the time, watching her, but now he
cleared his throat and said, “What Chloe’s trying to say is that besides putting people out of their homes, which is bad for the country and bad for our economy, we should be wary. The market is quite volatile.”

Chloe perked her ears.

Richard sipped his wine and grinned at Josh. “Don’t believe everything you hear on the news. They tend to exaggerate.”

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