Read Love Letters Online

Authors: Geraldine Solon

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Comedy, #Literature & Fiction, #Contemporary Fiction, #Inspirational

Love Letters (20 page)

Heather turned toward Josh. “Richard is right.” She leaned closer to Richard. “I’m so glad I came tonight. I never knew we had so much in common.”

Chloe decided she’d had enough. She excused herself again to go to the restroom, hoping to escape Heather, but Heather called, “Wait up! I need to go, too.”

Once there, Chloe applied lipstick as Heather compulsively washed her hands. “Your fiancé is very smart and helpful,” Heather said, staring at Chloe in the mirror.

Chloe dried her hands under the dryer. “He’s very good at what he does.”

Heather turned to face her. “I hate to bring this up, but I’m really sorry that I kissed Josh that night. It was only a game and you seemed so upset about it. I thought you were engaged to Richard, so it would be no big deal.”

Chloe felt her face flush. Heather was up to something. “I’m just not used to playing those types of games.”

Heather giggled. “Even so, I consider you a lucky woman.”

Chloe pushed her hair to the side. “Why would you say that?”

Because you have two gorgeous guys who like you but if you’re not careful, one of them will slip away.”

Chloe felt her blood pressure drop. She was about to say something when Heather laughed and gave her a big hug then left.

Shocked by the exchange, Chloe looked at herself in the mirror and shook her head.

When they arrived at their table Richard smiled at Heather. “Women and their vanity.”

That’s what makes us beautiful,” Heather said.

I’m not complaining.” Richard looked at her over the rim of his glass as he took a slow sip of his wine.

Are they flirting with each other, or is it just me?
Josh was sitting down not paying attention to them, and Nicole and Matt came back with a round of drinks for everybody.

Nic, can you come with me outside?” Chloe asked. “I need some fresh air.”

Sure,” Nicole said putting down her drink.

The weather was cold and windy earlier, so they put on their coats and walked outside. A few people were standing in front of the restaurant so they walked toward the corner of the building to talk.

Is everything okay?” Nicole asked.

Did you see how Richard and Heather were flirting with each other?” Chloe huddled against the biting wind.

Nicole sighed. “It’s probably because they’re both in the same type of industry. People connect easier when they have a lot in common.”

Are you saying that Richard and I have nothing in common?”

I didn’t say that.” Nicole looked away. It was clear to Chloe that Nicole was trying hard to comfort her, but not doing a very good job of it.

It seems like you’re on his side instead of mine.”

Nobody’s picking sides, Chloe. If you have a problem with your fiancé you should confront him.”

Chloe tucked her hair around her ear. “You’re right, I should.”


It’s just that…I’m so confused.”

What is it, Chloe?” Nicole held her hand. “Is there something you’re not telling me?”

Chloe pursed her lips. “For a long time I’ve wanted to tell you about what I’ve been going through but I worried that if I told you, you’d be biased since you don’t like Richard.”

Chloe, I’m sorry for all the things I’ve said about Richard, but if only you knew how much I care about you.”

Chloe felt tears well in her eyes. “I know you do and you’ve been a wonderful friend. How can I thank you for all you’ve done?”

You’ve been a wonderful friend, too. We’ve always said we would be friends forever, even when we’re old and gray and all we can do is laugh at each other’s jokes.”

Chloe chuckled. “You sure know how to make me feel better, Nic.”

Now will you please tell me what’s going on?”

Chloe sighed. “I haven’t been myself ever since Josh came back to Half Moon Bay.”

Nicole gasped. “I knew it! You’re still in love with him.”

I don’t know, Nic. Here I am planning my wedding when deep inside I have secret feelings for Josh. A part of me wants to marry Richard, yet another part is screaming don’t. Especially after tonight, the way he’s looking at Heather.”

I don’t know what to tell you, girl.” Nicole shook her head.

And finding those letters to Mom reminded me so much of Josh and me,” Chloe said, turning once again to Nicole. “What if I end up like my mother?”

Chloe, only you can decide for yourself.”

That’s easier said than done.”

Chloe, do you believe in destiny?”

You’re asking
?” Chloe laughed, pulling her jacket tighter against the cold salt air. “Of course I do.”

Well, then if it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be. Don’t go against the tide.”

But how will I know?”

Nicole squeezed her arm. “You will.”

Chloe nodded. “Thanks, Nic.”

Any time.”

Now, can we go back inside before they start wondering what happened to us?”

I’ll follow. I need a moment to be alone.”

Nicole nodded and went back inside. Chloe couldn’t take how Richard was treating her. This was too much. She felt like walking out and leaving everything behind when somebody patted her on the shoulder. She turned around to see – “Josh!”

Hi!” He smiled. “I came to check if you were okay.”

She looked at him with tears in her eyes and he put his arm around her. She leaned her head against his chest listening to the beating of his heart. She wished this moment would never end. He didn’t say anything, but his actions told her how much he cared about her.

He kissed her head as he held her tight whispering in her ear, “If only I could turn back the hands of time. I would have come sooner.”

She turned around and gazed at him, the moon reflecting on his face. She had been thinking the same thing.

Chloe,” he said, looking down at her. “I never got the chance to tell you that night at the Maverick Victory party why I came back to Half Moon Bay.”

Her heart beat fast as she continued to look at him.

The truth is… the only reason I came back was because of
. Phil was supposed to move to Half Moon Bay to open the surf shop. I had …
other plans

She saw the sincerity in his eyes as he gazed at her. But what did he mean by ‘other plans’?

He held her hand tight. “I never forgot about you after I left Half Moon Bay thirteen years ago. I thought if I could see you again, I would know if my feelings were still there. I needed to find out for myself.”

She took a deep breath. “When I saw you again that day my car bumped
your car I—”

He leaned closer and rubbed a thumb across her damp cheek. “I love you, Chloe Rogers.” She closed her eyes as he gently pressed his lips against hers. The world was spinning as she felt the softness of his lips. She melted into his kiss oblivious to her surroundings.

Ahem! Am I interrupting anything?”

Chloe pulled away in time to see Matt standing in front of them. “Um, I was just going to tell you that we’re going to be singing Happy Birthday soon.”

We’ll be there in a minute,” Josh said.

The two men stared at each other for the span of several seconds. Finally Matt nodded, then turned and left.

When Matt was gone, Josh gave Chloe another kiss, and then brushed her face one last time with the back of his hand. Chloe exhaled. They both nodded
and went inside. They returned to the table as they sang “Happy Birthday” to Nicole. Chloe stood beside Nicole trying her best not to look at Josh, while Josh stood beside Phil looking sheepish. Matt had ordered a special chocolate cake for Nicole with twenty-five candles. Nicole closed her eyes to make a wish and then blew out all of the candles.

At midnight, Phil stood to say his goodbyes. Josh came over to Chloe and squeezed her hands tight, then slipped his hands in the pockets of her dress. After an embrace that sent her heart racing and her skin tingling, Richard stood to leave. Fortunately, he was so busy talking to Heather he hadn’t noticed her exchange with Josh. Then Phil left, taking the Barbie twins and Josh with him.

Nicole and Matt were singing along with the music while gazing at each other. Chloe excused herself to follow Richard outside. She still had to confront him about his flirtation with Heather, yet she couldn’t get over Josh’s earlier kiss outside the restaurant. Would she have kissed him anyway, if Richard hadn’t been flirting with Heather? Or was she just hurt and on the rebound?

So what’s the dreamer dreaming about now?” Richard said when they were standing outside, under the lights that revealed a fine mist had begun to fall.

Very funny. I wasn’t too happy about what happened tonight.”

What do you mean?” Richard asked.

You were flirting with Heather.”

He frowned. “Huh? I wasn’t flirting with her. Why would you think such a thing?”

The way you talked to her. You couldn’t stop looking at her,” Chloe cried.

Baby, are you all right? Are you

I’m not jealous! I know what I saw!”

Okay, calm down. Just bec—”

No, you calm down! I don’t even know you anymore,” Chloe interrupted.

Just because I offered to help Heather find a job doesn’t mean I’m flirting with her. I have connections in the real estate industry which I would gladly offer to any of your friends,” Richard said.

Really? Then why didn’t you help Nicole’s mom with her loan?”

Um, uh, did you ask me to help her?”

Don’t play games with me, Richard. I’m not naive,” Chloe said. “Here comes this attractive young lady, whom you barely know, and yet you seem so eager to help her.”

Baby, I work with attractive ladies day in and day out. It means nothing to me. It’s purely business.”

It’s just that…oh, never mind.”


I said never mind.” Chloe’s voice was shaking. It was clear that she and Richard had lost the emotional intimacy they once shared. But it was especially painful that he had no clue how much she was hurting.

Baby, I know you’re feeling a little lonely since I have been spending so much time away from you, but I promise I’ll make it up to you. I’m looking forward to going to Yosemite this weekend,” Richard said, kissing her on the forehead.

Me too,” Chloe said, wiping the tears from her eyes. She wasn’t one to give up easily, and a part of her was willing to give him one more chance. Yet another part of her knew it was time to break up with Richard and be with Josh. The few minutes of intimacy she had shared with Josh outside the restaurant were more magical than the two years she had spent with Richard. But why was it so difficult for her to let Richard go? Was she becoming like her mother?

I’ll take you home,” Richard said.

Just then Nicole and Matt came outside and they all said their goodbyes.

Twenty minutes later, Richard pulled into her driveway. He let her off and sped away, never even seeing her to the door. Inside, she removed her high heels before shutting the door. She carried Greta upstairs to her room and went to the bathroom to change. As she was removing her dress, she felt something inside her pocket.
Hmmm, I don’t recall putting anything there.
She pulled out a piece of paper and opened it, her heart beating fast. It was a letter…
from Josh






Chapter Eleven


Chloe read in the newspaper that there were still small amounts of snow left in Yosemite. She had packed a thick jacket, hiking boots and a camera. Then she had dropped Greta off after work at Nicole’s place and was now waiting for Richard to come pick her up. She was debating whether she should push through for their planned weekend or cancel but felt that the time away would give her time to think, to make sure she wasn’t doing something impulsive that she would later regret.

She still couldn’t get over the letter Josh had written her. She had hardly slept that night and must have read the letter more than twenty times. Now, as she stood in the living room and looked outside her window, she pulled the letter out of her pocket. She would have plenty of time to read it again before Richard came to pick her up.

The letter read:

Dear Chloe,

You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I knew from the day I left Half Moon Bay thirteen years ago, I would come back and marry you. So here I am now asking you to marry me. If you marry Richard you’ll be making the biggest mistake of your life, but if you marry me I will make you happy always.

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