LOVE LIFE and VOWS (3 page)

Read LOVE LIFE and VOWS Online

Authors: LaShawn Vasser


Sandy spread her legs wider to give him better access to touch her as his fingers danced down her body getting closer. She continued to rub her ass against his hardness.

Just when Franklin thought he had reached the prize his hands ran into a barrier. He quickly moved the scrap of lacy underwear to the side so he could tease and touch her. The second his long fingers grazed over her, it almost brought her to orgasm. She was dripping wet and ready.

Their breathing was hard as Sandy gripped the armrest so tightly her hands were going numb.

“Touch me…please.”

“Like this?”

Even though his touch was really a light caress it still had all of her nerve endings firing off. His hand was covered in her juices. Franklin was teasing her to insanity by touching her but not penetrating. She tried to press herself into his hands hoping it would ease the throbbing. He wouldn’t so she literally took her pleasure into her own hands.

“No…like this.”

Sandy took one of her hands and covered his. She guided him to her entrance. Both his finger and hers slid inside. Franklin didn’t think he could get anymore aroused but that did it. Sandy pushed their fingers inside of her as deeply as she could. She pulled them almost all the way out before driving them back inside…again and again. It still wasn’t enough.

It wasn’t enough for Franklin either. The sexual tension between them was too intense. They’d gone way too far and weren’t going to stop until he was fully sheathed inside of her. Franklin removed their hands from her body and pulled himself out of them. Sandy stood up and shimmed out of her lacy thongs.

Franklin was the sexiest man she’d ever seen. He was still fully clothed in his blue two-piece suit. His tie had been loosened earlier. However, when she turned around Franklin’s manhood was the only thing about him that was exposed. He was protruding through his slacks and fully erect. His size never ceased to amaze her. He was so large she wondered how he ever fit inside. But, he always did…perfectly.

“Are you going to just stand there or what?”

Facing him, Sandy gave him her sexiest smile before holding onto his shoulders and placing one knee outside of his strong thigh, then placing the other knee on the other side. She eased herself all the way down and rotated her hips in a circular motion.

Franklin wanted her too much. They didn’t waste any time. He thrust into her tightness. It was wonderful. He was so deep and so hard inside of her. He held onto her hips knowing she was ready for him as he lost himself in her body.

They were in a perfect rhythm rocking up and down. Franklin continued to pound her. This is what they needed. Release wasn’t too far away for either of them.

Franklin tried to contain Sandy’s moans and groans inside his kisses. The people outside his office didn’t need to know what was going on inside.

Her orgasm was in reach. Sandy rode him hard. It was right there.

Sandy bit down on her lip to keep from screaming as her body shattered into a million pieces. He drove into her as hard as he could. A moment later, he grunted, threw his head back and exploded.

They were thoroughly spent. He hadn’t used a condom because Sandy was on the pill. He kissed her hard one last time, “Let me carry you to my bathroom to get cleaned up.”

Sandy chuckled, “You’re going to have to. My legs are like jelly.”

He stood and picked her up when he did. Their bodies were still connected. Sandy wrapped her arms around his neck and her long legs around his waist as he carried her to his private bathroom. Once inside, he reluctantly broke their connection when he sat her down on the vanity.

Franklin used a warm wash cloth to clean up their excess juices from Sandy’s body and their love making. Taking special care of her and kissing the inside of each thigh.

“Mmm…you better stop it before I’m late coming back from lunch.”

“Just tell your boss you were busy having the best sex of your life with

Franklin tried to fix Sandy’s clothes before he started cleaning himself up.

Sandy looked lovingly into Franklin’s eyes. She wanted to scream from the roof tops ‘I love you’ but something held her back. Something…an intuition maybe…told her that Franklin wasn’t ready to hear it just yet. Soon…hopefully soon he would be.

Moments after he finished cleaning up, there were three rapid knocks on the door. It actually sounded more like pounding.

He kissed Sandy on the lips, fixed his tie, adjusted the neckline of her dress and smiled, “You might want to double check that I put everything back in the right place.”

Franklin left Sandy in the bathroom and went over to open his door. His General Counsel stood on the other side.

“Mr. Roth, I was just about to leave. I thought maybe you were gone to lunch. A messenger dropped this off for Mr. Rutherford. It’s marked time-sensitive and personal so I didn’t open it. Since Mr. Rutherford is on his honeymoon, I thought I’d better give it to you.”

Franklin took the package from him, “Thanks. I’ll make sure that he gets it.”

He closed the door and opened the package.

Sandy came out of the bathroom.

“Is everything alright? Whatever they wanted seemed really urgent.”

Franklin pulled the documents out of the package and started reading them. He looked up at Sandy.

“No. Everything is not alright.”

He pulled his cell phone out of his pocket.

“They can’t even catch a break on their honeymoon.”


Chapter 4


Jason and Vicky spent the morning and most of the afternoon on a small yacht. The S.S. Angel to be exact. She still couldn’t believe he’d had a boat named after Angel. It never ceased to amaze her how deeply Jason could touch her heart.

The S.S. Angel had a small staff of three whose job was to wait on them hand and foot. Vicky marveled at how life could change in an instant. This time last year, she was in a small one bedroom apartment trying to figure out how to keep the lights on and pay her daycare bills. Today, she was on a yacht with her husband.

They spent time swimming in the ocean. Well, she couldn’t really call what she was doing swimming because Jason was so careful with her. He’d only let her wade in the water for a little while. But, he did let her ride behind him as they sliced through the water on the wave runner. She’d had the most fun that she’d ever had in her life.

By the time they returned to the yacht it was lunch time. The boat was stocked with all of Vicky’s favorite foods. He made sure to stay away from anything she’d shown a sensitivity to since being pregnant.

While having lunch music was playing in the background. Jason must have signaled someone because the volume was turned up to one of Vicky’s favorite songs, an up-tempo R & B song.

“You too tired to dance with me?”

This was a different side of Jason that Vicky had never seen. She couldn’t remember if she’d ever seen him dance before. She’d seen him as protector, provider, lover, and friend. But, this Jason was carefree and fun.

Vicky smiled at him “Can you dance?”

Jason took that as challenge. He confidently got up out of his chair and went and stood in front of her. He started moving to the beat of the music.

Talk about surprised, Chocolate Thunder from Magic City had nothing on Jason. He pulled Vicky out of her chair and into his arms.

Vicky wasn’t going to let him have all the fun so she started grinding against him to the beat of the music. She continued to roll her hips into his body until they were in perfect rhythm. Jason slid his hands down Vicky’s back until he reached her rounded bottom and squeezed. Vicky threw her head back and Jason couldn’t resist kissing her on the exposed side of her neck. In a matter of minutes the dancing turned intense and things quickly got out of control. It was if they were making love standing up.

Jason exhaled loudly and took a step back from Vicky.

“Damn you feel good. Any more of this and I will make love to you right here on this deck.”

Vicky purred and reached for him again.

“That sounds good to me.”

“I have plans for you…for later.”

This time it was Vicky who nuzzled his neck and ran her fingers through his hair, “Well…how about now…and later?”

Jason closed his eyes and just basked in the feel of her.

He took a deep breath, “No time. We’re due back in about an hour and a half.”

Vicky’s laugh was husky “I bet I can make you climax at least twice in that time.”

“I know you can and I fully expect you to make good on that promise.”

He captured Vicky’s roaming hands, “But...right now we have a date with a masseuse.”

Jason’s plan was to pamper his wife to the fullest. He’d hired masseuses for them and ten minutes later they were lying on a table, wrapped in hot towels, and being massaged from head to toe. Jason was about to ask Vicky a question but when he looked over at her, she was as so relaxed that she’d actually fallen asleep.

They’d had a pretty exhaustive night and a very active day. He’d noticed lately she’d been getting tired a little more easily so he let her rest. It was about half an hour before they were to set to return to the dock, that Jason woke her so she could shower and change.

While Vicky was in the shower Jason called ahead to their cabin to make sure everything was ready.

Their cabin wasn’t too far from the dock. Vicky wanted to walk back but Jason didn’t want her to over-do it. He’d had a car waiting for them. On the ride over they sat close to each other holding hands.

“Come on Jason, we can walk from here. Please…it’s just a short distance to our place. I want to feel the sand in between my toes.”

Jason raised Vicky’s hand to his mouth and kissed it; anything to make her happy. Then, he signaled the driver to stop. They got out and walked on the beautiful sandy beach to their cabin hand in hand.

As they made their way towards the door to their cabin Vicky pulled Jason back.

“Thank you for an incredible morning and afternoon. I can’t say there have been many times in my life that I’ve been happier.”

Jason couldn’t think of many times in his life that he’d been happier either.

“My hope is that this is the first of many memories for us. Every day I want to make you happier than the day before.”

When Jason opened the door Vicky walked ahead of him and stopped dead in her tracks. She was speechless. She was in awe. She didn’t think there was anything left that Jason could do but he managed to up the ante. The room was full of red roses. There were petals on the floor that led from the door to…everywhere…she didn’t even know where. She turned around and around and everywhere she turned there was some type of exotic flowers peppering their room.

“I thought we’d create our own Garden of Eden right here minus the whole forbidden fruit fiasco.”

Vicky went into his arms and kissed him hard. His lips parted and he deepened the kiss; flicking his tongue with hers as they tangled with each other.

Jason and Vicky were so caught up in each other they almost missed the sounds of someone knocking on the door.

He frustratingly broke the kiss, “Who the hell is knocking on the door? Obviously, someone who doesn’t want their job…be right back.”

“Just meet me in the bedroom.”

Agitated, Jason stalked to the door.

“Mr. Rutherford, my apologies for disturbing you but I have an urgent message from Mr. Franklin Roth.”

The messenger handed Jason a note. He tipped the man a few bucks, took the envelope and closed the door. Why wouldn’t Franklin just call him on his cell? Damn. He forgot he’d turned it off last night and forgot to turn it back on this morning.

Jason opened the note.


You received a legal notice from State Senator Ryan Carter’s attorneys. He’s doing a press conference at four o’clock your time regarding the attached story. Jason, it’s going to be in the Atlanta Journal Constitution. Call me ASAP.


Jason read the headline of the article, “State Senator’s Love Child Hidden from Him”.



Chapter 5


Vicky came out of the bedroom wearing nothing but a sexy two piece number and a beautiful smile on her face. “What are you doing? What’s taking so long?”

Vicky could see by the look on his face that something was wrong. Panic rose up inside of her. The last time she was away from Angel…she couldn’t even think about it.

“Jason, what’s wrong? Angel…Is Angel okay?”

He saw the panic on her face. How the hell was he going to tell her about this?

“Yes, babe, Angel is perfectly fine. But, we do have a problem.”

Jason handed Vicky the newspaper clipping.

Vicky read the headline and article. The clipping slipped from her fingers and dropped to the floor.

“My god Jason…everything in here is lies! The only thing that’s true is Ryan is Angel’s father. How could they print this? No one even contacted me for my side of the story!”

Frustrated, Jason ran his fingers through his hair. “Sweetheart, that’s not all, Ryan is doing a press conference in few minutes regarding this.”

Jason turned his cell phone on and as soon as he did it started ringing and beeping.


“Jason, thank god. We’ve been trying to reach you for the last few hours. We’ve got a problem.”

“I know Dad. Franklin sent over a messenger.”

Jason put the phone on speaker and grabbed Vicky’s hand as they walked into the great room with the satellite television. Jason turned to the channel for the press conference. It hadn’t started yet.

“We’ve already contacted our lawyers on this and they are working on a full retraction. Where is Vicky? Is she okay?”

Vicky sighed “I’m here dad. I was wonderful until about five minutes ago.”

Jason could hear his mother’s high pitched voice in the background, “Hi Jason…Hi Vicky. Please don’t worry too much. I can’t believe he did this. He knows you guys are on your honeymoon. Dad’s got our attorney John Lucas on this one. Jason, you know he’s a bull dog.”

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