Love Me Back (13 page)

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Authors: Michelle Lynn

“Ok settle down everyone.   For those of you that don’t know me.”  The whole school yells Gabe Basso.  “Alright some of you know me.” he laughs.  “As a previous prom king it is my pleasure to announce this year’s king. “  Gabe opens the envelope.  A huge smile comes across his face and I know instantly whose name is on that envelope.  “Trent Basso.”  He reveals to everyone. 

Trent turns to me kissing me on the cheek “See you up there babe.”  Walking up on stage where Gabe puts the crown on his head.

A blonde with a slim figure and friendly smile comes up to the microphone after Gabe.  “So, now that we have a king, we need a queen.  Right ladies?”  She waits for the screams and yells to calm down.  “From the looks of your king I am surprised all you ladies aren’t fighting to get up here.”  She laughs at her own joke.  Trent’s eyes find mine and I stare into his as she opens her envelope.  “Your prom queen is…Chloe Anderson.” 

Trent’s eyes close briefly as I mine do.  Chloe practically runs in her four inch heels up to the stage and the blonde puts the crown on her head.  Gabe gives Trent the flowers he is to give her and Trent follows his role to a tee, even kissing her on the cheek.    She hooks arms with him smiling like she just won the lottery.

The band starts playing the slow song they will dance to so everyone scurries off the floor to accompanying tables to observe them.  Trent finds my eyes again when he first descends from the stairs but Chloe quickly diverts him to the dance floor.  I sit there in a seat closest to the dance floor watching my soul mate dance with an ex-girlfriend who never made it shy to be known she wants him back. 

“It’s just a dance, I’m sure he wishes it was you.”  A deep voice says behind me.

“That’s what my mind keeps telling me but my heart wants to run out there and tear her hideous blond hair out.”  I turn around and gasp.  “Sorry, I thought you were Bryan.”

“Sorry to disappoint you.”  He says.

“No Gabe, I just wouldn’t have sounded like such a bitch.”  I confess.

“I have to admit, I am surprised it wasn’t you.”  He sits down next to me resting his ankle on his knee stretching his arm across the back of my chair.  He’s wearing a dark charcoal suit with a black button down shirt and burgundy tie.  His hair and eyes are so close to Trent’s if you look at them from the eyes up you think they are twins.  Although Gabe is starting to form the smallest crow’s feet next to his eyes showing his older years.

“Not me.”  My stomach is churning watching Trent’s hands resting on her hips.  He isn’t holding her remotely as close as he did me five minutes ago but it is hard seeing him with someone else.

“Why?  You guys are obviously the idolized couple around here.”

“I’m competition.  You know you Basso boys are so naïve to your good looks.”

“I don’t think you are competition.  Maybe they are mad because you already won and they never even got up to bat.”

“That’s the kicker, that little blond out there got up to bat hitting a double and will do anything to get up there again.”

“Oh Madgirl, you just don’t get it.”  He starts laughing.

“What?”  I question him straightforward.  There is no humor in my voice.

“When you’re around no one else exists” he stares at me and I wonder who he is talking about.

The dance opens up to everyone so a few couples make their way out to the floor.

“Come on, let’s go make some people jealous.”  He stands up holding his hand out for me to take.

I look at Trent who seems to be chatting it up with Chloe letting her rest her head on his shoulder.  “Sure” I take his hand and he leads me out to the floor.

Gabe puts one hand on the small of my back and holds my other hand out.  He is moving me across the floor like Fred Astaire.  “Where did you learn to dance like this?”  I ask in astonishment.

“I needed another elective so I took ballroom dancing.  I know kind of lame.”  He confesses.

“Not lame…Sexy as hell.”  I smile and he dips me.

“Sexy huh?”  He grins back.  “Glad I took that instead of racquetball.”

The song ends and claps roar through the room.  People are standing around us in a circle cheering for us.  My face instantly turns red but Gabe seems to enjoy it bowing to thank them.  I find Trent at the side with Chloe next to him.  He looks angry and upset which I don’t understand since I am dancing with his brother and he is dancing with an ex.

Gabe and I walk over to Trent, I instantly go to his side squeezing myself between him and Chloe.  “Thanks for taking care of my girl, bro.”  He says towards Gabe.

“No problem” Gabe speaks matter of fact not noticing that Trent is upset.  “I got to get going anyway so have fun guys.”  He goes to leave but turns around.  “Thanks for the dance Madgirl, it was the highlight of my night.”  He winks at me.

I hear a girl whisper “What the hell does she have that I don’t?  One Basso is taken so she grabs another one.”

“Thank you Gabe.”  I say over to him.

Trent pulls me by my hand bringing me closer to him putting his lips on mine.  He thrusts his tongue in my mouth forcing me to open.  When my tongue meets his he eases it slowly over mine until they mingle together into their own dance.  His hands soften around my back resting at my hip.

I hear Chloe sigh extremely loud before I hear her heels click away.

We slowly push away from each other and he rests his forehead on mine.  “Sorry, I don’t know why it gets me so jealous when you are with Gabe.  This rage comes over me when I see him look at you.”  He admits.

“Trent, he’s your brother.”  I declare.

“I know but…”

“No buts, there is no reason to be jealous.”  I give him a chaste kiss on the lips smiling up at him.

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”


It is midnight when the four of us get into the silver sedan to go home.  My feet are killing me so I take off my shoes resting them on Trent’s lap. He rubs them for me while Bryan drives us back to the Bassos.  All the parents agreed to let us stay in the Basso’s basement since they wouldn’t let us get a hotel room.

Mackenna is sound asleep when we get back so Bryan carries her into the house placing her on the couch in the basement.  I drape a blanket over her.  “I guess this is the end of my prom night.”  Bryan jokes taking the couch opposite Mackenna’s.

“Guess so” the three of us laugh as Kenna starts lightly snoring. 

There are two air mattresses blown up on the floor between the couches.  I lay down on one of them.  Trent looks down at me and then holds his hand out.  “Let’s go my queen.”  I smile surprised he remembered.

“You guys have about three hours, make the most of them,” Bryan says turning over facing the back of the couch.

“I intend to man.”  Trent speaks pulling me by my hand up the stairs and out the front door.  We run to the barn, me barefoot in my dress, him in his tuxedo.

“Stay here for one second.”  Trent stops me at the doors.

“Ok” I agree.  He slides himself through the opening.  I stand there hearing the crickets and animals scurrying around in the woods behind us.  I know I was doing the right thing.  I have it so much better than other girls.  Trent loves me and I love him.  I can’t imagine losing my virginity to anyone else.  If I wasn’t already one hundred percent sure I am when Trent opens the barn doors.

He takes my hand in his encircling his fingers around mine.  I see the love in his eyes as he brings me to the ladder.  The lights are illuminated when I peek at the top and I almost faint.  Trent has twinkle lights hanging from the ceiling with lanterns lit at two corners.  He laid out two pillows and a blanket on top of the hay.

I stand there speechless in awe.

“I know it’s still a barn and you deserve so much better…” he starts to make excuses.

“Trent it’s wonderful.  Thank you.”  Tears well in my eyes as he comes towards me taking my hand bringing me down to the blanket.

“We don’t have to Maddy.  I know I have pressured you and I am sorry.  I would be content with holding you all night.”  He moves his hand to the back of my neck pulling me close.

“No, I want to Trent.”  I declare.

He moves his lips over mine as he slowly lays me down.  His hands rest on either side of my face.  Our tongues join together and I whimper into his mouth and he into mine.  The passion between us is more than we have ever experienced. 

“Tell me if you want to stop, ok Mad?”

I nod in agreement but I don’t want him to stop.

His mouth moves down to my jaw making his way to my neck and ear.  He sucks on my earlobe and my eyes close in pleasure.  He brings me to my side so he can unzip my dress.  He attentively brings the zipper down taking one strap down my arm and then the other exposing my bra.  His eyes go wide in anticipation.

“You’re so beautiful Maddy.” He starts kissing my collar bone tracing it to my shoulder moving down to my breasts.  He unclasps my white strapless bra dropping it next to me.  Taking my nipple in his mouth he flicks his tongue making it pebble.  As he sucks on my breasts his hands push my dress down past my hips.  I help him, lifting my feet leaving me in my white satin panties.

I put my hands on either side of his face bringing it back to my mouth.  I roll him over straddling him.  I start unbuttoning his white tuxedo shirt revealing his muscular chest and hard abs. His hands reach up massaging my breasts brushing his thumbs over my nipples.  My fingers roam to his pants button and I undo his pants pulling them down leaving him in his black boxer briefs.  I place little butterfly kisses across his chest and stomach making my way up to his mouth.  Once my lips meet his he crushes into me demanding and insistent. 

The kiss turns fierce, our tongues moving fast in and out.  Our hands starting to become firmer grasping each other harder. I put my hands on either side of his boxers hauling them down to the pile of clothes at our feet.  He takes off my white panties slowly while kissing my stomach and when he comes back up I feel his hardness at my opening.

Trent feels me tense immediately “Are you sure?”


“I love you Madeline.”  He says as he enters me bit by bit.

I cringe grabbing his arms with my hands at the first push.

“You ok?”

I nod and he continues to pierce into me until he is fully encased in me.  As he gets into a slow rhythm he circles his hips while staring into my eyes.   A surge flows through my body tingling with enjoyment.  I know right then I would remember this for the rest of my life.

“I love you Trent.”  I whisper in his ear when he comes down to kiss my neck and shoulder.

“I love you too Maddy, so much.”  He whispers back. 

When we climax in ecstasy Trent’s body falls on top of mine and I hold him against me never wanting this feeling to end.   He rolls over on his back, bringing me on top of him.  He brings the blanket over us and puts his hands through my hair.

“I wish we could stay like this forever.”  Trent says kissing the top of my head.

“Me too.  Thank you Trent.” 

“For what?”  He brings my head up to meet his.

“For being gentle, I couldn’t have hoped for a better first time.”

“Me either.  I couldn’t imagine this moment with anyone else.”


Chapter 12 – Present Day


I am woken by a big hump on my bed.  The light shining through my windows signaling its morning.

“Where were we last night?”  Ian grins at me bouncing up and down on my bed.

“Out” I say.

“With whom?”  He questions finally sitting still at the end of my bed.

“You don’t want to know.  What time is it?”  I sit up resting against my ivory headboard rubbing my eyes.

“Eight.  Gabe will be here at 9 so you thought you would want to get all dolled up.”  He winks his eye.  “So do you want me to guess?”

“Guess what?”  It’s way too early in the morning for this. 

“Who you were with?”  He throws his legs on to my bed making himself comfortable. 

“Ian, can we please do this another time?’  I throw the covers off me moving over to my suitcase.

“Let’s see.”  He puts his finger up to his lips contemplating.  “Were you with the young strapping soccer star who you have been in love with since birth or his hotter older brother who has been making your stomach full of butterflies since we landed?”

“Cut it out Ian.”  I throw a pair of socks at him.  “If you must know it was the soccer star.”

“That’s what I thought since Gabe stopped by here last night for you.”  His eyebrows raise when I turn around.

“What?  When?”  I question.  A sudden feeling of guilt comes over me.  I don’t know why I care that Gabe knows I was with Trent. 

“Why do you care?”  Ian laughingly smiles.

“I don’t.  I just…wondered.”  I try to push it off.

“Keep telling yourself that Maddy.  You better figure out what you want before you lose them both.” 

“Who’s to say I want either of them?”

“Come on Maddy.  I know which one you want but I am more than happy to sit back and see how this plays out.  I just hope the brothers don’t kill each other before it’s over.”

“God Ian, drama much?”  I grab my clothes heading down the hall to the bathroom.


Forty-five minutes later I walk down the stairs to the newly remodeled kitchen and I am stunned to see my mom sitting down with Ian at the table.  She is dressed in a pair of jean capris with a pink button down blouse that for once isn’t two sizes too small.  Her hair is nicely brushed in a bob and her make-up is neutral with a small amount of lip gloss.  Her recent transformation brings out her natural beauty.

“Good morning Maddy.”  My mom says.

“Good morning mom, sorry about last night.”  I walk over to the coffee pot pouring a cup.

“It’s ok, Ian kept me busy and then Gabe came over and we played cards.”  She snickers over at Ian and they laugh at some inside joke I assume.

“Sorry I missed it, sounds like you three had a great time.”  I roll my eyes with my back still turned towards the cabinets. 

“We understand you had other things or shall we say people to do.”  Ian sneers.

“Seriously Ian, you are driving me crazy and it’s only nine in the morning.”  I turn around leaning against the counter.

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